
501 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// to hide elements displayed by JavaScript
document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(/(^|\s)nojs(\s|$)/, '$1js$2');
/** Toggle visibility
* @param string
* @return boolean
function toggle(id) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
el.className = (el.className == 'hidden' ? '' : 'hidden');
return true;
/** Set permanent cookie
* @param string
* @param number
* @param string optional
function cookie(assign, days) {
var date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() + days);
document.cookie = assign + '; expires=' + date;
/** Verify current Adminer version
2011-02-15 17:11:24 +00:00
function verifyVersion() {
cookie('adminer_version=0', 1);
var script = document.createElement('script');
2011-02-15 17:11:24 +00:00
script.src = location.protocol + '//';
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
/** Get value of select
* @param HTMLSelectElement
* @return string
function selectValue(select) {
2011-02-28 14:57:37 +00:00
var selected = select.options[select.selectedIndex];
return ((selected.attributes.value || {}).specified ? selected.value : selected.text);
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
/** Check all elements matching given name
* @param HTMLInputElement
* @param RegExp
function formCheck(el, name) {
var elems = el.form.elements;
for (var i=0; i < elems.length; i++) {
if (name.test(elems[i].name)) {
elems[i].checked = el.checked;
/** Uncheck single element
* @param string
function formUncheck(id) {
document.getElementById(id).checked = false;
/** Get number of checked elements matching given name
* @param HTMLInputElement
* @param RegExp
* @return number
function formChecked(el, name) {
var checked = 0;
var elems = el.form.elements;
for (var i=0; i < elems.length; i++) {
if (name.test(elems[i].name) && elems[i].checked) {
return checked;
/** Select clicked row
* @param MouseEvent
function tableClick(event) {
var el = || event.srcElement;
while (!/^tr$/i.test(el.tagName)) {
if (/^(table|a|input|textarea)$/i.test(el.tagName)) {
el = el.parentNode;
el = el.firstChild.firstChild; &&;
el.onclick && el.onclick();
/** Set HTML code of an element
* @param string
* @param string undefined to set parentNode to &nbsp;
function setHtml(id, html) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
if (html == undefined) {
el.parentNode.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
} else {
el.innerHTML = html.replace(/<noscript>.*<\/noscript>/i, ''); // required for Google Chrome // hopes that there will be only one <noscript> on each line
/** Find node position
* @param Node
* @return number
function nodePosition(el) {
var pos = 0;
while (el = el.previousSibling) {
return pos;
2010-11-12 16:31:18 +00:00
/** Go to the specified page
* @param string
* @param string
* @param [MouseEvent]
function pageClick(href, page, event) {
if (!isNaN(page) && page) {
href += (page != 1 ? '&page=' + (page - 1) : '');
2011-03-16 12:08:46 +00:00
if (!ajaxSend(href)) {
2010-11-12 16:31:18 +00:00
location.href = href;
/** Add row in select fieldset
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function selectAddRow(field) {
field.onchange = function () { };
var row = field.parentNode.cloneNode(true);
var selects = row.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var i=0; i < selects.length; i++) {
2010-10-22 22:02:24 +00:00
selects[i].name = selects[i].name.replace(/[a-z]\[\d+/, '$&1');
selects[i].selectedIndex = 0;
var inputs = row.getElementsByTagName('input');
if (inputs.length) {
2010-10-22 22:02:24 +00:00
inputs[0].name = inputs[0].name.replace(/[a-z]\[\d+/, '$&1');
inputs[0].value = '';
inputs[0].className = '';
/** Handle Ctrl+Enter and optionally Tab in textarea
* @param HTMLTextAreaElement
* @param KeyboardEvent
* @param boolean handle also Tab
* @param HTMLInputElement submit button
* @return boolean
function textareaKeydown(target, event, tab, button) {
if (tab && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) {
2011-03-18 08:12:31 +00:00
if (event.keyCode == 9) { // 9 - Tab
// inspired by
if (target.setSelectionRange) {
var start = target.selectionStart;
var scrolled = target.scrollTop;
target.value = target.value.substr(0, start) + '\t' + target.value.substr(target.selectionEnd);
target.setSelectionRange(start + 1, start + 1);
target.scrollTop = scrolled;
return false; //! still loses focus in Opera, can be solved by handling onblur
} else if (target.createTextRange) {
document.selection.createRange().text = '\t';
return false;
2011-03-18 08:12:31 +00:00
if (event.keyCode == 27) { // 27 - Esc
var els = target.form.elements;
for (var i=1; i < els.length; i++) {
if (els[i-1] == target) {
2011-03-18 08:12:31 +00:00
if (event.ctrlKey && (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 10) && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey) { // 13|10 - Enter, shiftKey allowed
2011-02-01 13:11:25 +00:00
if (button) {;
2011-03-21 00:04:53 +00:00
} else if ((!target.form.onsubmit || target.form.onsubmit() !== false) && !ajaxForm(target.form)) {
2011-03-21 00:04:53 +00:00
return false;
return true;
/** Send form by Enter on <select>
* @param HTMLFormElement
* @param KeyboardEvent
function searchKeydown(form, event) {
var target = || event.srcElement;
if (/select/i.test(target.tagName)) {
textareaKeydown(target, event);
2010-10-17 05:55:58 +00:00
/** Change focus by Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down
* @param KeyboardEvent
* @return boolean
function editingKeydown(event) {
2011-03-18 08:12:31 +00:00
if ((event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 38) && event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey) { // 40 - Down, 38 - Up, shiftKey allowed
var target = || event.srcElement;
var sibling = (event.keyCode == 40 ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling');
var el = target.parentNode.parentNode[sibling];
if (el && (/^tr$/i.test(el.tagName) || (el = el[sibling])) && /^tr$/i.test(el.tagName) && (el = el.childNodes[nodePosition(target.parentNode)]) && (el = el.childNodes[nodePosition(target)])) {
return false;
return true;
2011-03-18 08:06:05 +00:00
/** Disable maxlength for functions
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function functionChange(select) {
var input = select.form[^function/, 'fields')];
if (selectValue(select)) {
if (input.origMaxLength === undefined) {
input.origMaxLength = input.maxLength;
} else if (input.origMaxLength >= 0) {
input.maxLength = input.origMaxLength;
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
/** Create AJAX request
* @param string
* @param function (XMLHttpRequest)
2010-10-17 21:54:41 +00:00
* @param [string]
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
* @return XMLHttpRequest or false in case of an error
function ajax(url, callback, data) {
2010-10-17 05:19:01 +00:00
var xmlhttp = (window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : (window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : false));
if (xmlhttp) { ? 'POST' : 'GET'), url);
if (data) {
2010-10-17 05:50:40 +00:00
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
2010-10-17 05:19:01 +00:00
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
2011-01-03 15:42:08 +00:00
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
2010-10-17 05:19:01 +00:00
2010-10-17 05:50:40 +00:00
2010-10-17 05:19:01 +00:00
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
return xmlhttp;
/** Use setHtml(key, value) for JSON response
* @param string
* @return XMLHttpRequest or false in case of an error
function ajaxSetHtml(url) {
return ajax(url, function (xmlhttp) {
if (xmlhttp.status) {
var data = eval('(' + xmlhttp.responseText + ')');
for (var key in data) {
setHtml(key, data[key]);
2011-03-11 22:21:54 +00:00
/** Replace favicon
* @param string
function replaceFavicon(href) {
var favicon = document.getElementById('favicon');
favicon.href = href;
favicon.parentNode.appendChild(favicon); // to replace the icon in Firefox
2011-03-11 15:47:37 +00:00
var ajaxState = 0;
2010-11-18 11:17:06 +00:00
/** Safely load content to #content
* @param string
* @param [string]
2011-03-11 15:47:37 +00:00
* @param [boolean]
* @return XMLHttpRequest or false in case of an error
2011-03-11 15:47:37 +00:00
function ajaxSend(url, data, popState) {
2011-03-16 12:08:46 +00:00
if (!history.pushState) {
return false;
var currentState = ++ajaxState;
onblur = function () {
2011-03-11 15:47:37 +00:00
setHtml('loader', '<img src="../adminer/static/loader.gif" alt="">');
return ajax(url, function (xmlhttp) {
if (currentState == ajaxState) {
var title = xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('X-AJAX-Title');
if (title) {
document.title = decodeURIComponent(title);
var redirect = xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('X-AJAX-Redirect');
if (redirect) {
2011-03-16 12:08:46 +00:00
return ajaxSend(redirect, '', popState);
onblur = function () { };
2011-03-11 23:37:08 +00:00
if (!xmlhttp.status) {
setHtml('loader', '');
} else {
if (!popState) {
if (data || url != location.href) {
history.pushState(data, '', url);
scrollTo(0, 0);
setHtml('content', xmlhttp.responseText);
var content = document.getElementById('content');
var scripts = content.getElementsByTagName('script');
var length = scripts.length; // required to avoid infinite loop
for (var i=0; i < length; i++) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.text = scripts[i].text;
var as = document.getElementById('menu').getElementsByTagName('a');
var href = location.href.replace(/(&(sql=|dump=|(select|table)=[^&]*)).*/, '$1');
for (var i=0; i < as.length; i++) {
if (href == as[i].href) {
as[i].className = 'active';
} else if (as[i].className == 'active') {
as[i].className = '';
var dump = document.getElementById('dump');
if (dump) {
var match = /&(select|table)=([^&]+)/.exec(href);
dump.href = dump.href.replace(/[^=]+$/, '') + (match ? match[2] : '');
//! modify Change database hidden fields
if (window.jush) {
jush.highlight_tag('code', 0);
2010-11-23 10:50:53 +00:00
}, data);
/** Revive page from history
2011-03-11 23:20:27 +00:00
* @param PopStateEvent|history
onpopstate = function (event) {
2011-03-17 22:48:38 +00:00
if (event.state ? confirm(areYouSure) : ajaxState) {
2011-03-16 12:07:44 +00:00
ajaxSend(location.href, event.state, 1); // 1 - disable pushState
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
/** Send form by AJAX GET
* @param HTMLFormElement
2010-10-17 21:54:41 +00:00
* @param [string]
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
* @return XMLHttpRequest or false in case of an error
2010-10-17 21:54:41 +00:00
function ajaxForm(form, data) {
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
var params = [ ];
for (var i=0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
var el = form.elements[i];
if (/file/i.test(el.type) && el.value) {
return false;
} else if ( && (!/checkbox|radio|submit|file/i.test(el.type) || el.checked)) {
2010-10-17 05:50:40 +00:00
params.push(encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(/select/i.test(el.tagName) ? selectValue(el) : el.value));
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
2010-10-17 21:54:41 +00:00
if (data) {
2010-10-17 05:50:40 +00:00
if (form.method == 'post') {
2011-03-16 12:08:46 +00:00
return ajaxSend((/\?/.test(form.action) ? form.action : location.href), params.join('&')); // ? - always part of Adminer URL
2010-10-17 05:50:40 +00:00
2011-03-16 12:08:46 +00:00
return ajaxSend((form.action || location.href).replace(/\?.*/, '') + '?' + params.join('&'));
2010-10-16 23:51:56 +00:00
/** Display edit field
* @param HTMLElement
* @param MouseEvent
* @param number display textarea instead of input, 2 - load long text
function selectDblClick(td, event, text) {
td.ondblclick = function () { };
var pos = event.rangeOffset;
var value = (td.firstChild.alt ? td.firstChild.alt : (td.textContent ? td.textContent : td.innerText));
2010-11-28 15:40:11 +00:00
if (value == '\u00A0' || td.getElementsByTagName('i').length) { // &nbsp; or i - NULL
value = '';
var input = document.createElement(text ? 'textarea' : 'input');
2010-10-17 14:00:29 +00:00 = Math.max(td.clientWidth - 14, 20) + 'px'; // 14 = 2 * (td.border + td.padding + input.border)
if (text) {
var rows = 1;
value.replace(/\n/g, function () {
input.rows = rows;
input.onkeydown = function (event) {
return textareaKeydown(input, event || window.event, false, document.getElementById('save'));
if (document.selection) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveToPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
var range2 = range.duplicate();
range2.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range);
pos = range2.text.length;
td.innerHTML = '';
if (text == 2) { // long text
return ajax(location.href + '&' + encodeURIComponent( + '=', function (xmlhttp) {
if (xmlhttp.status) {
input.value = xmlhttp.responseText; =;
2010-11-28 15:40:11 +00:00
input.value = value; =;
input.selectionStart = pos;
input.selectionEnd = pos;
if (document.selection) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveEnd('character', -input.value.length + pos);;
2010-11-22 15:52:54 +00:00
/** Load link by AJAX
* @param MouseEvent
2010-11-26 09:26:08 +00:00
* @param string
2010-11-28 16:58:35 +00:00
* @param string
2010-11-22 15:52:54 +00:00
* @return bool
2010-11-28 16:58:35 +00:00
function bodyClick(event, db, ns) {
2011-03-16 12:08:46 +00:00
if (event.button || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) {
2010-12-06 00:13:03 +00:00
2010-12-03 12:40:37 +00:00
if (event.getPreventDefault ? event.getPreventDefault() : event.returnValue === false) {
2010-11-23 10:50:53 +00:00
return false;
2010-11-22 15:52:54 +00:00
var el = || event.srcElement;
if (/^a$/i.test(el.parentNode.tagName)) {
el = el.parentNode;
2010-12-06 00:12:55 +00:00
if (/^a$/i.test(el.tagName) && !/^https?:|#|&download=/i.test(el.getAttribute('href')) && /[&?]username=/.exec(el.href)) {
2010-11-22 15:52:54 +00:00
var match = /&db=([^&]*)/.exec(el.href);
2010-11-28 16:58:35 +00:00
var match2 = /&ns=([^&]*)/.exec(el.href);
2011-03-16 12:08:46 +00:00
return !(db == (match ? match[1] : '') && ns == (match2 ? match2[1] : '') && ajaxSend(el.href));
2010-11-22 15:52:54 +00:00
if (/^input$/i.test(el.tagName) && (el.type == 'image' || (el.type == 'submit' && !/&(database|scheme|create|view|sql|user|dump|call)=/.test(location.href)))) {
2011-01-24 14:35:06 +00:00
return !ajaxForm(el.form, ( ? encodeURIComponent( + (el.type == 'image' ? '.x' : '') + '=1' : ''));
2010-11-23 10:50:53 +00:00
return true;
2010-11-22 15:52:54 +00:00
/** Stop event propagation
* @param Event
function eventStop(event) {
if (event.stopPropagation) {
} else {
event.cancelBubble = true;