Thibault bui Koechlin 1e3ade2b0e up binary install
2020-05-18 16:20:14 +02:00

1.9 KiB


Fetch {{}}'s latest version here.

tar xvzf crowdsec-release.tgz
cd crowdsec-v0.X.X

A {{}} is provided to help you deploy {{}} and {{}}.

Using the interactive wizard

sudo {{wizard.bin}} -i


The {{}} is going to guide you through the following steps :

  • detect services that are present on your machine
  • detect selected services logs
  • suggest collections (parsers and scenarios) to deploy
  • deploy & configure {{}} in order to watch selected logs for selected scenarios

The process should take less than a minute, please report if there are any issues.

You are then ready to take a tour of your freshly deployed {{}} !

Binary installation

you of little faith

sudo {{wizard.bin}} --bininstall

This will deploy a valid/empty {{}} configuration files and binaries. Beware, in this state, {{}} won't monitor/detect anything unless configured.

cscli install collection crowdsecurity/linux

Installing at least the crowdsecurity/linux collection will provide you :

  • syslog parser
  • geoip enrichment
  • date parsers

You will need as well to configure your {{ref.acquis}} file to feed {{}} some logs.

From source

!!! warning "Requirements"

* [Go]( v1.13+
* `git clone {{crowdsec.url}}`

Go in {{}} folder and build the binaries :

cd crowdsec
make build

{{}} bin will be located in ./cmd/crowdsec/crowdsec and {{}} bin in cmd/crowdsec-cli/{{cli.bin}}

Now, you can install either with interactive wizard or the unattended mode.