Translation fixes

This commit is contained in:
crschnick 2024-09-11 22:32:23 +00:00
parent 474606bcb3
commit 5db185168d
13 changed files with 15 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ The git remote push succeeded. However, no connections have been pushed to this
See below on how to do this.
## Troubleshooting
### Adding categories to the repository
## Adding categories to the repository
By default, no categories are set to shared so that you have explicit control on what connections to commit.
@ -16,13 +14,13 @@ in your `Connections` tab under the category overview on the left side.
Then click on `Add to git repository` to sync the category and connections to your git repository.
This will add all shareable connections to the git repository.
### Local connections are not synced
## Local connections are not synced
Any connection located under the local machine can not be shared as it refers to connections and data that are only available on the local system.
Certain connections that are based on a local file, for example SSH configs, can be shared via git if the underlying data, in this case the file, have been added to the git repository as well.
### Other issues
## Other issues
If you encounter any other issues, you can try interacting with the cloned repository manually.
You can find it at `%%USERPROFILE%%\.xpipe\storage\` or `~/.xpipe/storage/`.

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@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=understøttes kun med en professionel licens, når man har
areOnlySupportedLimit=understøttes kun med en professionel licens, når man har mere end $COUNT$ forbindelser
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=Git-synkronisering er deaktiveret for offentlige test-builds for at forhindre brug med almindelige release-git-lagre og for at modvirke, at man bruger en PTB-build som sin daglige driver.
copyId=Kopi ID
copyId=Kopier API-ID
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Kræver dobbeltklik for forbindelser
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=Hvis den er aktiveret, skal du dobbeltklikke på forbindelser for at starte dem. Det er nyttigt, hvis man er vant til at dobbeltklikke på ting.
clearTransferDescription=Ryd valg

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@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=wird nur mit einer professionellen Lizenz unterstützt, wen
areOnlySupportedLimit=werden nur mit einer professionellen Lizenz unterstützt, wenn mehr als $COUNT$ Verbindungen bestehen
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=Die Git-Synchronisierung ist für öffentliche Test-Builds deaktiviert, um die Verwendung mit regulären Git-Repositories zu verhindern und um davon abzuraten, einen PTB-Build als täglichen Treiber zu verwenden.
copyId=ID kopieren
copyId=API-ID kopieren
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Doppelklick für Verbindungen erforderlich
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, musst du auf die Verbindungen doppelklicken, um sie zu starten. Das ist nützlich, wenn du es gewohnt bist, auf Dinge doppelt zu klicken.
clearTransferDescription=Auswahl löschen

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@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=is only supported with a professional license when having m
areOnlySupportedLimit=are only supported with a professional license when having more than $COUNT$ connections
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=Git synchronization is disabled for public test builds to prevent usage with regular release git repositories and to discourage using a PTB build as your daily driver.
copyId=Copy ID
copyId=Copy API ID
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Require double click for connections
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=If enabled, you have to double-click connections to launch them. This is useful if you're used to double-clicking things.
clearTransferDescription=Clear selection

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@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=sólo es compatible con una licencia profesional cuando tie
areOnlySupportedLimit=sólo son compatibles con una licencia profesional cuando tienen más de $COUNT$ conexiones
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=La sincronización Git está desactivada para las compilaciones públicas de prueba, para evitar que se utilicen con los repositorios git de publicación regular y para desalentar el uso de una compilación PTB como tu conductor diario.
copyId=ID de copia
copyId=Copiar ID de API
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Requiere doble clic para las conexiones
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=Si está activado, tienes que hacer doble clic en las conexiones para iniciarlas. Esto es útil si estás acostumbrado a hacer doble clic en las cosas.
clearTransferDescription=Borrar selección

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@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=n'est pris en charge qu'avec une licence professionnelle lo
areOnlySupportedLimit=ne sont pris en charge qu'avec une licence professionnelle lorsqu'il y a plus de $COUNT$ connexions
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=La synchronisation Git est désactivée pour les versions de test publiques afin d'éviter toute utilisation avec les dépôts git des versions régulières et de décourager l'utilisation d'une version PTB comme conducteur quotidien.
copyId=ID de copie
copyId=Copier l'ID API
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Nécessite un double clic pour les connexions
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=Si cette option est activée, tu dois double-cliquer sur les connexions pour les lancer. C'est utile si tu as l'habitude de double-cliquer sur les choses.
clearTransferDescription=Effacer la sélection

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@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=è supportato solo con una licenza professionale quando ci
areOnlySupportedLimit=sono supportati solo con una licenza professionale quando ci sono più di $COUNT$ connessioni
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=La sincronizzazione Git è disabilitata per le build di test pubbliche per evitare l'uso con i repository git di rilascio regolari e per scoraggiare l'uso di una build PTB come guida quotidiana.
copyId=Copia ID
copyId=Copia dell'ID API
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Richiede un doppio clic per le connessioni
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=Se abilitato, devi fare doppio clic sulle connessioni per avviarle. Questo è utile se sei abituato a fare doppio clic.
clearTransferDescription=Cancella la selezione

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@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=は、$COUNT$ を超える接続がある場合、プロフ
areOnlySupportedLimit=$COUNT$ 以上の接続がある場合、プロフェッショナルライセンスでのみサポートされる。
copyId=コピーAPI ID

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@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=wordt alleen ondersteund met een professionele licentie bij
areOnlySupportedLimit=worden alleen ondersteund met een professionele licentie bij meer dan $COUNT$ verbindingen
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=Git synchronisatie is uitgeschakeld voor publieke test builds om gebruik met reguliere release git repositories te voorkomen en om het gebruik van een PTB build als je dagelijkse driver te ontmoedigen.
copyId=ID kopiëren
copyId=API-ID kopiëren
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Dubbelklikken vereist voor verbindingen
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=Als dit is ingeschakeld, moet je dubbelklikken op verbindingen om ze te starten. Dit is handig als je gewend bent om op dingen te dubbelklikken.
clearTransferDescription=Selectie wissen

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@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=só é suportado com uma licença profissional se tiver mai
areOnlySupportedLimit=só são suportados com uma licença profissional quando têm mais de $COUNT$ ligações
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=A sincronização do Git está desactivada para compilações de teste públicas para evitar a utilização com repositórios git de lançamento regulares e para desencorajar a utilização de uma compilação PTB como o teu condutor diário.
copyId=ID de cópia
copyId=Copia o ID da API
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Exige duplo clique para ligações
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=Se estiver ativado, tens de fazer duplo clique nas ligações para as iniciar. Isto é útil se estiveres habituado a fazer duplo clique em coisas.
clearTransferDescription=Limpar seleção

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@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=поддерживается только професси
areOnlySupportedLimit=поддерживаются только профессиональной лицензией при наличии более чем $COUNT$ соединений
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=Git-синхронизация отключена для публичных тестовых сборок, чтобы предотвратить их использование с обычными релизными git-репозиториями и не допустить использования PTB-сборки в качестве ежедневного драйвера.
copyId=Идентификатор копии
copyId=Копирование идентификатора API
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Требуется двойной щелчок для подключения
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=Если эта опция включена, тебе придется дважды щелкнуть по соединениям, чтобы запустить их. Это полезно, если ты привык все запускать двойным щелчком.
clearTransferDescription=Четкий выбор

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@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=yalnızca $COUNT$ adresinden daha fazla bağlantıya sahip
areOnlySupportedLimit=yalnızca $COUNT$ adresinden daha fazla bağlantıya sahip olunduğunda profesyonel lisans ile desteklenir
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=Git senkronizasyonu, normal sürüm git depoları ile kullanımı önlemek ve günlük sürücünüz olarak bir PTB derlemesini kullanmaktan vazgeçirmek için genel test derlemeleri için devre dışı bırakılmıştır.
copyId=Kopya Kimliği
copyId=API Kimliğini Kopyala
requireDoubleClickForConnections=Bağlantılar için çift tıklama gerektir
requireDoubleClickForConnectionsDescription=Etkinleştirilirse, bağlantıları başlatmak için çift tıklamanız gerekir. Bu, bir şeyleri çift tıklamaya alışkınsanız kullanışlıdır.
clearTransferDescription=Seçimi temizle

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@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ isOnlySupportedLimit=只有在连接数超过$COUNT$ 时才支持专业许可证
areOnlySupportedLimit=只有在连接数超过$COUNT$ 时才支持专业许可证
enableGitStoragePtbDisabled=公共测试版已禁用 Git 同步功能,以防止与常规发布版本的 git 仓库一起使用,并避免将公共测试版作为日常驱动程序使用。
copyId=复制 ID
copyId=复制 API ID