Various fixed and additions

This commit is contained in:
crschnick 2024-09-04 08:03:39 +00:00
parent 440664e56f
commit 08f0001b9d
14 changed files with 56 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -426,6 +426,9 @@ public class StoreCreationComp extends DialogComp {
&& (providerChoice.getProviders().size() > 1
|| providerChoice.getProviders().getFirst().showProviderChoice()))
|| (staticDisplay && provider.getValue().showProviderChoice());
if (staticDisplay) {
providerChoice.apply(struc -> struc.get().setDisable(true));
if (showProviders) {
providerChoice.onSceneAssign(struc -> struc.get().requestFocus());

View file

@ -35,9 +35,11 @@ public class GuiErrorHandler extends GuiErrorHandlerBase implements ErrorHandler
if (lex.isPresent()) {
if (!LicenseProvider.get().hasPaidLicense()) {
} else {
ErrorHandlerComp.showAndTryWait(event, true);

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@ -396,3 +396,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=Opret forbindelse til en Hyper-V VM via SSH eller PS
trustHostDescription=Tilføj ComputerName til listen over betroede værter
copyIp=Kopier IP
setupSsh=Opsætning af SSH-server
hypervSshSetupTitle=Opsætning af SSH-server
hypervSshSetupHeader=Vil du installere Windows OpenSSH-serveren på denne VM?
hypervSshSetupContent=Dette giver XPipe mulighed for at oprette forbindelse via SSH og giver flere funktioner. Denne installation vil tage et stykke tid.

View file

@ -374,3 +374,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=Verbindung zu einer Hyper-V VM über SSH oder PSSess
trustHost=Vertrauenswürdiger Host
trustHostDescription=Computername zur Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Hosts hinzufügen
copyIp=IP kopieren
setupSsh=SSH-Server einrichten
hypervSshSetupTitle=SSH-Server einrichten
hypervSshSetupHeader=Willst du den Windows OpenSSH-Server auf dieser VM installieren?
hypervSshSetupContent=Dadurch kann XPipe eine Verbindung über SSH herstellen und bietet mehr Funktionen. Diese Installation wird eine Weile dauern.

View file

@ -372,4 +372,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=Connect to a Hyper-V VM via SSH or PSSession
trustHost=Trust host
trustHostDescription=Add ComputerName to trusted hosts list
copyIp=Copy IP
setupSsh=Setup SSH server
hypervSshSetupTitle=Setup SSH server
hypervSshSetupHeader=Do you want to install the Windows OpenSSH server on this VM?
hypervSshSetupContent=This will allow XPipe to connect via SSH and provide more functionality. This installation will take a while.

View file

@ -370,3 +370,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=Conectarse a una máquina virtual Hyper-V mediante S
trustHost=Host de confianza
trustHostDescription=Añadir ComputerName a la lista de hosts de confianza
copyIp=Copiar IP
setupSsh=Configurar servidor SSH
hypervSshSetupTitle=Configurar servidor SSH
hypervSshSetupHeader=¿Quieres instalar el servidor OpenSSH de Windows en esta máquina virtual?
hypervSshSetupContent=Esto permitirá a XPipe conectarse a través de SSH y proporcionará más funcionalidad. Esta instalación llevará un tiempo.

View file

@ -370,3 +370,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=Se connecter à une VM Hyper-V via SSH ou PSSession
trustHost=Hôte de confiance
trustHostDescription=Ajoute NomOrdinateur à la liste des hôtes de confiance
copyIp=Copier l'IP
setupSsh=Configurer le serveur SSH
hypervSshSetupTitle=Configurer le serveur SSH
hypervSshSetupHeader=Veux-tu installer le serveur Windows OpenSSH sur cette VM ?
hypervSshSetupContent=Cela permettra à XPipe de se connecter via SSH et de fournir plus de fonctionnalités. Cette installation prendra un certain temps.

View file

@ -370,3 +370,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=Connettersi a una macchina virtuale Hyper-V tramite
trustHost=Host fiduciario
trustHostDescription=Aggiungi NomeComputer all'elenco degli host attendibili
copyIp=Copia IP
setupSsh=Configurazione del server SSH
hypervSshSetupTitle=Configurazione del server SSH
hypervSshSetupHeader=Vuoi installare il server OpenSSH di Windows su questa macchina virtuale?
hypervSshSetupContent=Questo permetterà a XPipe di connettersi tramite SSH e di fornire maggiori funzionalità. L'installazione richiederà un po' di tempo.

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@ -370,3 +370,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=SSHまたはPSSession経由でHyper-V VMに接続す
hypervSshSetupHeader=このVMにWindows OpenSSHサーバーをインストールするか

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@ -370,3 +370,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=Verbinding maken met een Hyper-V VM via SSH of PSSes
trustHost=Vertrouwende host
trustHostDescription=ComputerNaam toevoegen aan vertrouwde hosts lijst
copyIp=IP kopiëren
setupSsh=SSH-server instellen
hypervSshSetupTitle=SSH-server instellen
hypervSshSetupHeader=Wil je de Windows OpenSSH server op deze VM installeren?
hypervSshSetupContent=Hierdoor kan XPipe verbinding maken via SSH en meer functionaliteit bieden. Deze installatie duurt even.

View file

@ -370,3 +370,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=Liga-te a uma VM Hyper-V através de SSH ou PSSessio
trustHost=Anfitrião de confiança
trustHostDescription=Adiciona ComputerName à lista de anfitriões de confiança
copyIp=Copia o IP
setupSsh=Configura o servidor SSH
hypervSshSetupTitle=Configura o servidor SSH
hypervSshSetupHeader=Queres instalar o servidor Windows OpenSSH nesta VM?
hypervSshSetupContent=Isso permitirá que o XPipe se conecte via SSH e forneça mais funcionalidades. Esta instalação vai demorar um pouco.

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@ -370,3 +370,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=Подключение к виртуальной м
trustHost=Доверительный хост
trustHostDescription=Добавьте ComputerName в список доверенных хостов
copyIp=Копировать IP
setupSsh=Настройка SSH-сервера
hypervSshSetupTitle=Настройка SSH-сервера
hypervSshSetupHeader=Хочешь ли ты установить сервер Windows OpenSSH на эту виртуальную машину?
hypervSshSetupContent=Это позволит XPipe подключаться через SSH и обеспечит большую функциональность. Установка займет некоторое время.

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@ -370,3 +370,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=SSH veya PSSession aracılığıyla bir Hyper-V sana
trustHost=Güven ev sahibi
trustHostDescription=ComputerName'i güvenilir ana bilgisayarlar listesine ekleme
copyIp=IP Kopyala
setupSsh=SSH sunucusunu kurun
hypervSshSetupTitle=SSH sunucusunu kurun
hypervSshSetupHeader=Windows OpenSSH sunucusunu bu sanal makineye kurmak istiyor musunuz?
hypervSshSetupContent=Bu, XPipe'ın SSH üzerinden bağlanmasına ve daha fazla işlevsellik sağlamasına olanak tanıyacaktır. Bu kurulum biraz zaman alacaktır.

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@ -370,3 +370,7 @@ hyperVVm.displayDescription=通过 SSH 或 PSSession 连接到 Hyper-V 虚拟机
trustHostDescription=将 ComputerName 添加到受信任主机列表
copyIp=复制 IP
setupSsh=设置 SSH 服务器
hypervSshSetupTitle=设置 SSH 服务器
hypervSshSetupHeader=您要在此虚拟机上安装 Windows OpenSSH 服务器吗?
hypervSshSetupContent=这将允许 XPipe 通过 SSH 进行连接,并提供更多功能。安装需要一段时间。