
7.6 KiB

What are whitelists

Whitelists are special parsers that allow you to "discard" events, and can exist at two different steps :

  • Parser whitelists : Allows you to discard an event at parse time, so that it never hits the buckets.
  • PostOverflow whitelists : Those are whitelists that are checked after the overflow happens. It is usually best for whitelisting process that can be expensive (such as performing reverse DNS on an IP, or performing a whois of an IP).

!!! info While the whitelists are the same for parser or postoverflows, beware that field names might change. Source ip is usually in evt.Meta.source_ip when it's a log, but evt.Overflow.Source_ip when it's an overflow

The whitelist can be based on several criteria :

  • specific ip address : if the event/overflow IP is the same, event is whitelisted
  • ip ranges : if the event/overflow IP belongs to this range, event is whitelisted
  • a list of {{expr.htmlname}} expressions : if any expression returns true, event is whitelisted

Here is an example showcasing configuration :

name: crowdsecurity/my-whitelists
description: "Whitelist events from my ipv4 addresses"
#it's a normal parser, so we can restrict its scope with filter
filter: "1 == 1"
  reason: "my ipv4 ranges"
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
  #beware, this one will work *only* if you enabled the reverse dns (crowdsecurity/rdns) enrichment postoverflow parser
    - evt.Enriched.reverse_dns endsWith ""
  #this one will work *only* if you enabled the geoip (crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich) enrichment parser
    - evt.Enriched.IsoCode == 'FR'

Whitelists in parsing

When a whitelist is present in parsing /etc/crowdsec/config/parsers/..., it will be checked/discarded before being poured to any bucket. These whitelists intentionally generate no logs and are useful to discard noisy false positive sources.

Whitelist by ip

Let's assume we have a setup with a crowdsecurity/nginx collection enabled and no whitelists.

Thus, if I "attack" myself :

nikto -host

my own IP will be flagged as being an attacker :

$ tail -f /var/log/crowdsec.log 
ime="07-07-2020 16:13:16" level=warning msg="80.x.x.x triggered a 4h0m0s ip ban remediation for [crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent]" bucket_id=cool-smoke event_time="2020-07-07 16:13:16.579581642 +0200 CEST m=+358819.413561109" scenario=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent source_ip=80.x.x.x
time="07-07-2020 16:13:16" level=warning msg="80.x.x.x triggered a 4h0m0s ip ban remediation for [crowdsecurity/http-probing]" bucket_id=green-silence event_time="2020-07-07 16:13:16.737579458 +0200 CEST m=+358819.571558901" scenario=crowdsecurity/http-probing source_ip=80.x.x.x
time="07-07-2020 16:13:17" level=warning msg="80.x.x.x triggered a 4h0m0s ip ban remediation for [crowdsecurity/http-crawl-non_statics]" bucket_id=purple-snowflake event_time="2020-07-07 16:13:17.353641625 +0200 CEST m=+358820.187621068" scenario=crowdsecurity/http-crawl-non_statics source_ip=80.x.x.x
time="07-07-2020 16:13:18" level=warning msg="80.x.x.x triggered a 4h0m0s ip ban remediation for [crowdsecurity/http-sensitive-files]" bucket_id=small-hill event_time="2020-07-07 16:13:18.005919055 +0200 CEST m=+358820.839898498" scenario=crowdsecurity/http-sensitive-files source_ip=80.x.x.x
$ {{cli.bin}} ban list
4 local decisions:
| SOURCE |      IP       |              REASON               | BANS | ACTION | COUNTRY |            AS             | EVENTS | EXPIRATION |
| local  | 80.x.x.x   | crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent |    4 | ban    | FR      | 21502 SFR SA              |     60 | 3h59m3s    |

Create the whitelist by IP

Let's create a /etc/crowdsec/crowdsec/parsers/s02-enrich/mywhitelists.yaml file with the following content :

name: crowdsecurity/whitelists
description: "Whitelist events from my ip addresses"
  reason: "my ip ranges"
        - "80.x.x.x"

and reload {{}} : sudo systemctl restart crowdsec

Test the whitelist

Thus, if we restart our attack :

nikto -host

And we don't get bans :

$ tail -f /var/log/crowdsec.log  
$ {{cli.bin}} ban list
No local decisions.
And 21 records from API, 15 distinct AS, 12 distinct countries

Here, we don't get any logs, as the event have been discarded at parsing time.

Create whitelist by expression

Now, let's make something more tricky : let's whitelist a specific user-agent (of course, it's just an example, don't do this at home !). The hub's taxonomy will helps us to find which data is present in which field.

Let's change our whitelist to :

name: crowdsecurity/whitelists
description: "Whitelist events from private ipv4 addresses"
  reason: "private ipv4 ranges"
   - evt.Parsed.http_user_agent == 'MySecretUserAgent'

again, let's restart {{}} !

For the record, I edited nikto's configuration to use 'MySecretUserAgent' as user-agent, and thus :

nikto -host
$ tail -f /var/log/crowdsec.log  
time="07-05-2020 09:39:09" level=info msg="Event is whitelisted by Expr !" filter= name=solitary-leaf stage=s02-enrich

Whitelist in PostOverflows

Whitelists in PostOverflows are applied after the bucket overflow happens. It has the advantage of being triggered only once we are about to take decision about an IP or Range, and thus happens a lot less often.

A good example is the crowdsecurity/whitelist-good-actors collection.

But let's craft ours based on our previous example ! First of all, install the crowdsecurity/rdns postoverflow : it will be in charge of enriching overflows with reverse dns information of the offending IP.

Let's put the following file in /etc/crowdsec/config/postoverflows/s01-whitelists/mywhitelists.yaml :

name: me/my_cool_whitelist
description: lets whitelist our own reverse dns
  reason: dont ban my ISP
  #this is the reverse of my ip, you can get it by performing a "host" command on your public IP for example
    - evt.Enriched.reverse_dns endsWith ''

After reloading {{}}, and launching (again!) nikto :

nikto -host
$ tail -f /var/log/crowdsec.log
ime="07-07-2020 17:11:09" level=info msg="Ban for 80.x.x.x whitelisted, reason [dont ban my ISP]" id=cold-sunset name=me/my_cool_whitelist stage=s01
time="07-07-2020 17:11:09" level=info msg="node warning : no remediation" bucket_id=blue-cloud event_time="2020-07-07 17:11:09.175068053 +0200 CEST m=+2308.040825320" scenario=crowdsecurity/http-probing source_ip=80.x.x.x
time="07-07-2020 17:11:09" level=info msg="Processing Overflow with no decisions 80.x.x.x performed 'crowdsecurity/http-probing' (11 events over 313.983994ms) at 2020-07-07 17:11:09.175068053 +0200 CEST m=+2308.040825320" bucket_id=blue-cloud event_time="2020-07-07 17:11:09.175068053 +0200 CEST m=+2308.040825320" scenario=crowdsecurity/http-probing source_ip=80.x.x.x

This time, we can see that logs are being produced when the event is discarded.