Update core extension for Alex

This commit is contained in:
markseu 2022-10-25 11:15:00 +02:00
parent c5f45e45bc
commit 68ebe94941
2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Core extension, https://github.com/annaesvensson/yellow-core
class YellowCore {
const VERSION = "0.8.95";
const VERSION = "0.8.96";
const RELEASE = "0.8.21";
public $page; // current page
public $content; // content files
@ -3474,7 +3474,7 @@ class YellowToolbox {
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"accept", "action", "align", "allow", "allowfullscreen", "alt", "autocomplete", "autoplay", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "charset", "checked", "cite", "class", "clear", "color", "cols", "colspan", "content", "contenteditable", "controls", "coords", "crossorigin", "datetime", "default", "dir", "disabled", "download", "enctype", "face", "for", "frameborder", "headers", "height", "hidden", "high", "href", "hreflang", "id", "integrity", "ismap", "label", "lang", "list", "loading", "loop", "low", "max", "maxlength", "media", "method", "min", "multiple", "muted", "name", "noshade", "novalidate", "nowrap", "open", "optimum", "pattern", "placeholder", "poster", "prefix", "preload", "property", "pubdate", "radiogroup", "readonly", "rel", "required", "rev", "reversed", "role", "rows", "rowspan", "spellcheck", "scope", "selected", "shape", "size", "sizes", "span", "srclang", "start", "src", "srcset", "step", "style", "summary", "tabindex", "target", "title", "type", "usemap", "valign", "value", "width", "xmlns");
$attributesSvg = array(
"accent-height", "accumulate", "additivive", "alignment-baseline", "ascent", "attributename", "attributetype", "azimuth", "basefrequency", "baseline-shift", "begin", "bias", "by", "class", "clip", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "color", "color-interpolation", "color-interpolation-filters", "color-profile", "color-rendering", "cx", "cy", "d", "datenstrom", "dx", "dy", "diffuseconstant", "direction", "display", "divisor", "dur", "edgemode", "elevation", "end", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "flood-color", "flood-opacity", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "fx", "fy", "g1", "g2", "glyph-name", "glyphref", "gradientunits", "gradienttransform", "height", "href", "id", "image-rendering", "in", "in2", "k", "k1", "k2", "k3", "k4", "kerning", "keypoints", "keysplines", "keytimes", "lang", "lengthadjust", "letter-spacing", "kernelmatrix", "kernelunitlength", "lighting-color", "local", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "markerheight", "markerunits", "markerwidth", "maskcontentunits", "maskunits", "max", "mask", "media", "method", "mode", "min", "name", "numoctaves", "offset", "operator", "opacity", "order", "orient", "orientation", "origin", "overflow", "paint-order", "path", "pathlength", "patterncontentunits", "patterntransform", "patternunits", "points", "preservealpha", "preserveaspectratio", "r", "rx", "ry", "radius", "refx", "refy", "repeatcount", "repeatdur", "restart", "result", "rotate", "scale", "seed", "shape-rendering", "specularconstant", "specularexponent", "spreadmethod", "stddeviation", "stitchtiles", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke", "stroke-width", "style", "surfacescale", "tabindex", "targetx", "targety", "transform", "text-anchor", "text-decoration", "text-rendering", "textlength", "type", "u1", "u2", "unicode", "values", "viewbox", "visibility", "vert-adv-y", "vert-origin-x", "vert-origin-y", "width", "word-spacing", "wrap", "writing-mode", "xchannelselector", "ychannelselector", "x", "x1", "x2", "xlink:href", "xml:id", "xml:space", "xmlns", "y", "y1", "y2", "z", "zoomandpan");
$attributesAllowEmptyString = array("alt", "value");

View file

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ Tag: feature
system/extensions/command.php: command.php, create, update
Extension: Core
Version: 0.8.95
Version: 0.8.96
Description: Core functionality of the website.
DocumentationUrl: https://github.com/annaesvensson/yellow-core
DownloadUrl: https://github.com/datenstrom/yellow-extensions/raw/main/downloads/core.zip
Published: 2022-10-23 22:44:50
Published: 2022-10-25 11:12:07
Developer: Mark Seuffert, David Fehrmann
Tag: feature
system/extensions/core.php: core.php, create, update