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2024-02-05 09:23:04 +00:00
# @refinedev/core
## 4.46.2
### Patch Changes
- [#5423]( [`75bb61dd3b`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated `flattenObjectKeys` method to support both nested and non-nested variables when propagating server side errors to form fields. Resolves [#5461](
- [#5401]( [`93e00fd770`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fix: `queryKey` is not overrideable. To fix this, `useQuery` overloads refactored with single argument objects.
- useQuery(queryKey, queryFn, options);
+ useQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options });
From now on, you can pass `queryKey` as an object property.
// all data hooks can be used with this syntax.
queryOptions: {
queryKey: ["my-query-key"],
- [#5406]( [`e5888b6b9c`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - `useMenu` hook was using outdated `meta` and router `params` due to missing dependency of the callback function. This was causing dynamic menu items to use wrong paths as links. (Resolves [#5432](
- [#5452]( [`b621223bfb`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added the ability to pass `meta` properties when using `useGo`'s `go` function with `to` as a resource object. This allows you to pass additional path parameters to the path defined in the resources array within the `<Refine />` component. Resolves [#5451](
Assume we have the following resource defined in the `<Refine />` component:
name: "posts",
list: "/posts",
edit: "/:foo/posts/:id/edit",
import { useGo } from "@refinedev/core";
const MyButton = () => {
const go = useGo();
return (
onClick={() => {
to: {
resource: "posts",
action: "edit",
id: "1",
meta: {
foo: "bar",
type: "push",
// generated path will be "/bar/posts/1/edit"
Go Posts
- [#5381]( [`19ceffbe9f`]( Thanks [@aberhamm](! - fix: Missing `loginLink` attribute in `AuthPageProps` for `<AuthPage type="register" />`. #5381
## 4.46.1
### Patch Changes
- [#5409]( [`0026fe34d0`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - fix: exclude `gqlMutation` and `gqlQuery` from building query keys for `useUpdate`, `useUpdateMany`, `useDelete`, and `useDeleteMany` hooks.
- [#5409]( [`0026fe34d0`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - feat: add optional `gqlQuery` and `gqlMutation` fields to `MetaQuery` type to be used in `data hooks`.
We plan to utilize these fields on our GraphQL data providers in the future.
You can build your queries/mutations with `graphql-tag` package and pass it to the `gqlQuery`/`gqlMutation` fields.
For now, only `@refinedev/nestjs-query` package supports it.
import { useList } from "@refinedev/core";
import gql from "graphql-tag";
const PRODUCTS_QUERY = gql`
query ProductsList(
$paging: OffsetPaging!
$filter: BlogPostFilter
$sorting: [BlogPostSort!]!
) {
products(paging: $paging, filter: $filter, sorting: $sorting) {
nodes {
const { data } = useList({
resource: "products",
meta: { gqlQuery: PRODUCTS_QUERY },
## 4.46.0
### Minor Changes
- [#5343]( [`dd8f1270f6`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fix: `hideForm` should remove all form fields. (submit button, form fields, rememberMe checkbox, forgot password link, etc.) but the `/register` link should be visible.
- [#5307]( [`f8e407f850`]( Thanks [@jackprogramsjp](! - feat: added `hideForm` props for `LoginPage` and `RegisterPage` for `AuthPage` feature.
Now with the `hideForm` props feature, you can be able to hide the forms (like email/password)
to only show the OAuth providers. This avoids having to make your own entire AuthPage.
### Patch Changes
- [#5323]( [`17aa8c1cd6`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - ### Breaking changes
fix: added required `key` prop to `<Authenticated />` component to resolve issues of rendering of the unwanted content and wrongful redirections. #4782
#### Why is it required?
Due to the [nature of React](, components are not unmounted and remounted again if props are changed. While this is mostly a good practice for performance, in some cases you'll want your component to re-mount instead of updating; for example, if you don't want to use any of the previous states and effects initiated with the old props.
The `<Authenticated />` component has this kind of scenario when it's used for page-level authentication checks. If the previous check results were used for the rendering of the content (`fallback` or `children`) this may lead to unexpected behaviors and flashing of the unwanted content.
To avoid this, a key property must be set with different values for each use of the `<Authenticated />` components. This will make sure that React will unmount and remount the component instead of updating the props.
import { Refine, Authenticated, AuthPage } from "@refinedev/core";
import {
} from "@refinedev/react-router-v6";
import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route, Outlet, Navigate } from "react-router-dom";
const App = () => {
return (
<Refine {/* ... */}>
fallback={<CatchAllNavigate to="/login" />}
<Outlet />
<Route index element={<h1>Dashboard Page</h1>} />
<Authenticated key="unauthenticated-routes" fallback={<Outlet />}>
<Navigate to="/" replace />
<Route path="/login" element={<AuthPage type="login" />} />
In the example above, the `<Authenticated />` is rendered as the wrapper of both the `index` route and `/login` route. Without a `key` property, `<Authenticated />` will not be re-mounted and can result in rendering the content depending on the previous authentication check. This will lead to redirecting to `/login` when trying to access the `index` route instead of rendering the content of the `index` or navigating to `index` route instead of `/login` if the user just logged out.
- [#5339]( [`4c49ef0a06`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: `<WelcomePage />` component redesigned.
- [#5316]( [`3bdb9cb1cb`]( Thanks [@ksankeerth](! - fix: Return type is not mentioned correctly in useOne, useSelect, useForm, useMany and useShow hooks
This fix has improved type safety of return type of useOne, useSelect, useForm, useMany and useShow hooks.
## 4.45.1
### Patch Changes
- [#5289]( [`0d1e269c0283`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: `<GitHubBanner />` styles updated.
fix: `<GitHubBanner />` hydration error. #5295
## 4.45.0
### Minor Changes
- [#5259]( [`eac3df87ffb`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `<AutoSaveIndicator />` component and updated the `AutoSaveIndicatorProps` type to allow `elements` to be passed in.
`elements` prop is an object with `success`, `error`, `loading` and `idle` keys. Each key is a React element that will be rendered when the corresponding state is active.
By default every state will render a `span` with the translated text of the `autoSave.${state}` key.
### Patch Changes
- [#5257]( [`c35fdda7c61`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - chore: update GitHub support banner text
## 4.44.12
### Patch Changes
- [#5208]( [`72f9f608f42`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - chore: update commit frequency branch from next to master in README.
## 4.44.11
### Patch Changes
- [#5199]( [`2b8d658a17a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Exported `BaseOption` type as successor of the deprecated `Option` type. `BaseOption` is `{ label: any; value: any; }`.
Usage of the deprecated `Option` type was correctly assuming that the `value` property of the option is of type `string`. This assumption was wrong and now the types are changed to reflect the correct values of options with the ability to change it via 4th generic type `TOption` of `useSelect` hook.
- [#5199]( [`2b8d658a17a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Reverted the faulty assumption on option values of `useSelect` hook to be of type `string`. Now changed the types and the logic to reflect the correct values of options with the ability to change it via 4th generic type `TOption` of `useSelect` hook. (Reverted PR #5160)
By default `TOption` will be equal to `BaseOption` type which is `{ label: any; value: any; }`. If you want to change the type of options, you can do it like this:
import { HttpError, useSelect } from "@refinedev/core";
type MyData = {
id: number;
title: string;
description: string;
category: { id: string };
type Option = { label: MyData["title"]; value: MyData["id"] }; // equals to { label: string; value: number; }
useSelect<MyData, HttpError, MyData, Option>({
resource: "posts",
- [#5194]( [`9df999ca643`]( Thanks [@fitrahfm](! - fix: use relative path instead of path alias to import FlatTreeItem
Using path alias causes imported types being any during build/compilation process which should be TreeMenuItem[]
- [#5201]( [`760cfbaaa2a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Exported the `flattenObjectKeys` and `propertyPathToArray` helpers from `@refinedev/core` package.
## 4.44.10
### Patch Changes
- [#5199]( [`2b8d658a17a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Exported `BaseOption` type as successor of the deprecated `Option` type. `BaseOption` is `{ label: any; value: any; }`.
Usage of the deprecated `Option` type was correctly assuming that the `value` property of the option is of type `string`. This assumption was wrong and now the types are changed to reflect the correct values of options with the ability to change it via 4th generic type `TOption` of `useSelect` hook.
- [#5199]( [`2b8d658a17a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Reverted the faulty assumption on option values of `useSelect` hook to be of type `string`. Now changed the types and the logic to reflect the correct values of options with the ability to change it via 4th generic type `TOption` of `useSelect` hook. (Reverted PR #5160)
By default `TOption` will be equal to `BaseOption` type which is `{ label: any; value: any; }`. If you want to change the type of options, you can do it like this:
import { HttpError, useSelect } from "@refinedev/core";
type MyData = {
id: number;
title: string;
description: string;
category: { id: string };
type Option = { label: MyData["title"]; value: MyData["id"] }; // equals to { label: string; value: number; }
useSelect<MyData, HttpError, MyData, Option>({
resource: "posts",
- [#5194]( [`9df999ca643`]( Thanks [@fitrahfm](! - fix: use relative path instead of path alias to import FlatTreeItem
Using path alias causes imported types being any during build/compilation process which should be TreeMenuItem[]
- [#5201]( [`760cfbaaa2a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Exported the `flattenObjectKeys` and `propertyPathToArray` helpers from `@refinedev/core` package.
## 4.44.9
### Patch Changes
- [#5177]( [`4e0f6f9a69f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fixed the issue of `useList` hook requiring an empty object as prop even if there was no parameter passed to it.
- [#5132]( [`f616d6ffd94`]( Thanks [@mlukasik-dev](! - fix: `useSelect`'s `optionLabel` and `optionValue` types are wrong.
- [#5160]( [`9b9d5032b3a`]( Thanks [@an-tran511](! - fix: convert type of an option's `value` to `string`
## 4.44.8
### Patch Changes
- [#5177]( [`4e0f6f9a69f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fixed the issue of `useList` hook requiring an empty object as prop even if there was no parameter passed to it.
- [#5132]( [`f616d6ffd94`]( Thanks [@mlukasik-dev](! - fix: `useSelect`'s `optionLabel` and `optionValue` types are wrong.
- [#5160]( [`9b9d5032b3a`]( Thanks [@an-tran511](! - fix: convert type of an option's `value` to `string`
## 4.44.7
### Patch Changes
- [#5138]( [`0e22d5804b2`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Prevent `authProvider.getIdentity` to be called in `useLog` if `auditLogProvider` is not defined.
## 4.44.6
### Patch Changes
- [#5138]( [`0e22d5804b2`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Prevent `authProvider.getIdentity` to be called in `useLog` if `auditLogProvider` is not defined.
## 4.44.5
### Patch Changes
- [#5087]( [`88d52d639b9`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: `meta` props added `liveProvider.subscribe` and `liveProvider.publish` methods.
From now on, you can use `meta` to distinguish between methods by `meta`.
`meta` type:
import { QueryFunctionContext } from "@tanstack/react-query";
type Fields = Array<string | object | NestedField>;
type VariableOptions =
| {
type?: string;
name?: string;
value: any;
list?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
| { [k: string]: any };
type Meta = {
dataProviderName?: string;
operation?: string;
fields?: Fields;
variables?: VariableOptions;
queryContext?: QueryFunctionContext;
[k: string]: any;
#### Usage
import { LiveProvider, LiveEvent } from "@refinedev/core";
export const liveProvider = (client: any): LiveProvider => {
return {
subscribe: ({ channel, types, params, callback, meta }) => {
console.log({ meta });
publish: ({ channel, type, payload, date, meta }: LiveEvent) => {
console.log({ meta });
## 4.44.4
### Patch Changes
- [#5087]( [`88d52d639b9`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: `meta` props added `liveProvider.subscribe` and `liveProvider.publish` methods.
From now on, you can use `meta` to distinguish between methods by `meta`.
`meta` type:
import { QueryFunctionContext } from "@tanstack/react-query";
type Fields = Array<string | object | NestedField>;
type VariableOptions =
| {
type?: string;
name?: string;
value: any;
list?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
| { [k: string]: any };
type Meta = {
dataProviderName?: string;
operation?: string;
fields?: Fields;
variables?: VariableOptions;
queryContext?: QueryFunctionContext;
[k: string]: any;
#### Usage
import { LiveProvider, LiveEvent } from "@refinedev/core";
export const liveProvider = (client: any): LiveProvider => {
return {
subscribe: ({ channel, types, params, callback, meta }) => {
console.log({ meta });
publish: ({ channel, type, payload, date, meta }: LiveEvent) => {
console.log({ meta });
## 4.44.3
### Patch Changes
- [#5050]( [`613af0021f6`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: pass `dataProviderName` to `liveProvider.subscribe` method.
From now on, you can use `dataProviderName` to distinguish between different data providers in live provider.
[Refer to documentation for more info about multiple data providers ->](
#### Usage
import { useForm, useList } from "@refinedev/core";
dataProviderName: "first-data-provider",
dataProviderName: "second-data-provider",
import { LiveProvider } from "@refinedev/core";
export const liveProvider = (client: any): LiveProvider => {
return {
subscribe: ({
}) => {
console.log({ dataProviderName }); // "second-data-provider"
- [#5053]( [`857d4020a30`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: The parameter types of data provider methods have been exported.
From now on, you can use the parameter types of Data Provider methods.
import type {
// new exported types
} from "@refinedev/core";
const myDataProvider: DataProvider = {
getList: async (params: GetListParams): Promise<GetListResponse<any>> => {
return { data: [], total: 0 };
## 4.44.2
### Patch Changes
- [#5050]( [`613af0021f6`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: pass `dataProviderName` to `liveProvider.subscribe` method.
From now on, you can use `dataProviderName` to distinguish between different data providers in live provider.
[Refer to documentation for more info about multiple data providers ->](
#### Usage
import { useForm, useList } from "@refinedev/core";
dataProviderName: "first-data-provider",
dataProviderName: "second-data-provider",
import { LiveProvider } from "@refinedev/core";
export const liveProvider = (client: any): LiveProvider => {
return {
subscribe: ({
}) => {
console.log({ dataProviderName }); // "second-data-provider"
- [#5053]( [`857d4020a30`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: The parameter types of data provider methods have been exported.
From now on, you can use the parameter types of Data Provider methods.
import type {
// new exported types
} from "@refinedev/core";
const myDataProvider: DataProvider = {
getList: async (params: GetListParams): Promise<GetListResponse<any>> => {
return { data: [], total: 0 };
## 4.44.1
### Patch Changes
- [#5050]( [`613af0021f6`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: pass `dataProviderName` to `liveProvider.subscribe` method.
From now on, you can use `dataProviderName` to distinguish between different data providers in live provider.
[Refer to documentation for more info about multiple data providers ->](
#### Usage
import { useForm, useList } from "@refinedev/core";
dataProviderName: "first-data-provider",
dataProviderName: "second-data-provider",
import { LiveProvider } from "@refinedev/core";
export const liveProvider = (client: any): LiveProvider => {
return {
subscribe: ({
}) => {
console.log({ dataProviderName }); // "second-data-provider"
- [#5053]( [`857d4020a30`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: The parameter types of data provider methods have been exported.
From now on, you can use the parameter types of Data Provider methods.
import type {
// new exported types
} from "@refinedev/core";
const myDataProvider: DataProvider = {
getList: async (params: GetListParams): Promise<GetListResponse<any>> => {
return { data: [], total: 0 };
## 4.44.0
### Minor Changes
- [#5034]( [`85bcff15d1e`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: The `go` function returned by `useGo` now accepts a `resource` object as the `to` parameter.
From now now, you can provide either a string or a resource object to the `go` function. When a resource object is passed, it will be transformed into the path defined within the resources array of the `<Refine />` component.
`to` accepts an object with the following shape to navigate to a resource:
| Name | Type | Description |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| resource | `string` | resource name or identifier. |
| id | [`BaseKey`][basekey] | required when `action` is `"edit"`, `"show"`, or `"clone"`. |
| action | `"list"` \| `"create"` \| `"edit"` \| `"show"` \| `"clone"` | action name. |
import { useGo } from "@refinedev/core";
const MyComponent = () => {
const go = useGo();
return (
onClick={() => {
to: {
resource: "posts", // resource name or identifier
action: "edit",
id: "1",
query: {
foo: "bar",
type: "push",
Go Posts With Default Filters
## 4.43.0
### Minor Changes
- [#5034]( [`85bcff15d1e`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: The `go` function returned by `useGo` now accepts a `resource` object as the `to` parameter.
From now now, you can provide either a string or a resource object to the `go` function. When a resource object is passed, it will be transformed into the path defined within the resources array of the `<Refine />` component.
`to` accepts an object with the following shape to navigate to a resource:
| Name | Type | Description |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| resource | `string` | resource name or identifier. |
| id | [`BaseKey`][basekey] | required when `action` is `"edit"`, `"show"`, or `"clone"`. |
| action | `"list"` \| `"create"` \| `"edit"` \| `"show"` \| `"clone"` | action name. |
import { useGo } from "@refinedev/core";
const MyComponent = () => {
const go = useGo();
return (
onClick={() => {
to: {
resource: "posts", // resource name or identifier
action: "edit",
id: "1",
query: {
foo: "bar",
type: "push",
Go Posts With Default Filters
## 4.42.4
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`80513a4e42f`](]:
- @refinedev/devtools-internal@1.1.4
## 4.42.3
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`80513a4e42f`](]:
- @refinedev/devtools-internal@1.1.3
## 4.42.2
### Patch Changes
- [#5008]( [`c8499114e55`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fixing the version of `@refinedev/devtools-internal` dependency to avoid breaking projects in mismatching releases.
- Updated dependencies [[`c8499114e55`](]:
- @refinedev/devtools-internal@1.1.2
## 4.42.1
### Patch Changes
- [#5008]( [`c8499114e55`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fixing the version of `@refinedev/devtools-internal` dependency to avoid breaking projects in mismatching releases.
- Updated dependencies [[`c8499114e55`](]:
- @refinedev/devtools-internal@1.1.1
## 4.42.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4960]( [`d8e464fa2c4`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added devtools internals and integrated with the core hooks. Now users will be able to track the queries and mutation made by refine through refine devtools.
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`d8e464fa2c4`](]:
- @refinedev/devtools-internal@1.1.0
## 4.41.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4960]( [`d8e464fa2c4`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added devtools internals and integrated with the core hooks. Now users will be able to track the queries and mutation made by refine through refine devtools.
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`d8e464fa2c4`](]:
- @refinedev/devtools-internal@1.0.0
## 4.40.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4914]( [`91a4d0da9f1`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add [`optimisticUpdateMap`]( prop to the `useUpdate` and `useUpdateMany` hooks
`list`, `many` and `detail` are the keys of the `optimisticUpdateMap` object. To automatically update the cache, you should pass `true`. If you don't want to update the cache, you should pass `false`.
If you wish to customize the cache update, you have the option to provide functions for the `list`, `many`, and `detail` keys. These functions will be invoked with the `previous` data, `values`, and `id` parameters. Your responsibility is to return the updated data within these functions.
const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();
mutationMode: "optimistic",
optimisticUpdateMap: {
list: true,
many: true,
detail: (previous, values, id) => {
if (!previous) {
return null;
const data = {
foo: "bar",
return {
feat: add [`optimisticUpdateMap`]( prop to the `useForm` hook
const { formProps, saveButtonProps } = useForm({
mutationMode: "optimistic",
optimisticUpdateMap: {
list: true,
many: true,
detail: (previous, values, id) => {
if (!previous) {
return null;
const data = {
foo: "bar",
return {
### Patch Changes
- [#4903]( [`e327cadc011`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add [`invalidateOnUnmount`]( prop to [`useForm`]( hook.
From now on, you can use the [`invalidateOnUnmount`]( prop to invalidate queries upon unmount.
## 4.39.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4914]( [`91a4d0da9f1`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add [`optimisticUpdateMap`]( prop to the `useUpdate` and `useUpdateMany` hooks
`list`, `many` and `detail` are the keys of the `optimisticUpdateMap` object. To automatically update the cache, you should pass `true`. If you don't want to update the cache, you should pass `false`.
If you wish to customize the cache update, you have the option to provide functions for the `list`, `many`, and `detail` keys. These functions will be invoked with the `previous` data, `values`, and `id` parameters. Your responsibility is to return the updated data within these functions.
const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();
mutationMode: "optimistic",
optimisticUpdateMap: {
list: true,
many: true,
detail: (previous, values, id) => {
if (!previous) {
return null;
const data = {
foo: "bar",
return {
feat: add [`optimisticUpdateMap`]( prop to the `useForm` hook
const { formProps, saveButtonProps } = useForm({
mutationMode: "optimistic",
optimisticUpdateMap: {
list: true,
many: true,
detail: (previous, values, id) => {
if (!previous) {
return null;
const data = {
foo: "bar",
return {
### Patch Changes
- [#4903]( [`e327cadc011`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add [`invalidateOnUnmount`]( prop to [`useForm`]( hook.
From now on, you can use the [`invalidateOnUnmount`]( prop to invalidate queries upon unmount.
## 4.38.4
### Patch Changes
- [#4951]( [`04837c62077`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - - Update build configuration for `esbuild` to use the shared plugins.
- Fix the lodash replacement plugin to skip redundant files.
## 4.38.3
### Patch Changes
- [#4951]( [`04837c62077`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - - Update build configuration for `esbuild` to use the shared plugins.
- Fix the lodash replacement plugin to skip redundant files.
## 4.38.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4948]( [`8e5efffbb23`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Keep the hook and component names in builds for better debugging.
## 4.38.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4948]( [`8e5efffbb23`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Keep the hook and component names in builds for better debugging.
## 4.38.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4906]( [`58d3d605510`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: added `onUnauthorized` callback to `<CanAccess />` component. This callback to be called when [`useCan`]( returns false.
onUnauthorized={({ resource, reason, action, params }) =>
`You cannot access ${resource}-${} resource with ${action} action because ${reason}`,
<YourComponent />
### Patch Changes
- [#4926]( [`053798ae52b`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - fix: update `useForm` warn condition
## 4.37.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4906]( [`58d3d605510`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: added `onUnauthorized` callback to `<CanAccess />` component. This callback to be called when [`useCan`]( returns false.
onUnauthorized={({ resource, reason, action, params }) =>
`You cannot access ${resource}-${} resource with ${action} action because ${reason}`,
<YourComponent />
### Patch Changes
- [#4926]( [`053798ae52b`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - fix: update `useForm` warn condition
## 4.36.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4896]( [`daabcd666be`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - `useInvalidate` now returns a promise that resolves when the invalidation is completed.
- [#4896]( [`daabcd666be`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fine-tuning the invalidation process by setting up additional filters and options for the invalidation.
Now after a successful mutation, refine will invalidate all the queries in the scope but trigger a refetch only for the active queries. If there are any ongoing queries, they will be kept as they are.
After receiving a realtime subscription event, refine will invalidate and refetch only the active queries.
## 4.36.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4896]( [`daabcd666be`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - `useInvalidate` now returns a promise that resolves when the invalidation is completed.
- [#4896]( [`daabcd666be`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fine-tuning the invalidation process by setting up additional filters and options for the invalidation.
Now after a successful mutation, refine will invalidate all the queries in the scope but trigger a refetch only for the active queries. If there are any ongoing queries, they will be kept as they are.
After receiving a realtime subscription event, refine will invalidate and refetch only the active queries.
## 4.36.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4865]( [`946e13408e7`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated query keys to be more consistent and structured.
Added mutation keys to the `useMutation` calls with the same structure as the query keys.
Added `options.useNewQueryKeys` option to the `<Refine>` component for opting into the new query keys.
Check out the [documentation]( for more information.
## 4.35.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4865]( [`946e13408e7`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated query keys to be more consistent and structured.
Added mutation keys to the `useMutation` calls with the same structure as the query keys.
Added `options.useNewQueryKeys` option to the `<Refine>` component for opting into the new query keys.
Check out the [documentation]( for more information.
## 4.34.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4775]( [`3052fb22449`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: `queryKeys` and `pickDataProvider` functions are exported.
`pickDataProvider`: returns the data provider name based on the provided name or fallbacks to resource definition, or `default`.
`queryKeys`: returns the query keys used by the data hooks based on the `resource` definition
## 4.33.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4775]( [`3052fb22449`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: `queryKeys` and `pickDataProvider` functions are exported.
`pickDataProvider`: returns the data provider name based on the provided name or fallbacks to resource definition, or `default`.
`queryKeys`: returns the query keys used by the data hooks based on the `resource` definition
## 4.32.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4765]( [`e3e38de4114`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - chore: remove `refine cloud` early access message
## 4.32.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4765]( [`e3e38de4114`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - chore: remove `refine cloud` early access message
## 4.32.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4741]( [`026ccf34356`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `sideEffects: false` to `package.json` to help bundlers tree-shake unused code.
## 4.31.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4741]( [`026ccf34356`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `sideEffects: false` to `package.json` to help bundlers tree-shake unused code.
## 4.30.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4742]( [`61950c8fe18`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Removed `@tanstack/react-query-devtools` package and its usage from refine's core. This means that you will no longer see the dev tools icon in the bottom right corner of your app by default. If you want to use the dev tools, you can install the package (`@tanstack/react-query-devtools`) and use it in your app.
`options.reactQuery.devtoolConfig` property has been removed from the `<Refine>` components props. This option will no longer be functional and will be removed in the next major release. If you have any configuration for the dev tools, you can pass it to the `ReactQueryDevtools` component directly.
### Patch Changes
- [#4740]( [`41018fde9ff`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Use `fetch` for telemetry calls as a fallback for `Image` when it's not available. This fixes an issue where telemetry calls would fail in some environments.
## 4.29.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4742]( [`61950c8fe18`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Removed `@tanstack/react-query-devtools` package and its usage from refine's core. This means that you will no longer see the dev tools icon in the bottom right corner of your app by default. If you want to use the dev tools, you can install the package (`@tanstack/react-query-devtools`) and use it in your app.
`options.reactQuery.devtoolConfig` property has been removed from the `<Refine>` components props. This option will no longer be functional and will be removed in the next major release. If you have any configuration for the dev tools, you can pass it to the `ReactQueryDevtools` component directly.
### Patch Changes
- [#4740]( [`41018fde9ff`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Use `fetch` for telemetry calls as a fallback for `Image` when it's not available. This fixes an issue where telemetry calls would fail in some environments.
## 4.28.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4696]( [`35a2c695a74`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - feat: add optional projectId field to <Refine /> component options prop. Project ID will be sent with telemetry data if it exists.
## 4.28.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4696]( [`35a2c695a74`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - feat: add optional projectId field to <Refine /> component options prop. Project ID will be sent with telemetry data if it exists.
## 4.28.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4652]( [`96af6d25b7a`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: added `errros` field to `HttpError` type.
From now on, you can pass `errors` field to `HttpError`. This field will be used to update the `useForm`'s error state.
export interface ValidationErrors {
[field: string]:
| string
| string[]
| boolean
| { key: string; message: string };
export interface HttpError extends Record<string, any> {
message: string;
statusCode: number;
errors?: ValidationErrors;
Usage example:
import { HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";
const App = () => {
return (
// ...
update: async () => {
// assume that the server returns the following error
const error: HttpError = {
"An error occurred while updating the record.",
statusCode: 400,
//This field will be used to update the `useForm`'s error state
errors: {
title: [
"Title is required.",
"Title should have at least 5 characters.",
"": ["Category is required."],
status: true,
content: {
key: "form.error.content",
message: "Content is required.",
return Promise.reject(error);
{/* ... */}
[Refer to the server-side form validation documentation for more information. →](
- [#4652]( [`96af6d25b7a`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: added `disableServerSideValidation` to the refine options for globally disabling server-side validation.
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
disableServerSideValidation: true,
// ...
- [#4591]( [`f8891ead2bd`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: `autoSave` feature for [useForm]( hook now accept `autoSave` object. `enabled` is a boolean value and `debounce` is a number value in milliseconds. `debounce` is optional and default value is `1000`.
`autoSaveProps` is an object that contains `data`, `error` and `status` values. `data` is the saved data, `error` is the error object and `status` is the status of the request. `status` can be `loading`, `error`, `idle` and `success`.
const { autoSaveProps } = useForm({
autoSave: {
enabled: true,
debounce: 2000, // not required, default is 1000
### Patch Changes
- [#4659]( [`3af99896101`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - chore: fix tsdoc description of `onCancel` property on following hooks:
- `useUpdate`
- `useUpdateMany`
- `useDelete`
- `useDeleteMany`
- [#4665]( [`3442f4bd00a`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add `false` return type on `SuccessErrorNotification`
This issue has been fixed in this PR, where the `successNotification` and `errorNotification` methods can now return `false` when a callback function is given. This allows the conditional notification to be displayed.
const { mutate } = useCreate<IPost>({});
resource: "posts",
values: {
title: "Hello World",
status: "published",
successNotification: (data) => {
if (data?.data.status === "published") {
return {
type: "success",
message: "Post published",
return false;
## 4.27.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4652]( [`96af6d25b7a`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: added `errros` field to `HttpError` type.
From now on, you can pass `errors` field to `HttpError`. This field will be used to update the `useForm`'s error state.
export interface ValidationErrors {
[field: string]:
| string
| string[]
| boolean
| { key: string; message: string };
export interface HttpError extends Record<string, any> {
message: string;
statusCode: number;
errors?: ValidationErrors;
Usage example:
import { HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";
const App = () => {
return (
// ...
update: async () => {
// assume that the server returns the following error
const error: HttpError = {
"An error occurred while updating the record.",
statusCode: 400,
//This field will be used to update the `useForm`'s error state
errors: {
title: [
"Title is required.",
"Title should have at least 5 characters.",
"": ["Category is required."],
status: true,
content: {
key: "form.error.content",
message: "Content is required.",
return Promise.reject(error);
{/* ... */}
[Refer to the server-side form validation documentation for more information. →](
- [#4652]( [`96af6d25b7a`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: added `disableServerSideValidation` to the refine options for globally disabling server-side validation.
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
disableServerSideValidation: true,
// ...
- [#4591]( [`f8891ead2bd`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: `autoSave` feature for [useForm]( hook now accept `autoSave` object. `enabled` is a boolean value and `debounce` is a number value in milliseconds. `debounce` is optional and default value is `1000`.
`autoSaveProps` is an object that contains `data`, `error` and `status` values. `data` is the saved data, `error` is the error object and `status` is the status of the request. `status` can be `loading`, `error`, `idle` and `success`.
const { autoSaveProps } = useForm({
autoSave: {
enabled: true,
debounce: 2000, // not required, default is 1000
### Patch Changes
- [#4659]( [`3af99896101`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - chore: fix tsdoc description of `onCancel` property on following hooks:
- `useUpdate`
- `useUpdateMany`
- `useDelete`
- `useDeleteMany`
- [#4665]( [`3442f4bd00a`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add `false` return type on `SuccessErrorNotification`
This issue has been fixed in this PR, where the `successNotification` and `errorNotification` methods can now return `false` when a callback function is given. This allows the conditional notification to be displayed.
const { mutate } = useCreate<IPost>({});
resource: "posts",
values: {
title: "Hello World",
status: "published",
successNotification: (data) => {
if (data?.data.status === "published") {
return {
type: "success",
message: "Post published",
return false;
## 4.26.4
### Patch Changes
- [#4626]( [`03597ed8a9a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `resource` sanitization to the `useCanWithoutCache` hook to avoid cyclic value errors.
## 4.26.3
### Patch Changes
- [#4626]( [`03597ed8a9a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `resource` sanitization to the `useCanWithoutCache` hook to avoid cyclic value errors.
## 4.26.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4614]( [`c9fecca3c33`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - chore: add refine cloud early access message
## 4.26.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4614]( [`c9fecca3c33`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - chore: add refine cloud early access message
## 4.26.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4568]( [`8c2b3be35b0`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - feat: add the `textTransformers` option to `<Refine/>` component
The `textTransformers` option in **refine** is used to transform the resource name displayed on the user interface (UI). By default, if you define a resource named `posts`, refine will display it as `Posts`. Similarly, when you delete a record, notification messages will be shown as `Post deleted successfully.`.
You have the flexibility to customize these messages by using the `textTransformers` option. For instance, if you wish to disable any transformation, you can set the `textTransformers` option as shown in the example below:
const App: React.FC = () => (
// ...
textTransformers: {
humanize: (text) => text,
plural: (text) => text,
singular: (text) => text,
### Patch Changes
- [#4583]( [`c3c0deed564`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added the missing `resource` property in `params` of the `useCan` call, which was leading to missing resource details in the access control checks in the `can` function.
The provided `resource` item is sanitized to remove non-serializable properties such as `icon` etc. If you need such items, you should try to access your `resource` item directly from your defitinions.
- [#4599]( [`5bb6f47a4d4`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Update default document title generation to use the fallback title when `i18n`'s `translate` function returns the `key` value.
## 4.25.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4599]( [`5bb6f47a4d4`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Update default document title generation to use the fallback title when `i18n`'s `translate` function returns the `key` value.
## 4.25.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4568]( [`8c2b3be35b0`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - feat: add the `textTransformers` option to `<Refine/>` component
The `textTransformers` option in **refine** is used to transform the resource name displayed on the user interface (UI). By default, if you define a resource named `posts`, refine will display it as `Posts`. Similarly, when you delete a record, notification messages will be shown as `Post deleted successfully.`.
You have the flexibility to customize these messages by using the `textTransformers` option. For instance, if you wish to disable any transformation, you can set the `textTransformers` option as shown in the example below:
const App: React.FC = () => (
// ...
textTransformers: {
humanize: (text) => text,
plural: (text) => text,
singular: (text) => text,
### Patch Changes
- [#4583]( [`c3c0deed564`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added the missing `resource` property in `params` of the `useCan` call, which was leading to missing resource details in the access control checks in the `can` function.
The provided `resource` item is sanitized to remove non-serializable properties such as `icon` etc. If you need such items, you should try to access your `resource` item directly from your defitinions.
## 4.24.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4523]( [`18d446b1069`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add `useLoadingOvertime` hook and implement primitive hooks
If you need to do something when the loading time exceeds the specified time, refine provides the `useLoadingOvertime` hook. It returns the elapsed time in milliseconds.
const { elapsedTime } = useLoadingOvertime({
interval: 1000,
onInterval(elapsedInterval) {
console.log("loading overtime", elapsedInterval);
console.log(elapsedTime); // 1000, 2000, 3000, ...
This hook implements the primitive data hooks:
- [`useCreate`](
- [`useCreateMany`](
- [`useCustom`](
- [`useCustomMutation`](
- [`useDelete`](
- [`useDeleteMany`](
- [`useList`](
- [`useInfiniteList`](
- [`useMany`](
- [`useOne`](
- [`useUpdate`](
- [`useUpdateMany`](
- [#4527]( [`ceadcd29fc9`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - fix: support multiple `resource` usage with the same name via the `identifier`
Previously, data hooks only worked with resource name. So if you had multiple `resource` usage with the same name, it would cause issues.
Now the following hooks and its derivatives support `identifier` to distinguish between the resources:
- `useList`
- `useInfiniteList`
- `useOne`
- `useMany`
- `useCreate`
- `useCreateMany`
- `useUpdate`
- `useUpdateMany`
- `useDelete`
- `useDeleteMany`
fix: generate correct `queryKey`'s for queries with `identifier`
Previously, the `queryKey` was generated using `name`. This caused issues when you had multiple `resource` usage with the same name. Now the `queryKey`'s are generated using `identifier` if it's present.
- [#4523]( [`18d446b1069`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add `useLoadingOvertime` hook
if you need to do something when the loading time exceeds the specified time, refine provides the `useLoadingOvertime` hook. It returns the elapsed time in milliseconds.
const { elapsedTime } = useLoadingOvertime({
interval: 1000,
onInterval(elapsedInterval) {
console.log("loading overtime", elapsedInterval);
`interval` and `onInterval` are optional. It can be controlled globally from `<Refine />` options.
overtime: {
interval: 2000, // default 1000
onInterval(elapsedInterval) {
"loading overtime",
## 4.23.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4523]( [`18d446b1069`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add `useLoadingOvertime` hook and implement primitive hooks
If you need to do something when the loading time exceeds the specified time, refine provides the `useLoadingOvertime` hook. It returns the elapsed time in milliseconds.
const { elapsedTime } = useLoadingOvertime({
interval: 1000,
onInterval(elapsedInterval) {
console.log("loading overtime", elapsedInterval);
console.log(elapsedTime); // 1000, 2000, 3000, ...
This hook implements the primitive data hooks:
- [`useCreate`](
- [`useCreateMany`](
- [`useCustom`](
- [`useCustomMutation`](
- [`useDelete`](
- [`useDeleteMany`](
- [`useList`](
- [`useInfiniteList`](
- [`useMany`](
- [`useOne`](
- [`useUpdate`](
- [`useUpdateMany`](
- [#4527]( [`ceadcd29fc9`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - fix: support multiple `resource` usage with the same name via the `identifier`
Previously, data hooks only worked with resource name. So if you had multiple `resource` usage with the same name, it would cause issues.
Now the following hooks and its derivatives support `identifier` to distinguish between the resources:
- `useList`
- `useInfiniteList`
- `useOne`
- `useMany`
- `useCreate`
- `useCreateMany`
- `useUpdate`
- `useUpdateMany`
- `useDelete`
- `useDeleteMany`
fix: generate correct `queryKey`'s for queries with `identifier`
Previously, the `queryKey` was generated using `name`. This caused issues when you had multiple `resource` usage with the same name. Now the `queryKey`'s are generated using `identifier` if it's present.
- [#4523]( [`18d446b1069`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: add `useLoadingOvertime` hook
if you need to do something when the loading time exceeds the specified time, refine provides the `useLoadingOvertime` hook. It returns the elapsed time in milliseconds.
const { elapsedTime } = useLoadingOvertime({
interval: 1000,
onInterval(elapsedInterval) {
console.log("loading overtime", elapsedInterval);
`interval` and `onInterval` are optional. It can be controlled globally from `<Refine />` options.
overtime: {
interval: 2000, // default 1000
onInterval(elapsedInterval) {
"loading overtime",
## 4.22.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4449]( [`cc84d61bc5c`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - feat: allow access control provider to be configured globally.
Now `accessControlProvider` accepts `options.buttons` parameter to globally configure UI buttons' behaviour.
These configuration will be used as a fallback, if no configuration on button prop level is found.
Default values:
`options.buttons.enableAccessControl` => `true`
`options.buttons.hideIfUnauthorized` => `false`
const accessControlProvider: IAccessControlContext = {
can: async (params: CanParams): Promise<CanReturnType> => {
return { can: true };
options: {
buttons: {
enableAccessControl: true,
hideIfUnauthorized: false,
### Patch Changes
- [#4521]( [`a3c8d4f84c7`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fixed: `useExport`'s `resource` props is not working.
With this fix, `useExport` will now work with `resource` props.
resource: "users",
## 4.21.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4449]( [`cc84d61bc5c`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - feat: allow access control provider to be configured globally.
Now `accessControlProvider` accepts `options.buttons` parameter to globally configure UI buttons' behaviour.
These configuration will be used as a fallback, if no configuration on button prop level is found.
Default values:
`options.buttons.enableAccessControl` => `true`
`options.buttons.hideIfUnauthorized` => `false`
const accessControlProvider: IAccessControlContext = {
can: async (params: CanParams): Promise<CanReturnType> => {
return { can: true };
options: {
buttons: {
enableAccessControl: true,
hideIfUnauthorized: false,
### Patch Changes
- [#4521]( [`a3c8d4f84c7`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fixed: `useExport`'s `resource` props is not working.
With this fix, `useExport` will now work with `resource` props.
resource: "users",
## 4.20.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4448]( [`c82006f712a`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - feat: useApiUrl hook tries to infer data provider from current resource. If current resource has a different data provider than the default one, it will be inferred without needing to explicitly pass data provider name.
## 4.19.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4448]( [`c82006f712a`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - feat: useApiUrl hook tries to infer data provider from current resource. If current resource has a different data provider than the default one, it will be inferred without needing to explicitly pass data provider name.
## 4.18.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4446]( [`5936d9cd4d4`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - refactor: increase accessibility of auth page components
add `htmlFor` to `label` elements to associate them with their inputs
## 4.18.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4446]( [`5936d9cd4d4`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - refactor: increase accessibility of auth page components
add `htmlFor` to `label` elements to associate them with their inputs
## 4.18.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4430]( [`cf07d59587f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `queryMeta` and `mutationMeta` properties to the `useForm` hook. These properties are used to pass specific meta values to the query or mutation. This is useful when you have overlapping values in your data provider's `getOne` and `update` methods. For example, you may want to change the `method` of the mutation to `PATCH` but if you pass it in the `meta` property, you'll end up changing the method of the `getOne` request as well.
`queryMeta` and `mutationMeta` has precedence over `meta`. This means that if you have the same property in `queryMeta` and `meta`, the value in `queryMeta` will be used.
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/core";
export const MyEditPage = () => {
const form = useForm({
// this is passed both to the mutation and the query requests
meta: {
myValue: "myValue",
// this is only passed to the query request
queryMeta: {
propertyOnlyWorksForQuery: "propertyOnlyWorksForQuery",
// this is only passed to the mutation request
mutationMeta: {
propertyOnlyWorksForMutation: "propertyOnlyWorksForMutation",
### Patch Changes
- [#4430]( [`cf07d59587f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fix missing `meta` values in `useForm` redirects after submission.
- [#4431]( [`c29a3618cf6`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated the TSDoc comments to fix the broken links in the documentation.
- [#4426]( [`0602f4cdf1c`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - fix: `resource` parameter in the `legacyResourceTransform` helper is not optional but used as optional
## 4.17.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4430]( [`cf07d59587f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `queryMeta` and `mutationMeta` properties to the `useForm` hook. These properties are used to pass specific meta values to the query or mutation. This is useful when you have overlapping values in your data provider's `getOne` and `update` methods. For example, you may want to change the `method` of the mutation to `PATCH` but if you pass it in the `meta` property, you'll end up changing the method of the `getOne` request as well.
`queryMeta` and `mutationMeta` has precedence over `meta`. This means that if you have the same property in `queryMeta` and `meta`, the value in `queryMeta` will be used.
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/core";
export const MyEditPage = () => {
const form = useForm({
// this is passed both to the mutation and the query requests
meta: {
myValue: "myValue",
// this is only passed to the query request
queryMeta: {
propertyOnlyWorksForQuery: "propertyOnlyWorksForQuery",
// this is only passed to the mutation request
mutationMeta: {
propertyOnlyWorksForMutation: "propertyOnlyWorksForMutation",
### Patch Changes
- [#4430]( [`cf07d59587f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fix missing `meta` values in `useForm` redirects after submission.
- [#4431]( [`c29a3618cf6`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated the TSDoc comments to fix the broken links in the documentation.
- [#4426]( [`0602f4cdf1c`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - fix: `resource` parameter in the `legacyResourceTransform` helper is not optional but used as optional
## 4.16.4
### Patch Changes
- [#4415]( [`54837825fcc`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fixed: `queryOptions` not working as expected in `useSelect` hook.
## 4.16.3
### Patch Changes
- [#4415]( [`54837825fcc`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fixed: `queryOptions` not working as expected in `useSelect` hook.
## 4.16.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4407]( [`473bbe5b31d`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added missing `clone` action for document title generation. This fixes the issue of the document title not being generated when the `clone` action is used.
This change introduces the `documentTitle.{resourceName}.clone` key to the list of `i18n` keys that are used to generate the document title.
Default title for the `clone` action is `"#{{id}} Clone {{resourceName}} | refine"`.
- [#4407]( [`473bbe5b31d`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fixed the issue of `label` not taken into account with auto generated document titles. `label` will be prioritized over the resource name when generating the document title and the `label` will not be capitalized.
## 4.16.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4407]( [`473bbe5b31d`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added missing `clone` action for document title generation. This fixes the issue of the document title not being generated when the `clone` action is used.
This change introduces the `documentTitle.{resourceName}.clone` key to the list of `i18n` keys that are used to generate the document title.
Default title for the `clone` action is `"#{{id}} Clone {{resourceName}} | refine"`.
- [#4407]( [`473bbe5b31d`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fixed the issue of `label` not taken into account with auto generated document titles. `label` will be prioritized over the resource name when generating the document title and the `label` will not be capitalized.
## 4.16.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4313]( [`28fe67047a0`]( Thanks [@abdellah711](! - feat: implement `generateDefaultDocumentTitle` function
This function generates a default document title based on the current route by following these rules (`resource` in this case is "Post"):
- list -> `Posts | refine`
- edit -> `#{id} Edit Post | refine`
- show -> `#{id} Show Post | refine`
- create -> `Create new Post | refine`
- default (not a `resource`) -> `refine`
### Patch Changes
- [#4381]( [`500cf2becc2`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: export `TranslationContext`
## 4.15.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4313]( [`28fe67047a0`]( Thanks [@abdellah711](! - feat: implement `generateDefaultDocumentTitle` function
This function generates a default document title based on the current route by following these rules (`resource` in this case is "Post"):
- list -> `Posts | refine`
- edit -> `#{id} Edit Post | refine`
- show -> `#{id} Show Post | refine`
- create -> `Create new Post | refine`
- default (not a `resource`) -> `refine`
### Patch Changes
- [#4381]( [`500cf2becc2`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - feat: export `TranslationContext`
## 4.14.3
### Patch Changes
- [#4279]( [`3e4c977b8d3`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - fix: queryKey method params for `useDelete`, `useDeleteMany` and`useUpdate` hooks
## 4.14.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4279]( [`3e4c977b8d3`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - fix: queryKey method params for `useDelete`, `useDeleteMany` and`useUpdate` hooks
## 4.14.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4279]( [`3e4c977b8d3`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - fix: queryKey method params for `useDelete`, `useDeleteMany` and`useUpdate` hooks
## 4.14.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4241]( [`fbe109b5a8b`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added new generic types to the `useForm` hooks. Now you can pass the query types and the mutation types to the hook.
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/core";
## 4.13.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4241]( [`fbe109b5a8b`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added new generic types to the `useForm` hooks. Now you can pass the query types and the mutation types to the hook.
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/core";
## 4.12.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4194]( [`8df15fe0e4e`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: `sorters.mode` prop added to `useTable` and `useDataGrid` hooks. This prop handles the sorting mode of the table. It can be either `server` or `off`.
- **"off"**: `sorters` are not sent to the server. You can use the `sorters` value to sort the records on the client side.
- **"server"**: Sorting is done on the server side. Records will be fetched by using the `sorters` value.
feat:`filters.mode` prop added to `useTable` and `useDataGrid` hooks. This prop handles the filtering mode of the table. It can be either `server` or `off`.
- **"off"**: `filters` are not sent to the server. You can use the `filters` value to filter the records on the client side.
- **"server"**: Filtering is done on the server side. Records will be fetched by using the `filters` value.
### Patch Changes
- [#4194]( [`8df15fe0e4e`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fix: `filters`, `sorters`, `current`, and, `pageSize` removed from `useMeta` returned object.
## 4.11.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4194]( [`8df15fe0e4e`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - feat: `sorters.mode` prop added to `useTable` and `useDataGrid` hooks. This prop handles the sorting mode of the table. It can be either `server` or `off`.
- **"off"**: `sorters` are not sent to the server. You can use the `sorters` value to sort the records on the client side.
- **"server"**: Sorting is done on the server side. Records will be fetched by using the `sorters` value.
feat:`filters.mode` prop added to `useTable` and `useDataGrid` hooks. This prop handles the filtering mode of the table. It can be either `server` or `off`.
- **"off"**: `filters` are not sent to the server. You can use the `filters` value to filter the records on the client side.
- **"server"**: Filtering is done on the server side. Records will be fetched by using the `filters` value.
### Patch Changes
- [#4194]( [`8df15fe0e4e`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fix: `filters`, `sorters`, `current`, and, `pageSize` removed from `useMeta` returned object.
## 4.10.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4135]( [`e72c0d2b41f`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - feat: Expose the query params to the `meta` and add the ability to pass global `meta` to data provider methods
- Added the ability to pass `meta` to data provider methods globally for specific resources.
For example, to pass the `role` property to all data provider methods for the `posts` resource, use the following code:
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
name: "posts",
meta: {
role: "editor",
Now, when you call any data hook with the `posts` resource, the `meta` property will be accessible in the data provider methods.
const dataProvider = {
getList: async ({ resource, meta }) => {
console.log(meta.role); // "editor"
- Added the query params to the `meta` property by default.
For example, if you call the `useList` hook on the `` URL, the `meta` property will be accessible in the data provider methods as follows:
const dataProvider = {
getList: async ({ resource, meta }) => {
console.log(meta.status); // "published"
### Patch Changes
- [#4159]( [`f7f590589e7`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - fixed: missing resource meta in route compositions
Added missing resource meta values when composing routes. This fixes the bug where the resource meta values does not included in the route composition.
## 4.9.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4135]( [`e72c0d2b41f`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - feat: Expose the query params to the `meta` and add the ability to pass global `meta` to data provider methods
- Added the ability to pass `meta` to data provider methods globally for specific resources.
For example, to pass the `role` property to all data provider methods for the `posts` resource, use the following code:
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
name: "posts",
meta: {
role: "editor",
Now, when you call any data hook with the `posts` resource, the `meta` property will be accessible in the data provider methods.
const dataProvider = {
getList: async ({ resource, meta }) => {
console.log(meta.role); // "editor"
- Added the query params to the `meta` property by default.
For example, if you call the `useList` hook on the `` URL, the `meta` property will be accessible in the data provider methods as follows:
const dataProvider = {
getList: async ({ resource, meta }) => {
console.log(meta.status); // "published"
### Patch Changes
- [#4159]( [`f7f590589e7`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - fixed: missing resource meta in route compositions
Added missing resource meta values when composing routes. This fixes the bug where the resource meta values does not included in the route composition.
## 4.8.5
### Patch Changes
- [#4139]( [`e4c60056a4d`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - - Fixed: incorrect css syntax on gh-banner
## 4.8.4
### Patch Changes
- [#4139]( [`e4c60056a4d`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - - Fixed: incorrect css syntax on gh-banner
## 4.8.3
### Patch Changes
- [#4139]( [`e4c60056a4d`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - - Fixed: incorrect css syntax on gh-banner
## 4.8.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4133]( [`68f035dc4c0`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - Added: Hide `<GithubBanner />` on mobile.
## 4.8.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4133]( [`68f035dc4c0`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - Added: Hide `<GithubBanner />` on mobile.
## 4.8.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4113]( [`1c13602e308`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added missing third generic parameter to hooks which are using `useQuery` internally.
For example:
import { useOne, HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";
const { data } = useOne<{ count: string }, HttpError, { count: number }>({
resource: "product-count",
queryOptions: {
select: (rawData) => {
return {
data: {
count: Number(rawData?.data?.count),
console.log(typeof data?.data.count); // number
### Patch Changes
- [#4129]( [`e64ffe999b3`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added the missing connection between the data provider's and the `useMany` hook's `meta` property.
- [#4113]( [`1c13602e308`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Updated the generic type name of hooks that use `useQuery` to synchronize generic type names with `tanstack-query`.
## 4.7.2
### Patch Changes
- [#4102]( [`44e403aa654`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Revert changes in `<GithubBanner />` to promote github stars.
## 4.7.1
### Patch Changes
- [#4102]( [`44e403aa654`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Revert changes in `<GithubBanner />` to promote github stars.
## 4.7.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4040]( [`8a1100cf9ed`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Add a generic type to `useParse` and `useParsed` for type-safe additional params.
### Patch Changes
- [#4089]( [`65f2a9fa223`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Update Github banner to Product Hunt banner for temporary.
## 4.6.0
### Minor Changes
- [#4040]( [`8a1100cf9ed`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Add a generic type to `useParse` and `useParsed` for type-safe additional params.
### Patch Changes
- [#4089]( [`65f2a9fa223`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Update Github banner to Product Hunt banner for temporary.
## 4.5.10
### Patch Changes
- [#4035]( [`e0c75450f97`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Add types for notification methods arguments based on given generic types.
- [#4071]( [`98cd4b0f203`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Update `authBindings` error type to provide changeable error messages on notifcations.
Example for `login` method:
import { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core";
const authProvider: AuthBindings = {
login: async ({ email, password }) => {
return {
success: false,
error: {
message: "Login Failed!",
"The email or password that you've entered doesn't match any account.",
## 4.5.9
### Patch Changes
- [#4035]( [`e0c75450f97`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Add types for notification methods arguments based on given generic types.
- [#4071]( [`98cd4b0f203`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Update `authBindings` error type to provide changeable error messages on notifcations.
Example for `login` method:
import { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core";
const authProvider: AuthBindings = {
login: async ({ email, password }) => {
return {
success: false,
error: {
message: "Login Failed!",
"The email or password that you've entered doesn't match any account.",
## 4.5.8
### Patch Changes
- [#4014]( [`3db450fade0`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Add console warning for `useForm` and `useShow` hooks when custom resource is provided and `id` prop is not passed.
## 4.5.7
### Patch Changes
- [#4014]( [`3db450fade0`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Add console warning for `useForm` and `useShow` hooks when custom resource is provided and `id` prop is not passed.
## 4.5.6
### Patch Changes
- [#3974]( [`4dcc20d6a60`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Updated the design of the `WelcomePage` component.
## 4.5.5
### Patch Changes
- [#3974]( [`4dcc20d6a60`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Updated the design of the `WelcomePage` component.
## 4.5.4
### Patch Changes
- [#3987]( [`d7d68e3ff68`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Watch for `id` changes in `useForm` hook.
## 4.5.3
### Patch Changes
- [#3987]( [`d7d68e3ff68`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Watch for `id` changes in `useForm` hook.
## 4.5.2
### Patch Changes
- [#3911]( [`5f9c70ebf2f`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - In forms that use `useForm`, the `onFinish` was resetting the current `id` to `undefined` when the mutation is successful. Now, the `id` will not be set to `undefined`.
## 4.5.1
### Patch Changes
- [#3911]( [`5f9c70ebf2f`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - In forms that use `useForm`, the `onFinish` was resetting the current `id` to `undefined` when the mutation is successful. Now, the `id` will not be set to `undefined`.
## 4.5.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3912]( [`0ffe70308b2`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - - `title` prop added to `AuthPage`'s `renderContent` prop to use in the custom content.
- `title` prop added to `AuthPage` to render a custom title.
- ⚠️ These features have not been implemented yet. Only types were added. It will be implemented in the next release.
## 4.4.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3912]( [`0ffe70308b2`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - - `title` prop added to `AuthPage`'s `renderContent` prop to use in the custom content.
- `title` prop added to `AuthPage` to render a custom title.
- ⚠️ These features have not been implemented yet. Only types were added. It will be implemented in the next release.
## 4.3.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3892]( [`41a4525454c`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - feat: make CanAccess component props optional. Now CanAccess component infers resource and action automagically.
## 4.2.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3892]( [`41a4525454c`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - feat: make CanAccess component props optional. Now CanAccess component infers resource and action automagically.
## 4.1.6
### Patch Changes
- [#3890]( [`db12d60095f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - - Fixed layout flickering on authenticated routes.
- Fixed repeated navigations issue on routes with `<Authenticated>` component.
- Fixed conflicting navigation paths with `authProvider` methods and `<Authenticated>` component.
## 4.1.5
### Patch Changes
- [#3890]( [`db12d60095f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - - Fixed layout flickering on authenticated routes.
- Fixed repeated navigations issue on routes with `<Authenticated>` component.
- Fixed conflicting navigation paths with `authProvider` methods and `<Authenticated>` component.
## 4.1.4
### Patch Changes
- [#3884]( [`c507c10c351`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - fix: resource's icon parameter sanitized on useCan hook
- [#3883]( [`64b8292c5e8`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - feat: add custom query key support for useCustom hook
## 4.1.3
### Patch Changes
- [#3884]( [`c507c10c351`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - fix: resource's icon parameter sanitized on useCan hook
- [#3883]( [`64b8292c5e8`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - feat: add custom query key support for useCustom hook
## 4.1.2
### Patch Changes
- [#3874]( [`5ed083a8050`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Add fallback option for `label` from `meta` and `options`.
## 4.1.1
### Patch Changes
- [#3874]( [`5ed083a8050`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Add fallback option for `label` from `meta` and `options`.
## 4.1.0
### Minor Changes
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
## 🪄 Migrating your project automatically with refine-codemod ✨
[`@refinedev/codemod`]( package handles the breaking changes for your project automatically, without any manual steps. It migrates your project from `3.x.x` to `4.x.x`.
Just `cd` into root folder of your project (where `package.json` is contained) and run this command:
npx @refinedev/codemod@latest refine3-to-refine4
And it's done. Now your project uses `refine@4.x.x`.
## 📝 Changelog
We're releasing a new way to connect routers to **refine**. Now the `routerProvider` prop is marked as optional in `<Refine>` component.
New `routerProvider` property is smaller and more flexible than the previous one which is now can be used with `legacyRouterProvider` property.
We've redesigned our bindings to the router libraries. Instead of handling the route creation process, now **refine** leaves this to the user and only uses a way to communicate with the router and the routes through the bindings provided to `routerProvider` property.
The changes in routing system comes with a new way to define resource actions as well. Actions now can be defined as paths, components or both. We're encouraging our users to use paths, which enables our users to use all the optimizations that the router libraries provide without giving up any features of **refine**.
Router libraries are also comes with components like `RefineRoutes` which can be used to define routes for resources when you pass components to the actions of the resources. Please refer to the documentation for more information.
## Changes in `resources`
Now you can define actions in multiple ways;
1. As a path
name: "posts",
list: "/posts",
2. As a component
import { PostList } from "src/posts";
name: "posts",
list: PostList,
3. As both
import { PostList } from "src/posts";
name: "posts",
list: {
path: "/posts",
component: PostList,
This also comes with some additional changes;
- `options` property is renamed to `meta` for consistency.
- `parentName` is now defined with `parent` property in `meta` object.
- `auditLog` is renamed to `audit`.
- `route` in `options` is now deprecated for the new routing system. If you want to define a custom route for a resource, you can define such routes in action definitions.
- Parents are not included in the routes by default. If you want to inclue parents in the routes, you need to define action paths explicitly.
- `identifier` can be passed to the resource definition to distinguish between resources with the same name. This is useful when you have multiple resources with the same name.
### Nested routes
Now, **refine** supports nested routes with parameters. You can define the action paths for a resource with parameters. Parameters will be filled with the current ones in the URL and additional ones can be provided via `meta` properties in hooks and components.
name: "posts",
list: "users/:authorId/posts",
show: "users/:authorId/posts/:id",
When you're in the `list` page of the `posts` resource, assuming you already have the `authorId` parameter present in the URL, the `show` action will be rendered with the `authorId` parameter filled with the current one in the URL. If you want to use a different `authorId`, you can pass `meta` properties to the components or hooks, such as `useGetToPath` hook to get the navigation path.
const { go } = useGo();
const getToPath = useGetToPath();
const to = getToPath({
resource: "posts",
action: "show",
meta: {
id: 1,
authorId: 2,
// "to" will be "/users/2/posts/1"
go({ to, type: "push" });
## Changes in `routerProvider`
`routerProvider` is now smaller and more flexible. It only contains the following properties;
- `Link`: A component that accepts `to` prop and renders a link to the given path.
- `go`: A function that returns a function that accepts a config object and navigates to the given path.
- `back`: A function that returns a function that navigates back to the previous page.
- `parse`: A function that returns a function that returns the `resource`, `id`, `action` and additional `params` from the given path. This is the **refine**'s way to communicate with the router library.
None of the properties are required. Missing properties may result in some features not working but it won't break **refine**.
Our users are able to provide different implementations for the router bindings, such as handling the search params in the path with a different way or customizing the navigation process.
**Note**: Existing `routerProvider` implementation is preserved as `legacyRouterProvider` and will continue working as before. We're planning to remove it in the next major version.
**Note**: New routing system do not handle the authentication process. You can now wrap your components with `Authenticated` component or handle the authentication check inside your components through `useIsAuthenticated` hook to provide more flexible auth concepts in your app.
## Changes in hooks
We're now providing new hooks for the new routing system. You're free to use them or use the ones provided by your router library.
- `useGo`
- `useBack`
- `useParsed`
- `useLink`
- `useGetToPath`
are provided by **refine** to use the properties of `routerProvider` in a more convenient way.
- `useResourceWithRoute` is now deprecated and only works with the legacy routing system.
- `useResource` has changed its definition and now accepts a single argument which is the `resource` name. It returns the `resource` object depending on the current route or the given `resource` name. If `resource` is provided but not found, it will create a temporary one to use with the given `resource` name.
- `useNavigation`'s functions in its return value are now accepting `meta` object as an argument. This can be used to provide parameters to the target routes. For example, if your path for the `edit` action of a resource is `/:userId/posts/:id/edit`, you can provide `userId` parameter in `meta` object and it will be used in the path.
- Hooks using routes, redirection etc. are now accepts `meta` property in their arguments. This can be used to provide parameters to the target routes. This change includes `useMenu` and `useBreadcrumb` which are creating paths to the resources for their purposes.
- `selectedKey` in `useMenu` hook's return type now can be `undefined` if the current route is not found in the menu items.
## `warnWhenUnsavedChanges` prop
In earlier versions, **refine** was handling this feature in `beforeunload` event. This was causing unintended dependencies to the `window` and was not customizable. Now, **refine** is leaving this to the router libraries. Router packages `@refinedev/react-router-v6`, `@refinedev/nextjs-router` and `@refinedev/remix-router` are now exporting a component `UnsavedChangesNotifier` which can be placed under the `<Refine>` component and registers a listener to the necessary events to handle the `warnWhenUnsavedChanges` feature.
## Changes in `Authenticated` component.
`<Authenticated>` component now accepts `redirectOnFail` to override the redirection path on authentication failure. This can be used to redirect to a different page when the user is not authenticated. This property only works if the `fallback` prop is not provided.
`redirectOnFail` also respects the newly introduced `appendCurrentPathToQuery` prop which can be used to append the current path to the query string of the redirection path. This can be used to redirect the user to the page they were trying to access after they logged in.
## Changes in `<Refine>`
We've removed the long deprecated props from `<Refine />` component and deprecated some more to encourage users to use the new routing system.
In earlier versions, we've accepted layout related props such as `Layout`, `Sider`, `Header`, `Footer`, `OffLayoutArea` and `Title`. All these props were used in the route creation process while wrapping the components to the `Layout` and others were passed to the `Layout` for configuration. Now, we've deprecated these props and we're encouraging users to use `Layout` prop and its props in the `children` of `<Refine />` component. This will allow users to customize the layout easily and provide custom layouts per route.
We've also deprecated the route related props such as;
- `catchAll`, which was used in rendering 404 pages and was unclear to the user when its going to be rendered in the app.
- `LoginPage`, which was rendered at `/login` path and was not customizable enough.
- `DashboardPage`, which wass rendered at `/` path and was limiting our users to handle the index page just with a single prop.
- `ReadyPage`, which was shown when `<Refine>` had no resources defined. Now, we're accepting empty resources array and rendering nothing in this case.
We're encouraging our users to create their own routes for the above props and give them the flexibility to use the full potential of the router library they're using.
## Integration with existing apps
We've made the changes to the routing system, the resource definitions and some additional changes to make the integration with existing apps possible.
Now you can migrate your existing apps to **refine** with ease and incrementally adopt **refine**'s features.
## Backward compatibility
We've made all the changes in a backward compatible way. You can continue using the old routing system and the old props of `<Refine />` component. Migrating to the new behaviors are optional but encouraged.
We're planning to keep the support for the deprecated props and the old behaviors until the next major version.
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
Added [audit log]( support for the following hooks:
- [`useCreateMany`](
- [`useDeleteMany`](<(>)
- [`useUpdateMany`](<(>)
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
Added a helper function to pick not deprecated value. Gives priority according to the order of the arguments.
const sorter = undefined;
const sorters = [{ id: 1 }];
const value = pickNotDeprecated(sorter, sorters) ?? 10; // [{ id: 1 }]
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
## `useList` hook
- Added default value for `pagination.current` property. It is set to **1**.
- Added default value for `pagination.pageSize` property. It is set to **10**.
- Added `pagination.mode` property. By default, it is "server".
- When it is "off", all records will be fetched from the API.
- When it is "client", all records will be fetched from the API and pagination will be handled by the `useList` hook.
- When it is "server", pagination will be handled by the API using `current` and `pageSize` properties of your `pagination` object.
## `useTable` hook
`useTable` return values and properties are updated.
- `initialCurrent` and `initialPageSize` props are now deprecated. Use `pagination` prop instead.
- To ensure backward compatibility, `initialCurrent` and `initialPageSize` props will work as before.
- initialCurrent,
- initialPageSize,
+ pagination: {
+ current,
+ pageSize,
+ },
- `hasPagination` prop is now deprecated. Use `pagination.mode` instead.
- To ensure backward compatibility, `hasPagination` prop will work as before.
- hasPagination,
+ pagination: {
+ mode: "off" | "server" | "client",
+ },
- `initialSorter` and `permanentSorter` props are now deprecated. Use `sorters.initial` and `sorters.permanent` instead.
- To ensure backward compatibility, `initialSorter` and `permanentSorter` props will work as before.
- initialSorter,
- permanentSorter,
+ sorters: {
+ initial,
+ permanent,
+ },
- `initialFilter`, `permanentFilter`, and `defaultSetFilterBehavior` props are now deprecated. Use `filters.initial`, `filters.permanent`, and `filters.defaultBehavior` instead.
- To ensure backward compatibility, `initialFilter`, `permanentFilter`, and `defaultSetFilterBehavior` props will work as before.
- initialFilter,
- permanentFilter,
- defaultSetFilterBehavior,
+ filters: {
+ initial,
+ permanent,
+ defaultBehavior,
+ },
- `sorter` and `setSorter` return values are now deprecated. Use `sorters` and `setSorters` instead.
- To ensure backward compatibility, `sorter` and `setSorter` return values will work as before.
const {
- sorter,
+ sorters,
- setSorter,
+ setSorters,
} = useTable();
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
All `@tanstack/react-query` imports re-exported from `@refinedev/core` have been removed. You should import them from `@tanstack/react-query` package directly.
If the package is not installed, you can install it with your package manager:
npm install @tanstack/react-query
# or
pnpm add @tanstack/react-query
# or
yarn add @tanstack/react-query
After that, you can import them from `@tanstack/react-query` package directly instead of `@refinedev/core` package.
- import { QueryClient } from "@refinedev/core";
+ import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
- `options` prop of resource is now deprecated. Use `meta` prop instead.
- To ensure backward compatibility, `options` prop will be used if `meta` prop is not provided.
name: "posts",
- options: {},
+ meta: {},
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
- `AuthProvider` deprecated and renamed to `LegacyAuthProvider`.
- `legacyAuthProvider` prop is added to `<Refine>` component for backward compatibility.
- `legacy` prop added to auth hooks support `AuthProvider` and `LegacyAuthProvider`.
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
- `<ReadyPage>` isnow deprecated.
- Created a `<WelcomePage>` component to welcome users.
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
- `useList` and `useInfiniteList`'s `config` prop is now deprecated. Use `sorters`, `filters`, `pagination` and `hasPagination` props instead.
- config: {
- sort,
- filters,
- pagination,
- hasPagination,
- },
+ sorters,
+ filters,
+ pagination,
+ hasPagination,
- config: {
- sort,
- filters,
- pagination,
- hasPagination,
- },
+ sorters,
+ filters,
+ pagination,
+ hasPagination,
- `useImport` and `useExport`'s `resourceName` prop is now deprecated. Use `resource` prop instead.
- resourceName,
+ resource,
- resourceName,
+ resource,
- `useExport`'s `sorter` prop is now deprecated. Use `sorters` prop instead.
- sorter,
+ sorters,
- `useSelect`'s `sort` prop is now deprecated. Use `sorters` prop instead.
- sort,
+ sorters,
- `useSelect`'s `config.sort` prop is now deprecated. Use `config.sorters` prop instead.
config: {
- sort,
+ sorters,
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
`hasPagination` default value set to `false` on `useSelect`. So all of the records will be fetched by default.
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
Updated `useSelect` hook to support `optionLabel` and `optionValue` type as `keyof TData` instead of `string`.
So `optionLabel` and `optionValue` have an interface based on the given `TData` type.
- optionLabel?: string;
- optionValue?: string;
+ optionLabel?: keyof TData extends string ? keyof TData : never;
+ optionValue?: keyof TData extends string ? keyof TData : never;
- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
**Moving to the `@refinedev` scope 🎉🎉**
Moved to the `@refinedev` scope and updated our packages to use the new scope. From now on, all packages will be published under the `@refinedev` scope with their new names.
Now, we're also removing the `refine` prefix from all packages. So, the `@pankod/refine-core` package is now `@refinedev/core`, `@pankod/refine-antd` is now `@refinedev/antd`, and so on.
### Patch Changes
## 3.103.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3822]( [`0baa99ba787`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - - refine v4 release announcement added to "postinstall". - refine v4 is released 🎉 The new version is 100% backward compatible. You can upgrade to v4 with a single command! See the migration guide here:
## 3.102.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3822]( [`0baa99ba787`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - - refine v4 release announcement added to "postinstall". - refine v4 is released 🎉 The new version is 100% backward compatible. You can upgrade to v4 with a single command! See the migration guide here:
## 3.101.2
### Patch Changes
- [#3768]( [`38eb18ab795`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - Update URL for GitHubBanner component
## 3.101.1
### Patch Changes
- [#3768]( [`38eb18ab795`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - Update URL for GitHubBanner component
## 3.101.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3716]( [`03177f8aa06`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - Added GitHubBanner component.
## 3.100.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3716]( [`03177f8aa06`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - Added GitHubBanner component.
## 3.99.6
### Patch Changes
- [#3657]( [`5868456194f`]( Thanks [@fuunnx](! - Fix optimistic updates of list's query data following a mutation using `useUpdate`
## 3.99.5
### Patch Changes
- [#3657]( [`5868456194f`]( Thanks [@fuunnx](! - Fix optimistic updates of list's query data following a mutation using `useUpdate`
## 3.99.4
### Patch Changes
- [#3548]( [`8795efb04dd`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fixed: wrong `initialCurrent` value on `useTable` jsDoc
- * @default 10
+ * @default 1
## 3.99.3
### Patch Changes
- [#3548]( [`8795efb04dd`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fixed: wrong `initialCurrent` value on `useTable` jsDoc
- * @default 10
+ * @default 1
## 3.99.2
### Patch Changes
- [#3455]( [`0405eb18e88`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Fix error translation key on `useInfiniteList` hook.
## 3.99.1
### Patch Changes
- [#3455]( [`0405eb18e88`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Fix error translation key on `useInfiniteList` hook.
## 3.99.0
### Minor Changes
- [`0767d7a07a7`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Added the `useInfiniteList` hook 🥳. This hook is a modified version of react-query's [`useInfiniteQuery`]( used for retrieving items from a resource with pagination, sort, and filter configurations.
[Refer to `useInfiniteList` docs for further information. →](
## 3.98.0
### Minor Changes
- [`0767d7a07a7`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Added the `useInfiniteList` hook 🥳. This hook is a modified version of react-query's [`useInfiniteQuery`]( used for retrieving items from a resource with pagination, sort, and filter configurations.
[Refer to `useInfiniteList` docs for further information. →](
## 3.97.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3442]( [`8f2954611fa`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added swizzle support for `@pankod/refine-core` package.
Swizzleable components:
- `Authenticated`
- `CanAccess`
- `ErrorPage`
- Authentication Pages
- `Login`
- `Logout`
- `Register`
- `ForgotPassword`
- `UpdatePassword`
### Patch Changes
- [#3436]( [`ea74f3a8408`]( Thanks [@sevkioruc](! - Fix useList, useCustom and useCustomMutation hooks i18n issue in the error messages.
- [#3440]( [`96d93eb2d71`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Made the auth provider's `usePermissions` method optional.
## 3.96.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3442]( [`8f2954611fa`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added swizzle support for `@pankod/refine-core` package.
Swizzleable components:
- `Authenticated`
- `CanAccess`
- `ErrorPage`
- Authentication Pages
- `Login`
- `Logout`
- `Register`
- `ForgotPassword`
- `UpdatePassword`
### Patch Changes
- [#3436]( [`ea74f3a8408`]( Thanks [@sevkioruc](! - Fix useList, useCustom and useCustomMutation hooks i18n issue in the error messages.
- [#3440]( [`96d93eb2d71`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Made the auth provider's `usePermissions` method optional.
## 3.95.3
### Patch Changes
- [#3382]( [`6604586b030`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - Fixed: The link in the jsDOC of the `liveMode` replaced with the correct link.
- * @type [`"auto" | "manual" | "off"`](/docs/api-reference/core/interfaceReferences/#crudsorting)
+ * @type [`"auto" | "manual" | "off"`](/docs/api-reference/core/providers/live-provider/#livemode)
## 3.95.2
### Patch Changes
- [#3382]( [`6604586b030`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - Fixed: The link in the jsDOC of the `liveMode` replaced with the correct link.
- * @type [`"auto" | "manual" | "off"`](/docs/api-reference/core/interfaceReferences/#crudsorting)
+ * @type [`"auto" | "manual" | "off"`](/docs/api-reference/core/providers/live-provider/#livemode)
## 3.95.1
### Patch Changes
- [#3399]( [`22b44a857a8`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Fix `useTable` hook error return type.
## 3.95.0
### Minor Changes
- [`22b44a857a8`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Fix `useTable` hook error return type.
## 3.94.2
### Patch Changes
- [#3364]( [`98a1fbec65a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Changed `IResourceComponents` from `IResourceContext` to use `React.ComponentType` rather than `React.FunctionComponent` to make it compatible with other types and interfaces.
- [#3356]( [`310ebd05990`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed checkError hook is not called in onError of useCustomMutation
## 3.94.1
### Patch Changes
- [#3364]( [`98a1fbec65a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Changed `IResourceComponents` from `IResourceContext` to use `React.ComponentType` rather than `React.FunctionComponent` to make it compatible with other types and interfaces.
- [#3356]( [`310ebd05990`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed checkError hook is not called in onError of useCustomMutation
## 3.94.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3335]( [`ce6acf2b3d4`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - feat: `useResource` hook can now also return the current `action`
## 3.93.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3335]( [`ce6acf2b3d4`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - feat: `useResource` hook can now also return the current `action`
## 3.92.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3324]( [`9bfb34749bc`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added the ability to pass mutation options to `useMutation` hooks in mutation hooks:
- `useCreate` (data)
- `useUpdate` (data)
- `useDelete` (data)
- `useDeleteMany` (data)
- `useUpdateMany` (data)
- `useCreateMany` (data)
- `useCustomMutation` (data)
- `useLogin` (auth)
- `useLogout` (auth)
- `useRegister` (auth)
- `useForgotPassword` (auth)
- `useUpdatePassword` (auth)
- `useForm` (form)
### Patch Changes
- [`814eb1009da`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - chore: re-exported `@tanstack/react-query`
## 3.91.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3324]( [`9bfb34749bc`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added the ability to pass mutation options to `useMutation` hooks in mutation hooks:
- `useCreate` (data)
- `useUpdate` (data)
- `useDelete` (data)
- `useDeleteMany` (data)
- `useUpdateMany` (data)
- `useCreateMany` (data)
- `useCustomMutation` (data)
- `useLogin` (auth)
- `useLogout` (auth)
- `useRegister` (auth)
- `useForgotPassword` (auth)
- `useUpdatePassword` (auth)
- `useForm` (form)
### Patch Changes
- [`814eb1009da`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - chore: re-exported `@tanstack/react-query`
## 3.90.6
### Patch Changes
- [#3224]( [`a47f17931a8`]( Thanks [@leapful](! - Restore filter operator after clear it by using filter dropdown
- [#3220]( [`b867497f469`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated image links in `README.MD` with CDN
## 3.90.5
### Patch Changes
- [#3224]( [`a47f17931a8`]( Thanks [@leapful](! - Restore filter operator after clear it by using filter dropdown
- [#3220]( [`b867497f469`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated image links in `README.MD` with CDN
## 3.90.4
### Patch Changes
- [#3098]( [`a241ef3c957`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Update `notificationProvider` prop handling by converting to a custom hook to prevent hook usage errors.
## 3.90.3
### Patch Changes
- [#3098]( [`a241ef3c957`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Update `notificationProvider` prop handling by converting to a custom hook to prevent hook usage errors.
## 3.90.2
### Patch Changes
- [#3073]( [`38dfde0c2ec`]( Thanks [@samelhusseini](! - Fixed `queryOptions` parameter of `useShow` hook
## 3.90.1
### Patch Changes
- [#3073]( [`38dfde0c2ec`]( Thanks [@samelhusseini](! - Fixed `queryOptions` parameter of `useShow` hook
## 3.90.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3030]( [`d0998d66cd0`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Add `queryOptions` params on `useShow` hook.
## 3.89.0
### Minor Changes
- [#3030]( [`d0998d66cd0`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Add `queryOptions` params on `useShow` hook.
## 3.88.4
### Patch Changes
- [#2975]( [`249f9521c4`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added `hasPagination` property to `useSelect` hook for disabling pagination.
## 3.88.3
### Patch Changes
- [#2975]( [`249f9521c4`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added `hasPagination` property to `useSelect` hook for disabling pagination.
## 3.88.2
### Patch Changes
- [#2953]( [`e3642eafa2`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - Fix `useLogout()`'s `onSuccess`behavious according to `AuthProvider` `resolved-rejected` values.
## 3.88.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2953]( [`e3642eafa2`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - Fix `useLogout()`'s `onSuccess`behavious according to `AuthProvider` `resolved-rejected` values.
## 3.88.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2872]( [`da3fc4a702`]( Thanks [@TDP17](! - Feat: Added ability to manage breadcrumb component globally via options
## Usage
options= {{
breadcrumb: false, // hide globally
options= {{
breadcrumb: <MyCustomBreadcrumbComponent /> // custom component
## 3.87.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2872]( [`da3fc4a702`]( Thanks [@TDP17](! - Feat: Added ability to manage breadcrumb component globally via options
## Usage
options= {{
breadcrumb: false, // hide globally
options= {{
breadcrumb: <MyCustomBreadcrumbComponent /> // custom component
## 3.86.2
### Patch Changes
- [#2839]( [`5388a338ab`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - `useCan` hook was returning the stale value if same call is made with skipped access control.
## 3.86.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2839]( [`5388a338ab`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - `useCan` hook was returning the stale value if same call is made with skipped access control.
## 3.86.0
### Minor Changes
- Only `or` was supported as a conditional filter. Now `and` and `or` can be used together and nested. 🚀
operator: "or",
value: [
operator: "and",
value: [
field: "name",
operator: "eq",
value: "John Doe",
field: "age",
operator: "eq",
value: 30,
operator: "and",
value: [
field: "name",
operator: "eq",
value: "JR Doe",
field: "age",
operator: "eq",
value: 1,
## 3.85.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2751]( [`addff64c77`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Only `or` was supported as a conditional filter. Now `and` and `or` can be used together and nested. 🚀
operator: "or",
value: [
operator: "and",
value: [
field: "name",
operator: "eq",
value: "John Doe",
field: "age",
operator: "eq",
value: 30,
operator: "and",
value: [
field: "name",
operator: "eq",
value: "JR Doe",
field: "age",
operator: "eq",
value: 1,
## 3.84.0
### Minor Changes
- Marked `getMany`, `createMany`, `updateMany` and `deleteMany` functions as optional and substituted with `getOne`, `create`, `update` and `deleteOne` respectively. Now users can choose to skip implementing `getMany`, `createMany`, `updateMany` and `deleteMany` functions and use `getOne`, `create`, `update` and `deleteOne` functions instead.
**Breaking Change**
- `getMany`, `createMany`, `updateMany` and `deleteMany` functions are now optional and may cause type issues if used outside of the **refine** hooks.
## 3.83.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2688]( [`508045ac30`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Marked `getMany`, `createMany`, `updateMany` and `deleteMany` functions as optional and substituted with `getOne`, `create`, `update` and `deleteOne` respectively. Now users can choose to skip implementing `getMany`, `createMany`, `updateMany` and `deleteMany` functions and use `getOne`, `create`, `update` and `deleteOne` functions instead.
**Breaking Change**
- `getMany`, `createMany`, `updateMany` and `deleteMany` functions are now optional and may cause type issues if used outside of the **refine** hooks.
## 3.82.0
### Minor Changes
- Added `useSelect()`, setState handler functions are memoized
Fixed when `queryOptions.enabled = true` on `useSelect()`, fetches all data. #2691
### Patch Changes
- fix: `useSelect()`'s overridden `onSearch` function is not calling when value is empty.
## 3.81.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2704]( [`e4d78052ef`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - Added `useSelect()`, setState handler functions are memoized
Fixed when `queryOptions.enabled = true` on `useSelect()`, fetches all data. #2691
### Patch Changes
- [#2705]( [`031f67707c`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fix: `useSelect()`'s overridden `onSearch` function is not calling when value is empty.
## 3.80.0
### Minor Changes
- Added infinite loading example to antd `useSelect()`
`useSelect()` `fetchSize` prop is deprecated. From now [`pagination`]( should be used
- Added `dataProviderName` property to resource options. Now you can define default data provider per resource.
default: myProvider,
second: mySecondProvider,
name: "posts",
options: {
dataProviderName: "second",
### Patch Changes
- Add AuthProps type export
- Mark `default` key as required for multiple data providers in `dataProvider` prop of `<Refine />` component.
## 3.79.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2629]( [`bc89228e73`]( Thanks [@bungambohlah](! - Added infinite loading example to antd `useSelect()`
`useSelect()` `fetchSize` prop is deprecated. From now [`pagination`]( should be used
- [#2674]( [`3bd6196056`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added `dataProviderName` property to resource options. Now you can define default data provider per resource.
default: myProvider,
second: mySecondProvider,
name: "posts",
options: {
dataProviderName: "second",
### Patch Changes
- [#2666]( [`8a562d2114`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Add AuthProps type export
- [#2684]( [`38c3876af5`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Mark `default` key as required for multiple data providers in `dataProvider` prop of `<Refine />` component.
## 3.78.0
### Minor Changes
- `clientConfig` property now accepts `QueryClient` instance - #2665
# Usage
import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
const App: React.FC = () => (
reactQuery: {
clientConfig: queryClient
## 3.77.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2670]( [`f260932051`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - `clientConfig` property now accepts `QueryClient` instance - #2665
# Usage
import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
const App: React.FC = () => (
reactQuery: {
clientConfig: queryClient
## 3.76.0
### Minor Changes
- - Added new <AuthPage /> component core and mantine support.
- Move Auth types `@pankod/refine-ui-types` to `@pankod/refine-core`
### Patch Changes
- fix core data hooks type errors
## 3.75.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2667]( [`6e6a9e98e5`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fix core data hooks type errors
## 3.75.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2627]( [`c5fb45d61f`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - - Added new <AuthPage /> component core and mantine support.
- Move Auth types `@pankod/refine-ui-types` to `@pankod/refine-core`
## 3.74.8
### Patch Changes
- add props table to useCan documentation
## 3.74.7
### Patch Changes
- [#2615]( [`ad3947d847`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - add props table to useCan documentation
## 3.74.6
### Patch Changes
- Updated `devtoolConfig` type.
## 3.74.5
### Patch Changes
- [#2505]( [`a4dbb63c88`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Updated `devtoolConfig` type.
## 3.74.4
### Patch Changes
- Fixed useMenu hook is not reacting to locale change - #2598
## 3.74.3
### Patch Changes
- [#2600]( [`3ed69bba17`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed useMenu hook is not reacting to locale change - #2598
## 3.74.2
### Patch Changes
- Removed redundant type inheritance
## 3.74.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2586]( [`d7c8b7642b`]( Thanks [@necatiozmen](! - Removed redundant type inheritance
## 3.74.0
### Minor Changes
- Combine action related types into a single file and derive types from it to avoid future inconsistencies.
Renamed `RedirectionTypes` type to `RedirectAction`.
Updated every type definition of actions to use the new `Action` type or derivations of it.
### Patch Changes
- Fixed the issue in resource routes not taking `options.route` of parent resource into account.
- Rename `reset-password` -> `forgot-password` on docs.
## 3.73.0
### Minor Changes
- Combine action related types into a single file and derive types from it to avoid future inconsistencies.
Renamed `RedirectionTypes` type to `RedirectAction`.
Updated every type definition of actions to use the new `Action` type or derivations of it.
### Patch Changes
- Fixed the issue in resource routes not taking `options.route` of parent resource into account.
- Rename `reset-password` -> `forgot-password` on docs.
## 3.72.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2568]( [`efe99f7843`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Rename `reset-password` -> `forgot-password` on docs.
## 3.72.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2486]( [`ee4d0d112a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Combine action related types into a single file and derive types from it to avoid future inconsistencies.
Renamed `RedirectionTypes` type to `RedirectAction`.
Updated every type definition of actions to use the new `Action` type or derivations of it.
### Patch Changes
- [#2486]( [`ee4d0d112a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fixed the issue in resource routes not taking `options.route` of parent resource into account.
## 3.71.2
### Patch Changes
- Fix `useImport` hook requests with properly invoking requests sequentially and manage progress state.
- Removed `children` property from `useCan`s `params.resource` since it can be in `ITreeMenu` type and `React.ReactNode` breaks the `react-query`s key stringify function.
- Fixed undoable mutation is called many times - #2556
## 3.71.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2560]( [`373cee23ba`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fix `useImport` hook requests with properly invoking requests sequentially and manage progress state.
- [#2537]( [`4407bf8825`]( Thanks [@ozkalai](! - Removed `children` property from `useCan`s `params.resource` since it can be in `ITreeMenu` type and `React.ReactNode` breaks the `react-query`s key stringify function.
- [#2559]( [`75b699cd6c`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed undoable mutation is called many times - #2556
## 3.71.0
### Minor Changes
- - Renamed `resetPassword` in AuthProvider to `forgotPassword`
- Renamed `useResetPassword` hook to `useForgotPassword`
## 3.70.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2524]( [`27bf81bebb`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - - Renamed `resetPassword` in AuthProvider to `forgotPassword`
- Renamed `useResetPassword` hook to `useForgotPassword`
## 3.69.9
### Patch Changes
- Add register function to `AuthContextProvider` for invalidate auth store queries.
- Fixed version of react-router to `6.3.0`
## 3.69.8
### Patch Changes
- [#2501]( [`4095a578d4`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed version of react-router to `6.3.0`
## 3.69.7
### Patch Changes
- [#2447]( [`628a37a675`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - Add register function to `AuthContextProvider` for invalidate auth store queries.
## 3.69.6
### Patch Changes
- Fix import of react-query `DevtoolsOptions` interface
## 3.69.5
### Patch Changes
- [#2481]( [`7820454ae7`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fix import of react-query `DevtoolsOptions` interface
## 3.69.4
### Patch Changes
- Fixed default login page for headless
## 3.69.3
### Patch Changes
- [#2475]( [`fc859677d9`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed default login page for headless
## 3.69.2
### Patch Changes
- Update `useForm` and `useShow` hooks to watch for `id` from `props` and update the query with the new `id` when it changes.
## 3.69.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2467]( [`21bb649bc7`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Update `useForm` and `useShow` hooks to watch for `id` from `props` and update the query with the new `id` when it changes.
## 3.69.0
### Minor Changes
- Adding more CRUD Filter Operators
* Add `initialData` support to `DashboardPage` for `@pankod/refine-nextjs-router`.
## 3.68.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2456]( [`f20a0ed621`]( Thanks [@workatease](! - Adding more CRUD Filter Operators
* [#2142]( [`dd00de215a`]( Thanks [@ozkalai](! - Add `initialData` support to `DashboardPage` for `@pankod/refine-nextjs-router`.
## 3.67.0
### Minor Changes
- Updated the generation of type declarations, moved the declarations from `tsup` to `tsc` for a better experience with `Peek Definition` and `Go to Definition` features. After this change, it's expected to navigate to the source code of the `refine` packages instead of the `dist` directory with combined declarations.
* Removed `jose` dependency.
- Remove `decamelize` dependency from `humanizeString` helper and replace the functionality with regExp.
### Patch Changes
- Fixed the issue with the TS compiler and `useResource` hooks return type.
* Pass `dataProviderName` prop to mutations in `@pankod/refine-core`'s `useImport` hook.
## 3.66.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2448]( [`f1edb19979`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Pass `dataProviderName` prop to mutations in `@pankod/refine-core`'s `useImport` hook.
## 3.66.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2440]( [`0150dcd070`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated the generation of type declarations, moved the declarations from `tsup` to `tsc` for a better experience with `Peek Definition` and `Go to Definition` features. After this change, it's expected to navigate to the source code of the `refine` packages instead of the `dist` directory with combined declarations.
* [#2439]( [`f2faf99f25`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Removed `jose` dependency.
- [#2443]( [`2c428b3105`]( Thanks [@ozkalai](! - Remove `decamelize` dependency from `humanizeString` helper and replace the functionality with regExp.
### Patch Changes
- [#2440]( [`0150dcd070`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fixed the issue with the TS compiler and `useResource` hooks return type.
## 3.65.3
### Patch Changes
- Fixed, `loginLink` and `registerLink` texts and remove unnecessary props from forms
* Fixed syncWithLocation not tracking when useTable filters were reset
## 3.65.2
### Patch Changes
- [#2435]( [`bdf32c6cf9`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed syncWithLocation not tracking when useTable filters were reset
## 3.65.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2433]( [`3ce29dda52`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - Fixed, `loginLink` and `registerLink` texts and remove unnecessary props from forms
## 3.65.0
### Minor Changes
- 🎉 Added `AuthPage` component to the `refine` app. This page is used to login, register, forgot password and update password. Login page is default page and old `LoginPage` component is deprecated.
# New Auth Hooks
📌 Added `useRegister` hook. This hook is used to register new user. `useRegister` falls into register function of [`AuthProvider`](
📌 Added `useForgotPassword` hook. This hook is used to forgot password. `useForgotPassword` falls into `forgotPassword` function of [`AuthProvider`](
📌 Added `useUpdatePassword` hook. This hook is used to update password. `useUpdatePassword` falls into `updatePassword` function of [`AuthProvider`](
- <LoginPage>
+ <AuthPage>
# New `AuthPage` props:
interface IAuthPageProps extends IAuthCommonProps {
type?: "login" | "register" | "forgotPassword" | "updatePassword";
interface IAuthCommonProps {
submitButton?: React.ReactNode;
registerLink?: React.ReactNode;
loginLink?: React.ReactNode;
forgotPasswordLink?: React.ReactNode;
updatePasswordLink?: React.ReactNode;
backLink?: React.ReactNode;
providers?: IProvider[];
interface IProvider {
name: string;
icon?: React.ReactNode;
label?: string;
### Patch Changes
- Fixed `<AuthPage>` by adding missing props to "login" and "register" pages.
Fixed `<Refine>` component `LoginPage` property.
## 3.64.2
### Patch Changes
- [#2415]( [`f7c98f0ef9`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - Fixed `<AuthPage>` by adding missing props to "login" and "register" pages.
Fixed `<Refine>` component `LoginPage` property.
## 3.64.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2299]( [`a02cb9e8ef`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - 🎉 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine` app. This page is used to login, register, forgot password and update password. Login page is default page and old `LoginPage` component is deprecated.
# New Auth Hooks
📌 Added `useRegister` hook. This hook is used to register new user. `useRegister` falls into register function of [`AuthProvider`](
📌 Added `useForgotPassword` hook. This hook is used to forgot password. `useForgotPassword` falls into `forgotPassword` function of [`AuthProvider`](
📌 Added `useUpdatePassword` hook. This hook is used to update password. `useUpdatePassword` falls into `updatePassword` function of [`AuthProvider`](
- <LoginPage>
+ <AuthPage>
# New `AuthPage` props:
interface IAuthPageProps extends IAuthCommonProps {
type?: "login" | "register" | "forgotPassword" | "updatePassword";
interface IAuthCommonProps {
registerLink?: React.ReactNode;
loginLink?: React.ReactNode;
forgotPasswordLink?: React.ReactNode;
updatePasswordLink?: React.ReactNode;
backLink?: React.ReactNode;
providers?: IProvider[];
interface IProvider {
name: string;
icon?: React.ReactNode;
label?: string;
# Add `AuthPage` as a default page to Routers
📌 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine-nextjs-router`. Default page is `AuthPage`.
📌 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine-react-location`. Default page is `AuthPage`.
📌 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine-react-router-v6`. Default page is `AuthPage`.
📌 Added `AuthPage` to the `refine-remix-router`. Default page is `AuthPage`.
## 3.64.0
### Minor Changes
- Add an option to hide `resources` from the `Sider` menu
name: "posts",
list: PostList,
options: {
hide: true,
* Add object path syntax support for the useSelect hook
resource: "posts",
optionLabel: "nested.title",
optionLabel: "",
## 3.63.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2391]( [`e530670c2d`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Add an option to hide `resources` from the `Sider` menu
name: "posts",
list: PostList,
options: {
hide: true,
* [#2395]( [`3019fae7a0`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Add object path syntax support for the useSelect hook
resource: "posts",
optionLabel: "nested.title",
optionLabel: "",
## 3.62.1
### Patch Changes
- fix redirectPage return value #2377
## 3.62.0
### Minor Changes
- Added a new `<Refine>` component property: `options`.
Previously, the options were passed as a property to the `<Refine>` component. Now, the options are passed to the `<Refine>` via `options` property like this:
- mutationMode="undoable"
- undoableTimeout={5000}
- warnWhenUnsavedChanges
- syncWithLocation
- liveMode="off"
- disableTelemetry={false}
+ options={{
+ mutationMode: "undoable",
+ undoableTimeout: 5000,
+ warnWhenUnsavedChanges: true,
+ syncWithLocation: true,
+ liveMode: "off",
+ disableTelemetry: false,
+ }}
* Added a new redirect feature. It is now possible to set default redirects.
By default, when a form is submitted, it will redirect to the "list" page of the current resource. You can change this behavior by setting the `redirect` parameter like this:
options={{ redirect: { afterCreate: "show", afterClone: "edit", afterEdit: false }, }}
### Patch Changes
- - `lodash` moved to "dependencies" for CommonJS builds
* - Fixed `lodash-es` usage for ESM builds
## 3.61.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2377]( [`c62fb114b1`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - fix redirectPage return value #2377
## 3.61.0
### Minor Changes
- Added a new `<Refine>` component property: `options`.
Previously, the options were passed as a property to the `<Refine>` component. Now, the options are passed to the `<Refine>` via `options` property like this:
- mutationMode="undoable"
- undoableTimeout={5000}
- warnWhenUnsavedChanges
- syncWithLocation
- liveMode="off"
- disableTelemetry={false}
+ options={{
+ mutationMode: "undoable",
+ undoableTimeout: 5000,
+ warnWhenUnsavedChanges: true,
+ syncWithLocation: true,
+ liveMode: "off",
+ disableTelemetry: false,
+ }}
* Added a new redirect feature. It is now possible to set default redirects.
By default, when a form is submitted, it will redirect to the "list" page of the current resource. You can change this behavior by setting the `redirect` parameter like this:
options={{ redirect: { afterCreate: "show", afterClone: "edit", afterEdit: false }, }}
### Patch Changes
- - `lodash` moved to "dependencies" for CommonJS builds
* - Fixed `lodash-es` usage for ESM builds
## 3.60.0
### Minor Changes
- Added a new `<Refine>` component property: `options`.
Previously, the options were passed as a property to the `<Refine>` component. Now, the options are passed to the `<Refine>` via `options` property like this:
- mutationMode="undoable"
- undoableTimeout={5000}
- warnWhenUnsavedChanges
- syncWithLocation
- liveMode="off"
- disableTelemetry={false}
+ options={{
+ mutationMode: "undoable",
+ undoableTimeout: 5000,
+ warnWhenUnsavedChanges: true,
+ syncWithLocation: true,
+ liveMode: "off",
+ disableTelemetry: false,
+ }}
* Added a new redirect feature. It is now possible to set default redirects.
By default, when a form is submitted, it will redirect to the "list" page of the current resource. You can change this behavior by setting the `redirect` parameter like this:
options={{ redirect: { afterCreate: "show", afterClone: "edit", afterEdit: false }, }}
### Patch Changes
- - `lodash` moved to "dependencies" for CommonJS builds
* - Fixed `lodash-es` usage for ESM builds
## 3.59.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2352]( [`e4d39eff33`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added a new `<Refine>` component property: `options`.
Previously, the options were passed as a property to the `<Refine>` component. Now, the options are passed to the `<Refine>` via `options` property like this:
- mutationMode="undoable"
- undoableTimeout={5000}
- warnWhenUnsavedChanges
- syncWithLocation
- liveMode="off"
- disableTelemetry={false}
+ options={{
+ mutationMode: "undoable",
+ undoableTimeout: 5000,
+ warnWhenUnsavedChanges: true,
+ syncWithLocation: true,
+ liveMode: "off",
+ disableTelemetry: false,
+ }}
* [#2361]( [`95e1a17cd1`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added a new redirect feature. It is now possible to set default redirects.
By default, when a form is submitted, it will redirect to the "list" page of the current resource. You can change this behavior by setting the `redirect` parameter like this:
options={{ redirect: { afterCreate: "show", afterClone: "edit", afterEdit: false }, }}
### Patch Changes
- [#2366]( [`de87f13dad`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - - `lodash` moved to "dependencies" for CommonJS builds
* [#2366]( [`de87f13dad`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - - Fixed `lodash-es` usage for ESM builds
## 3.58.5
### Patch Changes
- `lodash` moved to dependencies.
## 3.58.4
### Patch Changes
- [#2350]( [`f8e5d99598`]( Thanks [@ozkalai](! - `lodash` moved to dependencies.
## 3.58.3
### Patch Changes
- Fixed react-query devtools was consuming high CPU
## 3.58.2
### Patch Changes
- [#2333]( [`2f0255ec95`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed react-query devtools was consuming high CPU
## 3.58.1
### Patch Changes
- `AuthProvider`'s `login` method can now return a value for `Remix`'s authentication flow
## 3.58.0
### Minor Changes
- Updated `reactQueryDevtoolConfig` prop type and added `false` option to disable the React Query Devtools.
## 3.57.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2311]( [`645391a3d9`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated `reactQueryDevtoolConfig` prop type and added `false` option to disable the React Query Devtools.
## 3.56.11
### Patch Changes
- Fixed user-defined URL query parameters being deleted when using `syncWithLocation`
## 3.56.10
### Patch Changes
- Added [QueryFunctionContext]('s values to `queryContext` in `metaData`.
## 3.56.9
### Patch Changes
- [#2294]( [`c67a232861`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Added [QueryFunctionContext]('s values to `queryContext` in `metaData`.
## 3.56.8
### Patch Changes
- Fixed `@tanstack/react-query-devtools` dependency
## 3.56.7
### Patch Changes
- [`754da29b34`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed `@tanstack/react-query-devtools` dependency
## 3.56.6
### Patch Changes
- Upgraded `react-query` version to 4.
* Updated the return value of `useGetIdentity`. When the `getUserIdentity` function is not defined, it returns `{}` instead of `undefined`.
## 3.56.5
### Patch Changes
- [#2260]( [`a97ec592df`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Upgraded `react-query` version to 4.
* [#2260]( [`a97ec592df`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Updated the return value of `useGetIdentity`. When the `getUserIdentity` function is not defined, it returns `{}` instead of `undefined`.
## 3.56.4
### Patch Changes
- Fix **useCan** hook params keys.
Since `react-query` stringifies the query keys, it will throw an error for a circular dependency if we include `React.ReactNode` elements inside the keys.
The feature in #2220( includes such change and to fix this, we need to remove `icon` property in the `resource`
* Updated `<Refine/>` component with memoization to prevent unwanted effects.
- Fixed the issue: `react-query`'s `queryClient` was re-initializing on every render which was causing it to reset the query cache.
- Memoized the `notificationProvider` prop to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
- Memoized the `resources` prop to prevent unnecessary transform calls on every render.
- - Fixed Browser back navigation is broken with `syncWithLocation` and paginated `useTable` - #2276
- Updated `push` and `replace` args of `useNavigation`
## 3.56.3
### Patch Changes
- [#2278]( [`8b11f8a267`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - Fix **useCan** hook params keys.
Since `react-query` stringifies the query keys, it will throw an error for a circular dependency if we include `React.ReactNode` elements inside the keys.
The feature in #2220( includes such change and to fix this, we need to remove `icon` property in the `resource`
* [#2280]( [`e22cac6d8b`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated `<Refine/>` component with memoization to prevent unwanted effects.
- Fixed the issue: `react-query`'s `queryClient` was re-initializing on every render which was causing it to reset the query cache.
- Memoized the `notificationProvider` prop to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
- Memoized the `resources` prop to prevent unnecessary transform calls on every render.
- [#2279]( [`786fb08b8b`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - - Fixed Browser back navigation is broken with `syncWithLocation` and paginated `useTable` - #2276
- Updated `push` and `replace` args of `useNavigation`
## 3.56.2
### Patch Changes
- Fixed invalidation of authentication caches every time `checkAuth` is run
## 3.56.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2271]( [`40b84d35a3`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed invalidation of authentication caches every time `checkAuth` is run
## 3.56.0
### Minor Changes
- Add React@18 support 🚀
## 3.55.0
### Minor Changes
- [#1718]( [`b38620d842`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Add React@18 support 🚀
## 3.54.0
### Minor Changes
- Added config parameter to useCustomMutationHook to send headers.
const apiUrl = useApiUrl();
const { mutate } = useCustomMutation<ICategory>();
url: `${API_URL}/categories`,
method: "post",
values: {
title: "New Category",
config: {
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer ****",
## 3.53.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2245]( [`e949df7f1c`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Added config parameter to useCustomMutationHook to send headers.
const apiUrl = useApiUrl();
const { mutate } = useCustomMutation<ICategory>();
url: `${API_URL}/categories`,
method: "post",
values: {
title: "New Category",
config: {
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer ****",
## 3.52.0
### Minor Changes
- Added `useCustomMutation`hook for custom mutation requests.
import { useCustomMutation } from "@pankod/refine-core";
const { mutation } = useCustomMutation();
url: "",
method: "POST",
values: {
name: "John Doe",
email: "",
## 3.51.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2229]( [`878e9a105e`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Added `useCustomMutation`hook for custom mutation requests.
import { useCustomMutation } from "@pankod/refine-core";
const { mutation } = useCustomMutation();
url: "",
method: "POST",
values: {
name: "John Doe",
email: "",
## 3.50.0
### Minor Changes
- Pass the full `resource` to the `accessControlProvider` can method. This will enable Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC), for example granting permissions based on the value of a field in the resource object.
const App: React.FC = () => {
// other providers and props
can: async ({ resource, action, params }) => {
if (resource === "posts" && action === "edit") {
return Promise.resolve({
can: false,
reason: "Unauthorized",
// or you can access directly *resource object
// const resourceName = params?.resource?.name;
// const anyUsefulOption = params?.resource?.options?.yourUsefulOption;
// if (resourceName === "posts" && anyUsefulOption === true && action === "edit") {
// return Promise.resolve({
// can: false,
// reason: "Unauthorized",
// });
// }
return Promise.resolve({ can: true });
## 3.49.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2222]( [`43e92b9785`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Pass the full `resource` to the `accessControlProvider` can method. This will enable Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC), for example granting permissions based on the value of a field in the resource object.
const App: React.FC = () => {
// other providers and props
can: async ({ resource, action, params }) => {
if (resource === "posts" && action === "edit") {
return Promise.resolve({
can: false,
reason: "Unauthorized",
// or you can access directly *resource object
// const resourceName = params?.resource?.name;
// const anyUsefulOption = params?.resource?.options?.yourUsefulOption;
// if (resourceName === "posts" && anyUsefulOption === true && action === "edit") {
// return Promise.resolve({
// can: false,
// reason: "Unauthorized",
// });
// }
return Promise.resolve({ can: true });
## 3.48.0
### Minor Changes
- All of the refine packages have dependencies on the `@pankod/refine-core` package. So far we have managed these dependencies with `peerDependencies` + `dependencies` but this causes issues like #2183. (having more than one @pankod/refine-core version in node_modules and creating different instances)
Managing as `peerDependencies` + `devDependencies` seems like the best way for now to avoid such issues.
### Patch Changes
- Fix adding the current path to the `to` parameter when redirecting to the login page after `logout` - #2211
## 3.47.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2217]( [`b4aae00f77`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - All of the refine packages have dependencies on the `@pankod/refine-core` package. So far we have managed these dependencies with `peerDependencies` + `dependencies` but this causes issues like #2183. (having more than one @pankod/refine-core version in node_modules and creating different instances)
Managing as `peerDependencies` + `devDependencies` seems like the best way for now to avoid such issues.
## 3.46.0
### Minor Changes
- Update notification props in data hooks of `@pankod/refine-core` to cover dynamic notifications.
Now users will be able to show notifications according to the API response by assigning a function which returns `OpenNotificationParams` instead of an `OpenNotificationParams` object.
const { mutate } = useCreate({
/* ... */
successNotification: (data, values, resource) => ({
message: data?.message ?? "Success!",
type: "success",
description: data?.description;
errorNotification: (error, values, resource) => ({
message: error?.message ?? error?.code ?? "Error!",
type: "error",
description: error?.reason;
/* ... */
## 3.45.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2177]( [`5a805c789a`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Update notification props in data hooks of `@pankod/refine-core` to cover dynamic notifications.
Now users will be able to show notifications according to the API response by assigning a function which returns `OpenNotificationParams` instead of an `OpenNotificationParams` object.
const { mutate } = useCreate({
/* ... */
successNotification: (data, values, resource) => ({
message: data?.message ?? "Success!",
type: "success",
description: data?.description;
errorNotification: (error, values, resource) => ({
message: error?.message ?? error?.code ?? "Error!",
type: "error",
description: error?.reason;
/* ... */
## 3.44.0
### Minor Changes
- Added ability to compare `or` filters. This was a missing feature on filters in `useTable` hook. With this feature, we will prevent `or` filter bugs (Resolves #2124) such as re-adding the same filters and being unable to modify `or` filter. To remove `or` filter with `merge` behavior, you should pass an empty object as `value`.
### Patch Changes
- Fix redirection after submit in `useForm`. Both `edit` and `create` will redirect to `list` (it was `edit` previously)
Resolves #2123
## 3.43.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2172]( [`c33d13eb15`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fix redirection after submit in `useForm`. Both `edit` and `create` will redirect to `list` (it was `edit` previously)
Resolves #2123
## 3.43.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2164]( [`4d5f6b25e5`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Added ability to compare `or` filters. This was a missing feature on filters in `useTable` hook. With this feature, we will prevent `or` filter bugs (Resolves #2124) such as re-adding the same filters and being unable to modify `or` filter. To remove `or` filter with `merge` behavior, you should pass an empty object as `value`.
## 3.42.0
### Minor Changes
- ### `@pankod/refine-core`
- Added extra params to `useSubscription` and `useResourceSubscription`
- `useOne`, `useMany` and `useList` passed extra params to own subscription hook.
### `@pankod/refine-hasura`
- Added `liveProvider`.
To see an example of how to use it, check out [`here`](
### `@pankod/refine-nhost`
- Added `liveProvider`.
To see an example of how to use it, check out [`here`](
### `@pankod/refine-graphql`
- Added `liveProvider`.
### Patch Changes
- Fixed it to appear in menu items even if `List` is not given in resources #2147
## 3.41.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2151]( [`d4c7377361`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed it to appear in menu items even if `List` is not given in resources #2147
## 3.41.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2120]( [`2aa7aace52`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - ### `@pankod/refine-core`
- Added extra params to `useSubscription` and `useResourceSubscription`
- `useOne`, `useMany` and `useList` passed extra params to own subscription hook.
### `@pankod/refine-hasura`
- Added `liveProvider`.
To see an example of how to use it, check out [`here`](
### `@pankod/refine-nhost`
- Added `liveProvider`.
To see an example of how to use it, check out [`here`](
### `@pankod/refine-graphql`
- Added `liveProvider`.
## 3.40.0
### Minor Changes
- Add a simple and transparent telemetry module to collect usage statistics defined within a very limited scope.
Tracking is completely safe and anonymous. It does not contain any personally identifiable information and does not use cookies. Participation is optional and users can opt out easily.
For more information, you can check the [documentation](
## 3.39.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2078]( [`868bb943ad`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Add a simple and transparent telemetry module to collect usage statistics defined within a very limited scope.
Tracking is completely safe and anonymous. It does not contain any personally identifiable information and does not use cookies. Participation is optional and users can opt out easily.
For more information, you can check the [documentation](
## 3.38.2
### Patch Changes
- - The redirect method that return from `useForm` updated to be avaiable for passing `id`.
const { redirect } = useForm();
redirect("edit", id);
- Returning API response to `onFinish` function for successful mutations
## 3.38.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2089]( [`ee8e8bbd6c`]( Thanks [@ozkalai](! - - The redirect method that return from `useForm` updated to be avaiable for passing `id`.
const { redirect } = useForm();
redirect("edit", id);
- Returning API response to `onFinish` function for successful mutations
## 3.38.0
### Minor Changes
- `useLog` is converted to useQuery mutation.
// before
const { log } = useLog();
resource: 'posts',
action: 'create',
data: {
id: 1
// after
const { log } = useLog();
const { mutation } = log;
resource: 'posts',
action: 'create',
data: {
id: 1
### Patch Changes
- Fixed `useBreadcrumb` hook throws `console.warn` even if i18nProvider is not used - #2103
## 3.37.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2049]( [`98966b586f`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - `useLog` is converted to useQuery mutation.
// before
const { log } = useLog();
resource: 'posts',
action: 'create',
data: {
id: 1
// after
const { log } = useLog();
const { mutation } = log;
resource: 'posts',
action: 'create',
data: {
id: 1
### Patch Changes
- [#2104]( [`9d77c63a92`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed `useBreadcrumb` hook throws `console.warn` even if i18nProvider is not used - #2103
## 3.36.0
### Minor Changes
- Ability to disable server-side pagination on `useTable` and `useList` hooks.
Added `hasPagination` property to `useTable` to enable/disable pagination. Updated `useList` config with no pagination option. Set `hasPagination` to `false` to disable pagination. `useTable` hook uses the `useList` hook under the hood and propagates the `hasPagination` property to it. Also setting pagination related return values to `undefined` for better type check on the user side.
**Use Cases**
In some data providers, some of the resources might not support pagination which was not supported prior to these changes. To handle the pagination on the client-side or to disable completely, users can set `hasPagination` to `false`.
### Patch Changes
- Added `actions` translate support for CRUD operations (`list`,`create`,`edit`,`show`) in the `useBreadcrumb` [`useBreadcrumb`]( hook.
#⃣ First, We need to add the `actions` key to the translation file.
"actions": {
"list": "List",
"create": "Create",
"edit": "Edit",
"show": "Show"
#⃣ If you don't provide the `actions` key, `useBreadcrumb` will try to find the `buttons` key in the `translation` file for backward compatibility.
"buttons": {
"list": "List",
"create": "Create",
"edit": "Edit",
"show": "Show"
🎉 You can check the code part of this pull request to see how it works [here👇🏼](
const key = `actions.${action}`;
const actionLabel = translate(key);
if (actionLabel === key) {
`Breadcrumb missing translate key for the "${action}" action. Please add "actions.${action}" key to your translation file. For more information, see`,
label: translate(`buttons.${action}`, humanizeString(action)),
} else {
label: translate(key, humanizeString(action)),
## 3.35.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2050]( [`635cfe9fdb`]( Thanks [@ozkalai](! - Ability to disable server-side pagination on `useTable` and `useList` hooks.
Added `hasPagination` property to `useTable` to enable/disable pagination. Updated `useList` config with no pagination option. Set `hasPagination` to `false` to disable pagination. `useTable` hook uses the `useList` hook under the hood and propagates the `hasPagination` property to it. Also setting pagination related return values to `undefined` for better type check on the user side.
**Use Cases**
In some data providers, some of the resources might not support pagination which was not supported prior to these changes. To handle the pagination on the client-side or to disable completely, users can set `hasPagination` to `false`.
### Patch Changes
- [#2069]( [`ecde34a9b3`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - Added `actions` translate support for CRUD operations (`list`,`create`,`edit`,`show`) in the `useBreadcrumb` [`useBreadcrumb`]( hook.
#⃣ First, We need to add the `actions` key to the translation file.
"actions": {
"list": "List",
"create": "Create",
"edit": "Edit",
"show": "Show"
#⃣ If you don't provide the `actions` key, `useBreadcrumb` will try to find the `buttons` key in the `translation` file for backward compatibility.
"buttons": {
"list": "List",
"create": "Create",
"edit": "Edit",
"show": "Show"
🎉 You can check the code part of this pull request to see how it works [here👇🏼](
const key = `actions.${action}`;
const actionLabel = translate(key);
if (actionLabel === key) {
`Breadcrumb missing translate key for the "${action}" action. Please add "actions.${action}" key to your translation file. For more information, see`,
label: translate(`buttons.${action}`, humanizeString(action)),
} else {
label: translate(key, humanizeString(action)),
## 3.34.2
### Patch Changes
- Fixed `useImport` `onFinish` twice call bug.
## 3.34.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2047]( [`0338ce9d6b`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Fixed `useImport` `onFinish` twice call bug.
## 3.34.0
### Minor Changes
- Added i18n support for resource names on [`useBreadcrumb`]( hook.
* Export `RefineProps` and `ResourceProps` type.
### Patch Changes
- We have fixed texts with translations of default login pages in Material UI and Headless.
## 3.33.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2030]( [`d96ba1e9c8`]( Thanks [@biskuvit](! - Added i18n support for resource names on [`useBreadcrumb`]( hook.
* [#1922]( [`12f08ae6a3`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Export `RefineProps` and `ResourceProps` type.
### Patch Changes
- [#2029]( [`b257d87fef`]( Thanks [@ozkalai](! - We have fixed texts with translations of default login pages in Material UI and Headless.
## 3.32.0
### Minor Changes
- Add `useMenu` hook to `@pankod/refine-core`
### Patch Changes
- Add custom route support to `defaultOpenKeys` in `useMenu`
* Handle the `undefined` case at audit-log logger in data hooks.
- Remove dashboard item in `useMenu` hook
## 3.31.0
### Minor Changes
- [`498c425a0e`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Add `useMenu` hook to `@pankod/refine-core`
### Patch Changes
- [`498c425a0e`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Add custom route support to `defaultOpenKeys` in `useMenu`
* [`498c425a0e`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Handle the `undefined` case at audit-log logger in data hooks.
- [#2009]( [`5b893a9bff`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Remove dashboard item in `useMenu` hook
## 3.30.0
### Minor Changes
- Add `useMenu` hook to `@pankod/refine-core`
### Patch Changes
- Add custom route support to `defaultOpenKeys` in `useMenu`
* Handle the `undefined` case at audit-log logger in data hooks.
## 3.29.2
### Patch Changes
- Fix hook-inside-hook call in `notificationProvider` setup at `<Refine/>`
## 3.29.1
### Patch Changes
- [#1973]( [`206540971b`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Fix hook-inside-hook call in `notificationProvider` setup at `<Refine/>`
## 3.29.0
### Minor Changes
- Updated `notificationProvider` prop in the `Refine` wrapper component to be able to lazily initialized.
## 3.28.0
### Minor Changes
- Updated `notificationProvider` prop in the `Refine` wrapper component to be able to lazily initialized.
## 3.27.0
### Minor Changes
- Updated `notificationProvider` prop in the `Refine` wrapper component to be able to lazily initialized.
## 3.26.0
### Minor Changes
- [#1896]( [`2ba2a96fd2`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Updated `notificationProvider` prop in the `Refine` wrapper component to be able to lazily initialized.
## 3.23.2
### Patch Changes
- [#1873]( [`2deb19babf`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - Removed dummy default values from internal contexts.
Updated contexts:
- Auth
- Access Control
- Notification
- Translation (i18n)
- unsavedWarn
**BREAKING:** `useGetLocale` hook now can return `undefined` instead of a fallback value of `en` in cases of `i18nProvider` being `undefined`.
## 3.23.1
### Patch Changes
- [`3281378b11`]( Thanks [@rassie](! - Fix: Don't "humanize" labels in breadcrumbs
## 3.23.0
### Minor Changes
- [#1843]( [`31850119e0`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Add `useBreadcrumb` hook and `Breadrumb` component for `@pankod/refine-antd` package