2016-11-16 10:48:54 -08:00

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# wildcard DNS in localhost development
- install [dnsmasq](
$ brew install dnsmasq
$ cp /usr/local/opt/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf.example /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
- edit `/usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf`
- start **dnsmasq**
$ sudo brew services start dnsmasq
- any time we change `dnsmasq.conf` we have to re-start **dnsmasq**:
$ sudo launchctl stop homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq
$ sudo launchctl start homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq
- For OS X to _resolve_ requests from `*.dev` to **localhost** we need to add a _resolver_:
$ sudo mkdir /etc/resolver
$ sudo touch /etc/resolver/dev
- edit `/etc/resolver/dev`
- re-start the computer to enable the _resolver_
- [Using Dnsmasq for local development on OS X - Passing Curiosity](
- [Using Dnsmasq Configure Wildcard DNS Record on Mac | Ri Xu Online](
- [unix - In my /etc/hosts/ file on Linux/OSX, how do I do a wildcard subdomain? - Server Fault](
- [hostname - Wildcard in /etc/hosts file - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange](
- [Mac OS Lion - Wildcard subdomain virtual host - Stack Overflow](
- [How to put wildcard entry into /etc/hosts? - Stack Overflow](