2024-04-09 18:17:57 +02:00

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Notifications are accesible from the notification icon in upper right corner.

notifications center

OpenPanel records the following actions:

  • server reboot
  • service is inactive
  • update is available
  • admin login from new ip address
  • high memory usage
  • high averageload
  • high cpu usage
  • high disk usage

Each notification type can be disabled and treshold limits can be set by the Admin user.

To view current notification settings, click on the bell icon in the top menu. You can view the current settings, and modify them.

To view current notification settings run:

opencli admin notifications get <OPTION>


# opencli admin notifications get reboot

To change the notification settings run:

opencli admin notifications update <OPTION> <NEW-VALUE>


opencli admin notifications update load 10
Updated load to 10

To confirm receipt of a notification, select the checkmark icon located in front of it. Once a notification is confirmed, subsequent notifications of the same type will be logged if the issue persists. For instance, if a service is unavailable, the system will generate an initial notification. However, if you acknowledge the notification and the service remains unrecovered, the next time the check is executed, it will log another notification.

Example notifications:

On Server Reboot reboot

If service is inactive: service

If CPU usage is over a treshold: cpu

If new version of OpenPanel is available: update

If Memory usage is over a treshold: ram

If system is running out of disk space: disk