In-place editation in select

git-svn-id: 7c3ca157-0c34-0410-bff1-cbf682f78f5c
This commit is contained in:
jakubvrana 2010-04-23 15:26:59 +00:00
parent 6ee70ddb23
commit e0d9b3c898
5 changed files with 89 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ function input($field, $value, $function) {
} elseif (ereg('binary|blob|bytea', $field["type"]) && ini_bool("file_uploads")) {
echo "<input type='file' name='fields-$name'$onchange>";
} elseif (ereg('text|blob', $field["type"])) {
echo "<textarea cols='50' rows='" . ($driver != "sqlite" || ereg("\n", $value) ? 12 : 1) . "'$attrs>" . h($value) . '</textarea>';
echo "<textarea " . ($driver != "sqlite" || ereg("\n", $value) ? "cols='50' rows='12'" : "cols='30' rows='1' style='height: 1.2em;'") . "$attrs>" . h($value) . '</textarea>'; // 1.2em - line-height
} else {
// int(3) is only a display hint
$maxlength = (!ereg('int', $field["type"]) && preg_match('~^([0-9]+)(,([0-9]+))?$~', $field["length"], $match) ? ($match[1] + ($match[3] ? 1 : 0) + ($match[2] && !$field["unsigned"] ? 1 : 0)) : ($types[$field["type"]] ? $types[$field["type"]] + ($field["unsigned"] ? 0 : 1) : 0));

View file

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ if ($_POST && !$error) {
if (!$adminer->selectEmailProcess($where, $foreign_keys)) {
if (!$_POST["import"]) { // edit
if ($_POST["save"]) { // edit
$result = true;
$affected = 0;
$query = idf_escape($TABLE);
@ -105,6 +105,21 @@ if ($_POST && !$error) {
queries_redirect(remove_from_uri("page"), lang('%d item(s) have been affected.', $affected), $result);
//! display edit page in case of an error
} elseif (!$_POST["import"]) { // modify
$result = true;
$affected = 0;
foreach ($_POST["val"] as $unique_idf => $row) {
$set = array();
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
$set[] = idf_escape(bracket_escape($key, 1)) . " = " . $connection->quote($val); // 1 - back //! $adminer->editVal($val)
$result = queries("UPDATE " . idf_escape($TABLE) . " SET " . implode(", ", $set) . " WHERE " . where_check($unique_idf));
if (!$result) {
$affected += $connection->affected_rows;
queries_redirect(remove_from_uri(), lang('%d item(s) have been affected.', $affected), $result);
} elseif (is_string($file = get_file("csv_file", true))) {
$file = preg_replace("~^\xEF\xBB\xBF~", '', $file); //! character set
$result = true;
@ -144,6 +159,7 @@ if ($_POST && !$error) {
$table_name = $adminer->tableName($table_status);
page_header(lang('Select') . ": $table_name", $error);
$set = null;
if (isset($rights["insert"])) {
@ -177,7 +193,6 @@ if (!$columns) {
$page = $_GET["page"];
if ($page == "last") {
$found_rows = $connection->result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . idf_escape($TABLE) . ($where ? " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where) : ""));
$page = floor(($found_rows - 1) / $limit);
@ -212,7 +227,7 @@ if (!$columns) {
$backward_keys = $adminer->backwardKeys($TABLE, $table_name);
echo "<table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap' onclick='tableClick(event);'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr><td><input type='checkbox' id='all-page' onclick='formCheck(this, /check/);'>";
echo "<thead><tr><td><input type='checkbox' id='all-page' onclick='formCheck(this, /check/);'> <a href='" . h($_GET["modify"] ? remove_from_uri("modify") : $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&modify=1") . "'>" . lang('edit') . "</a>";
$names = array();
$order = 1;
@ -227,6 +242,14 @@ if (!$columns) {
$lengths = array();
if ($_GET["modify"]) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
$lengths[$key] = max($lengths[$key], min(40, strlen(utf8_decode($val))));
echo ($backward_keys ? "<th>" . lang('Relations') : "") . "</thead>\n";
foreach ($adminer->rowDescriptions($rows, $foreign_keys) as $n => $row) {
$unique_array = unique_array($rows[$n], $indexes);
@ -239,7 +262,7 @@ if (!$columns) {
if (isset($names[$key])) {
$field = $fields[$key];
if ($val != "" && (!isset($email_fields[$key]) || $email_fields[$key] != "")) {
$email_fields[$key] = (is_email($val) ? $names[$key] : ""); //! filled e-mails may be contained on other pages
$email_fields[$key] = (is_email($val) ? $names[$key] : ""); //! filled e-mails can be contained on other pages
$link = "";
$val = $adminer->editVal($val, $field);
@ -285,10 +308,17 @@ if (!$columns) {
$link = "mailto:$val";
if (!$link && is_url($row[$key])) {
$link = "" . urlencode($row[$key]); // intermediate page to hide Referer
$link = "" . urlencode($row[$key]); // intermediate page to hide Referer, may be changed to rel="noreferrer" in HTML5
$val = $adminer->selectVal($val, $link, $field);
echo "<td>$val";
$id = h("val[$unique_idf][" . bracket_escape($key) . "]");
$value = $_POST["val"][$unique_idf][bracket_escape($key)];
$h_value = h(isset($value) ? $value : $row[$key]);
$editable = is_utf8($val) && !strpos($val, "<em>...</em>");
$text = ereg('text|blob', $field["type"]);
echo (($_GET["modify"] && $editable) || isset($value)
? "<td>" . ($text ? "<textarea name='$id' cols='30' rows='" . (substr_count($row[$key], "\n") + 1) . "'>$h_value</textarea>" : "<input name='$id' value='$h_value' size='$lengths[$key]'>")
: "<td id='$id'" . ($editable ? " ondblclick='selectDblClick(this, event" . ($text ? ", 1" : "") . ");'" : "") . ">" . $adminer->selectVal($val, $link, $field)
$adminer->backwardKeysPrint($backward_keys, $rows[$n]);
@ -324,7 +354,16 @@ if (!$columns) {
echo " (" . ($exact_count ? "" : "~ ") . lang('%d row(s)', $found_rows) . ") " . checkbox("all", 1, 0, lang('whole result')) . "\n";
echo (information_schema(DB) ? "" : "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('Edit') . "</legend><div><input type='submit' name='edit' value='" . lang('Edit') . "'> <input type='submit' name='clone' value='" . lang('Clone') . "'> <input type='submit' name='delete' value='" . lang('Delete') . "' onclick=\"return confirm('" . lang('Are you sure?') . " (' + (this.form['all'].checked ? $found_rows : formChecked(this, /check/)) + ')');\"></div></fieldset>\n");
if (!information_schema(DB)) {
<fieldset><legend><?php echo lang('Edit'); ?></legend><div>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>"<?php if (!$_GET["modify"] && !$_POST["val"]) { ?> onclick="if (!selectDblClicked) { alert('<?php echo lang('Double click on a field to edit it.'); ?>'); return false; };"<?php } ?>>
<input type="submit" name="edit" value="<?php echo lang('Edit'); ?>">
<input type="submit" name="clone" value="<?php echo lang('Clone'); ?>">
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php echo lang('Delete'); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo lang('Are you sure?'); ?> (' + (this.form['all'].checked ? <?php echo $found_rows; ?> : formChecked(this, /check/)) + ')');">
print_fieldset("export", lang('Export'));
echo $adminer->dumpOutput(1, $adminer_export["output"]) . " " . $adminer->dumpFormat(1, $adminer_export["format"]); // 1 - select
echo " <input type='submit' name='export' value='" . lang('Export') . "'>\n";

View file

@ -119,3 +119,40 @@ function selectAddRow(field) {
field.onchange = function () { };
var selectDblClicked = false;
function selectDblClick(td, event, text) {
selectDblClicked = true;
var pos = event.rangeOffset;
var value = (td.firstChild.firstChild ? :;
var input = document.createElement(text ? 'textarea' : 'input'); =;
input.value = (value == '\u00A0' || td.getElementsByTagName('i').length ? '' : value); // &nbsp; or i - NULL = (td.clientWidth - 14) + 'px'; // 14 = 2 * (td.border + td.padding + input.border)
if (text) {
var rows = 1;
value.replace(/\n/g, function () {
input.rows = rows;
if (document.selection) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveToPoint(event.x, event.y);
var range2 = range.duplicate();
range2.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range);
pos = range2.text.length;
td.innerHTML = '';
input.selectionStart = pos;
input.selectionEnd = pos;
if (document.selection) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveStart('character', pos);;
td.ondblclick = function () { };

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
Adminer 3.0.0-dev:
Drivers for MS SQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL
Show number of tables in server overview
Allow concurrent logins on the same server
In-place editation in select
Show number of tables in server overview
Operator LIKE %%
Remember export parameters in cookie
Allow semicolon as CSV separator

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
Transactions in export
Create view and routine options
Mass editation of individual rows
Variables editation, especially timezone
Optionally check IP address
Disable spell checking in SQL textareas - spellcheck="false"
@ -11,10 +10,11 @@ Add title to Logout, edit (in select) and select (in menu) in style "hever"
Shift-click in checkboxes to select range
Export by GET parameters
Only first part of big BZ2 export is readable
Auto-refresh processlist (thanks to Jan Garaj)
Show pagination above and under the table in select
? Column and table names auto-completition in SQL textarea
? Aliasing of built-in functions can save 7 KB, function minification can save 7 KB, substitution of repetitive $a["a"] can save 4 KB, substitution of $_GET and friends can save 2 KB, aliasing of $connection->query, $connection->result and $connection->quote can save ~ 3 KB, JS packer can save 1 KB, not enclosing HTML attribute values can save 1.2 KB, replacing \\n by \n can save .3 KB
? Branch binary_compile: LZW compression of translations can save 30 KB, LZW compression of all texts can save 11 KB, remove of base64_decode() + using chars 127-255 in minification can save 1 KB
? AJAX editing - select page has all data to display edit form
JavaScript data validation - columns containing word email, url, ...