This commit is contained in:
crschnick 2024-09-02 19:33:25 +00:00
parent 1f8aab240d
commit b8ee5f2349
25 changed files with 74 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ odd=Odd

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=Opsætning af SSH-server
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=Kan ikke finde en installeret SSH-server i VM'en.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=For at oprette forbindelse til VM'en leder XPipe efter en kørende SSH-server, men der blev ikke fundet nogen tilgængelig SSH-server til VM'en...
pssComputerNameDescription=Det computernavn, der skal oprettes forbindelse til. Det antages, at den allerede er inkluderet i dine betroede værter.
pssComputerNameDescription=Navnet på den computer, der skal oprettes forbindelse til
pssCredentialUserDescription=Den bruger, du skal logge ind som.
@ -393,3 +393,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Opret forbindelse til VM'er, der administreres af Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayName=Hyper-V VM
hyperVVm.displayDescription=Opret forbindelse til en Hyper-V VM via SSH eller PSSession
trustHostDescription=Tilføj ComputerName til listen over betroede værter

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=SSH-Server einrichten
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=Es kann kein installierter SSH-Server in der VM gefunden werden.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=Um sich mit der VM zu verbinden, sucht XPipe nach einem laufenden SSH-Server, aber es wurde kein verfügbarer SSH-Server für die VM gefunden.
computerName=Computer Name
pssComputerNameDescription=Der Computername, zu dem eine Verbindung hergestellt werden soll. Es wird angenommen, dass er bereits in deinen vertrauenswürdigen Hosts enthalten ist.
pssComputerNameDescription=Der Computername, mit dem eine Verbindung hergestellt werden soll
credentialUser=Berechtigungsnachweis Benutzer
pssCredentialUserDescription=Der Benutzer, als der du dich anmeldest.
credentialPassword=Berechtigungsnachweis Passwort
@ -371,3 +371,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Verbindung zu VMs, die von Hyper-V verwaltet werden
hyperVVm.displayName=Hyper-V VM
hyperVVm.displayDescription=Verbindung zu einer Hyper-V VM über SSH oder PSSession
trustHost=Vertrauenswürdiger Host
trustHostDescription=Computername zur Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Hosts hinzufügen

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=Setup SSH server
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=Unable to find an installed SSH server in the VM.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=To connect to the VM, XPipe is looking for a running SSH server but no available SSH server was detected for the VM.
computerName=Computer Name
pssComputerNameDescription=The computer name to connect to. It is assumed that it is already included in your trusted hosts.
pssComputerNameDescription=The computer name to connect to
credentialUser=Credential User
pssCredentialUserDescription=The user to login as.
credentialPassword=Credential Password
@ -369,4 +369,6 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Connect to VMs managed by Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayName=Hyper-V VM
hyperVVm.displayDescription=Connect to a Hyper-V VM via SSH or PSSession
trustHost=Trust host
trustHostDescription=Add ComputerName to trusted hosts list

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=Configurar servidor SSH
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=No se puede encontrar un servidor SSH instalado en la máquina virtual.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=Para conectarse a la VM, XPipe busca un servidor SSH en ejecución, pero no se ha detectado ningún servidor SSH disponible para la VM..
computerName=Nombre del ordenador
pssComputerNameDescription=El nombre del ordenador al que conectarse. Se supone que ya está incluido en tus hosts de confianza.
pssComputerNameDescription=El nombre del ordenador al que conectarse
credentialUser=Credencial de usuario
pssCredentialUserDescription=El usuario con el que iniciar sesión.
credentialPassword=Contraseña credencial
@ -367,3 +367,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Conectarse a máquinas virtuales gestionadas por Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayName=VM Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayDescription=Conectarse a una máquina virtual Hyper-V mediante SSH o PSSession
trustHost=Host de confianza
trustHostDescription=Añadir ComputerName a la lista de hosts de confianza

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=Configurer le serveur SSH
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=Impossible de trouver un serveur SSH installé dans la VM.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=Pour se connecter à la VM, XPipe recherche un serveur SSH en cours d'exécution mais aucun serveur SSH disponible n'a été détecté pour la VM...
computerName=Nom de l'ordinateur
pssComputerNameDescription=Le nom de l'ordinateur auquel se connecter. On suppose qu'il est déjà inclus dans tes hôtes de confiance.
pssComputerNameDescription=Le nom de l'ordinateur auquel se connecter
credentialUser=Utilisateur de justificatifs
pssCredentialUserDescription=L'utilisateur sous lequel tu dois te connecter.
credentialPassword=Mot de passe d'identification
@ -367,3 +367,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Se connecter aux machines virtuelles gérées par Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayName=VM Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayDescription=Se connecter à une VM Hyper-V via SSH ou PSSession
trustHost=Hôte de confiance
trustHostDescription=Ajoute NomOrdinateur à la liste des hôtes de confiance

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=Configurazione del server SSH
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=Impossibile trovare un server SSH installato nella macchina virtuale.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=Per connettersi alla macchina virtuale, XPipe sta cercando un server SSH funzionante, ma non è stato rilevato alcun server SSH disponibile per la macchina virtuale.
computerName=Nome del computer
pssComputerNameDescription=Il nome del computer a cui connettersi. Si presume che sia già incluso negli host attendibili.
pssComputerNameDescription=Il nome del computer a cui connettersi
credentialUser=Credenziale Utente
pssCredentialUserDescription=L'utente con cui effettuare il login.
credentialPassword=Password della credenziale
@ -367,3 +367,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Connettersi alle macchine virtuali gestite da Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayName=VM Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayDescription=Connettersi a una macchina virtuale Hyper-V tramite SSH o PSSession
trustHost=Host fiduciario
trustHostDescription=Aggiungi NomeComputer all'elenco degli host attendibili

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=SSHサーバーをセットアップする
@ -367,3 +367,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=ハイパーV
hyperVVm.displayName=Hyper-V VM
hyperVVm.displayDescription=SSHまたはPSSession経由でHyper-V VMに接続する

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=SSH-server instellen
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=Kan geen geïnstalleerde SSH-server in de VM vinden.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=Om verbinding te maken met de VM zoekt XPipe naar een actieve SSH-server, maar er is geen beschikbare SSH-server gedetecteerd voor de VM.
pssComputerNameDescription=De computernaam om verbinding mee te maken. Er wordt aangenomen dat deze al is opgenomen in je vertrouwde hosts.
pssComputerNameDescription=De computernaam om verbinding mee te maken
credentialUser=Credential Gebruiker
pssCredentialUserDescription=De gebruiker om als in te loggen.
@ -367,3 +367,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Verbinding maken met VM's die worden beheerd door Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayName=Hyper-V VM
hyperVVm.displayDescription=Verbinding maken met een Hyper-V VM via SSH of PSSession
trustHost=Vertrouwende host
trustHostDescription=ComputerNaam toevoegen aan vertrouwde hosts lijst

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=Configura o servidor SSH
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=Não é possível encontrar um servidor SSH instalado na VM.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=Para se conectar à VM, o XPipe está procurando um servidor SSH em execução, mas nenhum servidor SSH disponível foi detectado para a VM...
computerName=Nome do computador
pssComputerNameDescription=O nome do computador a que te vais ligar. Presume-se que já está incluído nos teus anfitriões de confiança.
pssComputerNameDescription=O nome do computador ao qual te deves ligar
credentialUser=Credencial de utilizador
pssCredentialUserDescription=O utilizador para iniciar sessão como.
credentialPassword=Palavra-passe de credencial
@ -367,3 +367,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Liga-te a VMs geridas pelo Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayName=VM Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayDescription=Liga-te a uma VM Hyper-V através de SSH ou PSSession
trustHost=Anfitrião de confiança
trustHostDescription=Adiciona ComputerName à lista de anfitriões de confiança

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=Настройка SSH-сервера
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=Невозможно найти установленный SSH-сервер в виртуальной машине.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=Чтобы подключиться к ВМ, XPipe ищет работающий SSH-сервер, но для ВМ не было обнаружено ни одного доступного SSH-сервера.
computerName=Имя компьютера
pssComputerNameDescription=Имя компьютера, к которому нужно подключиться. Предполагается, что оно уже включено в список твоих доверенных хостов.
pssComputerNameDescription=Имя компьютера, к которому нужно подключиться
credentialUser=Учетная запись пользователя
pssCredentialUserDescription=Пользователь, от имени которого нужно войти в систему.
@ -367,3 +367,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Подключение к виртуальным машинам, управляемым Hyper-V
hyperVVm.displayName=Hyper-V VM
hyperVVm.displayDescription=Подключение к виртуальной машине Hyper-V через SSH или PSSession
trustHost=Доверительный хост
trustHostDescription=Добавьте ComputerName в список доверенных хостов

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=SSH sunucusunu kurun
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=VM'de kurulu bir SSH sunucusu bulunamıyor.
requiredSshServerAlertContent=VM'ye bağlanmak için XPipe çalışan bir SSH sunucusu arıyor ancak VM için kullanılabilir bir SSH sunucusu algılanmadı.
computerName=Bilgisayar Adı
pssComputerNameDescription=Bağlanılacak bilgisayar adı. Bu bilgisayarın zaten güvenilir ana bilgisayarlarınıza dahil olduğu varsayılır.
pssComputerNameDescription=Bağlanılacak bilgisayar adı
credentialUser=Kimlik Bilgisi Kullanıcısı
pssCredentialUserDescription=Oturum açılacak kullanıcı.
credentialPassword=Kimlik Bilgisi Şifresi
@ -367,3 +367,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=Hyper-V tarafından yönetilen VM'lere bağlanma
hyperVVm.displayName=Hyper-V VM
hyperVVm.displayDescription=SSH veya PSSession aracılığıyla bir Hyper-V sanal makinesine bağlanma
trustHost=Güven ev sahibi
trustHostDescription=ComputerName'i güvenilir ana bilgisayarlar listesine ekleme

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ requiredSshServerAlertTitle=设置 SSH 服务器
requiredSshServerAlertHeader=无法在虚拟机中找到已安装的 SSH 服务器。
requiredSshServerAlertContent=为了连接到虚拟机XPipe 正在寻找运行中的 SSH 服务器,但没有检测到虚拟机的可用 SSH 服务器。
@ -367,3 +367,5 @@ hyperVInstall.displayName=Hyper-V
hyperVInstall.displayDescription=连接由 Hyper-V 管理的虚拟机
hyperVVm.displayName=Hyper-V 虚拟机
hyperVVm.displayDescription=通过 SSH 或 PSSession 连接到 Hyper-V 虚拟机
trustHostDescription=将 ComputerName 添加到受信任主机列表

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Shell-forbindelsesgateways
Hvis det er aktiveret, åbner XPipe først en shell-forbindelse til gatewaysystemet og derfra en PSSession-forbindelse til den angivne host. WinRM skal være aktiveret og konfigureret på den valgte gateway. Dette vil udelukkende bruge gatewaysystemets konfiguration i forbindelse med WinRM og PSSessions.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Shell-Verbindungsgateways
Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, öffnet XPipe zunächst eine Shell-Verbindung zum Gateway-System und von dort aus eine PSSession-Verbindung zum angegebenen Host. WinRM muss auf dem Gateway deiner Wahl aktiviert und konfiguriert sein. Dabei wird ausschließlich die Konfiguration des Gatewaysystems in Bezug auf WinRM und PSSessions verwendet.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Shell connection gateways
If enabled, XPipe first opens a shell connection to the gateway system and from there opens a PSSession connection to the specified host. WinRM must be enabled and configured on your chosen gateway. This will solely use the configuration of the gateway system relating to WinRM and PSSessions.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Pasarelas de conexión Shell
Si está activado, XPipe abre primero una conexión shell con el sistema de la pasarela y, desde ahí, abre una conexión PSSession con el host especificado. WinRM debe estar activado y configurado en la pasarela elegida. Esto utilizará únicamente la configuración del sistema de pasarela relativa a WinRM y PSSessions.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Passerelles de connexion Shell
Si cette option est activée, XPipe ouvre d'abord une connexion shell au système de la passerelle et, à partir de là, ouvre une connexion PSSession à l'hôte spécifié. WinRM doit être activé et configuré sur la passerelle choisie. Ceci utilisera uniquement la configuration du système de la passerelle relative à WinRM et aux PSSessions.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Gateway di connessione alla shell
Se abilitato, XPipe apre prima una connessione shell al sistema gateway e da lì apre una connessione PSSession all'host specificato. WinRM deve essere abilitato e configurato sul gateway scelto. In questo modo si utilizzerà esclusivamente la configurazione del sistema gateway relativa a WinRM e alle PSSession.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## シェル接続ゲートウェイ

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Shell verbindingspoorten
Indien ingeschakeld opent XPipe eerst een shell verbinding naar het gateway systeem en opent van daaruit een PSSession verbinding naar de gespecificeerde host. WinRM moet ingeschakeld en geconfigureerd zijn op de gekozen gateway. Dit maakt alleen gebruik van de configuratie van het gatewaysysteem met betrekking tot WinRM en PSSessions.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Gateways de ligação Shell
Se estiver ativado, o XPipe abre primeiro uma ligação shell ao sistema de gateway e, a partir daí, abre uma ligação PSSession ao anfitrião especificado. O WinRM deve ser ativado e configurado no gateway escolhido. Utiliza apenas a configuração do sistema de gateway relacionada com WinRM e PSSessions.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Шлюзы для подключения к оболочке
Если эта функция включена, XPipe сначала открывает shell-соединение с системой шлюза, а оттуда открывает PSSession-соединение с указанным хостом. WinRM должен быть включен и настроен на выбранном тобой шлюзе. При этом будет использоваться исключительно конфигурация шлюзовой системы, связанная с WinRM и PSSessions.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Kabuk bağlantı ağ geçitleri
Etkinleştirilirse, XPipe önce ağ geçidi sistemine bir kabuk bağlantısı açar ve buradan belirtilen ana bilgisayara bir PSSession bağlantısı açar. WinRM, seçtiğiniz ağ geçidinde etkinleştirilmeli ve yapılandırılmalıdır. Bu yalnızca WinRM ve PSSessions ile ilgili ağ geçidi sisteminin yapılandırmasını kullanacaktır.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Shell 连接网关
如果启用XPipe 会首先打开与网关系统的 shell 连接,然后打开与指定主机的 PSSession 连接。必须在所选网关上启用和配置 WinRM。这将只使用网关系统中与 WinRM 和 PSSessions 有关的配置。