2024-04-09 14:28:07 +02:00

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Not yet released.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug durring ModSecurity installation process (reported by reyokh)
  • Fixed bug on OpenAdmin > Users with displaying server name
  • Fixed bug on OpenAdmin > Users > Edit information with modal-backdrop left after closing the modal.
  • Fixed bug on OpenAdmin > General Settings with the disabled input field causing 500 error on save.
  • Resolved an issue with the PHP-FPM service that led to WordPress prompting for FTP credentials during plugin installation and media uploads.
  • Fixed bug where suspended users were being excluded from search results in the OpenAdmin > Users section.
  • Fixed bug where the wrong OpenPanel version was shown in the sidebar under OpenPanel.
  • Fixed bug where errors for the OpenAdmin section were being logged in api.log instead of the error.log file.
  • Fixed bug with PHP installation in opencli php-install_php_version script that caused the missing php-fpm service in containers.

🚀 New features

💅 Polish

  • Added check if docker images exist before creating plans.
  • The system now logs the admin username to identify who performed actions for a user.
  • Moved all JavaScript code for OpenAdmin to external files.
  • All responses from OpenAdmin are now compressed, including pages (HTML), templates (JavaScript & CSS), and API responses (JSON).
  • Added online status indicators to the Users table in OpenAdmin.
  • MySQL service is now listening on both localhost and
  • New default OpenAdmin theme
  • Added checks to remove apt cache and temporary files after install process
  • Custom cron file /etc/cron.d/openpanel

BasicAuth for OpenAdmin

As an additional security measure, BasicAuth can be enabled for OpenAdmin panel. Instruction


:::danger API access is automatically disabled when BasicAuth is enabled. :::

To enable basic authentication for OpenAdmin, run commands:

opencli config update basic_auth yes
opencli config update basic_auth_username STRONG_USERNAME_HERE
opencli config update basic_auth_password STRONG_PASSWORD_HERE

then reload the OpenAdmin service:

service admin reload

OpenAdmin > ModSecurity

OpenAdmin > ModSecurity Settings pagenow provides a list of all ModSec rules (files), logs from the Nginx service and options to identify attack, block IP addresses, disable certain rules or files, etc.

modsecurity settings page

New commands are also available:

  • opencli nginx-modsec --rules displays rule files.
  • opencli nginx-modsec --logs IP_HERE/RULE_ID allows you to search the logs.
  • opencli nginx-modsec --update will update the ModSecurity OWASP Core Ruleset files.
  • opencli nginx-modsec --domain displays a summary about a domain modsec status.
  • opencli nginx-modsec --enable FILE_NAME enables a rule file globally.
  • opencli nginx-modsec --disable FILE_NAME disabled a rule file globally.

OpenAdmin > Docker

Docker images can now be downloaded, updated and deleted from the OpenAdmin > Docker Settings page.

docker settings page

Command opencli docker-update_images can also be used from the terminal or cronjobs:

Custom Templates

Starting v0.1.6 you can set custom templates for both OpenPanel and OpenAdmin interfaces!

Examples: default example

To create new templates copy the default templates folders:

For OpenPanel: cp /usr/local/panel/templates/ /home/custom_template/

For OpenAdmin: cp /usr/local/admin/templates/ /home/custom_admin_template/

and then make the changes over html/css file.

To change theme for OpenPanel, run command:

opencli config update template NAME_HERE

instead of NAME_HERE set either just the folder name in /usr/local/panel/ or a full path, example:

opencli config update template "/home/custom_template/"

To change theme for OpenAdmin, run command:

opencli config update admin_template NAME_HERE

instead of NAME_HERE set either just the folder name in /usr/local/admin/ or a full path, example:

opencli config update admin_template "/home/custom_admin_template/"

Export DNS Zone

Users can now export the BIND9 DNS zone file from OpenPanel > Edit DNS Zone

export dns zone

Turkish translation

Turkish language is now available for OpenPanel! 🎉

It will be included in the 0.1.6 version and shipped with OpenPanel core.

Thank you grafen for your personal contribution to OpenPanel. 🙏

To use tr locale immediately, run command:

wget -O - | bash

and the new locale will be available to your users under Account Settings: tr  locale openpanel

Panel update from GUI

OpenPanel can now be updated directly form the OpenAdmin interface.

To update navigate to OpenAdmin > General Settings section and if new update is available, click on the update button to initiate.

update openpanel


OpenPanel now utilizes a custom cron file located at /etc/cron.d/openpanel instead of relying on the root user's crontab. This allows the root user to add custom cronjobs without the risk of them being overwritten during OpenPanel updates.

remove apt cache

Added checks to remove apt cache and temporary files after install process