An online news site that includes the latest news, news categories and breaking news with an advanced admin panel
Updated 2024-04-13 20:46:45 +00:00
CasaOS - A simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source Personal Cloud system.
Updated 2024-04-13 20:46:29 +00:00
Tailwind CSS components that support RTL languages & fully responsive based on Flexbox & CSS Grid with elegant Dark Mode .
Updated 2024-04-13 20:46:06 +00:00
SquirrelMail CardDAV Address book backend plugin
Updated 2024-04-13 20:44:59 +00:00
Self-hosted file/code/media sharing website.
Updated 2024-04-13 20:44:40 +00:00
A super lightweight and simple CMS, built for the modern web and simplicity
Updated 2024-04-13 20:44:19 +00:00
Miruro is an Anime Streaming Site with minimal UI and ad-free experience. Made with React.
Updated 2024-04-13 20:44:00 +00:00
Updated 2024-04-13 20:43:36 +00:00
PhyrePanel - Open source web hosting control panel
Updated 2024-04-13 20:43:18 +00:00
PhyrePanelWebsite - Website of open source web hosting control panel
Updated 2024-04-13 20:42:54 +00:00
Server ecosystem for Standard Notes; fully self-hostable.
Updated 2024-04-13 20:42:38 +00:00