martin 7702560b12
feat(web): re-assign person faces (2) (#4949)
* feat: unassign person faces

* multiple improvements

* chore: regenerate api

* feat: improve face interactions in photos

* fix: tests

* fix: tests

* optimize

* fix: wrong assignment on complex-multiple re-assignments

* fix: thumbnails with large photos

* fix: complex reassign

* fix: don't send people with faces

* fix: person thumbnail generation

* chore: regenerate api

* add tess

* feat: face box even when zoomed

* fix: change feature photo

* feat: make the blue icon hoverable

* chore: regenerate api

* feat: use websocket

* fix: loading spinner when clicking on the done button

* fix: use the svelte way

* fix: tests

* simplify

* fix: unused vars

* fix: remove unused code

* fix: add migration

* chore: regenerate api

* ci: add unit tests

* chore: regenerate api

* feat: if a new person is created for a face and the server takes more than 15 seconds to generate the person thumbnail, don't wait for it

* reorganize

* chore: regenerate api

* feat: global edit

* pr feedback

* pr feedback

* simplify

* revert test

* fix: face generation

* fix: tests

* fix: face generation

* fix merge

* feat: search names in unmerge face selector modal

* fix: merge face selector

* simplify feature photo generation

* fix: change endpoint

* pr feedback

* chore: fix merge

* chore: fix merge

* fix: tests

* fix: edit & hide buttons

* fix: tests

* feat: show if person is hidden

* feat: rename face to person

* feat: split in new panel

* copy-paste-error

* pr feedback

* fix: feature photo

* do not leak faces

* fix: unmerge modal

* fix: merge modal event

* feat(server): remove duplicates

* fix: title for image thumbnails

* fix: disable side panel when there's no face until next PR


Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <>
2023-12-05 09:43:15 -06:00

24 KiB


Immich API

This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.89.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen


Dart 2.12 or later

Installation & Usage


If this Dart package is published to Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml



To use the package in your local drive, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/openapi



Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:openapi/api.dart';

// TODO Configure API key authorization: cookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('cookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('cookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: api_key
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('api_key').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('api_key').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
// TODO Configure HTTP Bearer authorization: bearer
// Case 1. Use String Token
// Case 2. Use Function which generate token.
// String yourTokenGeneratorFunction() { ... }

final api_instance = APIKeyApi();
final aPIKeyCreateDto = APIKeyCreateDto(); // APIKeyCreateDto | 

try {
    final result = api_instance.createApiKey(aPIKeyCreateDto);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling APIKeyApi->createApiKey: $e\n');

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /api

Class Method HTTP request Description
APIKeyApi createApiKey POST /api-key
APIKeyApi deleteApiKey DELETE /api-key/{id}
APIKeyApi getApiKey GET /api-key/{id}
APIKeyApi getApiKeys GET /api-key
APIKeyApi updateApiKey PUT /api-key/{id}
ActivityApi createActivity POST /activity
ActivityApi deleteActivity DELETE /activity/{id}
ActivityApi getActivities GET /activity
ActivityApi getActivityStatistics GET /activity/statistics
AlbumApi addAssetsToAlbum PUT /album/{id}/assets
AlbumApi addUsersToAlbum PUT /album/{id}/users
AlbumApi createAlbum POST /album
AlbumApi deleteAlbum DELETE /album/{id}
AlbumApi getAlbumCount GET /album/count
AlbumApi getAlbumInfo GET /album/{id}
AlbumApi getAllAlbums GET /album
AlbumApi removeAssetFromAlbum DELETE /album/{id}/assets
AlbumApi removeUserFromAlbum DELETE /album/{id}/user/{userId}
AlbumApi updateAlbumInfo PATCH /album/{id}
AssetApi checkBulkUpload POST /asset/bulk-upload-check
AssetApi checkExistingAssets POST /asset/exist
AssetApi deleteAssets DELETE /asset
AssetApi downloadArchive POST /asset/download/archive
AssetApi downloadFile POST /asset/download/{id}
AssetApi emptyTrash POST /asset/trash/empty
AssetApi getAllAssets GET /asset
AssetApi getAllUserAssetsByDeviceId GET /asset/device/{deviceId}
AssetApi getAssetById GET /asset/assetById/{id}
AssetApi getAssetSearchTerms GET /asset/search-terms
AssetApi getAssetStatistics GET /asset/statistics
AssetApi getAssetThumbnail GET /asset/thumbnail/{id}
AssetApi getCuratedLocations GET /asset/curated-locations
AssetApi getCuratedObjects GET /asset/curated-objects
AssetApi getDownloadInfo POST /asset/download/info
AssetApi getMapMarkers GET /asset/map-marker
AssetApi getMemoryLane GET /asset/memory-lane
AssetApi getRandom GET /asset/random
AssetApi getTimeBucket GET /asset/time-bucket
AssetApi getTimeBuckets GET /asset/time-buckets
AssetApi getUserAssetsByDeviceId GET /asset/{deviceId} Use /asset/device/:deviceId instead - Remove in 1.92 release
AssetApi restoreAssets POST /asset/restore
AssetApi restoreTrash POST /asset/trash/restore
AssetApi runAssetJobs POST /asset/jobs
AssetApi searchAssets GET /assets
AssetApi serveFile GET /asset/file/{id}
AssetApi updateAsset PUT /asset/{id}
AssetApi updateAssets PUT /asset
AssetApi updateStackParent PUT /asset/stack/parent
AssetApi uploadFile POST /asset/upload
AuditApi fixAuditFiles POST /audit/file-report/fix
AuditApi getAuditDeletes GET /audit/deletes
AuditApi getAuditFiles GET /audit/file-report
AuditApi getFileChecksums POST /audit/file-report/checksum
AuthenticationApi changePassword POST /auth/change-password
AuthenticationApi getAuthDevices GET /auth/devices
AuthenticationApi login POST /auth/login
AuthenticationApi logout POST /auth/logout
AuthenticationApi logoutAuthDevice DELETE /auth/devices/{id}
AuthenticationApi logoutAuthDevices DELETE /auth/devices
AuthenticationApi signUpAdmin POST /auth/admin-sign-up
AuthenticationApi validateAccessToken POST /auth/validateToken
FaceApi getFaces GET /face
FaceApi reassignFacesById PUT /face/{id}
JobApi getAllJobsStatus GET /jobs
JobApi sendJobCommand PUT /jobs/{id}
LibraryApi createLibrary POST /library
LibraryApi deleteLibrary DELETE /library/{id}
LibraryApi getLibraries GET /library
LibraryApi getLibraryInfo GET /library/{id}
LibraryApi getLibraryStatistics GET /library/{id}/statistics
LibraryApi removeOfflineFiles POST /library/{id}/removeOffline
LibraryApi scanLibrary POST /library/{id}/scan
LibraryApi updateLibrary PUT /library/{id}
OAuthApi finishOAuth POST /oauth/callback
OAuthApi generateOAuthConfig POST /oauth/config
OAuthApi linkOAuthAccount POST /oauth/link
OAuthApi redirectOAuthToMobile GET /oauth/mobile-redirect
OAuthApi startOAuth POST /oauth/authorize
OAuthApi unlinkOAuthAccount POST /oauth/unlink
PartnerApi createPartner POST /partner/{id}
PartnerApi getPartners GET /partner
PartnerApi removePartner DELETE /partner/{id}
PartnerApi updatePartner PUT /partner/{id}
PersonApi createPerson POST /person
PersonApi getAllPeople GET /person
PersonApi getPerson GET /person/{id}
PersonApi getPersonAssets GET /person/{id}/assets
PersonApi getPersonStatistics GET /person/{id}/statistics
PersonApi getPersonThumbnail GET /person/{id}/thumbnail
PersonApi mergePerson POST /person/{id}/merge
PersonApi reassignFaces PUT /person/{id}/reassign
PersonApi updatePeople PUT /person
PersonApi updatePerson PUT /person/{id}
SearchApi getExploreData GET /search/explore
SearchApi search GET /search
SearchApi searchPerson GET /search/person
ServerInfoApi getServerConfig GET /server-info/config
ServerInfoApi getServerFeatures GET /server-info/features
ServerInfoApi getServerInfo GET /server-info
ServerInfoApi getServerStatistics GET /server-info/statistics
ServerInfoApi getServerVersion GET /server-info/version
ServerInfoApi getSupportedMediaTypes GET /server-info/media-types
ServerInfoApi getTheme GET /server-info/theme
ServerInfoApi pingServer GET /server-info/ping
SharedLinkApi addSharedLinkAssets PUT /shared-link/{id}/assets
SharedLinkApi createSharedLink POST /shared-link
SharedLinkApi getAllSharedLinks GET /shared-link
SharedLinkApi getMySharedLink GET /shared-link/me
SharedLinkApi getSharedLinkById GET /shared-link/{id}
SharedLinkApi removeSharedLink DELETE /shared-link/{id}
SharedLinkApi removeSharedLinkAssets DELETE /shared-link/{id}/assets
SharedLinkApi updateSharedLink PATCH /shared-link/{id}
SystemConfigApi getConfig GET /system-config
SystemConfigApi getConfigDefaults GET /system-config/defaults
SystemConfigApi getMapStyle GET /system-config/map/style.json
SystemConfigApi getStorageTemplateOptions GET /system-config/storage-template-options
SystemConfigApi updateConfig PUT /system-config
TagApi createTag POST /tag
TagApi deleteTag DELETE /tag/{id}
TagApi getAllTags GET /tag
TagApi getTagAssets GET /tag/{id}/assets
TagApi getTagById GET /tag/{id}
TagApi tagAssets PUT /tag/{id}/assets
TagApi untagAssets DELETE /tag/{id}/assets
TagApi updateTag PATCH /tag/{id}
UserApi createProfileImage POST /user/profile-image
UserApi createUser POST /user
UserApi deleteProfileImage DELETE /user/profile-image
UserApi deleteUser DELETE /user/{id}
UserApi getAllUsers GET /user
UserApi getMyUserInfo GET /user/me
UserApi getProfileImage GET /user/profile-image/{id}
UserApi getUserById GET /user/info/{id}
UserApi restoreUser POST /user/{id}/restore
UserApi updateUser PUT /user

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP Bearer authentication
  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: immich_access_token
  • Location:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-api-key
  • Location: HTTP header
