2021-09-08 11:34:16 +03:00

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# Web2Img
Web2Img is a tool to bundle your web files into a single image, and extract them via Service Worker at runtime.
You can use image hosting sites as free CDNs to save bandwidth costs.
## Tool
Try It Online: https://etherdream.github.io/web2img/
## Example
Demo: [https://fanhtml5.github.io](https://fanhtml5.github.io)
Target Files: https://github.com/fanhtml5/fanhtml5.github.io (only 2 files)
Source Files: https://github.com/fanhtml5/test-site
## FAQ
Q: Is free CDN safe?
A: Yes, the program will verify the data integrity.
Q: Is free CDN stable?
A: Not sure, but you can provide multiple URLs to improve stability.
Q: Can any free CDN be used?
A: No, CDN must enable CORS, allow empty referrer and "null" origin (or real value).
Q: Would it be better to optimize the image before uploading?
A: If the server will re-encode the image, it make no difference.
Q: Why use `404.html`?
A: It's an easy way to intercept any path.
Q: How to update files?
A: Just overwrite `x.js`, the client polls this file every 2 minutes.
Q: What if the browser doesn't support Service Worker?
A: Unfortunately, the page can't be displayed. You can add a fallback in `404.html`.
Q: Will new features be added?
A: This project is just an experiment, there is a new project named [freecdn](https://github.com/EtherDream/freecdn) which is much more powerful. (better docs will be released soon)
## License