Clément DOUIN 509b09d533
prepare v0.7.1
Those commits have been stashed then applied due to merge issue:

add ability to sync specific folders f7585eb
add expunge command 1c0b7fb
update readme links to documentation e1c8cf5
fix other doc typos 9c27165
reword title of the project 1eaac7d
reword title of the project bis a7419d6
fix broken links in changelog 26b0311
prepare v0.7.1 2b5e58e
2023-02-14 16:47:02 +01:00

21 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


0.7.1 - 2023-02-14


  • Added command folders expunge that deletes all emails marked for deletion.



  • Fixed broken links in README.md.


  • Removed the maildir-backend cargo feature, it is now included by default.
  • Removed issues section on GitHub, now issues need to be opened by sending an email at ~soywod/pimalaya@todo.sr.ht.

0.7.0 - 2023-02-08


  • Added offline support with the account sync command to synchronize a backend to a local Maildir backend #342.
  • Added the flag --disable-cache to not use the local Maildir backend.
  • Added the email composer (from its own repository) #341.
  • Added Musl builds to releases #356.
  • Added himalaya man command to generate man page #419.


  • Made commands read, attachments, flags, copy, move, delete accept multiple ids.
  • Flipped arguments ids and folder for commands copy and move in order the folder not to be considered as an id.


  • Fixed missing folder aliases #430.


  • Removed the -a|--attachment argument from write, reply and forward commands. Instead you can attach documents directly from the template using the syntax <#part filename=/path/to/you/document.ext>.
  • Removed the -e|--encrypt flag from write, reply and forward commands. Instead you can encrypt and sign parts directly from the template using the syntax <#part type=text/plain encrypt=command sign=command>Hello!<#/part>.
  • Removed the -l|--log-level option, use instead the RUST_LOG environment variable (see the wiki)

0.6.1 - 2022-10-12


  • Added -s|--sanitize flag for the read command.


  • Changed the behaviour of the -t|--mime-type argument of the read command. It is less strict now: if no part is found for the given MIME type, it will fallback to the other one. For example, giving -t html will show in priority HTML parts, but if none of them are found it will show plain parts instead (and vice versa).

  • Sanitization is not done by default when using the read command, the flag -s|--sanitize needs to be explicitly provided.


  • Fixed empty text bodies when reading html part on plain text email #352.

0.6.0 - 2022-10-10


  • Separated the CLI from the lib module #340.

    The source code has been splitted into subrepositories:

    • The email logic has been extracted from the CLI and placed in a lib on sourcehut
    • The vim plugin is now in a dedicated repository on sourcehut as well
    • This repository only contains the CLI source code (it was not possible to move it to sourcehut because of cross platform builds)
  • [BREAKING] Renamed -m|--mailbox to -f|--folder

  • [BREAKING] Refactored config system #344.

    The configuration has been rethought in order to be more intuitive and structured. Here are the breaking changes for the global config:

    • name becomes display-name and is not mandatory anymore
    • signature-delimiter becomes signature-delim
    • default-page-size has been moved to folder-listing-page-size and email-listing-page-size
    • notify-cmd, notify-query and watch-cmds have been removed from the global config (available in account config only)
    • folder-aliases has been added to the global config (previously known as mailboxes from the account config)
    • email-reading-headers, email-reading-format, email-reading-decrypt-cmd, email-writing-encrypt-cmd and email-hooks have been added

    The account config inherits the same breaking changes from the global config, plus:

    • imap-* requires backend = "imap"
    • maildir-* requires backend = "maildir"
    • notmuch-* requires backend = "notmuch"
    • smtp-* requires sender = "smtp"
    • sendmail-* requires sender = "sendmail"
    • pgp-encrypt-cmd becomes email-writing-encrypt-cmd
    • pgp-decrypt-cmd becomes email-reading-decrypt-cmd
    • mailboxes becomes folder-aliases
    • hooks becomes email-hooks
    • maildir-dir becomes maildir-root-dir
    • notmuch-database-dir becomes notmuch-db-path

0.5.10 - 2022-03-20


0.5.9 - 2022-03-12


  • SMTP pre-send hook #178
  • Customize headers to show at the top of a read message #338


  • Improve attachments command #281


  • In-Reply-To not set properly when replying to a message #323
  • Cc missing or invalid when replying to a message #324
  • Notmuch backend hangs #329
  • Maildir e2e tests #335
  • JSON API for listings #331

0.5.8 - 2022-03-04


  • Flowed format support #206
  • List accounts command #244
  • One cargo feature per backend #318


  • Vim doc about mailbox pickers #298


  • Some emojis break the table layout #300
  • Bad sender and date in reply and forward template #321

0.5.7 - 2022-03-01


  • Notmuch support #57


  • Build failure due to imap version #303
  • No tilde expansion in maildir-dir #305
  • Unknown command SORT #308


  • [BREAKING] Replace inbox-folder, sent-folder and draft-folder by a generic hashmap mailboxes
  • Display short envelopes id for maildir and notmuch backends #309

0.5.6 - 2022-02-22


  • Sort command #34
  • Maildir support #43


  • Suffix to downloaded attachments with same name #204

0.5.5 - 2022-02-08



  • Multiple recipients issue #288
  • Cannot parse address #227

0.5.4 - 2022-02-05


  • Add attachments with save and send commands #47 #259
  • Invalid sequence set #276

0.5.3 - 2022-02-03


  • Activate rust-imap logs when trace mode is enabled
  • Set up cargo deployment

0.5.2 - 2022-02-02


  • Blur in list msg screenshot #181
  • Make inbox, sent and drafts folders customizable #172
  • Vim plugin get focused msg id #268
  • Nix run issue #272
  • Range not displayed when fetch fails #276
  • Blank lines and spaces in text/plain parts #280
  • Watch command #271
  • Mailbox telescope.nvim preview #249


  • The wiki git submodule #273

0.5.1 - 2021-10-24


  • Disable color feature #185
  • --max-width|-w argument to restrict listing table width #220


  • Error when receiving notification from notify command #228


  • Remove error when empty subject #229
  • Vim plugin does not render anymore the msg by itself, it uses the one available from the CLI #220

0.5.0 - 2021-10-10


  • Mailto support #162
  • Remove previous signature when replying/forwarding a message #193
  • Config option signature-delimiter to customize the signature delimiter (default to -- \n) [#114]
  • Expand tilde and env vars for downloads-dir and signature #102


  • [BREAKING] Folder structure, message management, JSON API and Vim plugin #199
  • Pagination for list and search cmd starts from 1 instead of 0 #186
  • Errors management with anyhow #152


  • Panic on flags command #190
  • Make more use of serde #153
  • Write message vim plugin #196
  • Invalid encoding when sending message #205
  • Pagination reset current account #215
  • New/reply/forward from Vim plugin since Tpl refactor #176

0.4.0 - 2021-06-03


  • Add ability to change account in with the Vim plugin #91
  • Add possibility to make Himalaya default email app #160 [#161]


  • [BREAKING] Short version of reply --all arg is now -A to avoid conflicts with --attachment|-a
  • Template management #80


  • \Seen flag when moving a message
  • Attachments arg for reply and forward commands #109
  • Vim doc #117


  • Content-Type from templates #146

0.3.2 - 2021-05-08


  • Mailbox attributes #134
  • Wiki entry about new messages counter #121
  • Copy/move/delete a message in vim #95


  • Get signature from file #135
  • [BREAKING] Split idle command into two commands:
    • notify: Runs notify-cmd when a new message arrives to the server
    • watch: Runs watch-cmds when any change occurs on the server


  • .exe extension from release binaries #144

0.3.1 - 2021-05-04


  • Send message via stdin #78


  • Table with subject containing \r, \n or \t #141
  • Overflow panic when shrink column #138
  • Vim plugin empty mailbox message #136

0.3.0 - 2021-04-28


  • IDLE mode after network interruption #123
  • Output redirected to stderr #130
  • Refactor table system #132
  • Editon file format on Linux #133
  • Show email address when name not available #131


  • --log-level|-l arg (replaced by default RUST_LOG env var from env_logger) #130

0.2.7 - 2021-04-24


  • Default page size to config #96
  • Custom config path #86
  • Setting idle-hook-cmds


  • Plain logger with env_logger #126
  • Refresh email list on load buffer #125


  • Improve config compatibility on Windows [#111]
  • Vim table containing emoji #122

0.2.6 - 2021-04-17


  • Insecure TLS option #84 #103 [#105]
  • Completion subcommands [#99]
  • Vim flags to enable telescope preview and to choose picker [#97]


  • Make install.sh POSIX compliant [#53]


  • SMTP port #87
  • Save msg upon error #59
  • Answered flag not set #50
  • Panic when downloads-dir does not exist #100
  • Idle mode incorrect new message notification #48

0.2.5 - 2021-04-12


  • Expunge mbox after move and delete cmd #83
  • JSON output #89

0.2.4 - 2021-04-09


  • Wiki entry for Gmail users #58
  • Info logs for copy/move/delete cmd + silent mode #74
  • --raw arg for read cmd #79


  • Refactor output system + log levels #74

0.2.3 - 2021-04-08


  • Telescope support #61


  • Unicode chars breaks the view #71
  • Copy/move incomplete (missing parts) #75

0.2.2 - 2021-04-04


  • w alias for write cmd


  • attachments cmd logs
  • Page size arg search cmd

0.2.1 - 2021-04-04


  • IDLE support #29
  • Improve choice after editing msg #30
  • Flags management #41
  • Copy feature #35
  • Move feature #31
  • Delete feature [#36]
  • Signature support #33
  • Add attachment(s) to a message (CLI) #37


  • Errors management with error_chain #39


  • Missing FLAGS column in messages table #40
  • Subtract with overflow if next page empty #38

0.2.0 - 2021-03-10


  • STARTTLS support #32
  • Flags #25


  • JSON support #18

0.1.0 - 2021-01-17


  • Parse TOML config #1
  • Populate Config struct from TOML #2
  • Set up IMAP connection #3
  • List new emails [#6]
  • Set up CLI arg parser #15
  • List mailboxes command #5
  • Text and HTML previews #12 #13
  • Set up SMTP connection #4
  • Write new email #8
  • Write new email #8
  • Reply, reply all and forward #9 #10 #11
  • Download attachments #14
  • Merge Email with Msg #21
  • List command with pagination #19
  • Icon in table when attachment is present #16
  • Multi-account #17
  • Password from command #22
  • Set up README #20