
677 lines
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2023-03-21 03:28:13 +00:00
2023-03-25 01:37:01 +00:00
"enterYourEmailAddress": "Enter your email address",
"accountWelcomeBack": "Welcome back!",
"email": "Email",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"verify": "Verify",
2023-04-04 14:28:20 +00:00
"invalidEmailAddress": "Invalid email address",
"enterValidEmail": "Please enter a valid email address.",
"deleteAccount": "Delete account",
"askDeleteReason": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"deleteAccountFeedbackPrompt": "We are sorry to see you go. Please share your feedback to help us improve.",
"feedback": "Feedback",
"kindlyHelpUsWithThisInformation": "Kindly help us with this information",
"confirmDeletePrompt": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data.",
"confirmAccountDeletion": "Confirm Account Deletion",
"deleteConfirmDialogBody": "You are about to permanently delete your account and all its data.\nThis action is irreversible.",
"deleteAccountPermanentlyButton": "Delete Account Permanently",
"yourAccountHasBeenDeleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"selectReason": "Select reason",
"deleteReason1": "Its missing a key feature that I need",
"deleteReason2": "The app or a certain feature does not \nbehave as I think it should",
"deleteReason3": "I found another service that I like better",
"deleteReason4": "My reason isnt listed",
"sendEmail": "Send email",
"deleteRequestSLAText": "Your request will be processed within 72 hours.",
"pleaseSendAnEmailTo": "Please send an email to",
"@pleaseSendAnEmailTo": {
"description": "This text is part of the sentence 'Please send an email to email@ente.io from your registered email address.'"
"fromYourRegisteredEmailAddress": "from your registered email address.",
"@fromYourRegisteredEmailAddress": {
"description": "This text is part of the sentence 'Please send an email to email@ente.io from your registered email address.'"
2023-04-04 16:56:36 +00:00
"ok": "Ok",
"createAccount": "Create account",
"createNewAccount": "Create new account",
"password": "Password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"activeSessions": "Active sessions",
"oops": "Oops",
"somethingWentWrongPleaseTryAgain": "Something went wrong, please try again",
"thisWillLogYouOutOfThisDevice": "This will log you out of this device!",
"thisWillLogYouOutOfTheFollowingDevice": "This will log you out of the following device:",
"terminateSession": "Terminate session?",
"terminate": "Terminate",
2023-04-04 17:02:16 +00:00
"thisDevice": "This device",
"recoverButton": "Recover",
"recoverySuccessful": "Recovery successful!",
"decrypting": "Decrypting...",
"incorrectRecoveryKeyTitle": "Incorrect recovery key",
"incorrectRecoveryKeyBody": "The recovery key you entered is incorrect",
"forgotPassword": "Forgot password",
"enterYourRecoveryKey": "Enter your recovery key",
"noRecoveryKey": "No recovery key?",
"sorry": "Sorry",
"noRecoveryKeyNoDecryption": "Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key",
"verifyEmail": "Verify email",
"checkInboxAndSpamFolder": "Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification",
"tapToEnterCode": "Tap to enter code",
"resendEmail": "Resend email",
"weveSentAMailTo": "We've sent a mail to",
"setPasswordTitle": "Set password",
"changePasswordTitle": "Change password",
"resetPasswordTitle": "Reset password",
"encryptionKeys": "Encryption keys",
"noPasswordWarningPart1": "We don't store this password, so if you forget,",
"@noPasswordWarningPart1": {
"description": "This text is part1 the sentence 'We don't store this password, so if you forget, we cannot decrypt your data.'"
"noPasswordWarningPart2": "we cannot decrypt your data",
"@noPasswordWarningPart2": {
"description": "This text is part2 the sentence 'We don't store this password, so if you forget, we cannot decrypt your data.'"
"enterPasswordToEncrypt": "Enter a password we can use to encrypt your data",
"enterNewPasswordToEncrypt": "Enter a new password we can use to encrypt your data",
"weakStrength": "Weak",
"strongStrength": "Strong",
"moderateStrength": "Moderate",
"passwordStrength": "Password strength: {passwordStrengthValue}",
"@passwordStrength": {
"description": "Text to indicate the password strength",
"placeholders": {
"passwordStrengthValue": {
"description": "The strength of the password as a string",
"type": "String",
"example": "Weak or Moderate or Strong"
"message": "Password Strength: {passwordStrengthText}"
"passwordChangedSuccessfully": "Password changed successfully",
"generatingEncryptionKeys": "Generating encryption keys...",
"pleaseWait": "Please wait...",
"continueLabel": "Continue",
"insecureDevice": "Insecure device",
"sorryWeCouldNotGenerateSecureKeysOnThisDevicennplease": "Sorry, we could not generate secure keys on this device.\n\nplease sign up from a different device.",
2023-04-04 19:05:53 +00:00
"howItWorks": "How it works",
"encryption": "Encryption",
"ackPasswordLostWarningPart1": "I understand that if I lose my password, I may lose my data since my data is ",
"endToEndEncrypted": "end-to-end encrypted",
"ackPasswordLostWarningPart2": " with ente",
"@ackPasswordLostWarningPart2": {
"description": "This text is part2 the sentence 'I understand that if I lose my password, I may lose my data since my data is end-to-end encrypted with ente.'"
"privacyPolicyTitle": "Privacy Policy",
"termsOfServicesTitle": "Terms",
2023-04-04 19:09:22 +00:00
"termsAgreePart1": "I agree to the ",
2023-04-04 19:05:53 +00:00
"@termsAgreePart1": {
2023-04-04 19:09:22 +00:00
"description": "Note: there's a trailing space. This text is part the sentence 'I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.'"
2023-04-04 19:05:53 +00:00
"privacyPolicy": "privacy policy",
"and": "and",
"@and": {
"description": "Separator used in sentences like 'I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.'"
2023-04-04 19:16:37 +00:00
"termsOfService": "terms of service",
"logInLabel": "Log in",
"byClickingLogInIAgreeToThe": "By clicking log in, I agree to the",
"@byClickingLogInIAgreeToThe": {
"description": "This text is part the sentence 'By clicking log in, I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy'"
2023-04-04 20:21:40 +00:00
"changeEmail": "Change email",
"enterYourPassword": "Enter your password",
"welcomeBack": "Welcome back!",
"contactSupport": "Contact support",
"incorrectPasswordTitle": "Incorrect password",
"pleaseTryAgain": "Please try again",
"recreatePasswordTitle": "Recreate password",
"useRecoveryKey": "Use recovery key",
"recreatePasswordBody": "The current device is not powerful enough to verify your ",
"verifyPassword": "Verify password",
"recoveryKey": "Recovery key",
"recoveryKeyOnForgotPassword": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"recoveryKeySaveDescription": "We don't store this key, please save this 24 word key in a safe place.",
"doThisLater": "Do this later",
"saveKey": "Save key",
"recoveryKeyCopiedToClipboard": "Recovery key copied to clipboard",
"recoverAccount": "Recover account",
"recover": "Recover",
"dropSupportEmail": "Please drop an email to {supportEmail} from your registered email address",
"@dropSupportEmail": {
"placeholders": {
"supportEmail": {
"description": "The support email address",
"type": "String",
"example": "support@ente.io"
"twofactorSetup": "Two-factor setup",
"enterCode": "Enter code",
"scanCode": "Scan code",
"codeCopiedToClipboard": "Code copied to clipboard",
"copypasteThisCodentoYourAuthenticatorApp": "Copy-paste this code\nto your authenticator app",
"tapToCopy": "tap to copy",
"scanThisBarcodeWithnyourAuthenticatorApp": "Scan this barcode with\nyour authenticator app",
"enterThe6digitCodeFromnyourAuthenticatorApp": "Enter the 6-digit code from\nyour authenticator app",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"setupComplete": "Setup complete",
"saveYourRecoveryKeyIfYouHaventAlready": "Save your recovery key if you haven't already",
"thisCanBeUsedToRecoverYourAccountIfYou": "This can be used to recover your account if you lose your second factor",
"twofactorAuthenticationPageTitle": "Two-factor authentication",
"lostDevice": "Lost device?",
"verifyingRecoveryKey": "Verifying recovery key...",
"recoveryKeyVerified": "Recovery key verified",
"recoveryKeySuccessBody": "Great! Your recovery key is valid. Thank you for verifying.\n\nPlease remember to keep your recovery key safely backed up.",
"invalidRecoveryKey": "The recovery key you entered is not valid. Please make sure it ",
"invalidKey": "Invalid key",
"tryAgain": "Try again",
"viewRecoveryKey": "View recovery key",
"confirmRecoveryKey": "Confirm recovery key",
"recoveryKeyVerifyReason": "Your recovery key is the only way to recover your photos if you forget your password. You can find your recovery key in Settings > Account.\n\nPlease enter your recovery key here to verify that you have saved it correctly.",
"confirmYourRecoveryKey": "Confirm your recovery key",
"addViewer": "Add viewer",
"addCollaborator": "Add collaborator",
"addANewEmail": "Add a new email",
"orPickAnExistingOne": "Or pick an existing one",
"collaboratorsCanAddPhotosAndVideosToTheSharedAlbum": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album.",
2023-04-05 01:06:58 +00:00
"enterEmail": "Enter email",
"albumOwner": "Owner",
"@albumOwner": {
"description": "Role of the album owner"
2023-04-05 01:06:58 +00:00
"you": "You",
"collaborator": "Collaborator",
"addMore": "Add more",
"@addMore": {
"description": "Button text to add more collaborators/viewers"
2023-04-05 01:06:58 +00:00
"viewer": "Viewer",
"remove": "Remove",
"removeParticipant": "Remove participant",
"@removeParticipant": {
"description": "menuSectionTitle for removing a participant"
"manage": "Manage",
"addedAs": "Added as",
"changePermissions": "Change permissions?",
"yesConvertToViewer": "Yes, convert to viewer",
2023-04-05 03:25:35 +00:00
"cannotAddMorePhotosAfterBecomingViewer": "{user} will not be able to add more photos to this album\n\nThey will still be able to remove existing photos added by them",
"allowAddingPhotos": "Allow adding photos",
"@allowAddingPhotos": {
"description": "Switch button to enable uploading photos to a public link"
"allowAddPhotosDescription": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"passwordLock": "Password lock",
"disableDownloadWarningTitle": "Please note",
"disableDownloadWarningBody": "Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools",
"allowDownloads": "Allow downloads",
"linkDeviceLimit": "Device limit",
"linkExpiry": "Link expiry",
"linkExpired": "Expired",
"linkEnabled": "Enabled",
"linkNeverExpires": "Never",
"expiredLinkInfo": "This link has expired. Please select a new expiry time or disable link expiry.",
"setAPassword": "Set a password",
"lockButtonLabel": "Lock",
"enterPassword": "Enter password",
"removeLink": "Remove link",
"manageLink": "Manage link",
"linkExpiresOn": "Link will expire on {expiryTime}",
2023-04-05 04:30:41 +00:00
"albumUpdated": "Album updated",
"maxDeviceLimitSpikeHandling": "When set to the maximum ({maxValue}), the device limit will be relaxed to allow for temporary spikes of large number of viewers.",
"@maxDeviceLimitSpikeHandling": {
"placeholders": {
"maxValue": {
"type": "int",
"example": "100"
"never": "Never",
"custom": "Custom",
"@custom": {
"description": "Label for setting custom value for link expiry"
"after1Hour": "After 1 hour",
"after1Day": "After 1 day",
"after1Week": "After 1 week",
"after1Month": "After 1 month",
"after1Year": "After 1 year",
"manageParticipants": "Manage",
"collabLinkSectionDescription": "Create a link to allow people to add and view photos in your shared album without needing an ente app or account. Great for collecting event photos.",
"collectPhotos": "Collect photos",
"collaborativeLink": "Collaborative link",
"shareWithNonenteUsers": "Share with non-ente users",
"createPublicLink": "Create public link",
"sendLink": "Send link",
"copyLink": "Copy link",
"linkHasExpired": "Link has expired",
"publicLinkEnabled": "Public link enabled",
"shareALink": "Share a link",
"sharedAlbumSectionDescription": "Create shared and collaborative albums with other ente users, including users on free plans.",
2023-04-05 05:17:14 +00:00
"shareWithPeopleSectionTitle": "{numberOfPeople, plural, =0 {Share with specific people} =1 {Shared with 1 person} other {Shared with {numberOfPeople} people}}",
"@shareWithPeopleSectionTitle": {
"placeholders": {
"numberOfPeople": {
"type": "int",
"example": "2"
2023-04-05 04:30:41 +00:00
"thisIsYourVerificationId": "This is your Verification ID",
"someoneSharingAlbumsWithYouShouldSeeTheSameId": "Someone sharing albums with you should see the same ID on their device.",
"howToViewShareeVerificationID": "Please ask them to long-press their email address on the settings screen, and verify that the IDs on both devices match.",
"thisIsPersonVerificationId": "This is {email}'s Verification ID",
"@thisIsPersonVerificationId": {
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"type": "String",
"example": "someone@ente.io"
"verificationId": "Verification ID",
2023-04-05 05:17:14 +00:00
"verifyEmailID": "Verify {email}",
"emailNoEnteAccount": "{email} does not have an ente account.\n\nSend them an invite to share photos.",
"shareMyVerificationID": "Here's my verification ID: {verificationID} for ente.io.",
"shareTextConfirmOthersVerificationID": "Hey, can you confirm that this is your ente.io verification ID: {verificationID}",
"somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
"sendInvite": "Send invite",
2023-04-05 09:50:48 +00:00
"shareTextRecommendUsingEnte": "Download ente so we can easily share original quality photos and videos\n\nhttps://ente.io/#download",
2023-04-05 06:30:39 +00:00
"done": "Done",
"applyCodeTitle": "Apply code",
"enterCodeDescription": "Enter the code provided by your friend to claim free storage for both of you",
"apply": "Apply",
"failedToApplyCode": "Failed to apply code",
"enterReferralCode": "Enter referral code",
"codeAppliedPageTitle": "Code applied",
"storageInGB": "{storageAmountInGB} GB",
"claimed": "Claimed",
"@claimed": {
"description": "Used to indicate storage claimed, like 10GB Claimed"
"details": "Details",
"claimMore": "Claim more!",
"theyAlsoGetXGb": "They also get {storageAmountInGB} GB",
"freeStorageOnReferralSuccess": "{storageAmountInGB} GB each time someone signs up for a paid plan and applies your code",
2023-04-05 07:03:45 +00:00
"shareTextReferralCode": "ente referral code: {referralCode} \n\nApply it in Settings → General → Referrals to get {referralStorageInGB} GB free after you signup for a paid plan\n\nhttps://ente.io",
"claimFreeStorage": "Claim free storage",
"inviteYourFriends": "Invite your friends",
"failedToFetchReferralDetails": "Unable to fetch referral details. Please try again later.",
"referralStep1": "1. Give this code to your friends",
"referralStep2": "2. They sign up for a paid plan",
"referralStep3": "3. Both of you get {storageInGB} GB* free",
"referralsAreCurrentlyPaused": "Referrals are currently paused",
"youCanAtMaxDoubleYourStorage": "* You can at max double your storage",
2023-04-05 07:50:02 +00:00
"claimedStorageSoFar": "{isFamilyMember, select, true {Your family has claimed {storageAmountInGb} Gb so far} false {You have claimed {storageAmountInGb} Gb so far} other {You have claimed {storageAmountInGb} Gb so far!}}",
2023-04-05 07:03:45 +00:00
"@claimedStorageSoFar": {
"placeholders": {
2023-04-05 07:50:02 +00:00
"isFamilyMember": {
"type": "String",
"example": "true"
2023-04-05 07:03:45 +00:00
"storageAmountInGb": {
"type": "int",
"example": "10"
"faq": "FAQ",
"oopsSomethingWentWrong": "Oops, something went wrong",
"peopleUsingYourCode": "People using your code",
"eligible": "eligible",
"total": "total",
"codeUsedByYou": "Code used by you",
"freeStorageClaimed": "Free storage claimed",
"freeStorageUsable": "Free storage usable",
2023-04-05 07:50:02 +00:00
"usableReferralStorageInfo": "Usable storage is limited by your current plan. Excess claimed storage will automatically become usable when you upgrade your plan.",
"removeFromAlbum": "Remove from album?",
"itemsWillBeRemovedFromAlbum": "Selected items will be removed from this album",
"removeShareItemsWarning": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them",
"addingToFavorites": "Adding to favorites...",
"removingFromFavorites": "Removing from favorites...",
"sorryCouldNotAddToFavorites": "Sorry, could not add to favorites!",
"sorryCouldNotRemoveFromFavorites": "Sorry, could not remove from favorites!",
"subscribeToEnableSharing": "Looks like your subscription has expired. Please subscribe to enable sharing.",
"subscribe": "Subscribe",
"canOnlyRemoveFilesOwnedByYou": "Can only remove files owned by you",
"deleteSharedAlbum": "Delete shared album?",
"deleteAlbum": "Delete album",
2023-04-05 09:50:48 +00:00
"deleteAlbumDialogPart1": "Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from ",
"@deleteAlbumDialogPart1": {
"description": "Part of this string 'Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from all other albums they are part of?'"
"deleteAlbumDialogPart2Bold": "all",
"@deleteAlbumDialogPart2Bold": {
"description": "Part of this string 'Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from all other albums they are part of?'"
"deleteAlbumDialogPart3": " other albums they are part of?",
"@deleteAlbumDialogPart3": {
"description": "Part of this string 'Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from all other albums they are part of?'"
"deleteSharedAlbumDialogBody": "The album will be deleted for everyone\n\nYou will lose access to shared photos in this album that are owned by others",
"yesRemove": "Yes, remove",
"creatingLink": "Creating link...",
"removeWithQuestionMark": "Remove?",
"removeParticipantBody": "{userEmail} will be removed from this shared album\n\nAny photos added by them will also be removed from the album",
"keepPhotos": "Keep Photos",
"deletePhotos": "Delete photos",
"inviteToEnte": "Invite to ente",
"removePublicLink": "Remove public link",
"disableLinkMessage": "This will remove the public link for accessing \"{albumName}\".",
"sharing": "Sharing...",
"youCannotShareWithYourself": "You cannot share with yourself",
"archive": "Archive",
"createAlbumActionHint": "Long press to select photos and click + to create an album",
"importing": "Importing....",
"failedToLoadAlbums": "Failed to load albums",
"hidden": "Hidden",
"authToViewYourHiddenFiles": "Please authenticate to view your hidden files",
"trash": "Trash",
2023-04-06 04:03:32 +00:00
"uncategorized": "Uncategorized",
"videoSmallCase": "video",
"photoSmallCase": "photo",
"singleFileDeleteHighlight": "It will be deleted from all albums.",
"singleFileInBothLocalAndRemote": "This {fileType} is in both ente and your device.",
"singleFileInRemoteOnly": "This {fileType} will be deleted from ente.",
"singleFileDeleteFromDevice": "This {fileType} will be deleted from your device.",
"deleteFromEnte": "Delete from ente",
"yesDelete": "Yes, delete",
"movedToTrash": "Moved to trash",
"deleteFromDevice": "Delete from device",
"deleteFromBoth": "Delete from both",
"newAlbum": "New album",
"albums": "Albums",
"memoryCount": "{count, plural, zero{no memories} one{{count} memory} other{{count} memories}}",
"@memoryCount": {
"description": "The text to display the number of memories",
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "1",
"type": "int"
"selectedPhotos": "{count} selected",
"@selectedPhotos": {
"description": "Display the number of selected photos",
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "5",
"type": "int"
"selectedPhotosWithYours": "{count} selected ({yourCount} yours)",
"@selectedPhotosWithYours": {
"description": "Display the number of selected photos, including the number of selected photos owned by the user",
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "12",
"type": "int"
"yourCount": {
"example": "2",
"type": "int"
"advancedSettings": "Advanced",
"@advancedSettings": {
"description": "The text to display in the advanced settings section"
"photoGridSize": "Photo grid size",
"manageDeviceStorage": "Manage device storage",
"selectFoldersForBackup": "Select folders for backup",
"selectedFoldersWillBeEncryptedAndBackedUp": "Selected folders will be encrypted and backed up",
"unselectAll": "Unselect all",
"selectAll": "Select all",
"skip": "Skip",
"updatingFolderSelection": "Updating folder selection...",
"itemCount": "{count, plural, one{{count} item} other{{count} items}}",
2023-04-06 08:44:06 +00:00
"yearsAgo": "{count, plural, one{{count} year ago} other{{count} years ago}}",
"backupSettings": "Backup settings",
"backupOverMobileData": "Backup over mobile data",
"backupVideos": "Backup videos",
"disableAutoLock": "Disable auto lock",
"deviceLockExplanation": "Disable the device screen lock when ente is in the foreground and there is a backup in progress. This is normally not needed, but may help big uploads and initial imports of large libraries complete faster.",
"about": "About",
"weAreOpenSource": "We are open source!",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"terms": "Terms",
"checkForUpdates": "Check for updates",
"checking": "Checking...",
2023-04-06 04:42:07 +00:00
"youAreOnTheLatestVersion": "You are on the latest version",
"account": "Account",
"manageSubscription": "Manage subscription",
"authToChangeYourEmail": "Please authenticate to change your email",
"changePassword": "Change password",
"authToChangeYourPassword": "Please authenticate to change your password",
"exportYourData": "Export your data",
"logout": "Logout",
"authToInitiateAccountDeletion": "Please authenticate to initiate account deletion",
"areYouSureYouWantToLogout": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"yesLogout": "Yes, logout",
"aNewVersionOfEnteIsAvailable": "A new version of ente is available.",
"update": "Update",
"installManually": "Install manually",
"criticalUpdateAvailable": "Critical update available",
"updateAvailable": "Update available",
"downloading": "Downloading...",
"theDownloadCouldNotBeCompleted": "The download could not be completed",
"retry": "Retry",
"backedUpFolders": "Backed up folders",
"backup": "Backup",
"freeUpDeviceSpace": "Free up device space",
"allClear": "✨ All clear",
"noDeviceThatCanBeDeleted": "You've no files on this device that can be deleted",
"removeDuplicates": "Remove duplicates",
"noDuplicates": "✨ No duplicates",
"youveNoDuplicateFilesThatCanBeCleared": "You've no duplicate files that can be cleared",
"success": "Success",
"rateUs": "Rate us",
"remindToEmptyDeviceTrash": "Also empty \"Recently Deleted\" from \"Settings\" -> \"Storage\" to claim the freed space",
"youHaveSuccessfullyFreedUp": "You have successfully freed up {storageSaved}!",
"@youHaveSuccessfullyFreedUp": {
"description": "The text to display when the user has successfully freed up storage",
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {
"storageSaved": {
"example": "1.2 GB",
"type": "String"
"remindToEmptyEnteTrash": "Also empty your \"Trash\" to claim the freed up space",
"sparkleSuccess": "✨ Success",
"duplicateFileCountWithStorageSaved": "Your have cleaned up {count, plural, one{{count} duplicate file} other{{count} duplicate files}}, saving ({storageSaved}!)",
"@duplicateFileCountWithStorageSaved": {
"description": "The text to display when the user has successfully cleaned up duplicate files",
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "1",
"type": "int"
"storageSaved": {
"example": "1.2 GB",
"type": "String"
"familyPlans": "Family plans",
"referrals": "Referrals",
"advanced": "Advanced",
"general": "General",
"security": "Security",
"authToViewYourRecoveryKey": "Please authenticate to view your recovery key",
"twofactor": "Two-factor",
"authToConfigureTwofactorAuthentication": "Please authenticate to configure two-factor authentication",
"lockscreen": "Lockscreen",
"authToChangeLockscreenSetting": "Please authenticate to change lockscreen setting",
"lockScreenEnablePreSteps": "To enable lockscreen, please setup device passcode or screen lock in your system settings.",
"viewActiveSessions": "View active sessions",
"authToViewYourActiveSessions": "Please authenticate to view your active sessions",
"disableTwofactor": "Disable two-factor",
"confirm2FADisable": "Are you sure you want to disable two-factor authentication?",
"no": "No",
"yes": "Yes",
"social": "Social",
"rateUsOnStore": "Rate us on {storeName}",
"blog": "Blog",
"merchandise": "Merchandise",
"twitter": "Twitter",
"mastodon": "Mastodon",
"matrix": "Matrix",
"discord": "Discord",
"reddit": "Reddit",
"yourStorageDetailsCouldNotBeFetched": "Your storage details could not be fetched",
"reportABug": "Report a bug",
"reportBug": "Report bug",
"suggestFeatures": "Suggest features",
"support": "Support",
"theme": "Theme",
"lightTheme": "Light",
"darkTheme" : "Dark",
"systemTheme": "System",
"freeTrial": "Free trial",
"selectYourPlan": "Select your plan",
"enteSubscriptionPitch": "ente preserves your memories, so they're always available to you, even if you lose your device.",
"enteSubscriptionShareWithFamily": "Your family can be added to your plan as well.",
"currentUsageIs": "Current usage is ",
"@currentUsageIs": {
"description": "This text is followed by storage usaged",
"examples": [
"Current usage is 1.2 GB"
"type": "text"
"faqs": "FAQs",
"renewsOn": "Renews on {endDate}",
"freeTrialValidTill": "Free trial valid till {endDate}",
"subWillBeCancelledOn": "Your subscription will be cancelled on {endDate}",
"subscription": "Subscription",
"paymentDetails": "Payment details",
"manageFamily": "Manage Family",
"contactToManageSubscription": "Please contact us at support@ente.io to manage your {provider} subscription.",
"renewSubscription": "Renew subscription",
"cancelSubscription": "Cancel subscription",
"areYouSureYouWantToRenew": "Are you sure you want to renew?",
"yesRenew": "Yes, Renew",
"areYouSureYouWantToCancel": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"yesCancel": "Yes, cancel",
"failedToRenew": "Failed to renew",
"failedToCancel": "Failed to cancel",
"twoMonthsFreeOnYearlyPlans": "2 months free on yearly plans",
"monthly": "Monthly",
"@monthly": {
"description": "The text to display for monthly plans",
"type": "text"
"yearly": "Yearly",
"@yearly": {
"description": "The text to display for yearly plans",
"type": "text"
"confirmPlanChange": "Confirm plan change",
"areYouSureYouWantToChangeYourPlan": "Are you sure you want to change your plan?",
"youCannotDowngradeToThisPlan": "You cannot downgrade to this plan",
"cancelOtherSubscription": "Please cancel your existing subscription from {paymentProvider} first",
"@cancelOtherSubscription": {
"description": "The text to display when the user has an existing subscription from a different payment provider",
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {
"paymentProvider": {
"example": "Apple",
"type": "String"
"optionalAsShortAsYouLike": "Optional, as short as you like...",
"send": "Send",
"askCancelReason": "Your subscription was cancelled. Would you like to share the reason?",
"thankYouForSubscribing": "Thank you for subscribing!",
2023-04-06 08:39:34 +00:00
"yourPurchaseWasSuccessful": "Your purchase was successful",
"yourPlanWasSuccessfullyUpgraded": "Your plan was successfully upgraded",
"yourPlanWasSuccessfullyDowngraded": "Your plan was successfully downgraded",
2023-04-06 08:39:34 +00:00
"yourSubscriptionWasUpdatedSuccessfully": "Your subscription was updated successfully",
"googlePlayId": "Google Play ID",
"appleId": "Apple ID",
"playstoreSubscription": "PlayStore subscription",
"appstoreSubscription": "AppStore subscription",
"subAlreadyLinkedErrMessage": "Your {id} is already linked to another ente account.\nIf you would like to use your {id} with this account, please contact our support''",
"visitWebToManage": "Please visit web.ente.io to manage your subscription",
"couldNotUpdateSubscription": "Could not update subscription",
"pleaseContactSupportAndWeWillBeHappyToHelp": "Please contact support@ente.io and we will be happy to help!",
"paymentFailed": "Payment failed",
"paymentFailedTalkToProvider" : "Please talk to {providerName} support if you were charged",
"@paymentFailedTalkToProvider": {
"description": "The text to display when the payment failed",
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {
"providerName": {
"example": "AppStore|PlayStore",
"type": "String"
2023-04-06 08:39:34 +00:00
"continueOnFreeTrial": "Continue on free trial",
"areYouSureYouWantToExit": "Are you sure you want to exit?",
"thankYou": "Thank you",
"failedToVerifyPaymentStatus": "Failed to verify payment status",
"pleaseWaitForSometimeBeforeRetrying": "Please wait for sometime before retrying",
"paymentFailedWithReason": "Unfortunately your payment failed due to {reason}",
"youAreOnAFamilyPlan": "You are on a family plan!",
"contactFamilyAdminPart1": "Please contact",
"@contactFamilyAdminPart1": {
"description": "Part1 of the sentence 'Please contact {familyAdminName} to manage your subscription'",
"type": "text"
"contactFamilyAdminPart2": "to manage your subscription",
"@contactFamilyAdminPart2": {
"description": "Part2 of the sentence 'Please contact {familyAdminName} to manage your subscription'",
"type": "text"
"leaveFamily": "Leave family",
"areYouSureThatYouWantToLeaveTheFamily": "Are you sure that you want to leave the family plan?",
"leave": "Leave",
"rateTheApp": "Rate the app",
"startBackup": "Start backup",
"noPhotosAreBeingBackedUpRightNow": "No photos are being backed up right now",
"preserveMore": "Preserve more",
"existingUser": "Existing user",
"privateBackups": "Private backups",
"forYourMemories": "for your memories",
"endtoendEncryptedByDefault": "End-to-end encrypted by default",
"safelyStored": "Safely stored",
"atAFalloutShelter": "at a fallout shelter",
"designedToOutlive": "Designed to outlive",
"available": "Available",
"everywhere": "everywhere",
"androidIosWebDesktop": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"mobileWebDesktop": "Mobile, Web, Desktop",
"newToEnte": "New to ente",
"pleaseLoginAgain": "Please login again",
"devAccountChanged": "The developer account we use to publish ente on App Store has changed. Because of this, you will need to login again.\n\nOur apologies for the inconvenience, but this was unavoidable.",
"yourSubscriptionHasExpired": "Your subscription has expired",
"storageLimitExceeded": "Storage limit exceeded",
"upgrade": "Upgrade",
"raiseTicket": "Raise ticket",
"backupFailed": "Backup failed",
2023-04-06 08:51:23 +00:00
"couldNotBackUpTryLater": "We could not backup your data.\nWe will retry later.",
"enteCanEncryptAndPreserveFilesOnlyIfYouGrant": "ente can encrypt and preserve files only if you grant access to them",
"pleaseGrantPermissions": "Please grant permissions",
"privateSharing": "Private sharing",
"shareOnlyWithThePeopleYouWant": "Share only with the people you want",
"usePublicLinksForPeopleNotOnEnte": "Use public links for people not on ente",
"allowPeopleToAddPhotos": "Allow people to add photos",
"shareAnAlbumNow": "Share an album now",
2023-04-06 08:59:52 +00:00
"collectEventPhotos": "Collect event photos",
"sessionExpired": "Session expired",
"loggingOut": "Logging out..."
2023-03-21 03:28:13 +00:00