2022-08-30 07:01:39 +02:00

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Implement a server compatible with NextCloud desktop and mobile apps


https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/19/developer_manual/client_apis/OCS/ocs-api-overview.html?highlight=capabilities https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/developer_manual/client_apis/OCS/ocs-status-api.html https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/developer_manual/client_apis/WebDAV/index.html

The desktop client is the most annoying

Two different login flows

JSON/XML API endpoints required

Those endpoints are requested by the clients and one or the other client will fail if they don't return something that looks valid.

Desktop client

Etags are mandatory

Don't use text/xml

PROPFIND reply is not XML formatted


Custom WebDAV properties

// from lib/private/Files/Storage/DAV.php in NextCloud // and apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/Node.php // R = Shareable // S = Shared // M = Mounted // D = Delete // G = Readable // NV = Renameable/moveable // Files only: // W = Write (Update) // CK = Create/Update

oc:id%s</oc:id> oc:size0</oc:size> oc:downloadURL</oc:downloadURL> oc:permissions%s</oc:permissions> oc:share-types/