2019-12-20 16:45:11 +01:00

650 lines
30 KiB

// Command extension,
// Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Datenstrom,
// This file may be used and distributed under the terms of the public license.
class YellowCommand {
const VERSION = "0.8.10";
const TYPE = "feature";
const PRIORITY = "3";
public $yellow; //access to API
public $files; //number of files
public $links; //number of links
public $errors; //number of errors
public $locationsArgs; //locations with location arguments detected
public $locationsArgsPagination; //locations with pagination arguments detected
// Handle initialisation
public function onLoad($yellow) {
$this->yellow = $yellow;
// Handle command
public function onCommand($args) {
list($command) = $args;
switch ($command) {
case "": $statusCode = $this->processCommandHelp(); break;
case "about": $statusCode = $this->processCommandAbout($args); break;
case "build": $statusCode = $this->processCommandBuild($args); break;
case "check": $statusCode = $this->processCommandCheck($args); break;
case "clean": $statusCode = $this->processCommandClean($args); break;
case "serve": $statusCode = $this->processCommandServe($args); break;
default: $statusCode = 0;
return $statusCode;
// Handle command help
public function onCommandHelp() {
$help .= "about\n";
$help .= "build [directory location]\n";
$help .= "check [directory location]\n";
$help .= "clean [directory location]\n";
$help .= "serve [directory url]\n";
return $help;
// Process command to show available commands
public function processCommandHelp() {
echo "Datenstrom Yellow is for people who make websites.\n";
$lineCounter = 0;
foreach ($this->getCommandHelp() as $line) {
echo(++$lineCounter>1 ? " " : "Syntax: ")."php yellow.php $line\n";
return 200;
// Process command to show website version and updates
public function processCommandAbout($args) {
$serverVersion = $this->yellow->toolbox->getServerVersion();
echo "Datenstrom Yellow ".YellowCore::VERSION.", PHP ".PHP_VERSION.", $serverVersion\n";
list($statusCode, $dataCurrent) = $this->getExtensionsVersion();
list($statusCode, $dataLatest) = $this->getExtensionsVersion(true);
foreach ($dataCurrent as $key=>$value) {
if (strnatcasecmp($dataCurrent[$key], $dataLatest[$key])>=0) {
echo ucfirst($key)." $value\n";
} else {
echo ucfirst($key)." $value - Update available\n";
if ($statusCode!=200) echo "ERROR checking updates: ".$this->yellow->page->get("pageError")."\n";
return $statusCode;
// Process command to build static website
public function processCommandBuild($args) {
$statusCode = 0;
list($command, $path, $location) = $args;
if (empty($location) || $location[0]=="/") {
if ($this->checkStaticSettings()) {
$statusCode = $this->buildStaticFiles($path, $location);
} else {
$statusCode = 500;
$this->files = 0;
$this->errors = 1;
$fileName = $this->yellow->system->get("coreSettingDir").$this->yellow->system->get("coreSystemFile");
echo "ERROR building files: Please configure CoreStaticUrl in file '$fileName'!\n";
echo "Yellow $command: $this->files file".($this->files!=1 ? "s" : "");
echo ", $this->errors error".($this->errors!=1 ? "s" : "")."\n";
} else {
$statusCode = 400;
echo "Yellow $command: Invalid arguments\n";
return $statusCode;
// Build static files
public function buildStaticFiles($path, $locationFilter) {
$path = rtrim(empty($path) ? $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDir") : $path, "/");
$this->files = $this->errors = 0;
$this->locationsArgs = $this->locationsArgsPagination = array();
$statusCode = empty($locationFilter) ? $this->cleanStaticFiles($path, $locationFilter) : 200;
$staticUrl = $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticUrl");
list($scheme, $address, $base) = $this->yellow->lookup->getUrlInformation($staticUrl);
$locations = $this->getContentLocations();
$filesEstimated = count($locations);
foreach ($locations as $location) {
echo "\rBuilding static website ".$this->getProgressPercent($this->files, $filesEstimated, 5, 60)."%... ";
if (!preg_match("#^$base$locationFilter#", "$base$location")) continue;
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $this->buildStaticFile($path, $location, true));
foreach ($this->locationsArgs as $location) {
echo "\rBuilding static website ".$this->getProgressPercent($this->files, $filesEstimated, 5, 60)."%... ";
if (!preg_match("#^$base$locationFilter#", "$base$location")) continue;
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $this->buildStaticFile($path, $location, true));
$filesEstimated = $this->files + count($this->locationsArgs) + count($this->locationsArgsPagination);
foreach ($this->locationsArgsPagination as $location) {
echo "\rBuilding static website ".$this->getProgressPercent($this->files, $filesEstimated, 5, 95)."%... ";
if (!preg_match("#^$base$locationFilter#", "$base$location")) continue;
if (substru($location, -1)!=$this->yellow->toolbox->getLocationArgsSeparator()) {
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $this->buildStaticFile($path, $location, false, true));
for ($pageNumber=2; $pageNumber<=999; ++$pageNumber) {
$statusCodeLocation = $this->buildStaticFile($path, $location.$pageNumber, false, true);
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $statusCodeLocation);
if ($statusCodeLocation==100) break;
if (empty($locationFilter)) {
foreach ($this->getMediaLocations() as $location) {
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $this->buildStaticFile($path, $location));
foreach ($this->getSystemLocations() as $location) {
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $this->buildStaticFile($path, $location));
foreach ($this->getExtraLocations($path) as $location) {
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $this->buildStaticFile($path, $location));
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $this->buildStaticFile($path, "/error/", false, false, true));
echo "\rBuilding static website 100%... done\n";
return $statusCode;
// Build static file
public function buildStaticFile($path, $location, $analyse = false, $probe = false, $error = false) {
$this->yellow->content = new YellowContent($this->yellow);
$this->yellow->page = new YellowPage($this->yellow);
$this->yellow->page->fileName = substru($location, 1);
if (!is_readable($this->yellow->page->fileName)) {
$staticUrl = $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticUrl");
list($scheme, $address, $base) = $this->yellow->lookup->getUrlInformation($staticUrl);
$statusCode = $this->requestStaticFile($scheme, $address, $base, $location);
if ($statusCode<400 || $error) {
$fileData = ob_get_contents();
$statusCode = $this->saveStaticFile($path, $location, $fileData, $statusCode);
} else {
$statusCode = $this->copyStaticFile($path, $location);
if ($statusCode==200 && $analyse) $this->analyseLocations($scheme, $address, $base, $fileData);
if ($statusCode==404 && $probe) $statusCode = 100;
if ($statusCode==404 && $error) $statusCode = 200;
if ($statusCode>=200) ++$this->files;
if ($statusCode>=400) {
echo "\rERROR building location '$location', ".$this->yellow->page->getStatusCode(true)."\n";
if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1) echo "YellowCommand::buildStaticFile status:$statusCode location:$location<br/>\n";
return $statusCode;
// Request static file
public function requestStaticFile($scheme, $address, $base, $location) {
list($serverName, $serverPort) = explode(":", $address);
if (is_null($serverPort)) $serverPort = $scheme=="https" ? 443 : 80;
$_SERVER["HTTPS"] = $scheme=="https" ? "on" : "off";
$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] = $serverName;
$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] = $serverPort;
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = $base.$location;
$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] = $base."/yellow.php";
$_REQUEST = array();
return $this->yellow->request();
// Save static file
public function saveStaticFile($path, $location, $fileData, $statusCode) {
$modified = strtotime($this->yellow->page->getHeader("Last-Modified"));
if ($modified==0) $modified = $this->yellow->toolbox->getFileModified($this->yellow->page->fileName);
if ($statusCode>=301 && $statusCode<=303) {
$fileData = $this->getStaticRedirect($this->yellow->page->getHeader("Location"));
$modified = time();
$fileName = $this->getStaticFile($path, $location, $statusCode);
if (is_file($fileName)) $this->yellow->toolbox->deleteFile($fileName);
if (!$this->yellow->toolbox->createFile($fileName, $fileData, true) ||
!$this->yellow->toolbox->modifyFile($fileName, $modified)) {
$statusCode = 500;
$this->yellow->page->statusCode = $statusCode;
$this->yellow->page->set("pageError", "Can't write file '$fileName'!");
return $statusCode;
// Copy static file
public function copyStaticFile($path, $location) {
$statusCode = 200;
$modified = $this->yellow->toolbox->getFileModified($this->yellow->page->fileName);
$fileName = $this->getStaticFile($path, $location, $statusCode);
if (is_file($fileName)) $this->yellow->toolbox->deleteFile($fileName);
if (!$this->yellow->toolbox->copyFile($this->yellow->page->fileName, $fileName, true) ||
!$this->yellow->toolbox->modifyFile($fileName, $modified)) {
$statusCode = 500;
$this->yellow->page->statusCode = $statusCode;
$this->yellow->page->set("pageError", "Can't write file '$fileName'!");
return $statusCode;
// Analyse locations with arguments
public function analyseLocations($scheme, $address, $base, $rawData) {
preg_match_all("/<(.*?)href=\"([^\"]+)\"(.*?)>/i", $rawData, $matches);
foreach ($matches[2] as $match) {
$location = rawurldecode($match);
if (preg_match("/^(.*?)#(.*)$/", $location, $tokens)) $location = $tokens[1];
if (preg_match("/^(\w+):\/\/([^\/]+)(.*)$/", $location, $tokens)) {
if ($tokens[1]!=$scheme) continue;
if ($tokens[2]!=$address) continue;
$location = $tokens[3];
if (substru($location, 0, strlenu($base))!=$base) continue;
$location = substru($location, strlenu($base));
if (!$this->yellow->toolbox->isLocationArgs($location)) continue;
if (!$this->yellow->toolbox->isLocationArgsPagination($location)) {
$location = rtrim($location, "/")."/";
if (is_null($this->locationsArgs[$location])) {
$this->locationsArgs[$location] = $location;
if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowCommand::analyseLocations detected location:$location<br/>\n";
} else {
$location = rtrim($location, "0..9");
if (is_null($this->locationsArgsPagination[$location])) {
$this->locationsArgsPagination[$location] = $location;
if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowCommand::analyseLocations detected location:$location<br/>\n";
// Process command to check static files for broken links
public function processCommandCheck($args) {
$statusCode = 0;
list($command, $path, $location) = $args;
if (empty($location) || $location[0]=="/") {
if ($this->checkStaticSettings()) {
$statusCode = $this->checkStaticFiles($path, $location);
} else {
$statusCode = 500;
$this->links = 0;
$this->errors = 1;
$fileName = $this->yellow->system->get("coreSettingDir").$this->yellow->system->get("coreSystemFile");
echo "ERROR checking files: Please configure CoreStaticUrl in file '$fileName'!\n";
echo "Yellow $command: $this->links link".($this->links!=1 ? "s" : "");
echo ", $this->errors error".($this->errors!=1 ? "s" : "")."\n";
} else {
$statusCode = 400;
echo "Yellow $command: Invalid arguments\n";
return $statusCode;
// Check static files for broken links
public function checkStaticFiles($path, $locationFilter) {
$path = rtrim(empty($path) ? $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDir") : $path, "/");
$this->links = $this->errors = 0;
$regex = "/^[^.]+$|".$this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDefaultFile")."$/";
$fileNames = $this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntriesRecursive($path, $regex, false, false);
list($statusCodeFiles, $links) = $this->analyseLinks($path, $locationFilter, $fileNames);
list($statusCodeLinks, $broken, $redirect) = $this->analyseStatus($path, $links);
if ($statusCodeLinks!=200) {
$this->showLinks($broken, "Broken links");
$this->showLinks($redirect, "Redirect links");
return max($statusCodeFiles, $statusCodeLinks);
// Analyse links in static files
public function analyseLinks($path, $locationFilter, $fileNames) {
$statusCode = 200;
$links = array();
if (!empty($fileNames)) {
$staticUrl = $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticUrl");
list($scheme, $address, $base) = $this->yellow->lookup->getUrlInformation($staticUrl);
foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) {
if (is_readable($fileName)) {
$locationSource = $this->getStaticLocation($path, $fileName);
if (!preg_match("#^$base$locationFilter#", "$base$locationSource")) continue;
$fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($fileName);
preg_match_all("/<(.*?)href=\"([^\"]+)\"(.*?)>/i", $fileData, $matches);
foreach ($matches[2] as $match) {
$location = rawurldecode($match);
if (preg_match("/^(.*?)#(.*)$/", $location, $tokens)) $location = $tokens[1];
if (preg_match("/^(\w+):\/\/([^\/]+)(.*)$/", $location, $matches)) {
$url = $location.(empty($matches[3]) ? "/" : "");
if (!is_null($links[$url])) $links[$url] .= ",";
$links[$url] .= $locationSource;
if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowCommand::analyseLinks detected url:$url<br/>\n";
} elseif ($location[0]=="/") {
$url = "$scheme://$address$location";
if (!is_null($links[$url])) $links[$url] .= ",";
$links[$url] .= $locationSource;
if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowCommand::analyseLinks detected url:$url<br/>\n";
if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1) echo "YellowCommand::analyseLinks location:$locationSource<br/>\n";
} else {
$statusCode = 500;
echo "ERROR reading files: Can't read file '$fileName'!\n";
$this->links = count($links);
} else {
$statusCode = 500;
echo "ERROR reading files: Can't find files in directory '$path'!\n";
return array($statusCode, $links);
// Analyse link status
public function analyseStatus($path, $links) {
$statusCode = 200;
$remote = $broken = $redirect = $data = array();
$staticUrl = $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticUrl");
$staticUrlLength = strlenu(rtrim($staticUrl, "/"));
list($scheme, $address, $base) = $this->yellow->lookup->getUrlInformation($staticUrl);
$staticLocations = $this->getContentLocations(true);
foreach ($links as $url=>$value) {
if (preg_match("#^$staticUrl#", $url)) {
$location = substru($url, $staticUrlLength);
$fileName = $path.substru($url, $staticUrlLength);
if (is_readable($fileName)) continue;
if (in_array($location, $staticLocations)) continue;
if (preg_match("/^(http|https):/", $url)) $remote[$url] = $value;
$remoteNow = 0;
uksort($remote, "strnatcasecmp");
foreach ($remote as $url=>$value) {
echo "\rChecking static website ".$this->getProgressPercent(++$remoteNow, count($remote), 5, 95)."%... ";
if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1) echo "YellowCommand::analyseStatus url:$url\n";
$referer = "$scheme://$address$base".(($pos = strposu($value, ",")) ? substru($value, 0, $pos) : $value);
$statusCodeUrl = $this->getLinkStatus($url, $referer);
if ($statusCodeUrl!=200) {
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $statusCodeUrl);
$data[$url] = "$statusCodeUrl,$value";
foreach ($data as $url=>$value) {
$locations = preg_split("/\s*,\s*/", $value);
$statusCodeUrl = array_shift($locations);
foreach ($locations as $location) {
if ($statusCodeUrl==302) continue;
if ($statusCodeUrl>=300 && $statusCodeUrl<=399) {
$redirect["$scheme://$address$base$location -> $url - ".$this->getStatusFormatted($statusCodeUrl)] = $statusCodeUrl;
} else {
$broken["$scheme://$address$base$location -> $url - ".$this->getStatusFormatted($statusCodeUrl)] = $statusCodeUrl;
echo "\rChecking static website 100%... done\n";
return array($statusCode, $broken, $redirect);
// Show links
public function showLinks($data, $text) {
if (!empty($data)) {
echo "$text\n\n";
uksort($data, "strnatcasecmp");
$data = array_slice($data, 0, 99);
foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
echo "- $key\n";
echo "\n";
// Process command to clean static files
public function processCommandClean($args) {
$statusCode = 0;
list($command, $path, $location) = $args;
if (empty($location) || $location[0]=="/") {
$statusCode = $this->cleanStaticFiles($path, $location);
echo "Yellow $command: Static file".(empty($location) ? "s" : "")." ".($statusCode!=200 ? "not " : "")."cleaned\n";
} else {
$statusCode = 400;
echo "Yellow $command: Invalid arguments\n";
return $statusCode;
// Clean static files and directories
public function cleanStaticFiles($path, $location) {
$statusCode = 200;
$path = rtrim(empty($path) ? $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDir") : $path, "/");
if (empty($location)) {
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $this->broadcastCommand("clean", "all"));
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $this->cleanStaticDirectory($path));
} else {
if ($this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($location)) {
$fileName = $this->getStaticFile($path, $location, $statusCode);
$statusCode = $this->cleanStaticFile($fileName);
} else {
$statusCode = $this->cleanStaticDirectory($path.$location);
return $statusCode;
// Clean static directory
public function cleanStaticDirectory($path) {
$statusCode = 200;
if (is_dir($path) && $this->checkStaticDirectory($path)) {
if (!$this->yellow->toolbox->deleteDirectory($path)) {
$statusCode = 500;
echo "ERROR cleaning files: Can't delete directory '$path'!\n";
return $statusCode;
// Clean static file
public function cleanStaticFile($fileName) {
$statusCode = 200;
if (is_file($fileName)) {
if (!$this->yellow->toolbox->deleteFile($fileName)) {
$statusCode = 500;
echo "ERROR cleaning files: Can't delete file '$fileName'!\n";
return $statusCode;
// Broadcast command to other extensions
public function broadcastCommand($args) {
$statusCode = 0;
foreach ($this->yellow->extensions->extensions as $key=>$value) {
if (method_exists($value["obj"], "onCommand") && $key!="command") {
$statusCode = max($statusCode, $value["obj"]->onCommand(func_get_args()));
return $statusCode;
// Process command to start built-in web server
public function processCommandServe($args) {
list($command, $path, $url) = $args;
if (empty($path) && is_dir($this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDir"))) $path = $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDir");
if (empty($url)) $url = "http://localhost:8000";
list($scheme, $address, $base) = $this->yellow->lookup->getUrlInformation($url);
if ($scheme=="http" && !empty($address)) {
if (!preg_match("/\:\d+$/", $address)) $address .= ":8000";
echo "Starting built-in web server on $scheme://$address/\n";
echo "Press Ctrl-C to quit...\n";
if (empty($path) || $path=="dynamic") {
system("php -S $address yellow.php", $returnStatus);
} else {
system("php -S $address -t $path", $returnStatus);
$statusCode = $returnStatus!=0 ? 500 : 200;
if ($statusCode!=200) echo "ERROR starting web server: Please check your arguments!\n";
} else {
$statusCode = 400;
echo "Yellow $command: Invalid arguments\n";
return $statusCode;
// Check static settings
public function checkStaticSettings() {
return !empty($this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticUrl"));
// Check static directory
public function checkStaticDirectory($path) {
$ok = false;
if (!empty($path)) {
if ($path==rtrim($this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDir"), "/")) $ok = true;
if ($path==rtrim($this->yellow->system->get("coreTrashDir"), "/")) $ok = true;
if (is_file("$path/".$this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDefaultFile"))) $ok = true;
if (is_file("$path/yellow.php")) $ok = false;
return $ok;
// Return command help
public function getCommandHelp() {
$data = array();
foreach ($this->yellow->extensions->extensions as $key=>$value) {
if (method_exists($value["obj"], "onCommandHelp")) {
foreach (preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $value["obj"]->onCommandHelp()) as $line) {
list($command) = explode(" ", $line);
if (!empty($command) && is_null($data[$command])) $data[$command] = $line;
uksort($data, "strnatcasecmp");
return $data;
// Return extensions version
public function getExtensionsVersion($latest = false) {
$data = array();
if ($this->yellow->extensions->isExisting("update")) {
list($statusCode, $data) = $this->yellow->extensions->get("update")->getExtensionsVersion($latest);
} else {
$statusCode = 200;
$data = $this->yellow->extensions->getData();
return array($statusCode, $data);
// Return human readable status
public function getStatusFormatted($statusCode) {
return $this->yellow->toolbox->getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode, true);
// Return progress in percent
public function getProgressPercent($now, $total, $increments, $max)
$percent = intval(($max / $total) * $now);
if ($increments>1) $percent = intval($percent / $increments) * $increments;
return min($max, $percent);
// Return static file
public function getStaticFile($path, $location, $statusCode) {
if ($statusCode<400) {
$fileName = $path.$location;
if (!$this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($location)) $fileName .= $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDefaultFile");
} elseif ($statusCode==404) {
$fileName = $path."/".$this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticErrorFile");
return $fileName;
// Return static location
public function getStaticLocation($path, $fileName) {
$location = substru($fileName, strlenu($path));
if (basename($location)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDefaultFile")) {
$defaultFileLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticDefaultFile"));
$location = substru($location, 0, -$defaultFileLength);
return $location;
// Return static redirect
public function getStaticRedirect($location) {
$output = "<!DOCTYPE html><html>\n<head>\n";
$output .= "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n";
$output .= "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=".htmlspecialchars($location)."\" />\n";
$output .= "</head>\n</html>";
return $output;
// Return content locations
public function getContentLocations($includeAll = false) {
$locations = array();
$staticUrl = $this->yellow->system->get("coreStaticUrl");
list($scheme, $address, $base) = $this->yellow->lookup->getUrlInformation($staticUrl);
$this->yellow->page->setRequestInformation($scheme, $address, $base, "", "");
foreach ($this->yellow->content->index(true, true) as $page) {
if (($page->get("status")!="ignore" && $page->get("status")!="draft") || $includeAll) {
array_push($locations, $page->location);
if (!$this->yellow->content->find("/") && $this->yellow->system->get("coreMultiLanguageMode")) array_unshift($locations, "/");
return $locations;
// Return media locations
public function getMediaLocations() {
$locations = array();
$fileNames = $this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntriesRecursive($this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaDir"), "/.*/", false, false);
foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) {
array_push($locations, "/".$fileName);
return $locations;
// Return system locations
public function getSystemLocations() {
$locations = array();
$regex = "/\.(css|gif|ico|js|jpg|png|svg|txt|woff|woff2)$/";
$extensionDirLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreExtensionDir"));
$fileNames = $this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntriesRecursive($this->yellow->system->get("coreExtensionDir"), $regex, false, false);
foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) {
array_push($locations, $this->yellow->system->get("coreExtensionLocation").substru($fileName, $extensionDirLength));
$resourceDirLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreResourceDir"));
$fileNames = $this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntriesRecursive($this->yellow->system->get("coreResourceDir"), $regex, false, false);
foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) {
array_push($locations, $this->yellow->system->get("coreResourceLocation").substru($fileName, $resourceDirLength));
return $locations;
// Return extra locations
public function getExtraLocations($path) {
$locations = array();
$pathIgnore = "($path/|".
$fileNames = $this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntriesRecursive(".", "/.*/", false, false);
foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) {
$fileName = substru($fileName, 2);
if (preg_match("#^$pathIgnore#", $fileName) || $fileName=="yellow.php") continue;
array_push($locations, "/".$fileName);
return $locations;
// Return link status
public function getLinkStatus($url, $referer) {
$curlHandle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer);
curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DatenstromYellow/".YellowCore::VERSION."; LinkChecker)");
curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
$statusCode = curl_getinfo($curlHandle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowCommand::getLinkStatus status:$statusCode url:$url<br/>\n";
return $statusCode;