
136 lines
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2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
import java.util.stream.Collectors
2024-01-15 21:05:14 +00:00
import org.gradle.nativeplatform.platform.internal.DefaultNativePlatform
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
2023-09-27 00:47:51 +00:00
def distDir = "${project.layout.buildDirectory.get()}/dist"
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
2023-10-16 03:37:22 +00:00
def distJvmArgs = new ArrayList<String>(project(':app').jvmRunArgs)
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
def releaseArguments = distJvmArgs + [
"-Dio.xpipe.app.build=$rootProject.versionString-${new Date().format('yyyyMMddHHmm')}",
2023-02-10 13:46:54 +00:00
2023-02-19 17:44:47 +00:00
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX()) {
2023-05-20 14:23:36 +00:00
releaseArguments += '-Xdock:name=XPipe'
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
// To remove warnings, the plugin probably does not expect the JPackage tasks to be in a separate project
application {
mainModule = 'io.xpipe.app'
mainClass = 'io.xpipe.app.Main'
def appDependencies = project(':app').configurations.findByName('runtimeClasspath').getFiles().stream()
2024-01-16 13:05:21 +00:00
.filter(f -> !fullVersion || !f.name.startsWith('javafx')) // Remove JavaFX dependencies
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
.collect(Collectors.toMap(f -> f.toPath().getFileName().toString(), f -> f, (f1, f2) -> f1))
def appModuleNames = ['app']
appDependencies.removeIf(f -> appModuleNames.stream()
.anyMatch(m -> f.toPath().getFileName().toString().contains("${m}.jar")))
def appModuleOutputFiles = ["${project(':app').buildDir}/libs/app.jar"]
dependencies {
implementation files(appDependencies.toArray())
implementation files(appModuleOutputFiles.toArray())
2023-08-20 09:42:34 +00:00
// Mac does not like a zero major version
def macVersion = rootProject.canonicalVersionString
if (Integer.parseInt(macVersion.substring(0, 1)) == 0) {
macVersion = "1" + macVersion.substring(1)
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
jlink {
2023-09-27 00:47:51 +00:00
imageDir = file("${project.layout.buildDirectory.get()}/image")
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
options = [
// Disable this as this removes line numbers from stack traces!
// '--strip-debug',
// '--strip-native-commands'
2024-01-16 13:05:21 +00:00
if (fullVersion) {
def currentOS = DefaultNativePlatform.currentOperatingSystem;
def platform = null
if (currentOS.isWindows()) {
platform = 'windows'
} else if (currentOS.isLinux()) {
platform = 'linux'
} else if (currentOS.isMacOsX()) {
platform = 'osx'
2024-01-15 21:05:14 +00:00
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
launcher {
moduleName = 'io.xpipe.app'
mainClassName = 'io.xpipe.app.Main'
name = 'xpiped'
jvmArgs = releaseArguments
jpackage {
imageOutputDir = file("$distDir/jpackage")
imageName = 'xpiped'
if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isWindows()) {
icon = "logo/logo.ico"
2023-02-02 13:58:50 +00:00
appVersion = rootProject.canonicalVersionString
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
} else if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isLinux()) {
icon = "logo/logo.png"
2023-02-02 13:58:50 +00:00
appVersion = rootProject.canonicalVersionString
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
} else {
icon = "logo/logo.icns"
2023-09-27 00:47:51 +00:00
resourceDir = file("${project.layout.buildDirectory.get()}/macos_resources")
2023-08-20 09:42:34 +00:00
appVersion = macVersion
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
skipInstaller = true
2023-05-20 14:23:36 +00:00
applicationName = 'XPipe'
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
tasks.named('jlink').get().dependsOn(rootProject.getTasksByName("jar", true))
def outputName = org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX() ? 'xpiped.app/Contents/Resources' : 'xpiped'
2023-04-04 16:11:31 +00:00
def extModules = project.allExtensions.toList()
2023-02-10 13:46:54 +00:00
task copyBundledExtensions(type: DefaultTask,
dependsOn: extModules.stream().map { it.getTasksByName('createExtOutput', true)[0] }.toList()) {
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
doLast {
2023-02-10 13:46:54 +00:00
for (def extProject : extModules) {
def dir = "${extProject.buildDir}/libs_ext"
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00
if (file(dir).exists()) {
copy {
into "$distDir/jpackage/$outputName/extensions/${extProject.name}"
include '*.jar'
2023-08-20 06:51:17 +00:00
task prepareMacOSInfo(type: DefaultTask) {
doLast {
2023-09-27 00:47:51 +00:00
2023-08-20 06:51:17 +00:00
copy {
2023-09-27 00:47:51 +00:00
from replaceVariablesInFile("$projectDir/misc/mac/Info.plist",
rootProject.isStage ? 'io.xpipe.ptb-app' : 'io.xpipe.app'))
into file("${project.layout.buildDirectory.get()}/macos_resources")
2023-08-20 06:51:17 +00:00
if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX()) {
2023-08-20 09:42:34 +00:00
2023-08-20 06:51:17 +00:00
2023-01-27 02:34:46 +00:00