2016-09-06 12:25:18 +03:00

1.8 KiB


A minimal Sass-y responsive mobile-first style-agnostic CSS framework.

Core Components

  • base: normalize.css & basic typography GZIPPED SIZE: 1,195 bytes
  • button: button styles GZIPPED SIZE: 427 bytes
  • form: form styles GZIPPED SIZE: 517 bytes
  • grid: default 12-column grid GZIPPED SIZE: 447 bytes
  • nav: navigation bar GZIPPED SIZE: 527 bytes
  • table: table styles GZIPPED SIZE: 243 bytes
  • helper and utility classes: classes for quick floats, border styling, contextual text and more GZIPPED SIZE: 441 bytes

Extra Components

  • label: label and badge styles GZIPPED SIZE: 208 bytes
  • tab: tabbed navigation GZIPPED SIZE: 347 bytes


  • Components
    • Modals (checkbox-hack)
    • Dropdowns (possibly checkbox-hack)
    • Collapse (checkbox based)
      • Also accordion (radio based)
    • Progress bar styles (maybe also spinners)
    • Button groups (maybe)
    • Button states (checkbox based)
    • Alerts (maybe, can use checkbox to dismiss)
    • Carousel
    • Utilities
      • Breadcrumbs
      • Panels
      • Responsive embed and utils for Media objects
  • Later down the line
    • A material-design module and/or flavor could be added
    • An alternative grid system using flexbox or grid
  • Documentation and packaging
    • Live pages, showcase the modules, customization and flavors
    • Update menu's and stuff
    • Update wiki accordingly, fix incomplete pages with proper documentation
    • Add pictures in and showcase flavors (also in wiki)
  • Flavors
    • NiteOwl Flavor (dark flavor, like the thing that cquanu has for github, colors look cool)
    • Bootstrap Flavor (to ease transition from that framework)
    • Pure.CSS Flavor (maybe?)
    • More
  • Others
    • Promote in reddit, blog, etc
    • Write about the development process in blog
    • Use it forever