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SMBind-ng Installation Guide


  • Any kind of webserver with php usage abilities (tested on apache2, lighttpd, nginx)
  • php interpreter (5.3 or greater - tested on 5.3)
  • php modules
  • one of mysql, pgsql
  • mdb2
  • mdb2 sql drivers (tested on mysql)
  • cgi
  • smarty (version 2 or newer - tested on v2 and v3)
  • bind (9.3 or newer for dnssec abilities)
  • dnssec-tools (optional for securing dns zones)
  • acl (optional for securing dns zones)
  • SQL server (tested on MySQL)



Set up your bind, and configure it to access other masters and enable zone transfer for its slaves.

SMBind-ng PHP code

Unpack contents to somewhere on your server (eg. /var/www/html/smbind-ng) and setup your virtual server to access by default the index.php.

Create the following directories beside the index.php and make it writable by current webserver user:

All other directories and files can be write protected.

Configuration directories and files

  1. Create a subdirectory with full permission to user of your webserver for keeping your zones. You need to make it readable for bind. eg.
    Recommended solution: owner of directory let the root user and bind group, webserver user let the member of the bind group, and the directory let writable by owned group.
  2. Create a file with same permissions in this directory for saving zone definitions - eg.
    touch smbind-ng.conf.
  3. Create a subdirectory for keeping zone files with same permissions at the step 1.

Modify bind configuration

On your bind options set this folder to use with directory option and managed-keys option (folder created at the step 3 above).
Include the master and slave configuration files into your bind config - what created at the step 2.

Restart your bind daemon.


Create a database user with full permission to access a non existing database with any name.
Log in your database server with that user, and create an empty database. Take the initial database dump, and load it to this schema with this newly created user.
mysql.sql is for MySQL, pgsql.sql is for PostrgeSQL eg. for MySQL:
mysql -h yourserver -u youruser -pYourP@ssW0rd yourdb <mysql.sql

Setup the PHP app

See configuration parameters below

Bind options

In your bind configuration set the following options:

dnssec-enable yes;
dnssec-validation auto;
dnssec-lookaside auto;

And then restart your bind daemon.

Roller daemon

Create a directory for keeping file of roller daemon, and add write permissions for the webserver user group. eg.

setfacl -b /etc/rollrecdir
setfacl -m 'www-data:rwx' /etc/rollrecdir

Set up this directory for roller daemon to use this directory for rolling zones. eg. in your /etc/default/rollerd file use similar option with this:

DAEMON_OPTS="-rrfile /etc/smbind-ng/rollrec/zones.rollrec"

And then reload your roller daemon.

Configuration parameters

The application has a config.php file in the config directory of the root of your SMBind-ng webapp directory.

Format: $_CONF['variablename'] = value;

Variables (mark bold for the required parameters):

db_type - Type of the database (eg. 'mysql')
db_user - Name of the owner of database schema (eg. 'smbind')
db_pass - Password of the user above
db_host - Resolvable name or IP address of the database host (default: 'localhost')
db_port - Port number of the database server (default: 3306 or 5432 depends on db_type)
db_db - Name of the database schema
smarty_path - Place of the smarty installation
peardb_path - place of your PEAR db
tmp_path - Path of your tmp directory (default: install path/tmp)
roller_conf - Path of your roller daemon config (configured in DAEMON_OPTS). Required for DNSSEC abilities.
isdnssec - enable or disable DNSSEC abilities (true/false)
recaptcha - enable or disable recaptcha at login screen (true/false)
rc_pubkey - Your public recaptha key (required for recaptcha)
rc_privkey - Your private recaptcha key (required for recaptcha)
nocaptcha - Array of your recaptcha whitelist. If you do not want to recaptcha when you access the webapp from specified hosts, you need to set up their IP addresses as followings:

title - Title string at the top of your SMBind-ng screen (eg. 'My DNS zones')
footer - Footer string at the bottom of your SMBind-ng screen (eg. 'Company Name')
staticdomain - If you want to access your static files (.css and .js) through other virtual host, then you need to configure it in your webserver, and just set it (eg. 'static.mydnsservice.local'). There are only two static files in your SMBind-ng installation, so I think you don't really need this - but who knows?
template - .css and .js name in static directory. The default values is default
path - Where you store your zonefiles. Default: /etc/smbind-ng/zones/
conf - Your included config file. Default: /etc/smbind-ng/smbind-ng.conf
namedcheckconf - Place of your binary. Default if found: /usr/sbin/named- checkconf
namedcheckzone - Place of your binary. Default if found: /usr/sbin/named- checkzone
rndc - Place of your binary. Default if found: /usr/sbin/rndc
zonesigner - Place of your binary. Default if found: /usr/sbin/zonesigner
rollinit - Place of your binary. Default if found: /usr/sbin/rollinit
dig - Place of your binary. Default if found: /usr/bin/dig

Access your admin application


Global admin username: admin
Initial password: SMBind-ng2016