checkRequirements(); $this->page = new YellowPage($this); $this->content = new YellowContent($this); $this->media = new YellowMedia($this); $this->system = new YellowSystem($this); $this->user = new YellowUser($this); $this->language = new YellowLanguage($this); $this->extension = new YellowExtension($this); $this->lookup = new YellowLookup($this); $this->toolbox = new YellowToolbox(); $this->system->setDefault("sitename", "Yellow"); $this->system->setDefault("author", "Yellow"); $this->system->setDefault("email", "webmaster"); $this->system->setDefault("language", "en"); $this->system->setDefault("layout", "default"); $this->system->setDefault("theme", "default"); $this->system->setDefault("parser", "markdown"); $this->system->setDefault("status", "public"); $this->system->setDefault("coreStaticUrl", ""); $this->system->setDefault("coreServerUrl", "auto"); $this->system->setDefault("coreServerTimezone", "UTC"); $this->system->setDefault("coreMultiLanguageMode", "0"); $this->system->setDefault("coreMediaLocation", "/media/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreDownloadLocation", "/media/downloads/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreImageLocation", "/media/images/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreExtensionLocation", "/media/extensions/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreThemeLocation", "/media/themes/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreMediaDirectory", "media/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreDownloadDirectory", "media/downloads/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreImageDirectory", "media/images/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreSystemDirectory", "system/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreExtensionDirectory", "system/extensions/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreLayoutDirectory", "system/layouts/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreThemeDirectory", "system/themes/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreTrashDirectory", "system/trash/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreCacheDirectory", "cache/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreContentDirectory", "content/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreContentRootDirectory", "default/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreContentHomeDirectory", "home/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreContentSharedDirectory", "shared/"); $this->system->setDefault("coreContentDefaultFile", ""); $this->system->setDefault("coreContentErrorFile", "page-error-(.*).md"); $this->system->setDefault("coreContentExtension", ".md"); $this->system->setDefault("coreDownloadExtension", ".download"); $this->system->setDefault("coreSystemFile", "yellow-system.ini"); $this->system->setDefault("coreUserFile", "yellow-user.ini"); $this->system->setDefault("coreLanguageFile", "yellow-language.ini"); $this->system->setDefault("coreLogFile", "yellow.log"); $this->language->setDefault("coreDateFormatShort"); $this->language->setDefault("coreDateFormatMedium"); $this->language->setDefault("coreDateFormatLong"); } public function __destruct() { $this->shutdown(); } // Check requirements public function checkRequirements() { $troubleshooting = PHP_SAPI!="cli" ? "See troubleshooting." : ""; version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.6", ">=") || die("Datenstrom Yellow requires PHP 5.6 or higher! $troubleshooting\n"); extension_loaded("curl") || die("Datenstrom Yellow requires PHP curl extension! $troubleshooting\n"); extension_loaded("gd") || die("Datenstrom Yellow requires PHP gd extension! $troubleshooting\n"); extension_loaded("exif") || die("Datenstrom Yellow requires PHP exif extension! $troubleshooting\n"); extension_loaded("mbstring") || die("Datenstrom Yellow requires PHP mbstring extension! $troubleshooting\n"); extension_loaded("zip") || die("Datenstrom Yellow requires PHP zip extension! $troubleshooting\n"); mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1) { ini_set("display_errors", 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); } } // Handle initialisation public function load() { $this->system->load($this->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory").$this->system->get("coreSystemFile")); $this->user->load($this->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory").$this->system->get("coreUserFile")); $this->language->load($this->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory")); $this->language->load($this->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory").$this->system->get("coreLanguageFile")); $this->extension->load($this->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory")); $this->lookup->detectFileSystem(); $this->startup(); } // Handle request public function request() { $statusCode = 0; $this->toolbox->timerStart($time); ob_start(); list($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName) = $this->getRequestInformation(); $this->page->setRequestInformation($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName); foreach ($this->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onRequest")) { $this->lookup->requestHandler = $key; $statusCode = $value["object"]->onRequest($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName); if ($statusCode!=0) break; } } if ($statusCode==0) { $this->lookup->requestHandler = "core"; $statusCode = $this->processRequest($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName, true); } if ($this->page->isExisting("pageError")) $statusCode = $this->processRequestError(); ob_end_flush(); $this->toolbox->timerStop($time); if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1 && $this->lookup->isContentFile($fileName)) { echo "YellowCore::request status:$statusCode time:$time ms
\n"; } return $statusCode; } // Process request public function processRequest($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName, $cacheable) { $statusCode = 0; if (is_readable($fileName)) { if ($this->lookup->isRequestCleanUrl($location)) { $location = $location.$this->toolbox->getLocationArgumentsCleanUrl(); $location = $this->lookup->normaliseUrl($scheme, $address, $base, $location); $statusCode = $this->sendStatus(303, $location); } } else { if ($this->lookup->isRedirectLocation($location)) { $location = $this->lookup->getRedirectLocation($location); $location = $this->lookup->normaliseUrl($scheme, $address, $base, $location); $statusCode = $this->sendStatus(301, $location); } } if ($statusCode==0) { if ($this->lookup->isContentFile($fileName) || !is_readable($fileName)) { $fileName = $this->readPage($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName, $cacheable, max(is_readable($fileName) ? 200 : 404, $this->page->statusCode), $this->page->get("pageError")); $statusCode = $this->sendPage(); } else { $statusCode = $this->sendFile(200, $fileName, true); } } if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1 && $this->lookup->isContentFile($fileName)) { echo "YellowCore::processRequest file:$fileName
\n"; } return $statusCode; } // Process request with error public function processRequestError() { ob_clean(); $fileName = $this->readPage($this->page->scheme, $this->page->address, $this->page->base, $this->page->location, $this->page->fileName, $this->page->cacheable, $this->page->statusCode, $this->page->get("pageError")); $statusCode = $this->sendPage(); if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1) echo "YellowCore::processRequestError file:$fileName
\n"; return $statusCode; } // Read page public function readPage($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName, $cacheable, $statusCode, $pageError) { if ($statusCode>=400) { $locationError = $this->content->getHomeLocation($this->page->location).$this->system->get("coreContentSharedDirectory"); $fileNameError = $this->lookup->findFileFromLocation($locationError, true).$this->system->get("coreContentErrorFile"); $fileNameError = str_replace("(.*)", $statusCode, $fileNameError); $languageError = $this->lookup->findLanguageFromFile($fileName, $this->system->get("language")); if (is_file($fileNameError)) { $rawData = $this->toolbox->readFile($fileNameError); } elseif ($this->language->isText("coreError${statusCode}Title", $languageError)) { $rawData = "---\nTitle: ".$this->language->getText("coreError${statusCode}Title", $languageError)."\n"; $rawData .= "Layout: error\n---\n".$this->language->getText("coreError${statusCode}Text", $languageError); } else { $rawData = "---\nTitle:".$this->toolbox->getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode, true)."\n"; $rawData .= "Layout:error\n---\n[yellow error]"; } $cacheable = false; } else { $rawData = $this->toolbox->readFile($fileName); } $this->page = new YellowPage($this); $this->page->setRequestInformation($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName); $this->page->parseData($rawData, $cacheable, $statusCode, $pageError); $this->language->set($this->page->get("language")); $this->page->parseContent(); return $fileName; } // Send page response public function sendPage() { $this->page->parsePage(); $statusCode = $this->page->statusCode; $lastModifiedFormatted = $this->page->getHeader("Last-Modified"); if ($statusCode==200 && $this->page->isCacheable() && $this->toolbox->isNotModified($lastModifiedFormatted)) { $statusCode = 304; @header($this->toolbox->getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode)); } else { @header($this->toolbox->getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode)); foreach ($this->page->headerData as $key=>$value) { @header("$key: $value"); } if (!is_null($this->page->outputData)) echo $this->page->outputData; } if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1) { foreach ($this->page->headerData as $key=>$value) { echo "YellowCore::sendPage $key: $value
\n"; } $language = $this->page->get("language"); $layout = $this->page->get("layout"); $theme = $this->page->get("theme"); $parser = $this->page->get("parser"); echo "YellowCore::sendPage language:$language layout:$layout theme:$theme parser:$parser
\n"; } return $statusCode; } // Send file response public function sendFile($statusCode, $fileName, $cacheable) { $lastModifiedFormatted = $this->toolbox->getHttpDateFormatted($this->toolbox->getFileModified($fileName)); if ($statusCode==200 && $cacheable && $this->toolbox->isNotModified($lastModifiedFormatted)) { $statusCode = 304; @header($this->toolbox->getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode)); } else { @header($this->toolbox->getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode)); if (!$cacheable) @header("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store"); @header("Content-Type: ".$this->toolbox->getMimeContentType($fileName)); @header("Last-Modified: ".$lastModifiedFormatted); echo $this->toolbox->readFile($fileName); } return $statusCode; } // Send data response public function sendData($statusCode, $rawData, $fileName, $cacheable) { @header($this->toolbox->getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode)); if (!$cacheable) @header("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store"); @header("Content-Type: ".$this->toolbox->getMimeContentType($fileName)); @header("Last-Modified: ".$this->toolbox->getHttpDateFormatted(time())); echo $rawData; return $statusCode; } // Send status response public function sendStatus($statusCode, $location = "") { if (!empty($location)) $this->page->clean($statusCode, $location); @header($this->toolbox->getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode)); foreach ($this->page->headerData as $key=>$value) { @header("$key: $value"); } if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1) { foreach ($this->page->headerData as $key=>$value) { echo "YellowCore::sendStatus $key: $value
\n"; } } return $statusCode; } // Handle command public function command($line = "") { $statusCode = 0; $this->toolbox->timerStart($time); list($command, $text) = $this->getCommandInformation($line); foreach ($this->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onCommand")) { $this->lookup->commandHandler = $key; $statusCode = $value["object"]->onCommand($command, $text); if ($statusCode!=0) break; } } if ($statusCode==0 && empty($text)) { $lineCounter = 0; echo "Datenstrom Yellow is for people who make small websites.\n"; foreach ($this->getCommandHelp() as $line) { echo(++$lineCounter>1 ? " " : "Syntax: ")."php yellow.php $line\n"; } $statusCode = 200; } if ($statusCode==0) { $this->lookup->commandHandler = "core"; $statusCode = 400; echo "Yellow $command: Command not found\n"; } $this->toolbox->timerStop($time); if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=1) { echo "YellowCore::command status:$statusCode time:$time ms
\n"; } return $statusCode<400 ? 0 : 1; } // Handle startup public function startup() { if ($this->isLoaded()) { foreach ($this->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onStartup")) $value["object"]->onStartup(); } foreach ($this->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onUpdate")) $value["object"]->onUpdate("ready"); } } } // Handle shutdown public function shutdown() { if ($this->isLoaded()) { foreach ($this->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onShutdown")) $value["object"]->onShutdown(); } } } // Handle logging public function log($action, $message) { $statusCode = 0; foreach ($this->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onLog")) { $statusCode = $value["object"]->onLog($action, $message); if ($statusCode!=0) break; } } if ($statusCode==0) { $line = date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." ".trim($action)." ".trim($message)."\n"; $this->toolbox->appendFile($this->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory").$this->system->get("coreLogFile"), $line); } } // Include layout public function layout($name, $arguments = null) { $this->lookup->layoutArguments = func_get_args(); $this->page->includeLayout($name); } // Return layout arguments public function getLayoutArguments($sizeMin = 9) { return array_pad($this->lookup->layoutArguments, $sizeMin, null); } // Return request information public function getRequestInformation($scheme = "", $address = "", $base = "") { if (empty($scheme) && empty($address) && empty($base)) { $url = $this->system->get("coreServerUrl"); if ($url=="auto" || $this->isCommandLine()) $url = $this->toolbox->detectServerUrl(); list($scheme, $address, $base) = $this->lookup->getUrlInformation($url); $this->system->set("coreServerScheme", $scheme); $this->system->set("coreServerAddress", $address); $this->system->set("coreServerBase", $base); if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=3) echo "YellowCore::getRequestInformation $scheme://$address$base
\n"; } $location = substru($this->toolbox->detectServerLocation(), strlenu($base)); if (empty($fileName)) $fileName = $this->lookup->findFileFromSystem($location); if (empty($fileName)) $fileName = $this->lookup->findFileFromMedia($location); if (empty($fileName)) $fileName = $this->lookup->findFileFromLocation($location); return array($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName); } // Return command information public function getCommandInformation($line = "") { if (empty($line)) { $line = $this->toolbox->getTextString(array_slice($this->toolbox->getServer("argv"), 1)); if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=3) echo "YellowCore::getCommandInformation $line
\n"; } return $this->toolbox->getTextList($line, " ", 2); } // Return command help public function getCommandHelp() { $data = array(); foreach ($this->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onCommandHelp")) { foreach (preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $value["object"]->onCommandHelp()) as $line) { list($command, $dummy) = $this->toolbox->getTextList($line, " ", 2); if (!empty($command) && !isset($data[$command])) $data[$command] = $line; } } } uksort($data, "strnatcasecmp"); return $data; } // Return request handler public function getRequestHandler() { return $this->lookup->requestHandler; } // Return command handler public function getCommandHandler() { return $this->lookup->commandHandler; } // Check if running at command line public function isCommandLine() { return isset($this->lookup->commandHandler); } // Check if all extensions loaded public function isLoaded() { return isset($this->extension->data); } } class YellowPage { public $yellow; // access to API public $scheme; // server scheme public $address; // server address public $base; // base location public $location; // page location public $fileName; // content file name public $rawData; // raw data of page public $metaDataOffsetBytes; // meta data offset public $metaData; // meta data public $pageCollections; // additional pages public $sharedPages; // shared pages public $headerData; // response header public $outputData; // response output public $parser; // content parser public $parserData; // content data of page public $available; // page is available? (boolean) public $visible; // page is visible location? (boolean) public $active; // page is active location? (boolean) public $cacheable; // page is cacheable? (boolean) public $lastModified; // last modification date public $statusCode; // status code public function __construct($yellow) { $this->yellow = $yellow; $this->metaData = new YellowArray(); $this->pageCollections = array(); $this->sharedPages = array(); $this->headerData = array(); } // Set request information public function setRequestInformation($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName) { $this->scheme = $scheme; $this->address = $address; $this->base = $base; $this->location = $location; $this->fileName = $fileName; } // Parse page data public function parseData($rawData, $cacheable, $statusCode, $pageError = "") { $this->rawData = $rawData; $this->parser = null; $this->parserData = ""; $this->available = $this->yellow->lookup->isAvailableLocation($this->location, $this->fileName); $this->visible = true; $this->active = $this->yellow->lookup->isActiveLocation($this->location, $this->yellow->page->location); $this->cacheable = $cacheable; $this->lastModified = 0; $this->statusCode = $statusCode; $this->parseMeta($pageError); } // Parse page data update public function parseDataUpdate() { if ($this->statusCode==0) { $this->rawData = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($this->fileName); $this->statusCode = 200; $this->parseMeta(); } } // Parse page meta data public function parseMeta($pageError = "") { $this->metaData = new YellowArray(); if (!is_null($this->rawData)) { $this->set("title", $this->yellow->toolbox->createTextTitle($this->location)); $this->set("language", $this->yellow->lookup->findLanguageFromFile($this->fileName, $this->yellow->system->get("language"))); $this->set("modified", date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->yellow->toolbox->getFileModified($this->fileName))); $this->parseMetaRaw(array("sitename", "author", "layout", "theme", "parser", "status")); $titleHeader = ($this->location==$this->yellow->content->getHomeLocation($this->location)) ? $this->get("sitename") : $this->get("title")." - ".$this->get("sitename"); if (!$this->isExisting("titleContent")) $this->set("titleContent", $this->get("title")); if (!$this->isExisting("titleNavigation")) $this->set("titleNavigation", $this->get("title")); if (!$this->isExisting("titleHeader")) $this->set("titleHeader", $titleHeader); if ($this->get("status")=="unlisted") $this->visible = false; if ($this->get("status")=="shared") $this->available = false; $this->set("pageRead", $this->yellow->lookup->normaliseUrl( $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerScheme"), $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerAddress"), $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerBase"), $this->location)); $this->set("pageEdit", $this->yellow->lookup->normaliseUrl( $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerScheme"), $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerAddress"), $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerBase"), rtrim($this->yellow->system->get("editLocation"), "/").$this->location)); $this->setPage("main", $this); } else { $this->set("type", $this->yellow->toolbox->getFileType($this->fileName)); $this->set("group", $this->yellow->toolbox->getFileGroup($this->fileName, $this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaDirectory"))); $this->set("modified", date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->yellow->toolbox->getFileModified($this->fileName))); } if (!empty($pageError)) $this->set("pageError", $pageError); foreach ($this->yellow->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onParseMeta")) $value["object"]->onParseMeta($this); } } // Parse page meta data from raw data public function parseMetaRaw($defaultKeys) { foreach ($defaultKeys as $key) { $value = $this->yellow->system->get($key); if (!empty($key) && !strempty($value)) $this->set($key, $value); } if (preg_match("/^(\xEF\xBB\xBF)?\-\-\-[\r\n]+(.+?)\-\-\-[\r\n]+/s", $this->rawData, $parts)) { $this->metaDataOffsetBytes = strlenb($parts[0]); foreach (preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $parts[2]) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1]) && !strempty($matches[2])) $this->set($matches[1], $matches[2]); } } } elseif (preg_match("/^(\xEF\xBB\xBF)?([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]+=+[\r\n]+/", $this->rawData, $parts)) { $this->metaDataOffsetBytes = strlenb($parts[0]); $this->set("title", $parts[2]); } } // Parse page content on demand public function parseContent($sizeMax = 0) { if (!is_null($this->rawData) && !is_object($this->parser)) { if ($this->yellow->extension->isExisting($this->get("parser"))) { $value = $this->yellow->extension->data[$this->get("parser")]; if (method_exists($value["object"], "onParseContentRaw")) { $this->parser = $value["object"]; $this->parserData = $this->getContent(true, $sizeMax); $this->parserData = preg_replace("/@pageRead/i", $this->get("pageRead"), $this->parserData); $this->parserData = preg_replace("/@pageEdit/i", $this->get("pageEdit"), $this->parserData); $this->parserData = $this->parser->onParseContentRaw($this, $this->parserData); $this->parserData = $this->yellow->toolbox->normaliseData($this->parserData, "html"); foreach ($this->yellow->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onParseContentHtml")) { $output = $value["object"]->onParseContentHtml($this, $this->parserData); if (!is_null($output)) $this->parserData = $output; } } } } else { $this->parserData = $this->getContent(true, $sizeMax); $this->parserData = preg_replace("/\[yellow error\]/i", $this->get("pageError"), $this->parserData); } if (!$this->isExisting("description")) { $description = $this->yellow->toolbox->createTextDescription($this->parserData, 150); $this->set("description", !empty($description) ? $description : $this->get("title")); } if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=3) echo "YellowPage::parseContent location:".$this->location."
\n"; } } // Parse page content shortcut public function parseContentShortcut($name, $text, $type) { $output = null; foreach ($this->yellow->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onParseContentShortcut")) { $output = $value["object"]->onParseContentShortcut($this, $name, $text, $type); if (!is_null($output)) break; } } if (is_null($output)) { if ($name=="yellow" && $type=="inline") { if ($text=="about") { $output = "Datenstrom Yellow ".YellowCore::RELEASE."
\n"; $dataCurrent = $this->yellow->extension->data; uksort($dataCurrent, "strnatcasecmp"); foreach ($dataCurrent as $key=>$value) { $output .= ucfirst($key)." ".$value["version"]."
\n"; } } if ($text=="error") $output = $this->get("pageError"); if ($text=="log") { $fileName = $this->yellow->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory").$this->yellow->system->get("coreLogFile"); $fileHandle = @fopen($fileName, "r"); if ($fileHandle) { $dataBufferSize = 512; fseek($fileHandle, max(0, filesize($fileName) - $dataBufferSize)); $dataBuffer = fread($fileHandle, $dataBufferSize); if (strlenb($dataBuffer)==$dataBufferSize) { $dataBuffer = ($pos = strposu($dataBuffer, "\n")) ? substru($dataBuffer, $pos+1) : $dataBuffer; } fclose($fileHandle); } $output = str_replace("\n", "
\n", htmlspecialchars($dataBuffer)); } } } if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=3 && !empty($name)) echo "YellowPage::parseContentShortcut name:$name type:$type
\n"; return $output; } // Parse page public function parsePage() { $this->parsePageLayout($this->get("layout")); if (!$this->isCacheable()) $this->setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store"); if (!$this->isHeader("Content-Type")) $this->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); if (!$this->isHeader("Content-Modified")) $this->setHeader("Content-Modified", $this->getModified(true)); if (!$this->isHeader("Last-Modified")) $this->setHeader("Last-Modified", $this->getLastModified(true)); $fileNameTheme = $this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeDirectory").$this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($this->get("theme")).".css"; if (!is_file($fileNameTheme)) { $this->error(500, "Theme '".$this->get("theme")."' does not exist!"); } if (!is_object($this->parser)) { $this->error(500, "Parser '".$this->get("parser")."' does not exist!"); } if (!$this->yellow->language->isExisting($this->get("language"))) { $this->error(500, "Language '".$this->get("language")."' does not exist!"); } if ($this->yellow->lookup->isNestedLocation($this->location, $this->fileName, true)) { $this->error(500, "Folder '".dirname($this->fileName)."' may not contain subfolders!"); } if ($this->yellow->getRequestHandler()=="core" && $this->isExisting("redirect") && $this->statusCode==200) { $location = $this->yellow->lookup->normaliseLocation($this->get("redirect"), $this->location); $location = $this->yellow->lookup->normaliseUrl($this->scheme, $this->address, "", $location); $this->clean(301, $location); } if ($this->yellow->getRequestHandler()=="core" && !$this->isAvailable() && $this->statusCode==200) { $this->error(404); } if ($this->isExisting("pageClean")) $this->outputData = null; foreach ($this->yellow->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onParsePageOutput")) { $output = $value["object"]->onParsePageOutput($this, $this->outputData); if (!is_null($output)) $this->outputData = $output; } } } // Parse page layout public function parsePageLayout($name) { foreach ($this->yellow->content->getShared($this->location) as $page) { $this->sharedPages[basename($page->location)] = $page; $page->sharedPages["main"] = $this; } $this->outputData = null; foreach ($this->yellow->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onParsePageLayout")) { $value["object"]->onParsePageLayout($this, $name); } } if (is_null($this->outputData)) { ob_start(); $this->includeLayout($name); $this->outputData = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } // Include page layout public function includeLayout($name) { $fileNameLayoutNormal = $this->yellow->system->get("coreLayoutDirectory").$this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($name).".html"; $fileNameLayoutTheme = $this->yellow->system->get("coreLayoutDirectory"). $this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($this->get("theme"))."-".$this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($name).".html"; if (is_file($fileNameLayoutTheme)) { if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowPage::includeLayout file:$fileNameLayoutTheme
\n"; $this->setLastModified(filemtime($fileNameLayoutTheme)); require($fileNameLayoutTheme); } elseif (is_file($fileNameLayoutNormal)) { if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowPage::includeLayout file:$fileNameLayoutNormal
\n"; $this->setLastModified(filemtime($fileNameLayoutNormal)); require($fileNameLayoutNormal); } else { $this->error(500, "Layout '$name' does not exist!"); echo "Layout error
\n"; } } // Set page setting public function set($key, $value) { $this->metaData[$key] = $value; } // Return page setting public function get($key) { return $this->isExisting($key) ? $this->metaData[$key] : ""; } // Return page setting, HTML encoded public function getHtml($key) { return htmlspecialchars($this->get($key)); } // Return page setting as language specific date public function getDate($key, $format = "") { if (!empty($format)) { $format = $this->yellow->language->getText($format); } else { $format = $this->yellow->language->getText("coreDateFormatMedium"); } return $this->yellow->language->getDateFormatted(strtotime($this->get($key)), $format); } // Return page setting as language specific date, HTML encoded public function getDateHtml($key, $format = "") { return htmlspecialchars($this->getDate($key, $format)); } // Return page setting as language specific date, relative to today public function getDateRelative($key, $format = "", $daysLimit = 30) { if (!empty($format)) { $format = $this->yellow->language->getText($format); } else { $format = $this->yellow->language->getText("coreDateFormatMedium"); } return $this->yellow->language->getDateRelative(strtotime($this->get($key)), $format, $daysLimit); } // Return page setting as language specific date, relative to today, HTML encoded public function getDateRelativeHtml($key, $format = "", $daysLimit = 30) { return htmlspecialchars($this->getDateRelative($key, $format, $daysLimit)); } // Return page setting as date public function getDateFormatted($key, $format) { return $this->yellow->language->getDateFormatted(strtotime($this->get($key)), $format); } // Return page setting as date, HTML encoded public function getDateFormattedHtml($key, $format) { return htmlspecialchars($this->getDateFormatted($key, $format)); } // Return page content, HTML encoded or raw format public function getContent($rawFormat = false, $sizeMax = 0) { if ($rawFormat) { $this->parseDataUpdate(); $text = substrb($this->rawData, $this->metaDataOffsetBytes); } else { $this->parseContent($sizeMax); $text = $this->parserData; } return $sizeMax ? substrb($text, 0, $sizeMax) : $text; } // Return parent page, null if none public function getParent() { $parentLocation = $this->yellow->content->getParentLocation($this->location); return $this->yellow->content->find($parentLocation); } // Return top-level parent page, null if none public function getParentTop($homeFallback = false) { $parentTopLocation = $this->yellow->content->getParentTopLocation($this->location); if (!$this->yellow->content->find($parentTopLocation) && $homeFallback) { $parentTopLocation = $this->yellow->content->getHomeLocation($this->location); } return $this->yellow->content->find($parentTopLocation); } // Return page collection with pages on the same level public function getSiblings($showInvisible = false) { $parentLocation = $this->yellow->content->getParentLocation($this->location); return $this->yellow->content->getChildren($parentLocation, $showInvisible); } // Return page collection with child pages public function getChildren($showInvisible = false) { return $this->yellow->content->getChildren($this->location, $showInvisible); } // Return page collection with child pages recursively public function getChildrenRecursive($showInvisible = false, $levelMax = 0) { return $this->yellow->content->getChildrenRecursive($this->location, $showInvisible, $levelMax); } // Set page collection with additional pages public function setPages($key, $pages) { $this->pageCollections[$key] = $pages; } // Return page collection with additional pages public function getPages($key) { return isset($this->pageCollections[$key]) ? $this->pageCollections[$key] : new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); } // Set shared page public function setPage($key, $page) { $this->sharedPages[$key] = $page; } // Return shared page public function getPage($key) { return isset($this->sharedPages[$key]) ? $this->sharedPages[$key] : new YellowPage($this->yellow); } // Return page URL public function getUrl() { return $this->yellow->lookup->normaliseUrl($this->scheme, $this->address, $this->base, $this->location); } // Return page base public function getBase($multiLanguage = false) { return $multiLanguage ? rtrim($this->base.$this->yellow->content->getHomeLocation($this->location), "/") : $this->base; } // Return page location public function getLocation($absoluteLocation = false) { return $absoluteLocation ? $this->base.$this->location : $this->location; } // Set page request argument public function setRequest($key, $value) { $_REQUEST[$key] = $value; } // Return page request argument public function getRequest($key) { return isset($_REQUEST[$key]) ? $_REQUEST[$key] : ""; } // Return page request argument, HTML encoded public function getRequestHtml($key) { return htmlspecialchars($this->getRequest($key)); } // Set page response header public function setHeader($key, $value) { $this->headerData[$key] = $value; } // Return page response header public function getHeader($key) { return $this->isHeader($key) ? $this->headerData[$key] : ""; } // Return page extra data public function getExtra($name) { $output = ""; foreach ($this->yellow->extension->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($value["object"], "onParsePageExtra")) { $outputExtension = $value["object"]->onParsePageExtra($this, $name); if (!is_null($outputExtension)) $output .= $outputExtension; } } if ($name=="header") { $fileNameTheme = $this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeDirectory").$this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($this->get("theme")).".css"; if (is_file($fileNameTheme)) { $locationTheme = $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerBase"). $this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeLocation").$this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($this->get("theme")).".css"; $output .= "\n"; } $fileNameScript = $this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeDirectory").$this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($this->get("theme")).".js"; if (is_file($fileNameScript)) { $locationScript = $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerBase"). $this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeLocation").$this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($this->get("theme")).".js"; $output .= "\n"; } $fileNameFavicon = $this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeDirectory").$this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($this->get("theme")).".png"; if (is_file($fileNameFavicon)) { $locationFavicon = $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerBase"). $this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeLocation").$this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName($this->get("theme")).".png"; $output .= "\n"; } } return $output; } // Set page response output public function setOutput($output) { $this->outputData = $output; } // Return page modification date, Unix time or HTTP format public function getModified($httpFormat = false) { $modified = strtotime($this->get("modified")); return $httpFormat ? $this->yellow->toolbox->getHttpDateFormatted($modified) : $modified; } // Set last modification date, Unix time public function setLastModified($modified) { $this->lastModified = max($this->lastModified, $modified); } // Return last modification date, Unix time or HTTP format public function getLastModified($httpFormat = false) { $lastModified = max($this->lastModified, $this->getModified(), $this->yellow->system->getModified(), $this->yellow->language->getModified(), $this->yellow->extension->getModified()); foreach ($this->pageCollections as $pages) $lastModified = max($lastModified, $pages->getModified()); foreach ($this->sharedPages as $page) $lastModified = max($lastModified, $page->getModified()); return $httpFormat ? $this->yellow->toolbox->getHttpDateFormatted($lastModified) : $lastModified; } // Return page status code, number or HTTP format public function getStatusCode($httpFormat = false) { $statusCode = $this->statusCode; if ($httpFormat) { $statusCode = $this->yellow->toolbox->getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode); if ($this->isExisting("pageError")) $statusCode .= ": ".$this->get("pageError"); } return $statusCode; } // Respond with error page public function error($statusCode, $pageError = "") { if (!$this->isExisting("pageError") && $statusCode>0) { $this->statusCode = $statusCode; $this->set("pageError", empty($pageError) ? "Layout error!" : $pageError); } } // Respond with status code, no page content public function clean($statusCode, $location = "") { if (!$this->isExisting("pageClean") && $statusCode>0) { $this->statusCode = $statusCode; $this->lastModified = 0; $this->headerData = array(); if (!empty($location)) { $this->setHeader("Location", $location); $this->setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store"); } $this->set("pageClean", (string)$statusCode); } } // Check if page is available public function isAvailable() { return $this->available; } // Check if page is visible public function isVisible() { return $this->visible; } // Check if page is within current HTTP request public function isActive() { return $this->active; } // Check if page is cacheable public function isCacheable() { return $this->cacheable; } // Check if page with error public function isError() { return $this->statusCode>=400; } // Check if page setting exists public function isExisting($key) { return isset($this->metaData[$key]); } // Check if request argument exists public function isRequest($key) { return isset($_REQUEST[$key]); } // Check if response header exists public function isHeader($key) { return isset($this->headerData[$key]); } // Check if shared page exists public function isPage($key) { return isset($this->sharedPages[$key]); } } class YellowPageCollection extends ArrayObject { public $yellow; // access to API public $filterValue; // current page filter value public $paginationNumber; // current page number in pagination public $paginationCount; // highest page number in pagination public function __construct($yellow) { parent::__construct(array()); $this->yellow = $yellow; } // Filter page collection by page setting public function filter($key, $value, $exactMatch = true) { $array = array(); $value = str_replace(" ", "-", strtoloweru($value)); $valueLength = strlenu($value); $this->filterValue = ""; foreach ($this->getArrayCopy() as $page) { if ($page->isExisting($key)) { foreach (preg_split("/\s*,\s*/", $page->get($key)) as $pageValue) { $pageValueLength = $exactMatch ? strlenu($pageValue) : $valueLength; if ($value==substru(str_replace(" ", "-", strtoloweru($pageValue)), 0, $pageValueLength)) { if (empty($this->filterValue)) $this->filterValue = substru($pageValue, 0, $pageValueLength); array_push($array, $page); break; } } } } $this->exchangeArray($array); return $this; } // Filter page collection by file name public function match($regex = "/.*/") { $array = array(); foreach ($this->getArrayCopy() as $page) { if (preg_match($regex, $page->fileName)) array_push($array, $page); } $this->exchangeArray($array); return $this; } // Sort page collection by page setting public function sort($key, $ascendingOrder = true) { $array = $this->getArrayCopy(); $sortIndex = 0; foreach ($array as $page) { $page->set("sortindex", ++$sortIndex); } $callback = function ($a, $b) use ($key, $ascendingOrder) { $result = $ascendingOrder ? strnatcasecmp($a->get($key), $b->get($key)) : strnatcasecmp($b->get($key), $a->get($key)); return $result==0 ? $a->get("sortindex") - $b->get("sortindex") : $result; }; usort($array, $callback); $this->exchangeArray($array); return $this; } // Sort page collection by settings similarity public function similar($page, $ascendingOrder = false) { $location = $page->location; $keywords = strtoloweru($page->get("title").",".$page->get("tag").",".$page->get("author")); $tokens = array_unique(array_filter(preg_split("/[,\s\(\)\+\-]/", $keywords), "strlen")); if (!empty($tokens)) { $array = array(); foreach ($this->getArrayCopy() as $page) { $searchScore = 0; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (stristr($page->get("title"), $token)) $searchScore += 10; if (stristr($page->get("tag"), $token)) $searchScore += 5; if (stristr($page->get("author"), $token)) $searchScore += 2; } if ($page->location!=$location) { $page->set("searchscore", $searchScore); array_push($array, $page); } } $this->exchangeArray($array); $this->sort("modified", $ascendingOrder)->sort("searchscore", $ascendingOrder); } return $this; } // Calculate union, merge page collection public function merge($input) { $this->exchangeArray(array_merge($this->getArrayCopy(), (array)$input)); return $this; } // Calculate intersection, remove pages that are not present in another page collection public function intersect($input) { $callback = function ($a, $b) { return strcmp(spl_object_hash($a), spl_object_hash($b)); }; $this->exchangeArray(array_uintersect($this->getArrayCopy(), (array)$input, $callback)); return $this; } // Calculate difference, remove pages that are present in another page collection public function diff($input) { $callback = function ($a, $b) { return strcmp(spl_object_hash($a), spl_object_hash($b)); }; $this->exchangeArray(array_udiff($this->getArrayCopy(), (array)$input, $callback)); return $this; } // Append to end of page collection public function append($page) { parent::append($page); return $this; } // Prepend to start of page collection public function prepend($page) { $array = $this->getArrayCopy(); array_unshift($array, $page); $this->exchangeArray($array); return $this; } // Limit the number of pages in page collection public function limit($pagesMax) { $this->exchangeArray(array_slice($this->getArrayCopy(), 0, $pagesMax)); return $this; } // Reverse page collection public function reverse() { $this->exchangeArray(array_reverse($this->getArrayCopy())); return $this; } // Randomize page collection public function shuffle() { $array = $this->getArrayCopy(); shuffle($array); $this->exchangeArray($array); return $this; } // Paginate page collection public function pagination($limit, $reverse = true) { $this->paginationNumber = 1; $this->paginationCount = ceil($this->count() / $limit); if ($this->yellow->page->isRequest("page")) $this->paginationNumber = intval($this->yellow->page->getRequest("page")); if ($this->paginationNumber>$this->paginationCount) $this->paginationNumber = 0; if ($this->paginationNumber>=1) { $array = $this->getArrayCopy(); if ($reverse) $array = array_reverse($array); $this->exchangeArray(array_slice($array, ($this->paginationNumber - 1) * $limit, $limit)); } return $this; } // Return current page number in pagination public function getPaginationNumber() { return $this->paginationNumber; } // Return highest page number in pagination public function getPaginationCount() { return $this->paginationCount; } // Return location for a page in pagination public function getPaginationLocation($absoluteLocation = true, $pageNumber = 1) { $location = $locationArguments = ""; if ($pageNumber>=1 && $pageNumber<=$this->paginationCount) { $location = $this->yellow->page->getLocation($absoluteLocation); $locationArguments = $this->yellow->toolbox->getLocationArgumentsNew("page", $pageNumber>1 ? "$pageNumber" : ""); } return $location.$locationArguments; } // Return location for previous page in pagination public function getPaginationPrevious($absoluteLocation = true) { $pageNumber = $this->paginationNumber-1; return $this->getPaginationLocation($absoluteLocation, $pageNumber); } // Return location for next page in pagination public function getPaginationNext($absoluteLocation = true) { $pageNumber = $this->paginationNumber+1; return $this->getPaginationLocation($absoluteLocation, $pageNumber); } // Return current page number in collection public function getPageNumber($page) { $pageNumber = 0; foreach ($this->getIterator() as $key=>$value) { if ($page->getLocation()==$value->getLocation()) { $pageNumber = $key+1; break; } } return $pageNumber; } // Return page in collection, null if none public function getPage($pageNumber = 1) { return ($pageNumber>=1 && $pageNumber<=$this->count()) ? $this->offsetGet($pageNumber-1) : null; } // Return previous page in collection, null if none public function getPagePrevious($page) { $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($page)-1; return $this->getPage($pageNumber); } // Return next page in collection, null if none public function getPageNext($page) { $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($page)+1; return $this->getPage($pageNumber); } // Return current page filter public function getFilter() { return $this->filterValue; } // Return page collection modification date, Unix time or HTTP format public function getModified($httpFormat = false) { $modified = 0; foreach ($this->getIterator() as $page) { $modified = max($modified, $page->getModified()); } return $httpFormat ? $this->yellow->toolbox->getHttpDateFormatted($modified) : $modified; } // Check if there is a pagination public function isPagination() { return $this->paginationCount>1; } } class YellowContent { public $yellow; // access to API public $pages; // scanned pages public function __construct($yellow) { $this->yellow = $yellow; $this->pages = array(); } // Scan file system on demand public function scanLocation($location) { if (!isset($this->pages[$location])) { if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowContent::scanLocation location:$location
\n"; $this->pages[$location] = array(); $scheme = $this->yellow->page->scheme; $address = $this->yellow->page->address; $base = $this->yellow->page->base; if (empty($location)) { $rootLocations = $this->yellow->lookup->findRootLocations(); foreach ($rootLocations as $rootLocation) { list($rootLocation, $fileName) = $this->yellow->toolbox->getTextList($rootLocation, " ", 2); $page = new YellowPage($this->yellow); $page->setRequestInformation($scheme, $address, $base, $rootLocation, $fileName); $page->parseData("", false, 0); array_push($this->pages[$location], $page); } } else { $fileNames = $this->yellow->lookup->findChildrenFromLocation($location); foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) { $page = new YellowPage($this->yellow); $page->setRequestInformation($scheme, $address, $base, $this->yellow->lookup->findLocationFromFile($fileName), $fileName); $page->parseData($this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($fileName, 4096), false, 0); if (strlenb($page->rawData)<4096) $page->statusCode = 200; array_push($this->pages[$location], $page); } } } return $this->pages[$location]; } // Return page from, null if not found public function find($location, $absoluteLocation = false) { $found = false; if ($absoluteLocation) $location = substru($location, strlenu($this->yellow->page->base)); foreach ($this->scanLocation($this->getParentLocation($location)) as $page) { if ($page->location==$location) { if (!$this->yellow->lookup->isRootLocation($page->location)) { $found = true; break; } } } return $found ? $page : null; } // Return page collection with all pages public function index($showInvisible = false, $multiLanguage = false, $levelMax = 0) { $rootLocation = $multiLanguage ? "" : $this->getRootLocation($this->yellow->page->location); return $this->getChildrenRecursive($rootLocation, $showInvisible, $levelMax); } // Return page collection with top-level navigation public function top($showInvisible = false, $showOnePager = true) { $rootLocation = $this->getRootLocation($this->yellow->page->location); $pages = $this->getChildren($rootLocation, $showInvisible); if (count($pages)==1 && $showOnePager) { $scheme = $this->yellow->page->scheme; $address = $this->yellow->page->address; $base = $this->yellow->page->base; $one = ($pages->offsetGet(0)->location!=$this->yellow->page->location) ? $pages->offsetGet(0) : $this->yellow->page; preg_match_all("/(.*?)<\/h\d>/i", $one->getContent(), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { if ($match[1]==2) { $page = new YellowPage($this->yellow); $page->setRequestInformation($scheme, $address, $base, $one->location."#".$match[2], $one->fileName); $page->parseData("---\nTitle: $match[3]\n---\n", false, 0); $pages->append($page); } } } return $pages; } // Return page collection with path ancestry public function path($location, $absoluteLocation = false) { $pages = new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); if ($absoluteLocation) $location = substru($location, strlenu($this->yellow->page->base)); if ($page = $this->find($location)) { $pages->prepend($page); for (; $parent = $page->getParent(); $page=$parent) { $pages->prepend($parent); } $home = $this->find($this->getHomeLocation($page->location)); if ($home && $home->location!=$page->location) $pages->prepend($home); } return $pages; } // Return page collection with multiple languages public function multi($location, $absoluteLocation = false, $showInvisible = false) { $pages = new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); if ($absoluteLocation) $location = substru($location, strlenu($this->yellow->page->base)); $locationEnd = substru($location, strlenu($this->getRootLocation($location)) - 4); foreach ($this->scanLocation("") as $page) { if ($content = $this->find(substru($page->location, 4).$locationEnd)) { if ($content->isAvailable() && ($content->isVisible() || $showInvisible)) { if (!$this->yellow->lookup->isRootLocation($content->location)) $pages->append($content); } } } return $pages; } // Return page collection that's empty public function clean() { return new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); } // Return languages in multi language mode public function getLanguages($showInvisible = false) { $languages = array(); foreach ($this->scanLocation("") as $page) { if ($page->isAvailable() && ($page->isVisible() || $showInvisible)) array_push($languages, $page->get("language")); } return $languages; } // Return child pages public function getChildren($location, $showInvisible = false) { $pages = new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); foreach ($this->scanLocation($location) as $page) { if ($page->isAvailable() && ($page->isVisible() || $showInvisible)) { if (!$this->yellow->lookup->isRootLocation($page->location) && is_readable($page->fileName)) $pages->append($page); } } return $pages; } // Return child pages recursively public function getChildrenRecursive($location, $showInvisible = false, $levelMax = 0) { --$levelMax; $pages = new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); foreach ($this->scanLocation($location) as $page) { if ($page->isAvailable() && ($page->isVisible() || $showInvisible)) { if (!$this->yellow->lookup->isRootLocation($page->location) && is_readable($page->fileName)) $pages->append($page); } if (!$this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($page->location) && $levelMax!=0) { $pages->merge($this->getChildrenRecursive($page->location, $showInvisible, $levelMax)); } } return $pages; } // Return shared pages public function getShared($location) { $pages = new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); $location = $this->getHomeLocation($location).$this->yellow->system->get("coreContentSharedDirectory"); foreach ($this->scanLocation($location) as $page) { if ($page->get("status")=="shared") $pages->append($page); } return $pages; } // Return root location public function getRootLocation($location) { $rootLocation = "root/"; if ($this->yellow->system->get("coreMultiLanguageMode")) { foreach ($this->scanLocation("") as $page) { $token = substru($page->location, 4); if ($token!="/" && substru($location, 0, strlenu($token))==$token) { $rootLocation = "root$token"; break; } } } return $rootLocation; } // Return home location public function getHomeLocation($location) { return substru($this->getRootLocation($location), 4); } // Return parent location public function getParentLocation($location) { $token = rtrim(substru($this->getRootLocation($location), 4), "/"); if (preg_match("#^($token.*\/).+?$#", $location, $matches)) { if ($matches[1]!="$token/" || $this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($location)) $parentLocation = $matches[1]; } if (empty($parentLocation)) $parentLocation = "root$token/"; return $parentLocation; } // Return top-level location public function getParentTopLocation($location) { $token = rtrim(substru($this->getRootLocation($location), 4), "/"); if (preg_match("#^($token.+?\/)#", $location, $matches)) $parentTopLocation = $matches[1]; if (empty($parentTopLocation)) $parentTopLocation = "$token/"; return $parentTopLocation; } } class YellowMedia { public $yellow; // access to API public $files; // scanned files public function __construct($yellow) { $this->yellow = $yellow; $this->files = array(); } // Scan file system on demand public function scanLocation($location) { if (!isset($this->files[$location])) { if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowMedia::scanLocation location:$location
\n"; $this->files[$location] = array(); $scheme = $this->yellow->page->scheme; $address = $this->yellow->page->address; $base = $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerBase"); if (empty($location)) { $fileNames = array($this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaDirectory")); } else { $fileNames = array(); $path = substru($location, 1); foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/.*/", true, true, true) as $entry) { array_push($fileNames, $entry."/"); } foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/.*/", true, false, true) as $entry) { array_push($fileNames, $entry); } } foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) { $file = new YellowPage($this->yellow); $file->setRequestInformation($scheme, $address, $base, "/".$fileName, $fileName); $file->parseData(null, false, 0); array_push($this->files[$location], $file); } } return $this->files[$location]; } // Return page with media file information, null if not found public function find($location, $absoluteLocation = false) { $found = false; if ($absoluteLocation) $location = substru($location, strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreServerBase"))); foreach ($this->scanLocation($this->getParentLocation($location)) as $file) { if ($file->location==$location) { if ($this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($file->location)) { $found = true; break; } } } return $found ? $file : null; } // Return page collection with all media files public function index($showInvisible = false, $multiPass = false, $levelMax = 0) { return $this->getChildrenRecursive("", $showInvisible, $levelMax); } // Return page collection that's empty public function clean() { return new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); } // Return child files public function getChildren($location, $showInvisible = false) { $files = new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); foreach ($this->scanLocation($location) as $file) { if ($file->isAvailable() && ($file->isVisible() || $showInvisible)) { if ($this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($file->location)) $files->append($file); } } return $files; } // Return child files recursively public function getChildrenRecursive($location, $showInvisible = false, $levelMax = 0) { --$levelMax; $files = new YellowPageCollection($this->yellow); foreach ($this->scanLocation($location) as $file) { if ($file->isAvailable() && ($file->isVisible() || $showInvisible)) { if ($this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($file->location)) $files->append($file); } if (!$this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($file->location) && $levelMax!=0) { $files->merge($this->getChildrenRecursive($file->location, $showInvisible, $levelMax)); } } return $files; } // Return home location public function getHomeLocation($location) { return $this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaLocation"); } // Return parent location public function getParentLocation($location) { $token = rtrim($this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaLocation"), "/"); if (preg_match("#^($token.*\/).+?$#", $location, $matches)) { if ($matches[1]!="$token/" || $this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($location)) $parentLocation = $matches[1]; } if (empty($parentLocation)) $parentLocation = ""; return $parentLocation; } // Return top-level location public function getParentTopLocation($location) { $token = rtrim($this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaLocation"), "/"); if (preg_match("#^($token.+?\/)#", $location, $matches)) $parentTopLocation = $matches[1]; if (empty($parentTopLocation)) $parentTopLocation = "$token/"; return $parentTopLocation; } } class YellowSystem { public $yellow; // access to API public $modified; // system modification date public $settings; // system settings public $settingsDefaults; // system settings defaults public function __construct($yellow) { $this->yellow = $yellow; $this->modified = 0; $this->settings = new YellowArray(); $this->settingsDefaults = new YellowArray(); } // Load system settings from file public function load($fileName) { if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowSystem::load file:$fileName
\n"; $this->modified = $this->yellow->toolbox->getFileModified($fileName); $fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($fileName); $this->settings = $this->yellow->toolbox->getTextSettings($fileData, ""); if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=3) { foreach ($this->settings as $key=>$value) { echo "YellowSystem::load ".ucfirst($key).":$value
\n"; } } } // Save system settings to file public function save($fileName, $settings) { $this->modified = time(); $settingsNew = new YellowArray(); foreach ($settings as $key=>$value) { if (!empty($key) && !strempty($value)) { $this->set($key, $value); $settingsNew[$key] = $value; } } $fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($fileName); $fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->setTextSettings($fileData, "", "", $settingsNew); return $this->yellow->toolbox->createFile($fileName, $fileData); } // Set default system setting public function setDefault($key, $value) { $this->settingsDefaults[$key] = $value; } // Set system setting public function set($key, $value) { $this->settings[$key] = $value; } // Return system setting public function get($key) { if (isset($this->settings[$key])) { $value = $this->settings[$key]; } else { $value = isset($this->settingsDefaults[$key]) ? $this->settingsDefaults[$key] : ""; } return $value; } // Return system setting, HTML encoded public function getHtml($key) { return htmlspecialchars($this->get($key)); } // Return system settings public function getSettings($filterStart = "", $filterEnd = "") { $settings = array(); if (empty($filterStart) && empty($filterEnd)) { $settings = array_merge($this->settingsDefaults->getArrayCopy(), $this->settings->getArrayCopy()); } else { foreach (array_merge($this->settingsDefaults->getArrayCopy(), $this->settings->getArrayCopy()) as $key=>$value) { if (!empty($filterStart) && substru($key, 0, strlenu($filterStart))==$filterStart) $settings[$key] = $value; if (!empty($filterEnd) && substru($key, -strlenu($filterEnd))==$filterEnd) $settings[$key] = $value; } } return $settings; } // Return supported values for system setting, empty if not known public function getValues($key) { $values = array(); if ($key=="email") { foreach ($this->yellow->user->settings as $userKey=>$userValue) { array_push($values, $userKey); } } elseif ($key=="language") { foreach ($this->yellow->language->settings as $languageKey=>$languageValue) { array_push($values, $languageKey); } } elseif ($key=="layout") { $path = $this->yellow->system->get("coreLayoutDirectory"); foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/^.*\.html$/", true, false, false) as $entry) { array_push($values, lcfirst(substru($entry, 0, -5))); } } elseif ($key=="theme") { $path = $this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeDirectory"); foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/^.*\.css$/", true, false, false) as $entry) { array_push($values, lcfirst(substru($entry, 0, -4))); } } return $values; } // Return system settings modification date, Unix time or HTTP format public function getModified($httpFormat = false) { return $httpFormat ? $this->yellow->toolbox->getHttpDateFormatted($this->modified) : $this->modified; } // Check if system setting exists public function isExisting($key) { return isset($this->settings[$key]); } } class YellowUser { public $yellow; // access to API public $modified; // user modification date public $settings; // user settings public $email; // current email public function __construct($yellow) { $this->yellow = $yellow; $this->modified = 0; $this->settings = new YellowArray(); $this->email = ""; } // Load user settings from file public function load($fileName) { if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowUser::load file:$fileName
\n"; $this->modified = $this->yellow->toolbox->getFileModified($fileName); $fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($fileName); $this->settings = $this->yellow->toolbox->getTextSettings($fileData, "email"); } // Save user settings to file public function save($fileName, $email, $settings) { $this->modified = time(); $settingsNew = new YellowArray(); $settingsNew["email"] = $email; foreach ($settings as $key=>$value) { if (!empty($key) && !strempty($value)) { $this->setUser($key, $value, $email); $settingsNew[$key] = $value; } } $fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($fileName); $fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->setTextSettings($fileData, "email", $email, $settingsNew); return $this->yellow->toolbox->createFile($fileName, $fileData); } // Remove user settings from file public function remove($fileName, $email) { $this->modified = time(); if (isset($this->settings[$email])) unset($this->settings[$email]); $fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($fileName); $fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->unsetTextSettings($fileData, "email", $email); return $this->yellow->toolbox->createFile($fileName, $fileData); } // Set current email public function set($email) { $this->email = $email; } // Set user setting public function setUser($key, $value, $email) { if (!isset($this->settings[$email])) $this->settings[$email] = new YellowArray(); $this->settings[$email][$key] = $value; } // Return user setting public function getUser($key, $email = "") { if (empty($email)) $email = $this->email; return isset($this->settings[$email]) && isset($this->settings[$email][$key]) ? $this->settings[$email][$key] : ""; } // Return user setting, HTML encoded public function getUserHtml($key, $email = "") { return htmlspecialchars($this->getUser($key, $email)); } // Return user settings public function getSettings($email = "") { $settings = array(); if (empty($email)) $email = $this->email; if (isset($this->settings[$email])) $settings = $this->settings[$email]->getArrayCopy(); return $settings; } // Return user settings modification date, Unix time or HTTP format public function getModified($httpFormat = false) { return $httpFormat ? $this->yellow->toolbox->getHttpDateFormatted($this->modified) : $this->modified; } // Check if user setting exists public function isUser($key, $email = "") { if (empty($email)) $email = $this->email; return isset($this->settings[$email]) && isset($this->settings[$email][$key]); } // Check if user exists public function isExisting($email) { return isset($this->settings[$email]); } } class YellowLanguage { public $yellow; // access to API public $modified; // language modification date public $settings; // language settings public $settingsDefaults; // language settings defaults public $language; // current language public function __construct($yellow) { $this->yellow = $yellow; $this->modified = 0; $this->settings = new YellowArray(); $this->settingsDefaults = new YellowArray(); $this->language = ""; } // Load language settings from file or directory public function load($fileName) { if (substru($fileName, -1, 1)!="/") { $path = dirname($fileName); $regex = "/^".basename($fileName)."$/"; } else { $path = $fileName; $regex = "/^.*\.txt$/"; } foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, $regex, true, false) as $entry) { if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowLanguage::load file:$entry
\n"; $this->modified = max($this->modified, filemtime($entry)); $fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($entry); $settings = $this->yellow->toolbox->getTextSettings($fileData, "language"); foreach($settings as $language=>$block) { if (!isset($this->settings[$language])) { $this->settings[$language] = $block; } else { foreach ($block as $key=>$value) { $this->settings[$language][$key] = $value; } } } } } // Set current language public function set($language) { $this->language = $language; } // Set default language setting public function setDefault($key) { $this->settingsDefaults[$key] = true; } // Set language setting public function setText($key, $value, $language) { if (!isset($this->settings[$language])) $this->settings[$language] = new YellowArray(); $this->settings[$language][$key] = $value; } // Return language setting public function getText($key, $language = "") { if (empty($language)) $language = $this->language; return $this->isText($key, $language) ? $this->settings[$language][$key] : "[$key]"; } // Return language setting, HTML encoded public function getTextHtml($key, $language = "") { return htmlspecialchars($this->getText($key, $language)); } // Return human readable date public function getDateFormatted($timestamp, $format, $language = "") { $dateMonths = preg_split("/\s*,\s*/", $this->getText("coreDateMonths", $language)); $dateWeekdays = preg_split("/\s*,\s*/", $this->getText("coreDateWeekdays", $language)); $month = $dateMonths[date("n", $timestamp) - 1]; $weekday = $dateWeekdays[date("N", $timestamp) - 1]; $timeZone = $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerTimezone"); $timeZoneHelper = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone($timeZone)); $timeZoneOffset = $timeZoneHelper->getOffset(); $timeZoneAbbreviation = "GMT".($timeZoneOffset<0 ? "-" : "+").abs(intval($timeZoneOffset/3600)); $format = preg_replace("/(?=0 ? "coreDatePast" : "coreDateFuture"; $tokens = preg_split("/\s*,\s*/", $this->getText($key, $language)); if (count($tokens)>=8) { if ($days<=$daysLimit || $daysLimit==0) { if ($days==0) { $output = $tokens[0]; } elseif ($days==1) { $output = $tokens[1]; } elseif ($days>=2 && $days<=29) { $output = preg_replace("/@x/i", $days, $tokens[2]); } elseif ($days>=30 && $days<=59) { $output = $tokens[3]; } elseif ($days>=60 && $days<=364) { $output = preg_replace("/@x/i", intval($days/30), $tokens[4]); } elseif ($days>=365 && $days<=729) { $output = $tokens[5]; } else { $output = preg_replace("/@x/i", intval($days/365.25), $tokens[6]); } } else { $output = preg_replace("/@x/i", $this->getDateFormatted($timestamp, $format, $language), $tokens[7]); } } else { $output = "[$key]"; } return $output; } // Return language settings public function getSettings($filterStart = "", $filterEnd = "", $language = "") { $settings = array(); if (empty($language)) $language = $this->language; if (isset($this->settings[$language])) { if (empty($filterStart) && empty($filterEnd)) { $settings = $this->settings[$language]->getArrayCopy(); } else { foreach ($this->settings[$language] as $key=>$value) { if (!empty($filterStart) && substru($key, 0, strlenu($filterStart))==$filterStart) $settings[$key] = $value; if (!empty($filterEnd) && substru($key, -strlenu($filterEnd))==$filterEnd) $settings[$key] = $value; } } } return $settings; } // Return language settings modification date, Unix time or HTTP format public function getModified($httpFormat = false) { return $httpFormat ? $this->yellow->toolbox->getHttpDateFormatted($this->modified) : $this->modified; } // Normalise date into known format public function normaliseDate($text, $language = "") { if (preg_match("/^\d+\-\d+$/", $text)) { $output = $this->getDateFormatted(strtotime($text), $this->getText("coreDateFormatShort", $language), $language); } elseif (preg_match("/^\d+\-\d+\-\d+$/", $text)) { $output = $this->getDateFormatted(strtotime($text), $this->getText("coreDateFormatMedium", $language), $language); } elseif (preg_match("/^\d+\-\d+\-\d+ \d+\:\d+$/", $text)) { $output = $this->getDateFormatted(strtotime($text), $this->getText("coreDateFormatLong", $language), $language); } else { $output = $text; } return $output; } // Check if language setting exists public function isText($key, $language = "") { if (empty($language)) $language = $this->language; return isset($this->settings[$language]) && isset($this->settings[$language][$key]); } // Check if language exists public function isExisting($language) { return isset($this->settings[$language]); } } class YellowExtension { public $yellow; // access to API public $modified; // extension modification date public $data; // extension data public function __construct($yellow) { $this->yellow = $yellow; $this->modified = 0; $this->data = array(); } // Load extensions public function load($path) { foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/^.*\.php$/", true, false) as $entry) { if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=3) echo "YellowExtension::load file:$entry
\n"; $this->modified = max($this->modified, filemtime($entry)); require_once($entry); $name = $this->yellow->lookup->normaliseName(basename($entry), true, true); $this->register(lcfirst($name), "Yellow".ucfirst($name)); } $callback = function ($a, $b) { return $a["priority"] - $b["priority"]; }; uasort($this->data, $callback); foreach ($this->data as $key=>$value) { if (method_exists($this->data[$key]["object"], "onLoad")) $this->data[$key]["object"]->onLoad($this->yellow); } } // Register extension public function register($key, $class) { if (!$this->isExisting($key) && class_exists($class)) { $this->data[$key] = array(); $this->data[$key]["object"] = $class=="YellowCore" ? new stdClass : new $class; $this->data[$key]["class"] = $class; $this->data[$key]["version"] = defined("$class::VERSION") ? $class::VERSION : 0; $this->data[$key]["priority"] = defined("$class::PRIORITY") ? $class::PRIORITY : count($this->data) + 10; } } // Return extension public function get($key) { return $this->data[$key]["object"]; } // Return extensions modification date, Unix time or HTTP format public function getModified($httpFormat = false) { return $httpFormat ? $this->yellow->toolbox->getHttpDateFormatted($this->modified) : $this->modified; } // Check if extension exists public function isExisting($key) { return isset($this->data[$key]); } } class YellowLookup { public $yellow; // access to API public $requestHandler; // request handler name public $commandHandler; // command handler name public $layoutArguments; // layout arguments public function __construct($yellow) { $this->yellow = $yellow; } // Detect file system public function detectFileSystem() { list($pathRoot, $pathHome) = $this->findFileSystemInformation(); $this->yellow->system->set("coreContentRootDirectory", $pathRoot); $this->yellow->system->set("coreContentHomeDirectory", $pathHome); date_default_timezone_set($this->yellow->system->get("coreServerTimezone")); } // Return file system information public function findFileSystemInformation() { $path = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory"); $pathRoot = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentRootDirectory"); $pathHome = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentHomeDirectory"); if (!$this->yellow->system->get("coreMultiLanguageMode")) $pathRoot = ""; if (!empty($pathRoot)) { $token = $root = rtrim($pathRoot, "/"); foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/.*/", true, true, false) as $entry) { if (empty($firstRoot)) $firstRoot = $token = $entry; if ($this->normaliseToken($entry)==$root) { $token = $entry; break; } } $pathRoot = $this->normaliseToken($token)."/"; $path .= "$firstRoot/"; } if (!empty($pathHome)) { $token = $home = rtrim($pathHome, "/"); foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/.*/", true, true, false) as $entry) { if (empty($firstHome)) $firstHome = $token = $entry; if ($this->normaliseToken($entry)==$home) { $token = $entry; break; } } $pathHome = $this->normaliseToken($token)."/"; } return array($pathRoot, $pathHome); } // Return root locations public function findRootLocations($includePath = true) { $locations = array(); $pathBase = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory"); $pathRoot = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentRootDirectory"); if (!empty($pathRoot)) { foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($pathBase, "/.*/", true, true, false) as $entry) { $token = $this->normaliseToken($entry)."/"; if ($token==$pathRoot) $token = ""; array_push($locations, $includePath ? "root/$token $pathBase$entry/" : "root/$token"); if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) echo "YellowLookup::findRootLocations root/$token
\n"; } } else { array_push($locations, $includePath ? "root/ $pathBase" : "root/"); } return $locations; } // Return location from file path public function findLocationFromFile($fileName) { $invalid = false; $location = "/"; $pathBase = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory"); $pathRoot = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentRootDirectory"); $pathHome = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentHomeDirectory"); $fileDefault = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDefaultFile"); $fileExtension = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentExtension"); if (substru($fileName, 0, strlenu($pathBase))==$pathBase && mb_check_encoding($fileName, "UTF-8")) { $fileName = substru($fileName, strlenu($pathBase)); $tokens = explode("/", $fileName); if (!empty($pathRoot)) { $token = $this->normaliseToken($tokens[0])."/"; if ($token!=$pathRoot) $location .= $token; array_shift($tokens); } for ($i=0; $inormaliseToken($tokens[$i])."/"; if ($i || $token!=$pathHome) $location .= $token; } $token = $this->normaliseToken($tokens[$i], $fileExtension); $fileFolder = $this->normaliseToken($tokens[$i-1], $fileExtension); if ($token!=$fileDefault && $token!=$fileFolder) { $location .= $this->normaliseToken($tokens[$i], $fileExtension, true); } $extension = ($pos = strrposu($fileName, ".")) ? substru($fileName, $pos) : ""; if ($extension!=$fileExtension) $invalid = true; } else { $invalid = true; } if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) { $debug = ($invalid ? "INVALID" : $location)." <- $pathBase$fileName"; echo "YellowLookup::findLocationFromFile $debug
\n"; } return $invalid ? "" : $location; } // Return file path from location public function findFileFromLocation($location, $directory = false) { $found = $invalid = false; $path = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory"); $pathRoot = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentRootDirectory"); $pathHome = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentHomeDirectory"); $fileDefault = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDefaultFile"); $fileExtension = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentExtension"); $tokens = explode("/", $location); if ($this->isRootLocation($location)) { if (!empty($pathRoot)) { $token = (count($tokens)>2) ? $tokens[1] : rtrim($pathRoot, "/"); $path .= $this->findFileDirectory($path, $token, "", true, true, $found, $invalid); } } else { if (!empty($pathRoot)) { if (count($tokens)>2) { if ($this->normaliseToken($tokens[1])==$this->normaliseToken(rtrim($pathRoot, "/"))) $invalid = true; $path .= $this->findFileDirectory($path, $tokens[1], "", true, false, $found, $invalid); if ($found) array_shift($tokens); } if (!$found) { $path .= $this->findFileDirectory($path, rtrim($pathRoot, "/"), "", true, true, $found, $invalid); } } if (count($tokens)>2) { if ($this->normaliseToken($tokens[1])==$this->normaliseToken(rtrim($pathHome, "/"))) $invalid = true; for ($i=1; $ifindFileDirectory($path, $tokens[$i], "", true, true, $found, $invalid); } } else { $i = 1; $tokens[0] = rtrim($pathHome, "/"); $path .= $this->findFileDirectory($path, $tokens[0], "", true, true, $found, $invalid); } if (!$directory) { if (!strempty($tokens[$i])) { $token = $tokens[$i].$fileExtension; $fileFolder = $tokens[$i-1].$fileExtension; if ($token==$fileDefault || $token==$fileFolder) $invalid = true; $path .= $this->findFileDirectory($path, $token, $fileExtension, false, true, $found, $invalid); } else { $path .= $this->findFileDefault($path, $fileDefault, $fileExtension, false); } if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG>=2) { $debug = "$location -> ".($invalid ? "INVALID" : $path); echo "YellowLookup::findFileFromLocation $debug
\n"; } } } return $invalid ? "" : $path; } // Return file or directory that matches token public function findFileDirectory($path, $token, $fileExtension, $directory, $default, &$found, &$invalid) { if ($this->normaliseToken($token, $fileExtension)!=$token) $invalid = true; if (!$invalid) { $regex = "/^[\d\-\_\.]*".str_replace("-", ".", $token)."$/"; foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, $regex, false, $directory, false) as $entry) { if ($this->normaliseToken($entry, $fileExtension)==$token) { $token = $entry; $found = true; break; } } } if ($directory) $token .= "/"; return ($default || $found) ? $token : ""; } // Return default file in directory public function findFileDefault($path, $fileDefault, $fileExtension, $includePath = true) { $token = $fileDefault; if (!is_file($path."/".$fileDefault)) { $fileFolder = $this->normaliseToken(basename($path), $fileExtension); $regex = "/^[\d\-\_\.]*($fileDefault|$fileFolder)$/"; foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, $regex, true, false, false) as $entry) { if ($this->normaliseToken($entry, $fileExtension)==$fileDefault) { $token = $entry; break; } if ($this->normaliseToken($entry, $fileExtension)==$fileFolder) { $token = $entry; break; } } } return $includePath ? "$path/$token" : $token; } // Return children from location public function findChildrenFromLocation($location) { $fileNames = array(); $fileDefault = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDefaultFile"); $fileExtension = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentExtension"); if (!$this->isFileLocation($location)) { $path = $this->findFileFromLocation($location, true); foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/.*/", true, true, false) as $entry) { $token = $this->findFileDefault($path.$entry, $fileDefault, $fileExtension, false); array_push($fileNames, $path.$entry."/".$token); } if (!$this->isRootLocation($location)) { $fileFolder = $this->normaliseToken(basename($path), $fileExtension); $regex = "/^.*\\".$fileExtension."$/"; foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, $regex, true, false, false) as $entry) { if ($this->normaliseToken($entry, $fileExtension)==$fileDefault) continue; if ($this->normaliseToken($entry, $fileExtension)==$fileFolder) continue; array_push($fileNames, $path.$entry); } } } return $fileNames; } // Return language from file path public function findLanguageFromFile($fileName, $languageDefault) { $language = $languageDefault; $pathBase = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory"); $pathRoot = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentRootDirectory"); if (!empty($pathRoot)) { $fileName = substru($fileName, strlenu($pathBase)); if (preg_match("/^(.+?)\//", $fileName, $matches)) { $name = $this->normaliseToken($matches[1]); if (strlenu($name)==2) $language = $name; } } return $language; } // Return file path from media location public function findFileFromMedia($location) { $fileName = null; if ($this->isFileLocation($location)) { $mediaLocationLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaLocation")); if (substru($location, 0, $mediaLocationLength)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaLocation")) { $fileName = $this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaDirectory").substru($location, 7); } } return $fileName; } // Return file path from system location public function findFileFromSystem($location) { $fileName = null; if (preg_match("/\.(css|gif|ico|js|jpg|png|svg|woff|woff2)$/", $location)) { $extensionLocationLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreExtensionLocation")); $themeLocationLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeLocation")); if (substru($location, 0, $extensionLocationLength)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreExtensionLocation")) { $fileName = $this->yellow->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory").substru($location, $extensionLocationLength); } elseif (substru($location, 0, $themeLocationLength)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeLocation")) { $fileName = $this->yellow->system->get("coreThemeDirectory").substru($location, $themeLocationLength); } } return $fileName; } // Normalise file/directory token public function normaliseToken($text, $fileExtension = "", $removeExtension = false) { if (!empty($fileExtension)) $text = ($pos = strrposu($text, ".")) ? substru($text, 0, $pos) : $text; if (preg_match("/^[\d\-\_\.]+(.*)$/", $text, $matches) && !empty($matches[1])) $text = $matches[1]; return preg_replace("/[^\pL\d\-\_]/u", "-", $text).($removeExtension ? "" : $fileExtension); } // Normalise name public function normaliseName($text, $removePrefix = false, $removeExtension = false, $filterStrict = false) { if ($removeExtension) $text = ($pos = strrposu($text, ".")) ? substru($text, 0, $pos) : $text; if ($removePrefix && preg_match("/^[\d\-\_\.]+(.*)$/", $text, $matches) && !empty($matches[1])) $text = $matches[1]; if ($filterStrict) $text = strtoloweru($text); return preg_replace("/[^\pL\d\-\_]/u", "-", $text); } // Normalise prefix public function normalisePrefix($text) { $prefix = ""; if (preg_match("/^([\d\-\_\.]*)(.*)$/", $text, $matches)) $prefix = $matches[1]; if (!empty($prefix) && !preg_match("/[\-\_\.]$/", $prefix)) $prefix .= "-"; return $prefix; } // Normalise array, make keys with same upper/lower case public function normaliseUpperLower($input) { $array = array(); foreach ($input as $key=>$value) { if (empty($key) || strempty($value)) continue; $keySearch = strtoloweru($key); foreach ($array as $keyNew=>$valueNew) { if (strtoloweru($keyNew)==$keySearch) { $key = $keyNew; break; } } if (!isset($array[$key])) $array[$key] = 0; $array[$key] += $value; } return $array; } // Normalise location, make absolute location public function normaliseLocation($location, $pageLocation, $filterStrict = true) { if (!preg_match("/^\w+:/", trim(html_entity_decode($location, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")))) { $pageBase = $this->yellow->page->base; $mediaBase = $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerBase").$this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaLocation"); if (!preg_match("/^\#/", $location)) { if (!preg_match("/^\//", $location)) { $location = $this->getDirectoryLocation($pageBase.$pageLocation).$location; } elseif (!preg_match("#^($pageBase|$mediaBase)#", $location)) { $location = $pageBase.$location; } } $location = str_replace("/./", "/", $location); $location = str_replace(":", $this->yellow->toolbox->getLocationArgumentsSeparator(), $location); } else { if ($filterStrict && !preg_match("/^(http|https|ftp|mailto):/", $location)) $location = "error-xss-filter"; } return $location; } // Normalise URL, make absolute URL public function normaliseUrl($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $filterStrict = true) { if (!preg_match("/^\w+:/", $location)) { $url = "$scheme://$address$base$location"; } else { if ($filterStrict && !preg_match("/^(http|https|ftp|mailto):/", $location)) $location = "error-xss-filter"; $url = $location; } return $url; } // Return URL information public function getUrlInformation($url) { $scheme = $address = $base = ""; if (preg_match("#^(\w+)://([^/]+)(.*)$#", rtrim($url, "/"), $matches)) { $scheme = $matches[1]; $address = $matches[2]; $base = $matches[3]; } return array($scheme, $address, $base); } // Return directory location public function getDirectoryLocation($location) { return ($pos = strrposu($location, "/")) ? substru($location, 0, $pos+1) : "/"; } // Return redirect location public function getRedirectLocation($location) { if ($this->isFileLocation($location)) { $location = "$location/"; } else { $languageDefault = $this->yellow->system->get("language"); $language = $this->yellow->toolbox->detectBrowserLanguage($this->yellow->content->getLanguages(), $languageDefault); $location = "/$language/"; } return $location; } // Check if clean URL is requested public function isRequestCleanUrl($location) { return isset($_REQUEST["clean-url"]) && substru($location, -1, 1)=="/"; } // Check if location is specifying root public function isRootLocation($location) { return substru($location, 0, 1)!="/"; } // Check if location is specifying file or directory public function isFileLocation($location) { return substru($location, -1, 1)!="/"; } // Check if location can be redirected into directory public function isRedirectLocation($location) { $redirect = false; if ($this->isFileLocation($location)) { $redirect = is_dir($this->findFileFromLocation("$location/", true)); } elseif ($location=="/") { $redirect = $this->yellow->system->get("coreMultiLanguageMode"); } return $redirect; } // Check if location contains nested directories public function isNestedLocation($location, $fileName, $checkHomeLocation = false) { $nested = false; if (!$checkHomeLocation || $location==$this->yellow->content->getHomeLocation($location)) { $path = dirname($fileName); if (count($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/.*/", true, true, false))) $nested = true; } return $nested; } // Check if location is available public function isAvailableLocation($location, $fileName) { $available = true; $pathBase = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory"); if (substru($fileName, 0, strlenu($pathBase))==$pathBase) { $sharedLocation = $this->yellow->content->getHomeLocation($location).$this->yellow->system->get("coreContentSharedDirectory"); if (substru($location, 0, strlenu($sharedLocation))==$sharedLocation) $available = false; } return $available; } // Check if location is within current HTTP request public function isActiveLocation($location, $currentLocation) { if ($this->isFileLocation($location)) { $active = $currentLocation==$location; } else { if ($location==$this->yellow->content->getHomeLocation($location)) { $active = $this->getDirectoryLocation($currentLocation)==$location; } else { $active = substru($currentLocation, 0, strlenu($location))==$location; } } return $active; } // Check if file is valid public function isValidFile($fileName) { $contentDirectoryLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory")); $mediaDirectoryLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaDirectory")); $systemDirectoryLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreSystemDirectory")); return substru($fileName, 0, $contentDirectoryLength)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory") || substru($fileName, 0, $mediaDirectoryLength)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaDirectory") || substru($fileName, 0, $systemDirectoryLength)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreSystemDirectory"); } // Check if content file public function isContentFile($fileName) { $contentDirectoryLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory")); return substru($fileName, 0, $contentDirectoryLength)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory"); } // Check if media file public function isMediaFile($fileName) { $mediaDirectoryLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaDirectory")); return substru($fileName, 0, $mediaDirectoryLength)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreMediaDirectory"); } // Check if system file public function isSystemFile($fileName) { $systemDirectoryLength = strlenu($this->yellow->system->get("coreSystemDirectory")); return substru($fileName, 0, $systemDirectoryLength)==$this->yellow->system->get("coreSystemDirectory"); } } class YellowToolbox { // Return browser cookie from from current HTTP request public function getCookie($key) { return isset($_COOKIE[$key]) ? $_COOKIE[$key] : ""; } // Return server argument from current HTTP request public function getServer($key) { return isset($_SERVER[$key]) ? $_SERVER[$key] : ""; } // Return location arguments from current HTTP request public function getLocationArguments() { return $this->getServer("LOCATION_ARGUMENTS"); } // Return location arguments from current HTTP request, modify existing arguments public function getLocationArgumentsNew($key, $value) { $locationArguments = ""; $found = false; $separator = $this->getLocationArgumentsSeparator(); foreach (explode("/", $this->getServer("LOCATION_ARGUMENTS")) as $token) { if (preg_match("/^(.*?)$separator(.*)$/", $token, $matches)) { if ($matches[1]==$key) { $matches[2] = $value; $found = true; } if (!empty($matches[1]) && !strempty($matches[2])) { if (!empty($locationArguments)) $locationArguments .= "/"; $locationArguments .= "$matches[1]:$matches[2]"; } } } if (!$found && !empty($key) && !strempty($value)) { if (!empty($locationArguments)) $locationArguments .= "/"; $locationArguments .= "$key:$value"; } if (!empty($locationArguments)) { $locationArguments = $this->normaliseArguments($locationArguments, false, false); if (!$this->isLocationArgumentsPagination($locationArguments)) $locationArguments .= "/"; } return $locationArguments; } // Return location arguments from current HTTP request, convert form parameters public function getLocationArgumentsCleanUrl() { $locationArguments = ""; foreach (array_merge($_GET, $_POST) as $key=>$value) { if (!empty($key) && !strempty($value)) { if (!empty($locationArguments)) $locationArguments .= "/"; $key = str_replace(array("/", ":", "="), array("\x1c", "\x1d", "\x1e"), $key); $value = str_replace(array("/", ":", "="), array("\x1c", "\x1d", "\x1e"), $value); $locationArguments .= "$key:$value"; } } if (!empty($locationArguments)) { $locationArguments = $this->normaliseArguments($locationArguments, false, false); if (!$this->isLocationArgumentsPagination($locationArguments)) $locationArguments .= "/"; } return $locationArguments; } // Return location arguments separator public function getLocationArgumentsSeparator() { return (strtoupperu(substru(PHP_OS, 0, 3))!="WIN") ? ":" : "="; } // Return human readable HTTP date public function getHttpDateFormatted($timestamp) { return gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $timestamp)." GMT"; } // Return human readable HTTP server status public function getHttpStatusFormatted($statusCode, $shortFormat = false) { switch ($statusCode) { case 0: $text = "No data"; break; case 200: $text = "OK"; break; case 301: $text = "Moved permanently"; break; case 302: $text = "Moved temporarily"; break; case 303: $text = "Reload please"; break; case 304: $text = "Not modified"; break; case 400: $text = "Bad request"; break; case 403: $text = "Forbidden"; break; case 404: $text = "Not found"; break; case 430: $text = "Login failed"; break; case 434: $text = "Not existing"; break; case 500: $text = "Server error"; break; case 503: $text = "Service unavailable"; break; default: $text = "Error $statusCode"; } $serverProtocol = $this->getServer("SERVER_PROTOCOL"); if (!preg_match("/^HTTP\//", $serverProtocol)) $serverProtocol = "HTTP/1.1"; return $shortFormat ? $text : "$serverProtocol $statusCode $text"; } // Return MIME content type public function getMimeContentType($fileName) { $contentType = ""; $contentTypes = array( "css" => "text/css", "gif" => "image/gif", "html" => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "ico" => "image/x-icon", "js" => "application/javascript", "json" => "application/json", "jpg" => "image/jpeg", "md" => "text/markdown", "png" => "image/png", "svg" => "image/svg+xml", "txt" => "text/plain", "woff" => "application/font-woff", "woff2" => "application/font-woff2", "xml" => "text/xml; charset=utf-8"); $fileType = $this->getFileType($fileName); if (empty($fileType)) { $contentType = $contentTypes["html"]; } elseif (array_key_exists($fileType, $contentTypes)) { $contentType = $contentTypes[$fileType]; } return $contentType; } // Return number of bytes public function getNumberBytes($string) { $bytes = intval($string); switch (strtoupperu(substru($string, -1))) { case "G": $bytes *= 1024*1024*1024; break; case "M": $bytes *= 1024*1024; break; case "K": $bytes *= 1024; break; } return $bytes; } // Return files and directories public function getDirectoryEntries($path, $regex = "/.*/", $sort = true, $directories = true, $includePath = true) { $entries = array(); $directoryHandle = @opendir($path); if ($directoryHandle) { $path = rtrim($path, "/"); while (($entry = readdir($directoryHandle))!==false) { if (substru($entry, 0, 1)==".") continue; $entry = $this->normaliseUnicode($entry); if (preg_match($regex, $entry)) { if ($directories) { if (is_dir("$path/$entry")) array_push($entries, $includePath ? "$path/$entry" : $entry); } else { if (is_file("$path/$entry")) array_push($entries, $includePath ? "$path/$entry" : $entry); } } } if ($sort) natcasesort($entries); closedir($directoryHandle); } return $entries; } // Return files and directories recursively public function getDirectoryEntriesRecursive($path, $regex = "/.*/", $sort = true, $directories = true, $levelMax = 0) { --$levelMax; $entries = $this->getDirectoryEntries($path, $regex, $sort, $directories); if ($levelMax!=0) { foreach ($this->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/.*/", $sort, true) as $entry) { $entries = array_merge($entries, $this->getDirectoryEntriesRecursive($entry, $regex, $sort, $directories, $levelMax)); } } return $entries; } // Read file, empty string if not found public function readFile($fileName, $sizeMax = 0) { $fileData = ""; $fileHandle = @fopen($fileName, "rb"); if ($fileHandle) { clearstatcache(true, $fileName); $fileSize = $sizeMax ? $sizeMax : filesize($fileName); if ($fileSize) $fileData = fread($fileHandle, $fileSize); fclose($fileHandle); } return $fileData; } // Create file public function createFile($fileName, $fileData, $mkdir = false) { $ok = false; if ($mkdir) { $path = dirname($fileName); if (!empty($path) && !is_dir($path)) @mkdir($path, 0777, true); } $fileHandle = @fopen($fileName, "wb"); if ($fileHandle) { clearstatcache(true, $fileName); if (flock($fileHandle, LOCK_EX)) { ftruncate($fileHandle, 0); fwrite($fileHandle, $fileData); flock($fileHandle, LOCK_UN); } fclose($fileHandle); $ok = true; } return $ok; } // Append file public function appendFile($fileName, $fileData, $mkdir = false) { $ok = false; if ($mkdir) { $path = dirname($fileName); if (!empty($path) && !is_dir($path)) @mkdir($path, 0777, true); } $fileHandle = @fopen($fileName, "ab"); if ($fileHandle) { clearstatcache(true, $fileName); if (flock($fileHandle, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fileHandle, $fileData); flock($fileHandle, LOCK_UN); } fclose($fileHandle); $ok = true; } return $ok; } // Copy file public function copyFile($fileNameSource, $fileNameDestination, $mkdir = false) { clearstatcache(); if ($mkdir) { $path = dirname($fileNameDestination); if (!empty($path) && !is_dir($path)) @mkdir($path, 0777, true); } return @copy($fileNameSource, $fileNameDestination); } // Rename file public function renameFile($fileNameSource, $fileNameDestination, $mkdir = false) { clearstatcache(); if ($mkdir) { $path = dirname($fileNameDestination); if (!empty($path) && !is_dir($path)) @mkdir($path, 0777, true); } return @rename($fileNameSource, $fileNameDestination); } // Rename directory public function renameDirectory($pathSource, $pathDestination, $mkdir = false) { return $pathSource==$pathDestination || $this->renameFile($pathSource, $pathDestination, $mkdir); } // Delete file public function deleteFile($fileName, $pathTrash = "") { clearstatcache(); if (empty($pathTrash)) { $ok = @unlink($fileName); } else { if (!is_dir($pathTrash)) @mkdir($pathTrash, 0777, true); $fileNameDestination = $pathTrash; $fileNameDestination .= pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $fileNameDestination .= "-".str_replace(array(" ", ":"), "-", date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($fileName))); $fileNameDestination .= ".".pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $ok = @rename($fileName, $fileNameDestination); } return $ok; } // Delete directory public function deleteDirectory($path, $pathTrash = "") { clearstatcache(); if (empty($pathTrash)) { $iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file->getType()=="dir") { @rmdir($file->getPathname()); } else { @unlink($file->getPathname()); } } $ok = @rmdir($path); } else { if (!is_dir($pathTrash)) @mkdir($pathTrash, 0777, true); $pathDestination = $pathTrash; $pathDestination .= basename($path); $pathDestination .= "-".str_replace(array(" ", ":"), "-", date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($path))); $ok = @rename($path, $pathDestination); } return $ok; } // Set file modification date, Unix time public function modifyFile($fileName, $modified) { clearstatcache(true, $fileName); return @touch($fileName, $modified); } // Return file modification date, Unix time public function getFileModified($fileName) { return is_file($fileName) ? filemtime($fileName) : 0; } // Return file type public function getFileType($fileName) { return strtoloweru(($pos = strrposu($fileName, ".")) ? substru($fileName, $pos+1) : ""); } // Return file group public function getFileGroup($fileName, $path) { $group = "none"; if (preg_match("#^$path(.+?)\/#", $fileName, $matches)) $group = strtoloweru($matches[1]); return $group; } // Return lines from text, including newline public function getTextLines($text) { $lines = preg_split("/\n/", $text); foreach ($lines as &$line) { $line = $line."\n"; } if (strempty($text) || substru($text, -1, 1)=="\n") array_pop($lines); return $lines; } // Return settings from text function getTextSettings($text, $blockStart) { $settings = new YellowArray(); if (empty($blockStart)) { foreach ($this->getTextLines($text) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\#/", $line)) continue; if (preg_match("/^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1]) && !strempty($matches[2])) { $settings[$matches[1]] = $matches[2]; } } } } else { $blockKey = ""; foreach ($this->getTextLines($text) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\#/", $line)) continue; if (preg_match("/^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { if (lcfirst($matches[1])==$blockStart && !strempty($matches[2])) { $blockKey = $matches[2]; $settings[$blockKey] = new YellowArray(); } if (!empty($blockKey) && !empty($matches[1]) && !strempty($matches[2])) { $settings[$blockKey][$matches[1]] = $matches[2]; } } } } return $settings; } // Set settings in text function setTextSettings($text, $blockStart, $blockKey, $settings) { $textNew = ""; if (empty($blockStart)) { foreach ($this->getTextLines($text) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1]) && isset($settings[$matches[1]])) { $textNew .= "$matches[1]: ".$settings[$matches[1]]."\n"; unset($settings[$matches[1]]); continue; } } $textNew .= $line; } foreach ($settings as $key=>$value) { $textNew .= (strposu($key, "/") ? $key : ucfirst($key)).": $value\n"; } } else { $scan = false; $textStart = $textMiddle = $textEnd = ""; foreach ($this->getTextLines($text) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { if (lcfirst($matches[1])==$blockStart && !strempty($matches[2])) { $scan = lcfirst($matches[2])==lcfirst($blockKey); } } if (!$scan && empty($textMiddle)) { $textStart .= $line; } elseif ($scan) { $textMiddle .= $line; } else { $textEnd .= $line; } } $textSettings = ""; foreach ($this->getTextLines($textMiddle) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1]) && isset($settings[$matches[1]])) { $textSettings .= "$matches[1]: ".$settings[$matches[1]]."\n"; unset($settings[$matches[1]]); continue; } $textSettings .= $line; } } foreach ($settings as $key=>$value) { $textSettings .= (strposu($key, "/") ? $key : ucfirst($key)).": $value\n"; } if (!empty($textMiddle)) { $textMiddle = $textSettings; if (!empty($textEnd)) $textMiddle .= "\n"; } else { if (!empty($textStart)) $textEnd .= "\n"; $textEnd .= $textSettings; } $textNew = $textStart.$textMiddle.$textEnd; } return $textNew; } // Remove settings from text function unsetTextSettings($text, $blockStart, $blockKey) { $textNew = ""; if (!empty($blockStart)) { $scan = false; $textStart = $textMiddle = $textEnd = ""; foreach ($this->getTextLines($text) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { if (lcfirst($matches[1])==$blockStart && !strempty($matches[2])) { $scan = lcfirst($matches[2])==lcfirst($blockKey); } } if (!$scan && empty($textMiddle)) { $textStart .= $line; } elseif ($scan) { $textMiddle .= $line; } else { $textEnd .= $line; } } $textNew = rtrim($textStart.$textEnd)."\n"; } return $textNew; } // Return attributes from text public function getTextAttributes($text) { $tokens = array(); $posStart = $posQuote = 0; $textLength = strlenb($text); for ($pos=0; $pos<$textLength; ++$pos) { if ($text[$pos]==" " && !$posQuote) { if ($pos>$posStart) array_push($tokens, substrb($text, $posStart, $pos-$posStart)); $posStart = $pos+1; } if ($text[$pos]=="=" && !$posQuote) { if ($pos>$posStart) array_push($tokens, substrb($text, $posStart, $pos-$posStart)); array_push($tokens, "="); $posStart = $pos+1; } if ($text[$pos]=="\"") { if ($posQuote) { if ($pos>$posQuote) array_push($tokens, substrb($text, $posQuote+1, $pos-$posQuote-1)); $posQuote = 0; $posStart = $pos+1; } else { if ($pos==$posStart) $posQuote = $pos; } } } if ($pos>$posStart && !$posQuote) { array_push($tokens, substrb($text, $posStart, $pos-$posStart)); } $attributes = array(); for ($i=0; $i$value) { if ($value==$optional) $tokens[$key] = ""; } return array_pad($tokens, $sizeMin, null); } // Return text from array, space separated public function getTextString($tokens, $optional = "-") { $text = ""; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (preg_match("/\s/", $token)) $token = "\"$token\""; if (empty($token)) $token = $optional; if (!empty($text)) $text .= " "; $text .= $token; } return $text; } // Return number of words in text public function getTextWords($text) { $text = preg_replace("/([\p{Han}\p{Hiragana}\p{Katakana}]{3})/u", "$1 ", $text); $text = preg_replace("/(\pL|\p{N})/u", "x", $text); return str_word_count($text); } // Return text truncated at word boundary public function getTextTruncated($text, $lengthMax) { if (strlenu($text)>$lengthMax-1) { $text = substru($text, 0, $lengthMax); $pos = strrposu($text, " "); $text = substru($text, 0, $pos ? $pos : $lengthMax-1)."…"; } return $text; } // Create text description, with or without HTML public function createTextDescription($text, $lengthMax = 0, $removeHtml = true, $endMarker = "", $endMarkerText = "") { $output = ""; $elementsBlock = array("blockquote", "br", "div", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "hr", "li", "ol", "p", "pre", "ul"); $elementsVoid = array("area", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "param", "source", "wbr"); if ($lengthMax==0) $lengthMax = strlenu($text); if ($removeHtml) { $offsetBytes = 0; while (true) { $elementFound = preg_match("/<(\/?)([\!\?\w]+)(.*?)(\/?)>/s", $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offsetBytes); $elementBefore = $elementFound ? substrb($text, $offsetBytes, $matches[0][1] - $offsetBytes) : substrb($text, $offsetBytes); $elementRawData = isset($matches[0][0]) ? $matches[0][0] : ""; $elementStart = isset($matches[1][0]) ? $matches[1][0] : ""; $elementName = isset($matches[2][0]) ? $matches[2][0] : ""; if (!strempty($elementBefore)) { $rawText = preg_replace("/\s+/s", " ", html_entity_decode($elementBefore, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")); if (empty($elementStart) && in_array(strtolower($elementName), $elementsBlock)) $rawText = rtrim($rawText)." "; if (substru($rawText, 0, 1)==" " && (empty($output) || substru($output, -1)==" ")) $rawText = ltrim($rawText); $output .= $this->getTextTruncated($rawText, $lengthMax); $lengthMax -= strlenu($rawText); } if (!empty($elementRawData) && $elementRawData==$endMarker) { $output .= $endMarkerText; $lengthMax = 0; } if ($lengthMax<=0 || !$elementFound) break; $offsetBytes = $matches[0][1] + strlenb($matches[0][0]); } $output = preg_replace("/\s+\…$/s", "…", $output); } else { $elementsOpen = array(); $offsetBytes = 0; while (true) { $elementFound = preg_match("/&.*?\;|<(\/?)([\!\?\w]+)(.*?)(\/?)>/s", $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offsetBytes); $elementBefore = $elementFound ? substrb($text, $offsetBytes, $matches[0][1] - $offsetBytes) : substrb($text, $offsetBytes); $elementRawData = isset($matches[0][0]) ? $matches[0][0] : ""; $elementStart = isset($matches[1][0]) ? $matches[1][0] : ""; $elementName = isset($matches[2][0]) ? $matches[2][0] : ""; $elementEnd = isset($matches[4][0]) ? $matches[4][0] : ""; if (!strempty($elementBefore)) { $output .= $this->getTextTruncated($elementBefore, $lengthMax); $lengthMax -= strlenu($elementBefore); } if (!empty($elementRawData) && $elementRawData==$endMarker) { $output .= $endMarkerText; $lengthMax = 0; } if ($lengthMax<=0 || !$elementFound) break; if (!empty($elementName) && empty($elementEnd) && !in_array(strtolower($elementName), $elementsVoid)) { if (empty($elementStart)) { array_push($elementsOpen, $elementName); } else { array_pop($elementsOpen); } } $output .= $elementRawData; if ($elementRawData[0]=="&") --$lengthMax; $offsetBytes = $matches[0][1] + strlenb($matches[0][0]); } $output = preg_replace("/\s+\…$/s", "…", $output); for ($i=count($elementsOpen)-1; $i>=0; --$i) { $output .= ""; } } return trim($output); } // Create title from text public function createTextTitle($text) { if (preg_match("/^.*\/([\pL\d\-\_]+)/u", $text, $matches)) $text = str_replace("-", " ", ucfirst($matches[1])); return $text; } // Create random text for cryptography public function createSalt($length, $bcryptFormat = false) { $dataBuffer = $salt = ""; $dataBufferSize = $bcryptFormat ? intval(ceil($length/4) * 3) : intval(ceil($length/2)); if (empty($dataBuffer) && function_exists("random_bytes")) { $dataBuffer = @random_bytes($dataBufferSize); } if (empty($dataBuffer) && function_exists("mcrypt_create_iv")) { $dataBuffer = @mcrypt_create_iv($dataBufferSize, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM); } if (empty($dataBuffer) && function_exists("openssl_random_pseudo_bytes")) { $dataBuffer = @openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($dataBufferSize); } if (strlenb($dataBuffer)==$dataBufferSize) { if ($bcryptFormat) { $salt = substrb(base64_encode($dataBuffer), 0, $length); $base64Chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; $bcrypt64Chars = "./ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; $salt = strtr($salt, $base64Chars, $bcrypt64Chars); } else { $salt = substrb(bin2hex($dataBuffer), 0, $length); } } return $salt; } // Create hash with random salt, bcrypt or sha256 public function createHash($text, $algorithm, $cost = 0) { $hash = ""; switch ($algorithm) { case "bcrypt": $prefix = sprintf("$2y$%02d$", $cost); $salt = $this->createSalt(22, true); $hash = crypt($text, $prefix.$salt); if (empty($salt) || strlenb($hash)!=60) $hash = ""; break; case "sha256": $prefix = "$5y$"; $salt = $this->createSalt(32); $hash = "$prefix$salt".hash("sha256", $salt.$text); if (empty($salt) || strlenb($hash)!=100) $hash = ""; break; } return $hash; } // Verify that text matches hash public function verifyHash($text, $algorithm, $hash) { $hashCalculated = ""; switch ($algorithm) { case "bcrypt": if (substrb($hash, 0, 4)=="$2y$" || substrb($hash, 0, 4)=="$2a$") { $hashCalculated = crypt($text, $hash); } break; case "sha256": if (substrb($hash, 0, 4)=="$5y$") { $prefix = "$5y$"; $salt = substrb($hash, 4, 32); $hashCalculated = "$prefix$salt".hash("sha256", $salt.$text); } break; } return $this->verifyToken($hashCalculated, $hash); } // Verify that token is not empty and identical, timing attack safe string comparison public function verifyToken($tokenExpected, $tokenReceived) { $ok = false; $lengthExpected = strlenb($tokenExpected); $lengthReceived = strlenb($tokenReceived); if ($lengthExpected!=0 && $lengthReceived!=0) { $ok = $lengthExpected==$lengthReceived; for ($i=0; $i<$lengthReceived; ++$i) { $ok &= $tokenExpected[$i<$lengthExpected ? $i : 0]==$tokenReceived[$i]; } } return $ok; } // Return meta data from raw data public function getMetaData($rawData, $key) { $value = ""; if (preg_match("/^(\xEF\xBB\xBF)?\-\-\-[\r\n]+(.+?)\-\-\-[\r\n]+(.*)$/s", $rawData, $parts)) { $key = lcfirst($key); foreach ($this->getTextLines($parts[2]) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { if (lcfirst($matches[1])==$key && !strempty($matches[2])) { $value = $matches[2]; break; } } } } return $value; } // Set meta data in raw data public function setMetaData($rawData, $key, $value) { if (preg_match("/^(\xEF\xBB\xBF)?\-\-\-[\r\n]+(.+?)\-\-\-[\r\n]+(.*)$/s", $rawData, $parts)) { $found = false; $key = lcfirst($key); $rawDataMiddle = ""; foreach ($this->getTextLines($parts[2]) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { if (lcfirst($matches[1])==$key) { $rawDataMiddle .= "$matches[1]: $value\n"; $found = true; continue; } } $rawDataMiddle .= $line; } if (!$found) $rawDataMiddle .= (strposu($key, "/") ? $key : ucfirst($key)).": $value\n"; $rawDataNew = $parts[1]."---\n".$rawDataMiddle."---\n".$parts[3]; } else { $rawDataNew = $rawData; } return $rawDataNew; } // Detect server URL public function detectServerUrl() { $scheme = "http"; if ($this->getServer("REQUEST_SCHEME")=="https" || $this->getServer("HTTPS")=="on") $scheme = "https"; if ($this->getServer("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO")=="https") $scheme = "https"; $address = $this->getServer("SERVER_NAME"); $port = $this->getServer("SERVER_PORT"); if ($port!=80 && $port!=443) $address .= ":$port"; $base = ""; if (preg_match("/^(.*)\/.*\.php$/", $this->getServer("SCRIPT_NAME"), $matches)) $base = $matches[1]; return "$scheme://$address$base/"; } // Detect server location public function detectServerLocation() { if (isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) { $location = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $location = rawurldecode(($pos = strposu($location, "?")) ? substru($location, 0, $pos) : $location); $location = $this->normaliseTokens($location, true); $separator = $this->getLocationArgumentsSeparator(); if (preg_match("/^(.*?\/)([^\/]+$separator.*)$/", $location, $matches)) { $_SERVER["LOCATION"] = $location = $matches[1]; $_SERVER["LOCATION_ARGUMENTS"] = $matches[2]; foreach (explode("/", $matches[2]) as $token) { if (preg_match("/^(.*?)$separator(.*)$/", $token, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1]) && !strempty($matches[2])) { $matches[1] = str_replace(array("\x1c", "\x1d", "\x1e"), array("/", ":", "="), $matches[1]); $matches[2] = str_replace(array("\x1c", "\x1d", "\x1e"), array("/", ":", "="), $matches[2]); $_REQUEST[$matches[1]] = $matches[2]; } } } } else { $_SERVER["LOCATION"] = $location; $_SERVER["LOCATION_ARGUMENTS"] = ""; } } return $this->getServer("LOCATION"); } // Detect server timezone public function detectServerTimezone() { $timezone = @date_default_timezone_get(); if (PHP_OS=="Darwin" && $timezone=="UTC") { if (preg_match("#zoneinfo/(.*)#", @readlink("/etc/localtime"), $matches)) $timezone = $matches[1]; } return $timezone; } // Detect server name and version public function detectServerInformation() { if (preg_match("/^(\S+)\/(\S+)/", $this->getServer("SERVER_SOFTWARE"), $matches)) { $name = $matches[1]; $version = $matches[2]; } elseif (preg_match("/^(\pL+)/u", $this->getServer("SERVER_SOFTWARE"), $matches)) { $name = $matches[1]; $version = "x.x.x"; } else { $name = "CLI"; $version = PHP_VERSION; } return array($name, $version); } // Detect browser language public function detectBrowserLanguage($languages, $languageDefault) { $languageFound = $languageDefault; foreach (preg_split("/\s*,\s*/", $this->getServer("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")) as $string) { list($language, $dummy) = $this->getTextList($string, ";", 2); if (!empty($language) && in_array($language, $languages)) { $languageFound = $language; break; } } return $languageFound; } // Detect image dimensions and type for gif/jpg/png/svg public function detectImageInformation($fileName, $fileType = "") { $width = $height = 0; $type = ""; $fileHandle = @fopen($fileName, "rb"); if ($fileHandle) { if (empty($fileType)) $fileType = $this->getFileType($fileName); if ($fileType=="gif") { $dataSignature = fread($fileHandle, 6); $dataHeader = fread($fileHandle, 7); if (!feof($fileHandle) && ($dataSignature=="GIF87a" || $dataSignature=="GIF89a")) { $width = (ord($dataHeader[1])<<8) + ord($dataHeader[0]); $height = (ord($dataHeader[3])<<8) + ord($dataHeader[2]); $type = $fileType; } } elseif ($fileType=="jpg") { $dataBufferSizeMax = filesize($fileName); $dataBufferSize = min($dataBufferSizeMax, 4096); if ($dataBufferSize) $dataBuffer = fread($fileHandle, $dataBufferSize); $dataSignature = substrb($dataBuffer, 0, 4); if (!feof($fileHandle) && ($dataSignature=="\xff\xd8\xff\xe0" || $dataSignature=="\xff\xd8\xff\xe1")) { for ($pos=2; $pos+8<$dataBufferSize; $pos+=$length) { if ($dataBuffer[$pos]!="\xff") break; if ($dataBuffer[$pos+1]=="\xc0" || $dataBuffer[$pos+1]=="\xc2") { $width = (ord($dataBuffer[$pos+7])<<8) + ord($dataBuffer[$pos+8]); $height = (ord($dataBuffer[$pos+5])<<8) + ord($dataBuffer[$pos+6]); $type = $fileType; break; } $length = (ord($dataBuffer[$pos+2])<<8) + ord($dataBuffer[$pos+3]) + 2; while ($pos+$length+8>=$dataBufferSize) { if ($dataBufferSize==$dataBufferSizeMax) break; $dataBufferDiff = min($dataBufferSizeMax, $dataBufferSize*2) - $dataBufferSize; $dataBufferSize += $dataBufferDiff; $dataBufferChunk = fread($fileHandle, $dataBufferDiff); if (feof($fileHandle) || $dataBufferChunk===false) { $dataBufferSize = 0; break; } $dataBuffer .= $dataBufferChunk; } } } } elseif ($fileType=="png") { $dataSignature = fread($fileHandle, 8); $dataHeader = fread($fileHandle, 16); if (!feof($fileHandle) && $dataSignature=="\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n") { $width = (ord($dataHeader[10])<<8) + ord($dataHeader[11]); $height = (ord($dataHeader[14])<<8) + ord($dataHeader[15]); $type = $fileType; } } elseif ($fileType=="svg") { $dataBufferSizeMax = filesize($fileName); $dataBufferSize = min($dataBufferSizeMax, 4096); if ($dataBufferSize) $dataBuffer = fread($fileHandle, $dataBufferSize); if (!feof($fileHandle) && preg_match("//s", $dataBuffer, $matches)) { if (preg_match("/\swidth=\"(\d+)\"/s", $matches[1], $tokens)) $width = $tokens[1]; if (preg_match("/\sheight=\"(\d+)\"/s", $matches[1], $tokens)) $height = $tokens[1]; $type = $fileType; } } fclose($fileHandle); } return array($width, $height, $type); } // Normalise location arguments public function normaliseArguments($text, $appendSlash = true, $filterStrict = true) { if ($appendSlash) $text .= "/"; if ($filterStrict) $text = str_replace(" ", "-", strtoloweru($text)); $text = str_replace(":", $this->getLocationArgumentsSeparator(), $text); return str_replace(array("%2F","%3A","%3D"), array("/",":","="), rawurlencode($text)); } // Normalise path or location, take care of relative path tokens public function normaliseTokens($text, $prependSlash = false) { $textFiltered = ""; if ($prependSlash && substru($text, 0, 1)!="/") $textFiltered .= "/"; $textLength = strlenb($text); for ($pos=0; $pos<$textLength; ++$pos) { if (($text[$pos]=="/" || $pos==0) && $pos+1<$textLength) { if ($text[$pos+1]=="/") continue; if ($text[$pos+1]==".") { $posNew = $pos+1; while ($text[$posNew]==".") { ++$posNew; } if ($text[$posNew]=="/" || $text[$posNew]=="") { $pos = $posNew-1; continue; } } } $textFiltered .= $text[$pos]; } return $textFiltered; } // Normalise elements and attributes in HTML/SVG data public function normaliseData($text, $type = "html", $filterStrict = true) { $output = ""; $elementsHtml = array( "a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "content", "data", "datalist", "dd", "decorator", "del", "details", "dfn", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "element", "em", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "iframe", "image", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "main", "map", "mark", "marquee", "menu", "menuitem", "meta", "meter", "nav", "nobr", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "section", "select", "shadow", "small", "source", "spacer", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "title", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr"); 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return preg_match("/^(.*\/)?page$separator.*$/", $location); } // Check if unmodified since last HTTP request public function isNotModified($lastModifiedFormatted) { return $this->getServer("HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE")==$lastModifiedFormatted; } } class YellowArray extends ArrayObject { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(array()); } // Set array element public function set($key, $value) { $this->offsetSet($key, $value); } // Return array element public function get($key) { return $this->offsetExists($key) ? $this->offsetGet($key) : ""; } // Check if array element exists public function isExisting($key) { return $this->offsetExists($key); } // Return array element public function offsetGet($key) { if (is_string($key)) $key = lcfirst($key); return parent::offsetGet($key); } // Set array element public function offsetSet($key, $value) { if (is_string($key)) $key = lcfirst($key); parent::offsetSet($key, $value); } // Remove array element public function offsetUnset($key) { if (is_string($key)) $key = lcfirst($key); parent::offsetUnset($key); } // Check if array element exists public function offsetExists($key) { if (is_string($key)) $key = lcfirst($key); return parent::offsetExists($key); } } // Make string lowercase, UTF-8 compatible function strtoloweru() { return call_user_func_array("mb_strtolower", func_get_args()); } // Make string uppercase, UTF-8 compatible function strtoupperu() { return call_user_func_array("mb_strtoupper", func_get_args()); } // Return string length, UTF-8 characters function strlenu() { return call_user_func_array("mb_strlen", func_get_args()); } // Return string length, bytes function strlenb() { return call_user_func_array("strlen", func_get_args()); } // Return string position of first match, UTF-8 characters function strposu() { return call_user_func_array("mb_strpos", func_get_args()); } // Return string position of first match, bytes function strposb() { return call_user_func_array("strpos", func_get_args()); } // Return string position of last match, UTF-8 characters function strrposu() { return call_user_func_array("mb_strrpos", func_get_args()); } // Return string position of last match, bytes function strrposb() { return call_user_func_array("strrpos", func_get_args()); } // Return part of a string, UTF-8 characters function substru() { return call_user_func_array("mb_substr", func_get_args()); } // Return part of a string, bytes function substrb() { return call_user_func_array("substr", func_get_args()); } // Check if string is empty function strempty($string) { return is_null($string) || $string===""; }