Manav Rathi e9d76688ce Move to monorepo
Move all of our code into a monorepo in preparation of open sourcing our server.

First I describe the general plan, then later I've kept an exact log of the
commands that I used. This was all done prior to this commit, but this commit
(that introduces the various top level files) seems like a good way to summarize
the entire process.

Clone auth. Auth is our base repository.

git clone https://github.com/ente-io/auth.git && cd auth

Move all of auth's files into `auth/`.

mkdir auth
git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '\.$' -e '\.\/.git$' -e '\.\/auth$'` auth
git commit -m 'Move into auth/'

Add photos-web as a new remote, and fetch its main.

git remote add photos-web https://github.com/ente-io/photos-web.git
git fetch photos-web main

Switch to main of web-photos.

git checkout -b photos-web-main photos-web/main

Move all of its files into `web` (note, the find now has an extra exclusion for
`web`, but we keep all the old ones too):

mkdir web
git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/auth$' -e '^\.\/web$'` web
git commit -m 'Move into web/'

Switch back to main main, and merge the photos-web branch. The
`--allow-unrelated-histories` flag is needed (since these two branches don't
have any previous common ancestor).

git checkout main
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories photos-web-main

That's it. We then repeat this process for all the other repositories that we
need to bring in.

There is no magic involved here, so regular git commands will continue working.
However, all the files get renamed, so to track the git history prior to this
rename commit we'll need to pass the `--follow` flag.

    git log --follow -p -- auth/migration-guides/encrypted_export.md

For some file names like README.md which exist in multiple repositories, this
doesn't seem to work so good (I don't fully understand why). For example,
`git log --follow -p -- auth/README.md lists the changes to all the READMEs,
not just the auth README.md.


git clone https://github.com/ente-io/auth.git ente
cd ente

mkdir auth
git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '\.$' -e '\.\/.git$' -e '\.\/auth$'` auth
git commit -m 'Move into auth/'

git remote add photos-web https://github.com/ente-io/photos-web.git
git fetch photos-web main
git checkout -b photos-web-main photos-web/main

mkdir web
git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/auth$' -e '^\.\/web$'` web
git commit -m 'Move into web/'

git checkout main
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories photos-web-main
git branch -D photos-web-main
git remote remove photos-web

git remote add photos-app https://github.com/ente-io/photos-app.git
git fetch photos-app main
git checkout -b photos-app-main photos-app/main

mkdir mobile
git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/auth$' -e '^\.\/web$' -e '^\.\/mobile$'` mobile
git commit -m 'Move into mobile/'

git checkout main
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories photos-app-main
git branch -D photos-app-main
git remote remove photos-app

git remote add photos-desktop https://github.com/ente-io/photos-desktop.git
git fetch photos-desktop main
git checkout -b photos-desktop-main photos-desktop/main

mkdir desktop
git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\./.gitmodules$' -e '^\.\/desktop$'` desktop
git mv .gitmodules desktop
git commit -m 'Move into desktop/'

git checkout main
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories photos-desktop-main
git branch -D photos-desktop-main
git remote remove photos-desktop

git remote add cli https://github.com/ente-io/cli.git
git fetch cli main
git checkout -b cli-main cli/main

mkdir cli
git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/cli$'` cli
git commit -m 'Move into cli/'

git checkout main
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories cli-main
git branch -D cli-main
git remote remove cli

git remote add docs https://github.com/ente-io/docs.git
git fetch docs main
git checkout -b docs-main docs/main

mkdir docs-1
git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/docs-1$'` docs-1
git mv docs-1 docs
git commit -m 'Move into docs/'

git checkout main
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories docs-main
git branch -D docs-main
git remote remove docs
2024-03-01 13:01:41 +05:30

377 lines
13 KiB

# Architecture
Your data is end-to-end encrypted with Ente.
Meaning, they are encrypted with your `keys` before they leave your device.
<img src="assets/e2ee.svg" class="architecture-svg" style="max-width: 600px"
title="End-to-end encryption in Ente" />
Our source code has been [audited](https://ente.io/blog/cryptography-audit/) to
verify that these `keys` are available only to you.
Meaning, only you can access your data.
What follows is an explanation of how we do what we do.
## Key Encryption
### Fundamentals
#### Master Key
When you sign up for Ente, your client generates a `masterKey` for you. This
never leaves your device unencrypted.
#### Key Encryption Key
Once you choose a password, a `keyEncryptionKey` is derived from it. This never
leaves your device.
### Flows
#### Primary Device
During registration, your `masterKey` is encrypted with your `keyEncryptionKey`,
and the resultant `encryptedMasterKey` is then sent to our servers for storage.
<img src="assets/key-derivation.svg" class="architecture-svg" title="Key
derivation" />
#### Secondary Device
When you sign in on a secondary device, after you successfully verify your
email, our servers give you back your `encryptedMasterKey` that was sent to us
by your primary device.
You are then prompted to enter your password. Once entered, your
`keyEncryptionKey` is derived, and the client decrypts your `encryptedMasterKey`
with this, to yield your original `masterKey`.
If the decryption fails, the client will know that the derived
`keyEncryptionKey` was wrong, indicating an incorrect password, and this
information will be surfaced to you.
### Privacy
- Since only you know your password, only you can derive your
- Since only you can derive your `keyEncryptionKey`, only you have access to
your `masterKey`.
> Keep reading to learn about how this `masterKey` is used to encrypt your data.
## Data Encryption
### Fundamentals
#### Collection Key
Each of your items in Ente belong to what we call a `collection`. A `collection`
can be either a folder (like "Camera" or "Screenshots") or an album (like
"Awkward Reunion"). In case of Auth, we create a default root collection.
Each `collection` has a `collectionKey`. These never leave your device
#### File Key
Every piece of your data has a `fileKey`. These never leave your device
### Flows
#### Upload
- Each file and associated metadata is encrypted with randomly generated
- Each `fileKey` is encrypted with the `collectionKey` of the `collection`
(folder/album) the `file` belongs to. In case such a `collection` does not
exist, one is created with a randomly generated `collectionKey`. All
`collection` metadata (like name, folder-path, etc) are encrypted with this
- Each `collectionKey` is then encrypted with your `masterKey`.
- All of the above mentioned encrypted data is then pushed to the server for
<img src="assets/file-encryption.svg" class="architecture-svg" title="File
encryption" />
#### Download
- All of the above mentioned encrypted data is pulled from the server.
- You first decrypt each file's `collectionKey` with your `masterKey`.
- You then decrypt each file's `fileKey` with their respective `collectionKey`s.
- Finally, you decrypt each file and associated metadata with the respective
### Privacy
- As explained in the previous section, only you have access to your
- Since only you have access to your `masterKey`, only you can decrypt the
- Since only you have access to the `collectionKey`s, only you can decrypt the
- Since only you have access to the `fileKey`s, only you can decrypt the files
and their associated metadata.
## Sharing
### Fundamentals
#### Public Key
When you sign up for Ente, your app generates a `publicKey` for you. This is
public, and is stored at our servers in plain text.
#### Verification ID
Verification ID is a human readable representation of a `publicKey`, that is
accessible within the clients for verifying the identity of a receiver.
#### Private Key
Along with the `publicKey`, your app also generates a corresponding `privateKey`
for you. This never leaves your device unencrypted.
The `privateKey` is encrypted with your `masterKey` that only you have access
to. This `encryptedPrivateKey` is stored at our servers
### Flow
Sharing is similar to the previous section, except that the `collectionKey` of a
`collection` is shared with a receiver after encrypting it with the receiver's
`publicKey`. To elaborate,
#### Sender
- Each file and associated metadata was already encrypted with randomly
generated `fileKey`s.
- Each of these `fileKey`s were also encrypted with the `collectionKey` of the
`collection` (folder/album) that is now being shared.
- The `collectionKey` is now encrypted with the `publicKey` of the receiver.
- All of the above mentioned encrypted data is then pushed to the server for
#### Receiver
- All of the above mentioned encrypted data is pulled from the server.
- The receiver first decrypts the `collectionKey` with their `privateKey`.
- They then decrypt each file's `fileKey` with their respective
- Finally, they decrypt each file and associated metadata with the respective
<img src="assets/sharing.svg" class="architecture-svg" title="Sharing" />
### Privacy
- Since only the receiver has access to their `masterKey`, only they can decrypt
their `encryptedPrivateKey` to access their `privateKey`.
- Since only the receiver has access to their `privateKey`, only they can
decrypt the `collectionKey` that was sent to them.
- Since only the receiver has access to the `collectionKey`, only they can
decrypt the `fileKey`s of files belonging to that album/folder.
- Since only the receiver has access to the `fileKey`s of files belonging to
that album/folder, only they can decrypt the files and associated metadata.
> A sender can view the Verification ID of the receiver within the app's sharing
> screen, and compare this with the Verification ID displayed on the receiver's
> device. The two identifiers matching across devices verifies the security of
> end-to-end encryption between the two parties.
## Key Recovery
### Fundamentals
#### Recovery Key
When you sign up for Ente, your app generates a `recoveryKey` for you. This
never leaves your device unencrypted.
### Flow
#### Storage
Your `recoveryKey` and `masterKey` are encrypted with each other and stored on
the server.
#### Access
This encrypted `recoveryKey` is downloaded when you sign in on a new device.
This is decrypted with your `masterKey` and surfaced to you whenever you request
for it.
#### Recovery
Post email verification, if you're unable to unlock your account because you
have forgotten your password, the client will prompt you to enter your
The client then pulls the `masterKey` that was earlier encrypted and pushed to
the server (as discussed in [Key Encryption](#key-encryption), and decrypts it
with the entered `recoveryKey`. If the decryption succeeds, the client will know
that you have entered the correct `recoveryKey`.
<img src="assets/recovery.svg" class="architecture-svg" title="Recovery" />
Now that you have your `masterKey`, the client will prompt you to set a new
password, using which it will derive a new `keyEncryptionKey`. This is then used
to encrypt your `masterKey` and this new `encryptedMasterKey` is uploaded to our
servers, similar to what was earlier discussed in [Key
### Privacy
- Since only you have access to your `masterKey`, only you can access your
- Since only you can access your `recoveryKey`, only you can reset your
## Authentication
### Fundamentals
#### One Time Token
When you attempt to verify ownership of an email address, our server generates a
`oneTimeToken`, that if presented confirms your access to the said email
address. This token is valid for a short time and can only be used once.
#### Authentication Token
When you successfully authenticate yourself against our server by proving
ownership of your email (and in future any other configured vectors), the server
generates an `authToken`, that can from there on be used to authenticate against
our private APIs.
#### Encrypted Authentication Token
A generated `authToken` is returned to your client after being encrypted with
your `publicKey`. This `encryptedAuthToken` can only be decrypted with your
### Flow
- You are asked for an email address, to which a `oneTimeToken` is sent.
- Once you present this information correctly to our server, an `authToken` is
generated and an `encryptedAuthToken` is returned to you, along with your
other encrypted keys.
- You are then prompted to enter your password, using which your `masterKey` is
derived (as discussed [here](#key-encryption-flows-secondary-device)).
- Using this `masterKey`, the rest of your keys, including your `privateKey` is
decrypted (as discussed [here](#private-key)).
- Using your `privateKey`, the client will then decrypt the `encryptedAuthToken`
that was earlier encrypted by our server with your `publicKey`.
- This decrypted `authToken` can then from there on be used to authenticate all
API calls against our servers.
<img src="assets/authentication.svg" class="architecture-svg"
title="Authentication" />
### Security
Only by verifying access to your email and knowing your password can you obtain
an `authToken` that can be used to authenticate yourself against our servers.
## Implementation Details
We rely on the high level APIs exposed by this wonderful library called
#### Key Generation
is used to generate all random keys within the application. Your `masterKey`,
`recoveryKey`, `collectionKey`, `fileKey` are all 256-bit keys generated using
this API.
#### Key Pair Generation
is used to generate your `publicKey` and `privateKey` pairs.
#### Key Derivation
is used to derive your `keyEncryptionKey` from your password.
`crypto_pwhash_OPSLIMIT_SENSITIVE` and `crypto_pwhash_MEMLIMIT_SENSITIVE` are
used as the limits for computation and memory respectively. If the operation
fails due to insufficient memory, the former is doubled and the latter is halved
progressively, until a key can be derived. If during this process the memory
limit is reduced to a value less than `crypto_pwhash_MEMLIMIT_MIN`, the client
will not let you register from that device.
Internally, this uses [Argon2
which is regarded as [one of the best hashing
algorithms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argon2) currently available.
#### Symmetric Encryption
is used to encrypt your `masterKey`, `recoveryKey`, `privateKey`,
`collectionKey`s and `fileKey`s. Internally, this uses
stream cipher with [Poly1305
MAC](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8439#section-2.5) for
APIs are used to encrypt your file data in chunks. Internally, this uses
stream cipher with [Poly1305
MAC](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8439#section-2.5) for
#### Asymmetric Encryption
is used in sharing to encrypt a `collectionKey` with the receiver's `publicKey`.
It is also used to encrypt an `authToken` that is issued to a user, with their
Internally, this uses [X25519](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curve25519) for key
stream cipher for encryption and [Poly1305
MAC](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8439#section-2.5) for
#### Salt & Nonce Generation
[`randombytes_buf`](https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/generating_random_data) is
used to generate a new salt/nonce every time data needs to be hashed/encrypted.
#### Verification ID Generation
Verification ID is generated by converting the `sha256` value of a `publicKey`
to it's corresponding [BIP39](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0039) mnemonic
## Further Details
Thank you for reading this far! For implementation details, we request you to
checkout [our code](https://github.com/ente-io).
If you'd like to help us improve this document, kindly email
We have a [separate document](https://ente.io/reliability) that outlines how we
replicate your data across 3 different cloud providers to ensure reliability.