2020-08-05 11:24:34 +02:00

2.1 KiB

!!! warning "SQLite & MySQL" The default database of {{crowdsec.Name}} is SQLite. While MySQL is supported as well (>= 0.3.0), it is not in the scope of this documentation.

The {{}} command {{cli.bin}} dashboard setup will use docker to install metabase docker image and fetch our metabase template to have a configured and ready dashboard.


The metabase dashboard can be setup with :

{{cli.bin}} dashboard setup

--listen and --port options allow you to control on which address / port will the docker be binded.

{{}} dashboard setup output
INFO[0000] /var/lib/crowdsec/data/metabase.db exists, skip.  
INFO[0000] Downloaded metabase DB                       
INFO[0000] Pulling docker image metabase/metabase       
INFO[0001] Creating container                           
INFO[0001] Starting container                           
INFO[0002] Started metabase                             
INFO[0002] Waiting for metabase API to be up (can take up to a minute) 
INFO[0034] Metabase API is up                           
INFO[0034] Successfully authenticated                   
INFO[0034] Changed password !                           
INFO[0034] Setup finished                               
INFO[0034] url :                  
INFO[0034] username:              
INFO[0034] password: W1XJb8iw1A02U5nW7xxxxXXXxxXXXxXXxxXXXxxxXxXxXxXPdbvQdLlshqqPg8pf 

!!! tip "Protip" the dashboard setup command will output generated credentials for metabase. Don't forget to save those !

Now you can connect to your dashboard, sign-in with your saved credentials then click on {{crowdsec.Name}} Dashboard to get this:



Dashboard docker image can be managed by {{}} and docker cli also. Look at the {{}} help command using

{{cli.bin}} dashboard -h