2023-09-29 21:01:11 +03:00

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title description
Services Service Configuration

Services are configured inside the services.yaml file. You can have any number of groups, and any number of services per group.


Groups are defined as top-level array entries.

- Group A:
    - Service A:
        href: http://localhost/

- Group B:
    - Service B:
        href: http://localhost/
Service Groups


Services are defined as array entries on groups,

- Group A:
    - Service A:
        href: http://localhost/

    - Service B:
        href: http://localhost/

    - Service C:
        href: http://localhost/

- Group B:
    - Service D:
        href: http://localhost/
Service Services


Services may have descriptions,

- Group A:
    - Service A:
        href: http://localhost/
        description: This is my service

- Group B:
    - Service B:
        href: http://localhost/
        description: This is another service
Service Descriptions


Services may have an icon attached to them, you can use icons from Dashboard Icons automatically, by passing the name of the icon, with, or without .png or with .svg to use the svg version.

You can also specify prefixed icons from Material Design Icons with mdi-XX or Simple Icons with si-XX.

You can specify a custom color by adding a hex color code as suffix e.g. mdi-XX-#f0d453 or si-XX-#a712a2.

To use a remote icon, use the absolute URL (e.g. https://...).

To use a local icon, first create a Docker mount to /app/public/icons and then reference your icon as /icons/myicon.png. You will need to restart the container when adding new icons.

!!! warning

  Material Design Icons for **brands** were deprecated and may be removed in the future. Using Simple Icons for brand icons will prevent any issues if / when the Material Design Icons are removed.
- Group A:
    - Sonarr:
        icon: sonarr.png
        href: http://sonarr.host/
        description: Series management

- Group B:
    - Radarr:
        icon: radarr.png
        href: http://radarr.host/
        description: Movie management

- Group C:
    - Service:
        icon: mdi-flask-outline
        href: http://service.host/
        description: My cool service
Service Icons


Services may have an optional ping property that allows you to monitor the availability of an endpoint you chose and have the response time displayed. You do not need to set your ping URL equal to your href URL.

!!! note

The ping feature works by making an http `HEAD` request to the URL, and falls back to `GET` in case that fails. It will not, for example, login if the URL requires auth or is behind e.g. Authelia. In the case of a reverse proxy and/or auth this usually requires the use of an 'internal' URL to make the ping feature correctly display status.
- Group A:
    - Sonarr:
        icon: sonarr.png
        href: http://sonarr.host/
        ping: http://sonarr.host/

- Group B:
    - Radarr:
        icon: radarr.png
        href: http://radarr.host/
        ping: http://some.other.host/

You can also apply different styles to the ping indicator by using the statusStyle property. The default is no value, and displays the response time in ms, but you can also use dot or simple. dot showing a green dot for a successful ping, and simple showing either ONLINE or OFFLINE to match the status style of Docker containers.

Docker Integration

Services may be connected to a Docker container, either running on the local machine, or a remote machine.

- Group A:
    - Service A:
        href: http://localhost/
        description: This is my service
        server: my-server
        container: my-container

- Group B:
    - Service B:
        href: http://localhost/
        description: This is another service
        server: other-server
        container: other-container
Service Containers

Clicking on the status label of a service with Docker integration enabled will expand the container stats, where you can see CPU, Memory, and Network activity.

!!! note

  This can also be controlled with `showStats`. See [show docker stats](docker.md#show-docker-stats) for more information
Docker Stats Expanded

Service Integrations

Services may also have a service widget (or integration) attached to them, this works independently of the Docker integration.

You can find information and configuration for each of the supported integrations on the Service Widgets page.

Here is an example of a Radarr & Sonarr service, with their respective integrations.

- Group A:
    - Sonarr:
        icon: sonarr.png
        href: http://sonarr.host/
        description: Series management
          type: sonarr
          url: http://sonarr.host
          key: apikeyapikeyapikeyapikeyapikey

- Group B:
    - Radarr:
        icon: radarr.png
        href: http://radarr.host/
        description: Movie management
          type: radarr
          url: http://radarr.host
          key: apikeyapikeyapikeyapikeyapikey
Service Integrations