2024-02-21 22:54:59 +01:00

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# The account name.
# The current account will be used by default for all other commands.
default = true
# The display-name and the email are used to build the full email
# address: "My example account" <example@localhost>
display-name = "My example account"
email = "example@localhost"
# The signature can be a string or a path to a file.
signature = "Regards,"
signature-delim = "-- \n"
# Enable the synchronization for this account. Running the command
# `account sync example` will synchronize all folders and all emails
# to a local Maildir at `$XDG_DATA_HOME/himalaya/example`.
sync.enable = true
# Override the default Maildir path for synchronization.
sync.dir = "/tmp/himalaya-sync-example"
# Define main folder aliases
folder.alias.inbox = "INBOX"
folder.alias.sent = "Sent"
folder.alias.drafts = "Drafts"
folder.alias.trash = "Trash"
# Also define custom folder aliases
folder.alias.prev-year = "Archives/2023"
# Default backend used for all the features like adding folders,
# listing envelopes or copying messages.
backend = "imap"
envelope.list.page-size = 10
envelope.list.datetime-fmt = "%F %R%:z"
# Date are converted to the user's local timezone.
envelope.list.datetime-local-tz = true
# Override the backend used for listing envelopes.
# envelope.list.backend = "imap"
# Send notification on receiving new envelopes
envelope.watch.received.notify.summary = "📬 New message from {sender}"
# Available placeholders: id, subject, sender, sender.name,
# sender.address, recipient, recipient.name, recipient.address.
envelope.watch.received.notify.body = "{subject}"
# Shell commands can also be executed when envelopes change
# envelope.watch.any.cmd = "mbsync -a"
# Override the backend used for sending messages.
message.send.backend = "smtp"
# Save a copy of sent messages to the sent folder.
message.send.save-copy = true
# IMAP config
imap.host = "localhost"
imap.port = 3143
imap.login = "example@localhost"
# Encryption can be either "tls" (or true), "start-tls" or "none" (or false).
imap.encryption = "none"
# Get password from a raw string (not safe)
imap.passwd.raw = "password"
# Get password from a shell command
# imap.passwd.cmd = "echo password"
# Get password from your global system keyring using secret service
# Keyring secrets can be (re)set with the command `account configure example`
# imap.passwd.keyring = "example-imap-password"
# Customize at which period, in seconds, the IMAP IDLE mode should refresh.
# Defaults to 1740 (29 min), as defined in the RFC.
# imap.watch.timeout = 25
# SMTP config
smtp.host = "localhost"
smtp.port = 3025
smtp.login = "example@localhost"
smtp.encryption = false
smtp.passwd.raw = "password"
# PGP needs to be enabled with one of those cargo feature:
# pgp-commands, pgp-gpg or pgp-native
# pgp.backend = "gpg"