2020-08-05 11:24:34 +02:00

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## Understanding scenarios
Scenarios are YAML files that allow to detect and qualify a specific behavior, usually an attack.
Scenarios receive {{event.htmlname}}(s) and can produce {{overflow.htmlname}}(s) using the [leaky bucket]( algorithm.
As an {{event.htmlname}} can be the representation of a log line, or an overflow, it allows scenarios to process both logs or overflows to allow inference.
Scenarios can be of different types (leaky, trigger, counter), and are based on various factors, such as :
- the speed/frequency of the [leaky bucket](
- the capacity of the [leaky bucket](
- the characteristic(s) of eligible {{event.htmlname}}(s) : "log type XX with field YY set to ZZ"
- various filters/directives that can alter the bucket's behavior, such as [groupby](/references/scenarios/#groupby), [distinct](references/scenarios/#distinct) or [blackhole](/references/scenarios/#blackhole)
Behind the scenes, {{}} is going to create one or more buckets when events with matching characteristics arrive to the scenario. When any of these buckets overflows, the scenario has been triggered.
_Bucket partitioning_ : One scenario usually leads to many buckets creation, as each bucket is only tracking a specific subset of events. For example, if we are tracking brute-force, each "offending peer" get its own bucket.
A way to detect a http scanner might be to track the number of distinct non-existing pages it's requesting, and the scenario might look like this :
#the bucket type : leaky, trigger, counter
type: leaky
#name and description for humans
name: crowdsecurity/http-scan-uniques_404
description: "Detect multiple unique 404 from a single ip"
#a filter to know which events are eligible
filter: "evt.Meta.service == 'http' && evt.Meta.http_status in ['404', '403', '400']"
#how we are going to partition buckets
groupby: "evt.Meta.source_ip"
#we are only interested into counting UNIQUE/DISTINCT requested URLs
distinct: "evt.Meta.http_path"
#we specify the bucket capacity and leak speed
capacity: 5
leakspeed: "10s"
#this will prevent the same bucket from overflowing more often than every 5 minutes
blackhole: 5m
#some labels to give context to the overflow
service: http
type: scan
#yes we want to ban people triggering this
remediation: true
## Scenario concepts
### TimeMachine
{{}} can be used not only to process live logs, but as well to process "cold" logs (think forensics).
For this to be able to work, the date/time from the log must have been properly parsed for the scenario temporal aspect to be able to work properly. This relies on the [dateparser enrichment](
## Scenario directives
### type
type: leaky|trigger|counter
Defines the type of the bucket. Currently three types are supported :
- `leaky` : a [leaky bucket]( that must be configured with a {{capacity.htmlname}} and a {{leakspeed.htmlname}}
- `trigger` : a bucket that overflows as soon as an event is poured (it's like a leaky bucket is a capacity of 0)
- `counter` : a bucket that only overflows every {{duration.htmlname}}. It's especially useful to count things.
### name & description
name: my_author_name/my_scenario_name
description: A scenario that detect XXXX behavior
Mandatory `name` and `description` for said scenario.
The name must be unique (and will define the scenario's name in the hub), and the description must be a quick sentence describing what it detects.
### filter
filter: expression
`filter` must be a valid {{expr.htmlname}} expression that will be evaluated against the {{event.htmlname}}.
If `filter` evaluation returns true or is absent, event will be pour in the bucket.
If `filter` returns `false` or a non-boolean, the event will be skip for this bucket.
Here is the [expr documentation](
Examples :
- `evt.Meta.log_type == 'telnet_new_session'`
- `evt.Meta.log_type in ['http_access-log', 'http_error-log'] && evt.Parsed.static_ressource == 'false'`
- `evt.Meta.log_type == 'ssh_failed-auth'`
### duration
duration: 45s
duration: 10m
(applicable to `counter` buckets only)
A duration after which the bucket will overflow.
The format must be compatible with [golang ParseDuration format](
Examples :
type: counter
name: crowdsecurity/ban-reports-ssh_bf_report
description: "Count unique ips performing ssh bruteforce"
filter: "evt.Overflow.Scenario == 'ssh_bruteforce'"
distinct: "evt.Overflow.Source_ip"
capacity: -1
duration: 10m
service: ssh
### groupby
groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip
an {{expr.htmlname}} that must return a string. This string will be used as to partition the buckets.
Examples :
Here, each `source_ip` will get its own bucket.
type: leaky
groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip
Here, each unique combo of `source_ip` + `target_username` will get its own bucket.
type: leaky
groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip + '--' + evt.Parsed.target_username
### distinct
distinct: evt.Meta.http_path
an {{expr.htmlname}} that must return a string. The event will be poured **only** if the string is not already present in the bucket.
Examples :
This will ensure that events that keep triggering the same `.Meta.http_path` will be poured only once.
type: leaky
distinct: "evt.Meta.http_path"
In the logs, you can see it like this (for example from the iptables-logs portscan detection) :
DEBU[2020-05-13T11:29:51+02:00] Uniq(7681) : ok buck..
DEBU[2020-05-13T11:29:51+02:00] Uniq(7681) : ko, discard event buck..
The first event has been poured (value `7681`) was not yet present in the events, while the second time, the event got discarded because the value was already present in the bucket.
### capacity
capacity: 5
(Applies only to `leaky` buckets)
A positive integer representing the bucket capacity.
If there are more than `capacity` item in the bucket, it will overflow.
### leakspeed
leakspeed: "10s"
(Applies only to `leaky` buckets)
A duration that represent how often an event will be leaking from the bucket.
Must be compatible with [golang ParseDuration format](
Here the bucket will leak one item every 10 seconds, and can hold up to 5 items before overflowing.
type: leaky
leakspeed: "10s"
capacity: 5
### labels
service: ssh
type: bruteforce
remediation: true
Labels is a list of `label: values` that provide context to an overflow.
The labels are (currently) not stored in the database, nor they are sent to the API.
Special labels :
- The **remediation** label, if set to `true` indicate the the originating IP should be ban.
- The **scope** label, can be set to `ip` or `range` when **remediation** is set to true, and indicate to which scope should the decision apply. If you set a scenario with **remediation** to true and **scope** to `range` and the range of the IP could have been determined by the GeoIP library, the whole range to which the IP belongs will be banned.
Example :
The IP that triggered the overflow (`.Meta.source_ip`) will be banned.
type: leaky
service: ssh
type: bruteforce
remediation: true
The range to which the offending IP belong (`.Meta.source_ip`) will be banned.
type: leaky
type: distributed_attack
remediation: true
scope: range
### blackhole
blackhole: 10m
A duration for which a bucket will be "silenced" after overflowing.
This is intended to limit / avoid spam of buckets that might be very rapidly triggered.
The blackhole only applies to the individual bucket rather than the whole scenario.
Must be compatible with [golang ParseDuration format](
Example :
The same `source_ip` won't be able to trigger this overflow more than once every 10 minutes.
The potential overflows in the meanwhile will be discarded (but will still appear in logs as being blackholed).
type: trigger
blackhole: 10m
groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip
### debug
debug: true|false
_default: false_
If set to to `true`, enabled scenario level debugging.
It is meant to help understanding scenario behavior by providing contextual logging :
<summary>debug of filters and expression results</summary>
DEBU[31-07-2020 16:34:58] eval(evt.Meta.log_type in ["http_access-log", "http_error-log"] && any(File("bad_user_agents.txt"), {evt.Parsed.http_user_agent contains #})) = TRUE cfg=still-feather file=config/scenarios/http-bad-user-agent.yaml name=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent
DEBU[31-07-2020 16:34:58] eval variables: cfg=still-feather file=config/scenarios/http-bad-user-agent.yaml name=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent
DEBU[31-07-2020 16:34:58] evt.Meta.log_type = 'http_access-log' cfg=still-feather file=config/scenarios/http-bad-user-agent.yaml name=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent
DEBU[31-07-2020 16:34:58] evt.Parsed.http_user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.00 (Nikto/2.1.5) (Evasions:None) (Test:002810)' cfg=still-feather file=config/scenarios/http-bad-user-agent.yaml name=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent
### reprocess
reprocess: true|false
_default: false_
If set to `true`, the resulting overflow will be sent again in the scenario/parsing pipeline.
It is useful when you want to have further scenarios that will rely on past-overflows to take decisions.
### cache_size
cache_size: 5
By default, a bucket holds {{capacity.htmlname}} events "in memory".
However, for a number of cases, you don't want this, as it might lead to excessive memory consumption.
By setting `cache_size` to a positive integer, we can control the maximum in-memory cache size of the bucket, without changing its capacity and such. This is especially useful when using `counter` buckets on long duration that might end up counting (and this storing in memory) an important number of events.
### overflow_filter
overflow_filter: any(queue.Queue, { .Enriched.IsInEU == "true" })
`overflow_filter` is an {{expr.htmlname}} that is run when the bucket overflows.
If this expression is present and returns false, the overflow will be discarded.
### data
- source_url: https://URL/TO/FILE
[type: regexp]
`data` allows user to specify an external source of data.
This section is only relevant when `cscli` is used to install scenario from hub, as ill download the `source_url` and store it to `dest_file`. When the scenario is not installed from the hub, {{}} won't download the URL, but the file must exist for the scenario to be loaded correctly.
If `type` is set to `regexp`, the content of the file must be one valid (re2) regular expression per line.
Those regexps will be compiled and kept in cache.
name: crowdsecurity/cdn-whitelist
- source_url:
dest_file: cloudflare_ips.txt