2020-08-05 11:24:34 +02:00

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# Expressions
> [antonmedv/expr]( - Expression evaluation engine for Go: fast, non-Turing complete, dynamic typing, static typing
Several places of {{}}'s configuration use [expr](, notably :
- {{filter.Htmlname}} that are used to determine events eligibility in {{parsers.htmlname}} and {{scenarios.htmlname}} or `profiles`
- {{statics.Htmlname}} use expr in the `expression` directive, to compute complex values
- {{whitelists.Htmlname}} rely on `expression` directive to allow more complex whitelists filters
To learn more about [expr](, [check the github page of the project](
When {{}} relies on `expr`, a context is provided to let the expression access relevant objects :
- `evt.` is the representation of the current {{event.htmlname}} and is the most relevant object
- in [profiles](/references/output/#profile), {{signal.htmlname}} is accessible via the `sig.` object
If the `debug` is enabled (in the scenario or parser where expr is used), additional debug will be displayed regarding evaluated expressions.
# Helpers
In order to makes its use in {{}} more efficient, we added a few helpers that are documented bellow.
## Atof(string) float64
Parses a string representation of a float number to an actual float number (binding on `strconv.ParseFloat`)
> Atof(evt.Parsed.tcp_port)
## JsonExtract(JsonBlob, FieldName) string
Extract the `FieldName` from the `JsonBlob` and returns it as a string. (binding on [jsonparser](
> JsonExtract(evt.Parsed.some_json_blob, "[0].one_item")
## File(FileName) []string
Returns the content of `FileName` as an array of string, while providing cache mechanism.
> evt.Parsed.some_field in File('some_patterns.txt')
> any(File('rdns_seo_bots.txt'), { evt.Enriched.reverse_dns endsWith #})
## RegexpInFile(StringToMatch, FileName) bool
Returns `true` if the `StringToMatch` is matched by one of the expressions contained in `FileName` (uses RE2 regexp engine).
> RegexpInFile( evt.Enriched.reverse_dns, 'my_legit_seo_whitelists.txt')
## Upper(string) string
Returns the uppercase version of the string
> Upper("yop")
## IpInRange(IPStr, RangeStr) bool
Returns true if the IP `IPStr` is contained in the IP range `RangeStr` (uses `net.ParseCIDR`)
> IpInRange("", "")