2017-07-26 13:23:38 +02:00

128 lines
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# Datenstrom Yellow language
Language: en
LanguageDescription: English
LanguageTranslator: Mark Seuffert
LanguageVersion: 0.7.2
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BlogMore: Read more…
ContactName: Name:
ContactEmail: Email:
ContactMessage: Message:
ContactButton: Send message
ContactStatusNone: Say hello. Your feedback is very welcome.
ContactStatusIncomplete: Please fill out all fields.
ContactStatusInvalid: Please enter a valid email.
ContactStatusDone: You have sent an email. Thank you!
ContactStatusError: Email could not be sent, please try again later!
DateMonths: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
DateWeekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
DateWeekstart: Monday
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DateFormatLong: Y-m-d H:i
EditInstallationTitle: Hello
EditInstallationFeature: What do you want to make?
EditInstallationHomePage: Your website works!\n\nYou can [edit this page] or use your text editor.
EditInstallationAboutPage: This website is made with [yellow]. [Learn more](
EditLoginTitle: Welcome
EditLoginEmail: Email:
EditLoginPassword: Password:
EditLoginRecover: Forgot your password?
EditLoginSignup: Create user account?
EditLoginButton: Log in
EditSignupTitle: Create user account
EditSignupName: Name:
EditSignupEmail: Email:
EditSignupPassword: Password:
EditSignupButton: Create
EditSignupStatusNone: Here you can create a new user account.
EditSignupStatusIncomplete: Please fill out all fields.
EditSignupStatusInvalid: Please enter a valid email.
EditSignupStatusWeak: Please enter a different password.
EditSignupStatusNext: User account will be created, please check your emails.
EditRecoverTitle: Forgot your password
EditRecoverEmail: Email:
EditRecoverPassword: Password:
EditRecoverStatusNone: No problem, you can create a new password.
EditRecoverStatusInvalid: Please enter a valid email.
EditRecoverStatusPassword: Please enter a new password.
EditRecoverStatusWeak: Please enter a different password.
EditRecoverStatusNext: User account will be recovered, please check your emails.
EditSettingsTitle: Settings
EditSettingsStatusInvalid: Please enter a valid email.
EditSettingsStatusTaken: Please enter a different email.
EditSettingsStatusWeak: Please enter a different password.
EditSettingsStatusNext: User account will be changed, please check your emails.
EditConfirmSubject: Confirm user account
EditConfirmMessage: Hi @usershort, please confirm your user account. Click the following link.
EditConfirmStatusDone: User account confirmed and waiting for approval. Thank you!
EditConfirmStatusExpired: User account can not be confirmed. Link has expired!
EditApproveSubject: Approve user account
EditApproveMessage: Hi @usershort, please approve a new user account for @useraccount. Click the following link.
EditApproveStatusDone: User account approved. Thank you!
EditApproveStatusExpired: User account can not be approved. Link has expired!
EditReactivateSubject: Reactivate user account
EditReactivateMessage: Hi @usershort, please reactivate your user account. There were too many failed login attempts. Click the following link.
EditReactivateStatusDone: User account reactivated. Thank you!
EditReactivateStatusExpired: User account can not be reactivated. Link has expired!
EditRecoverSubject: Recover user account
EditRecoverMessage: Hi @usershort, please confirm that you forgot your password. Click the following link.
EditRecoverStatusDone: User account recovered. Thank you!
EditRecoverStatusExpired: User account can not be recovered. Link has expired!
EditReconfirmSubject: Change user account
EditReconfirmMessage: Hi @usershort, please confirm a new email for your user account. Click the following link.
EditReconfirmStatusDone: User account confirmed. Thank you!
EditReconfirmStatusExpired: User account can not be confirmed. Link has expired!
EditChangeSubject: Change user account
EditChangeMessage: Hi @usershort, please confirm that you want to change your user account. Click the following link.
EditChangeStatusDone: User account changed. Thank you!
EditChangeStatusExpired: User account can not be changed. Link has expired!
EditWelcomeSubject: Welcome
EditWelcomeMessage: Hi @usershort, your user account has been created. Have fun editing the website.
EditInformationSubject: Welcome back
EditInformationMessage: Hi @usershort, your user account has been changed. You can now log in.
EditVersionTitle: About this website
EditVersionStatusNone: Yellow is for people who make websites.
EditVersionStatusCheck: Checking for updates…
EditVersionStatusDone: Your website is up to date.
EditVersionStatusUpdates: Updates available, please contact the webmaster.
EditVersionUpdateNormal: Updates available, update now.
EditVersionUpdateForce: Force update
EditVersionUpdateModified: @software has been modified
EditOkButton: Ok
EditCancelButton: Cancel
EditCreateButton: Create
EditEditButton: Save
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EditEdit: Edit page
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