Łukasz Jernaś cae67bf348 Properly handle strings with parameters
String.Format should be used for strings which have variables
inside. This assures that no context is lost for translators.
2010-06-10 23:44:58 +02:00

494 lines
15 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// SparkleShare, an instant update workflow to Git.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using Gtk;
using Mono.Unix;
using SparkleShare;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Timers;
namespace SparkleShare {
// SparkleRepo class holds repository information and timers
public class SparkleRepo {
public static string _ (string s) {
return Catalog.GetString (s);
private Process Process;
private Timer FetchTimer;
private Timer BufferTimer;
private FileSystemWatcher Watcher;
public string Name;
public string Domain;
public string LocalPath;
public string RemoteOriginUrl;
public string CurrentHash;
public string UserEmail;
public string UserName;
public SparkleRepo (string RepoPath) {
Process = new Process ();
Process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
// Get the repository's path, example: "/home/user/SparkleShare/repo"
LocalPath = RepoPath;
Process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = LocalPath;
// Get, example: "User Name"
UserName = "Anonymous";
UnixUserInfo UnixUserInfo =
new UnixUserInfo (UnixEnvironment.UserName);
UserName = UnixUserInfo.RealName;
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "config " + UserName;
Process.Start ();
// Get, example: ""
UserEmail = "";
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "config --get";
Process.Start ();
UserEmail = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
// Get remote.origin.url, example: "ssh://"
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "config --get remote.origin.url";
Process.Start ();
RemoteOriginUrl = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
// Get the repository name, example: "Project"
Name = Path.GetFileName (LocalPath);
// Get the domain, example: ""
Domain = RemoteOriginUrl;
Domain = Domain.Substring (Domain.IndexOf ("@") + 1);
if (Domain.IndexOf (":") > -1)
Domain = Domain.Substring (0, Domain.IndexOf (":"));
Domain = Domain.Substring (0, Domain.IndexOf ("/"));
// Get hash of the current commit
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD";
Process.Start ();
CurrentHash = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
// Watch the repository's folder
Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher (LocalPath);
Watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true;
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
Watcher.Filter = "*";
Watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler (OnFileActivity);
Watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler (OnFileActivity);
Watcher.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler (OnFileActivity);
// Fetch remote changes every 20 seconds
FetchTimer = new Timer ();
FetchTimer.Interval = 20000;
FetchTimer.Elapsed += delegate {
Fetch ();
FetchTimer.Start ();
BufferTimer = new Timer ();
BufferTimer.Elapsed += delegate (object o, ElapsedEventArgs args) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Buffer", "[" + Name + "] Done waiting.");
Add ();
string Message = FormatCommitMessage ();
if (!Message.Equals ("")) {
Commit (Message);
Fetch ();
Push ();
// Add everything that changed
// since SparkleShare was stopped
Add ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Nothing going on...");
// Starts a time buffer when something changes
public void OnFileActivity (object o, FileSystemEventArgs args) {
WatcherChangeTypes wct = args.ChangeType;
if (!ShouldIgnore (args.Name)) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Event", "[" + Name + "] "
+ wct.ToString () +
" '" + args.Name + "'");
StartBufferTimer ();
// A buffer that will fetch changes after
// file activity has settles down
public void StartBufferTimer () {
FetchTimer.Stop ();
int Interval = 4000;
if (!BufferTimer.Enabled) {
// Delay for a few seconds to see if more files change
BufferTimer.Interval = Interval;
BufferTimer.Elapsed += delegate (object o, ElapsedEventArgs args) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Buffer",
"[" + Name + "] Done waiting.");
Add ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Buffer",
"[" + Name + "] " +
"Waiting for more changes...");
BufferTimer.Start ();
} else {
// Extend the delay when something changes
BufferTimer.Close ();
BufferTimer = new Timer ();
BufferTimer.Interval = Interval;
FetchTimer.Start ();
BufferTimer.Start ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Buffer",
"[" + Name + "] " +
"Waiting for more changes...");
// Clones a remote repo
public void Clone () {
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "clone " + RemoteOriginUrl;
Process.Start ();
// Add a gitignore file
TextWriter Writer = new StreamWriter (LocalPath + ".gitignore");
Writer.WriteLine ("*~"); // Ignore gedit swap files
Writer.WriteLine (".*.sw?"); // Ignore vi swap files
Writer.Close ();
// Stages the made changes
public void Add () {
BufferTimer.Stop ();
FetchTimer.Stop ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Staging changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "add --all";
Process.Start ();
Process.WaitForExit ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Changes staged.");
// SparkleUI.NotificationIcon.SetSyncingState ();
// SparkleUI.NotificationIcon.SetIdleState ();
FetchTimer.Start ();
// Commits the made changes
public void Commit (string Message) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Commit",
"[" + Name + "] " + Message);
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "commit -m \"" + Message + "\"";
Process.Start ();
Process.WaitForExit ();
// Fetches changes from the remote repo
public void Fetch () {
FetchTimer.Stop ();
// SparkleUI.NotificationIcon.SetSyncingState ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Fetching changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "fetch -v";
Process.Start ();
string Output = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim (); // TODO: This doesn't work :(
Process.WaitForExit ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Changes fetched.");
if (!Output.Contains ("up to date"))
Rebase ();
// SparkleUI.NotificationIcon.SetIdleState ();
FetchTimer.Start ();
// Merges the fetched changes
public void Rebase () {
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Rebasing changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "rebase origin";
Process.WaitForExit ();
Process.Start ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Changes rebased.");
string Output = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
// Show notification if there are updates
if (!Output.Contains ("up to date")) {
if (Output.Contains ("Failed to merge")) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git",
"[" + Name + "] Resolving conflict...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "status";
Process.WaitForExit ();
Process.Start ();
Output = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
foreach (string Line in Regex.Split (Output, "\n")) {
if (Line.Contains ("needs merge")) {
string ProblemFileName =
Line.Substring (Line.IndexOf (": needs merge"));
= "checkout --ours " + ProblemFileName;
Process.WaitForExit ();
Process.Start ();
DateTime DateTime = new DateTime ();
string TimeStamp =
DateTime.Now.ToString ("H:mm, d MMM yyyy");
File.Move (ProblemFileName,
ProblemFileName + " (" + UserName + " - " +
TimeStamp + ")");
= "checkout --theirs " + ProblemFileName;
Process.WaitForExit ();
Process.Start ();
ShowEventBubble ("A mid-air collision happened!\n" +
"SparkleShare made a copy of your file.",
("folder-sparkleshare", 48),
Add ();
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "rebase --continue";
Process.WaitForExit ();
Process.Start ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git",
"[" + Name + "] Conflict resolved.");
Push ();
Fetch ();
// Get the last committer e-mail
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --format=\"%ae\" -1";
Process.Start ();
string LastCommitEmail =
Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
// Get the last commit message
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --format=\"%s\" -1";
Process.Start ();
string LastCommitMessage =
Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
// Get the last commiter
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --format=\"%an\" -1";
Process.Start ();
string LastCommitUserName =
Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
string NotifySettingFile =
SparkleHelpers.CombineMore (SparklePaths.SparkleConfigPath,
if (File.Exists (NotifySettingFile)) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Notification",
"[" + Name + "] Showing message...");
ShowEventBubble (LastCommitUserName + " " + LastCommitMessage,
SparkleHelpers.GetAvatar (LastCommitEmail, 48),
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Nothing going on...");
// Pushes the changes to the remote repo
public void Push () {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Pushing changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "push";
Process.Start ();
Process.WaitForExit ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Changes pushed.");
// SparkleUI.NotificationIcon.SetIdleState ();
// Ignores Repos, dotfiles, swap files and the like.
public bool ShouldIgnore (string FileName) {
if (FileName.Substring (0, 1).Equals (".") ||
FileName.Contains (".lock") ||
FileName.Contains (".git") ||
FileName.Contains ("/.") ||
Directory.Exists (LocalPath + FileName))
return true; // Yes, ignore it.
else if (FileName.Length > 3 &&
FileName.Substring (FileName.Length - 4).Equals (".swp"))
return true;
else return false;
// Creates a pretty commit message based on what has changed
public string FormatCommitMessage () {
bool DoneAddCommit = false;
bool DoneEditCommit = false;
bool DoneRenameCommit = false;
bool DoneDeleteCommit = false;
int FilesAdded = 0;
int FilesEdited = 0;
int FilesRenamed = 0;
int FilesDeleted = 0;
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "status";
Process.Start ();
string Output = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
foreach (string Line in Regex.Split (Output, "\n")) {
if (Line.IndexOf ("new file:") > -1)
if (Line.IndexOf ("modified:") > -1)
if (Line.IndexOf ("renamed:") > -1)
if (Line.IndexOf ("deleted:") > -1)
foreach (string Line in Regex.Split (Output, "\n")) {
// Format message for when files are added,
// example: "added 'file' and 3 more."
if (Line.IndexOf ("new file:") > -1 && !DoneAddCommit) {
DoneAddCommit = true;
if (FilesAdded > 1)
return "added " +
Line.Replace ("#\tnew file:", "").Trim () +
" and " + (FilesAdded - 1) + " more.";
return "added " +
Line.Replace ("#\tnew file:", "").Trim () + ".";
// Format message for when files are edited,
// example: "edited 'file'."
if (Line.IndexOf ("modified:") > -1 && !DoneEditCommit) {
DoneEditCommit = true;
if (FilesEdited > 1)
return "edited " +
Line.Replace ("#\tmodified:", "").Trim () +
" and " + (FilesEdited - 1) + " more.";
return "edited " +
Line.Replace ("#\tmodified:", "").Trim () + ".";
// Format message for when files are edited,
// example: "deleted 'file'."
if (Line.IndexOf ("deleted:") > -1 && !DoneDeleteCommit) {
DoneDeleteCommit = true;
if (FilesDeleted > 1)
return "deleted " +
Line.Replace ("#\tdeleted:", "").Trim () +
" and " + (FilesDeleted - 1) + " more.";
return "deleted " +
Line.Replace ("#\tdeleted:", "").Trim () + ".";
// Format message for when files are renamed,
// example: "renamed 'file' to 'new name'."
if (Line.IndexOf ("renamed:") > -1 && !DoneRenameCommit) {
DoneDeleteCommit = true;
if (FilesRenamed > 1)
return "renamed " +
Line.Replace ("#\trenamed:", "").Trim ().Replace
(" -> ", " to ") + " and " + (FilesDeleted - 1) +
" more.";
return "renamed " +
Line.Replace ("#\trenamed:", "").Trim ().Replace
(" -> ", " to ") + ".";
// Nothing happened:
return "";
// Shows a notification with text and image
public void ShowEventBubble (string Title,
Gdk.Pixbuf Avatar,
bool ShowButtons) {
SparkleBubble StuffChangedBubble = new SparkleBubble (Title, "");
StuffChangedBubble.Icon = Avatar;
// Add a button to open the folder where the changed file is
if (ShowButtons)
("", _("Open Folder"),
delegate {
switch (SparklePlatform.Name) {
case "GNOME":
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "xdg-open";
case "OSX":
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "open";
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = LocalPath;
Process.Start ();
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
} );
StuffChangedBubble.Show ();