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2024-02-05 09:23:04 +00:00
# @refinedev/remix-router
## 3.0.0
### Major Changes
- [#5355]( [`5acc257f8b`]( Thanks [@rodbs](! - **Upgrade to Remix v2**
Upgraded `@refinedev/remix-router` to use `Remix v2`. This version change **does not** contain any breaking changes on the `@refinedev/remix-router` side.
Depending on your project's status, if you decide to upgrade to `Remix v2`, you may or may not need to make necessary changes to your project. Please refer to the [Remix v2 upgrade guide]( for more information.
If your project is created with `create-refine-app` which already initializes Remix projects using the v2 routing convention, you'll need to make the below changes to get rid of the warnings:
/** @type {import('@remix-run/dev').AppConfig} */
module.exports = {
- future: {
- v2_routeConvention: true,
- },
Due to the change in its default value, you may also need to set `serverModuleFormat` to `"cjs"` in your `remix.config.js` file:
/** @type {import('@remix-run/dev').RemixConfig */
module.exports = {
+ serverModuleFormat: "cjs",
Other than the changes mentioned above, `@refinedev/remix-router` and rest of the Refine packages should work as expected without requiring any changes.
**Migration Guide for `@refinedev/remix-router`**
Install the latest version of `@refinedev/remix-router` and `@refinedev/cli`:
npm i @refinedev/remix-router@latest @refinedev/cli@latest
You'll also need to update your remix dependencies:
npm i @remix-run/node@latest @remix-run/react@latest @remix-run/serve@latest
Please refer to the [Remix v2 upgrade guide]( for more information.
You may also receive a warning when you try to build and run your production build on your local. This is because `@remix-run/serve` requires a built path to be passed to it. `@refinedev/cli` will provide a fallback value for this which may work for your app but CLI will still warn you about it. You can either ignore the warning or provide a built path to `start` command.
"scripts": {
- "start": "refine start",
+ "start": "refine start ./build/index.js",
There should be no changes necessary regarding `@refinedev/remix-router` but your app may need to be updated according to the changes in `Remix v2`. Please refer to the [Remix v2 upgrade guide]( for more information.
## 2.3.1
### Patch Changes
- [#5425]( [`190af9fce2`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated `@refinedev/core` peer dependencies to latest (`^4.46.1`)
## 2.3.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4741]( [`026ccf34356`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `sideEffects: false` to `package.json` to help bundlers tree-shake unused code.
## 2.2.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4741]( [`026ccf34356`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `sideEffects: false` to `package.json` to help bundlers tree-shake unused code.
## 2.1.0
### Minor Changes
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
`parseTableParams` helper is added to let users parse the query params in loaders to persist `syncWithLocation` feature in tables.
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
## 🪄 Migrating your project automatically with refine-codemod ✨
[`@refinedev/codemod`]( package handles the breaking changes for your project automatically, without any manual steps. It migrates your project from `3.x.x` to `4.x.x`.
Just `cd` into root folder of your project (where `package.json` is contained) and run this command:
npx @refinedev/codemod@latest refine3-to-refine4
And it's done. Now your project uses `refine@4.x.x`.
## 📝 Changelog
We're releasing a new way to connect your router to **refine**.
The legacy `routerProvider` and its exports are now deprecated but accessible at `@refinedev/remix-router/legacy` path.
The new `routerBindings` are smaller and more flexible than the previos one.
## New `routerBindings` export
New `routerBindings` contains following properties;
- `go`: Which returns a function to handle the navigation in `@remix-run/react`. It accepts a config object and navigates to the given path. Uses `useNavigate` hook under the hood.
- `back`: Which returns a function to handle the navigation in `@remix-run/react`. It navigates back to the previous page. Uses `useNavigate` hook under the hood.
- `parse`: Which returns a function to parse the given path and returns the `resource`, `id`, `action` and additional `params`. Uses `useParams` and `useLocation` hooks under the hood.
- `Link`: A component that accepts `to` prop and renders a link to the given path. Uses `Link` component from `@remix-run/react` under the hood.
## Complemetary Components
- `RefineRoutes` - A component that renders the routes for the resources when the actions are defined as components. This can be used to achieve the legacy behavior of `routerProvider` prop. `RefineRoutes` component accepts a render function as a child and passes `JSX.Element` if there's a match for the given path, `undefined` is passed otherwise. You can use this in `# @pankod/refine-remix-router splat route to render the matching action component for a resource. We're encouraging our users to use file based routing instead of `# @pankod/refine-remix-router splat route which provides more flexibility and a better development experience with its performance benefits.
- `NavigateToResource` - A component that navigates to the first `list` action of the `resources` array of `<Refine>`. Optionally, you can pass a `resource` prop to navigate to `list` action of the resource. This can be placed at the `index` route of your app to redirect to the first resource.
- `UnsavedChangesNotifier` - This component handles the prompt when the user tries to leave the page with unsaved changes. It can be placed under the `Refine` component.
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
`AuthProvider` is renamed to `LegacyAuthProvider` with refine@4. Components and functions are updated to support `LegacyAuthProvider`.
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
**Moving to the `@refinedev` scope 🎉🎉**
Moved to the `@refinedev` scope and updated our packages to use the new scope. From now on, all packages will be published under the `@refinedev` scope with their new names.
Now, we're also removing the `refine` prefix from all packages. So, the `@pankod/refine-core` package is now `@refinedev/core`, `@pankod/refine-antd` is now `@refinedev/antd`, and so on.
### Patch Changes
## 1.9.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3822]( [`0baa99ba787`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - - refine v4 release announcement added to "postinstall". - refine v4 is released 🎉 The new version is 100% backward compatible. You can upgrade to v4 with a single command! See the migration guide here:
## 1.8.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3822]( [`0baa99ba787`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - - refine v4 release announcement added to "postinstall". - refine v4 is released 🎉 The new version is 100% backward compatible. You can upgrade to v4 with a single command! See the migration guide here:
## 1.7.2
### Patch Changes
- [#3779]( [`2acb0cd8ad6`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated the broken `Prompt` with `useBlocker` instead of an unsafe workaround.
## 1.7.1
### Patch Changes
- [#3779]( [`2acb0cd8ad6`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated the broken `Prompt` with `useBlocker` instead of an unsafe workaround.
## 1.7.0
### Minor Changes
- Added ability to manage the initial route of **refine** by binding `initialRoute` variable to `RemixRouteComponent` component.
- Add splat route support to remix with `handleRefineParams` helper.
## 1.6.0
### Minor Changes
- Added ability to manage the initial route of **refine** by binding `initialRoute` variable to `RemixRouteComponent` component.
- Add splat route support to remix with `handleRefineParams` helper.
## 1.5.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2486]( [`ee4d0d112a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added ability to manage the initial route of **refine** by binding `initialRoute` variable to `RemixRouteComponent` component.
- [#2486]( [`ee4d0d112a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Add splat route support to remix with `handleRefineParams` helper.
## 1.4.0
### Minor Changes
- Update type declaration generation with `tsc` instead of `tsup` for better navigation throughout projects source code.
## 1.3.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2440]( [`0150dcd070`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Update type declaration generation with `tsc` instead of `tsup` for better navigation throughout projects source code.
## 1.2.3
### Patch Changes
- Fixed default login page is `<LoginPage>`.
* 🎉 Added `AuthPage` component to the `refine` app. This page is used to login, register, forgot password and update password. Login page is default page and old `LoginPage` component is deprecated.
# New Auth Hooks
📌 Added `useRegister` hook. This hook is used to register new user. `useRegister` falls into register function of [`AuthProvider`](
📌 Added `useForgotPassword` hook. This hook is used to forgot password. `useForgotPassword` falls into `forgotPassword` function of [`AuthProvider`](
📌 Added `useUpdatePassword` hook. This hook is used to update password. `useUpdatePassword` falls into `updatePassword` function of [`AuthProvider`](
- <LoginPage>
+ <AuthPage>
# New `AuthPage` props:
interface IAuthPageProps extends IAuthCommonProps {
type?: "login" | "register" | "forgotPassword" | "updatePassword";
interface IAuthCommonProps {
submitButton?: React.ReactNode;
registerLink?: React.ReactNode;
loginLink?: React.ReactNode;
forgotPasswordLink?: React.ReactNode;
updatePasswordLink?: React.ReactNode;
backLink?: React.ReactNode;
providers?: IProvider[];
interface IProvider {
name: string;
icon?: React.ReactNode;
label?: string;
## 1.2.2
### Patch Changes
- [#2415]( [`f7c98f0ef9`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - Fixed default login page is `<LoginPage>`.
## 1.2.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2299]( [`a02cb9e8ef`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - 🎉 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine` app. This page is used to login, register, forgot password and update password. Login page is default page and old `LoginPage` component is deprecated.
# New Auth Hooks
📌 Added `useRegister` hook. This hook is used to register new user. `useRegister` falls into register function of [`AuthProvider`](
📌 Added `useForgotPassword` hook. This hook is used to forgot password. `useForgotPassword` falls into `forgotPassword` function of [`AuthProvider`](
📌 Added `useUpdatePassword` hook. This hook is used to update password. `useUpdatePassword` falls into `updatePassword` function of [`AuthProvider`](
- <LoginPage>
+ <AuthPage>
# New `AuthPage` props:
interface IAuthPageProps extends IAuthCommonProps {
type?: "login" | "register" | "forgotPassword" | "updatePassword";
interface IAuthCommonProps {
registerLink?: React.ReactNode;
loginLink?: React.ReactNode;
forgotPasswordLink?: React.ReactNode;
updatePasswordLink?: React.ReactNode;
backLink?: React.ReactNode;
providers?: IProvider[];
interface IProvider {
name: string;
icon?: React.ReactNode;
label?: string;
# Add `AuthPage` as a default page to Routers
📌 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine-nextjs-router`. Default page is `AuthPage`.
📌 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine-react-location`. Default page is `AuthPage`.
📌 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine-react-router-v6`. Default page is `AuthPage`.
📌 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine-remix-router`. Default page is `AuthPage`.
## 1.2.0
### Minor Changes
- Add `checkAuthentication` to handle authentication processes more easily
## 1.1.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2323]( [`c4157066bd`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Add `checkAuthentication` to handle authentication processes more easily
## 1.0.2
### Patch Changes
- Our Story with Remix begins 👊
## 1.0.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2305]( [`db0157671d`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Our Story with Remix begins 👊