add ability to change account vim plugin (#91)

This commit is contained in:
Clément DOUIN 2021-06-03 16:03:23 +02:00
parent edb2e181e7
commit e3d022720d
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 160 additions and 72 deletions

View file

@ -7,17 +7,22 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
### Fixed
### Added
- `\Seen` flag when moving a message
- Attachments arg for reply and forward commands [#109]
- Vim doc [#117]
- Add ability to change account in with the Vim plugin [#91]
- Add possibility to make Himalaya default email app [#160] [[#161](]
### Changed
- [**BREAKING**] Short version of reply `--all` arg is now `-A` to avoid conflicts with `--attachment|-a`
- Template management [#80]
### Fixed
- `\Seen` flag when moving a message
- Attachments arg for reply and forward commands [#109]
- Vim doc [#117]
### Removed
- `Content-Type` from templates [#146]
@ -82,20 +87,20 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
### Fixed
- Improve config compatibility on Windows [#111](
- Improve config compatibility on Windows [[#111](]
- Vim table containing emoji [#122]
## [0.2.6] - 2021-04-17
### Added
- Insecure TLS option [#84] [#103]( [#105](
- Completion subcommands [#99](
- Vim flags to enable telescope preview and to choose picker [#97](
- Insecure TLS option [#84] [#103]( [[#105](]
- Completion subcommands [[#99](]
- Vim flags to enable telescope preview and to choose picker [[#97](]
### Changed
- Make `` POSIX compliant [#53](
- Make `` POSIX compliant [[#53](]
### Fixed
@ -265,6 +270,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
@ -286,3 +292,4 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

View file

@ -210,16 +210,16 @@ impl Config {
pub fn find_account_by_name(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<&Account> {
match name {
Some(name) => self
.ok_or_else(|| format!("Cannot find account `{}`", name).into()),
None => self
Some("") | None => self
.find(|(_, account)| account.default.unwrap_or(false))
.map(|(_, account)| account)
.ok_or_else(|| "Cannot find default account".into()),
Some(name) => self
.ok_or_else(|| format!("Cannot find account `{}`", name).into()),

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use log::warn;
use mailparse::{self, MailHeaderMap};
use rfc2047_decoder;
use serde::{
ser::{self, SerializeStruct},
ser::{self, SerializeStruct, Serializer},
use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt, fs, path::PathBuf, result};
@ -101,23 +101,13 @@ impl<'a> Attachments {
// Readable message
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct ReadableMsg {
pub content: String,
#[serde(serialize_with = "bool_to_int")]
pub has_attachment: bool,
// impl Serialize for ReadableMsg {
// fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
// where
// S: ser::Serializer,
// {
// let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("ReadableMsg", 2)?;
// state.serialize_field("content", &self.content)?;
// state.serialize_field("hasAttachment", if self.has_attachment { &1 } else { &0 })?;
// state.end()
// }
// }
impl fmt::Display for ReadableMsg {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "{}", self.content)
@ -660,3 +650,15 @@ impl fmt::Display for Msgs<'_> {
writeln!(f, "\n{}", Table::render(&self.0))
// Custom bool to int serializer
fn bool_to_int<S>(t: &bool, s: S) -> std::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
match t {
true => s.serialize_u8(1),
false => s.serialize_u8(0),

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
" Account
let s:curr_account = ""
function! himalaya#account#curr()
return s:curr_account
function! himalaya#account#set(account)
let s:curr_account = a:account

View file

@ -1,23 +1,6 @@
let s:dir = expand("<sfile>:h")
let s:cli = function("himalaya#shared#cli#call")
" Pagination
let s:curr_page = 0
function! himalaya#mbox#curr_page()
return s:curr_page
function! himalaya#mbox#prev_page()
let s:curr_page = max([0, s:curr_page - 1])
call himalaya#msg#list()
function! himalaya#mbox#next_page()
let s:curr_page = s:curr_page + 1
call himalaya#msg#list()
" Pickers
function! s:telescope_picker(cb, mboxes)
@ -39,16 +22,36 @@ function! s:native_picker(cb, mboxes)
call function(a:cb)(a:mboxes[choice])
" Pagination
let s:curr_page = 0
function! himalaya#mbox#curr_page()
return s:curr_page
function! himalaya#mbox#prev_page()
let s:curr_page = max([0, s:curr_page - 1])
call himalaya#msg#list()
function! himalaya#mbox#next_page()
let s:curr_page = s:curr_page + 1
call himalaya#msg#list()
" Mailbox
let s:curr_mbox = "INBOX"
function! himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
return s:curr_mbox
function! himalaya#mbox#pick(cb)
let mboxes = map(s:cli("mailboxes", [], "Fetching mailboxes", 0), "")
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let mboxes = map(s:cli("--account %s mailboxes", [shellescape(account)], "Fetching mailboxes", 0), "")
if exists("g:himalaya_mailbox_picker")
let picker = g:himalaya_mailbox_picker

View file

@ -9,18 +9,21 @@ let s:draft = ""
function! s:format_msg_for_list(msg)
let msg = copy(a:msg)
let flag_new = index(msg.flags, "Seen") == -1 ? "N" : " "
let flag_new = index(msg.flags, "Seen") == -1 ? "✷" : " "
let flag_flagged = index(msg.flags, "Flagged") == -1 ? " " : "!"
let flag_replied = index(msg.flags, "Answered") == -1 ? " " : "R"
let msg.flags = printf("%s%s%s", flag_new, flag_replied, flag_flagged)
let flag_replied = index(msg.flags, "Answered") == -1 ? " " : "↵"
let msg.flags = printf("%s %s %s", flag_new, flag_replied, flag_flagged)
return msg
function! himalaya#msg#list_with(mbox, page, should_throw)
function! himalaya#msg#list_with(account, mbox, page, should_throw)
let pos = getpos(".")
let msgs = s:cli("--mailbox %s list --page %d", [shellescape(a:mbox), a:page], printf("Fetching %s messages", a:mbox), a:should_throw)
let msgs = s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox %s list --page %d",
\[shellescape(a:account), shellescape(a:mbox), a:page],
\printf("Fetching %s messages", a:mbox),
let msgs = map(msgs, "s:format_msg_for_list(v:val)")
let buftype = stridx(bufname("%"), "Himalaya messages") == 0 ? "file" : "edit"
execute printf("silent! %s Himalaya messages [%s] [page %d]", buftype, a:mbox, a:page + 1)
@ -34,11 +37,13 @@ function! himalaya#msg#list_with(mbox, page, should_throw)
call setpos('.', pos)
function! himalaya#msg#list()
function! himalaya#msg#list(...)
call himalaya#account#set(a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : "")
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let mbox = himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
let page = himalaya#mbox#curr_page()
call himalaya#msg#list_with(mbox, page, 1)
call himalaya#msg#list_with(account, mbox, page, 1)
if !empty(v:exception)
redraw | call himalaya#shared#log#err(v:exception)
@ -50,8 +55,14 @@ function! himalaya#msg#read()
let pos = getpos(".")
let s:msg_id = s:get_focused_msg_id()
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let mbox = himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
let msg = s:cli("--mailbox %s read %d", [shellescape(mbox), s:msg_id], printf("Fetching message %d", s:msg_id), 0)
let msg = s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox %s read %d",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(mbox), s:msg_id],
\printf("Fetching message %d", s:msg_id),
let attachment = msg.hasAttachment ? " []" : ""
execute printf("silent! edit Himalaya read message [%d]%s", s:msg_id, attachment)
setlocal modifiable
@ -72,7 +83,8 @@ endfunction
function! himalaya#msg#write()
let pos = getpos(".")
let msg = s:cli("template new", [], "Fetching new template", 0)
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let msg = s:cli("--account %s template new", [shellescape(account)], "Fetching new template", 0)
silent! edit Himalaya write
call append(0, split(substitute(msg.template, "\r", "", "g"), "\n"))
silent execute "$d"
@ -90,9 +102,15 @@ endfunction
function! himalaya#msg#reply()
let pos = getpos(".")
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let mbox = himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
let msg_id = stridx(bufname("%"), "Himalaya messages") == 0 ? s:get_focused_msg_id() : s:msg_id
let msg = s:cli("--mailbox %s template reply %d", [shellescape(mbox), msg_id], "Fetching reply template", 0)
let msg = s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox %s template reply %d",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(mbox), msg_id],
\"Fetching reply template",
execute printf("silent! edit Himalaya reply [%d]", msg_id)
call append(0, split(substitute(msg.template, "\r", "", "g"), "\n"))
silent execute "$d"
@ -110,9 +128,15 @@ endfunction
function! himalaya#msg#reply_all()
let pos = getpos(".")
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let mbox = himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
let msg_id = stridx(bufname("%"), "Himalaya messages") == 0 ? s:get_focused_msg_id() : s:msg_id
let msg = s:cli("--mailbox %s template reply %d --all", [shellescape(mbox), msg_id], "Fetching reply all template", 0)
let msg = s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox %s template reply %d --all",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(mbox), msg_id],
\"Fetching reply all template",
execute printf("silent! edit Himalaya reply all [%d]", msg_id)
call append(0, split(substitute(msg.template, "\r", "", "g"), "\n"))
silent execute "$d"
@ -130,9 +154,15 @@ endfunction
function! himalaya#msg#forward()
let pos = getpos(".")
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let mbox = himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
let msg_id = stridx(bufname("%"), "Himalaya messages") == 0 ? s:get_focused_msg_id() : s:msg_id
let msg = s:cli("--mailbox %s template forward %d", [shellescape(mbox), msg_id], "Fetching forward template", 0)
let msg = s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox %s template forward %d",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(mbox), msg_id],
\"Fetching forward template",
execute printf("silent! edit Himalaya forward [%d]", msg_id)
call append(0, split(substitute(msg.template, "\r", "", "g"), "\n"))
silent execute "$d"
@ -155,9 +185,15 @@ function! himalaya#msg#_copy(target_mbox)
let pos = getpos(".")
let msg_id = stridx(bufname("%"), "Himalaya messages") == 0 ? s:get_focused_msg_id() : s:msg_id
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let source_mbox = himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
let msg = s:cli("--mailbox %s copy %d %s", [shellescape(source_mbox), msg_id, shellescape(a:target_mbox)], "Copying message", 1)
call himalaya#msg#list_with(source_mbox, himalaya#mbox#curr_page(), 1)
let msg = s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox %s copy %d %s",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(source_mbox), msg_id, shellescape(a:target_mbox)],
\"Copying message",
call himalaya#msg#list_with(account, source_mbox, himalaya#mbox#curr_page(), 1)
call setpos('.', pos)
if !empty(v:exception)
@ -177,9 +213,15 @@ function! himalaya#msg#_move(target_mbox)
redraw | echo
if choice != "y" | return | endif
let pos = getpos(".")
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let source_mbox = himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
let msg = s:cli("--mailbox %s move %d %s", [shellescape(source_mbox), msg_id, shellescape(a:target_mbox)], "Moving message", 1)
call himalaya#msg#list_with(source_mbox, himalaya#mbox#curr_page(), 1)
let msg = s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox %s move %d %s",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(source_mbox), msg_id, shellescape(a:target_mbox)],
\"Moving message",
call himalaya#msg#list_with(account, source_mbox, himalaya#mbox#curr_page(), 1)
call setpos('.', pos)
if !empty(v:exception)
@ -195,9 +237,15 @@ function! himalaya#msg#delete() range
redraw | echo
if choice != "y" | return | endif
let pos = getpos(".")
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let mbox = himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
let msg = s:cli("--mailbox %s delete %s", [shellescape(mbox), msg_ids], "Deleting message(s)", 1)
call himalaya#msg#list_with(mbox, himalaya#mbox#curr_page(), 1)
let msg = s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox %s delete %s",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(mbox), msg_ids],
\"Deleting message(s)",
call himalaya#msg#list_with(account, mbox, himalaya#mbox#curr_page(), 1)
call setpos('.', pos)
if !empty(v:exception)
@ -214,15 +262,26 @@ endfunction
function! himalaya#msg#draft_handle()
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
while 1
let choice = input("(s)end, (d)raft, (q)uit or (c)ancel? ")
let choice = tolower(choice)[0]
redraw | echo
if choice == "s"
return s:cli("send -- %s", [shellescape(s:draft)], "Sending message", 0)
return s:cli(
\"--account %s send -- %s",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(s:draft)],
\"Sending message",
elseif choice == "d"
return s:cli("--mailbox Drafts save -- %s", [shellescape(s:draft)], "Saving draft", 0)
return s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox Drafts save -- %s",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(s:draft)],
\"Saving draft",
elseif choice == "q"
elseif choice == "c"
@ -238,9 +297,15 @@ endfunction
function! himalaya#msg#attachments()
let account = himalaya#account#curr()
let mbox = himalaya#mbox#curr_mbox()
let msg_id = stridx(bufname("%"), "Himalaya messages") == 0 ? s:get_focused_msg_id() : s:msg_id
let msg = s:cli("--mailbox %s attachments %d", [shellescape(mbox), msg_id], "Downloading attachments", 0)
let msg = s:cli(
\"--account %s --mailbox %s attachments %d",
\[shellescape(account), shellescape(mbox), msg_id],
\"Downloading attachments",
call himalaya#shared#log#info(msg)
if !empty(v:exception)

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
setlocal bufhidden=wipe
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal cursorline
setlocal nomodifiable

View file

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ local previewers = require('telescope.previewers')
local function preview_command(entry, bufnr)
vim.api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function()
local page = 0 -- page 0 for preview
local success, output = pcall(vim.fn['himalaya#msg#list_with'], entry.value, page, true)
local account = pcall(vim.fn['himalaya#account#curr'])
local success, output = pcall(vim.fn['himalaya#msg#list_with'], account, entry.value, page, true)
if not (success) then
vim.cmd('redraw') = true

View file

@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ if !executable("himalaya")
throw "Himalaya CLI not found, see"
command! Himalaya call himalaya#msg#list()
command! -nargs=* Himalaya call himalaya#msg#list(<f-args>)

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ syntax match hym_subject /^|.\{-}|.\{-}|.\{-}|/ contains=hym_uid,hym
syntax match hym_sender /^|.\{-}|.\{-}|.\{-}|.\{-}|/ contains=hym_uid,hym_flags,hym_subject,hym_sep
syntax match hym_date /^|.\{-}|.\{-}|.\{-}|.\{-}|.\{-}|/ contains=hym_uid,hym_flags,hym_subject,hym_sender,hym_sep
syntax match hym_head /.*\%1l/ contains=hym_sep
syntax match hym_unseen /^|.\{-}|N.*$/ contains=hym_sep
syntax match hym_unseen /^|.\{-}|.*$/ contains=hym_sep
highlight hym_head term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline gui=bold,underline
highlight hym_unseen term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold