2022-07-07 23:48:28 -04:00

461 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

if (htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['ws']) == "0")
$worksafe = false;
$worksafe = true;
if (htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['hs']) == "1")
$filterHTTPS = true;
$filterHTTPS = false;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['q']))
include 'form.html.php';
$link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'guest', 'qwer');
$query = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_GET['q']);
$lim = 12;
$starappend = 0;
$startID = 0;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['o']))
$offset = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_GET['o']);
if (!$link)
$error = 'Cant connect to database.';
include 'error.html.php';
if (!mysqli_set_charset($link, 'utf8mb4'))
$error = 'Unable to set database connection encoding.';
include 'error.html.php';
if(!mysqli_select_db($link, 'wiby'))
$error = 'Unable to locate the database.';
include 'error.html.php';
//perform exact search
/* if($_SESSION["worksafe"]==true)
$output = mysqli_query($link,"SELECT id, url, title, description, body, FROM windex WHERE body LIKE '%$query%' AND enable = '1' AND worksafe = '1' AND id > $lastID OR description LIKE '%$query%' AND enable = '1' AND worksafe = '1' AND id > $lastID OR title LIKE '%$query%' AND enable = '1' AND worksafe = '1' AND id > $lastID OR url LIKE '%$query%' AND enable = '1' AND worksafe = '1' AND id > $lastID DESC LIMIT $lim");
$output = mysqli_query($link,"SELECT id, url, title, description, body, FROM windex WHERE body LIKE '%$query%' AND enable = '1' AND id > $lastID OR description LIKE '%$query%' AND enable = '1' AND id > $lastID OR title LIKE '%$query%' AND enable = '1' AND id > $lastID OR url LIKE '%$query%' AND enable = '1' AND id > $lastID DESC LIMIT $lim");
$error = 'Error ' . mysqli_error($link);
include 'error.html.php';
//Check if query is a url (contains http:// or https:// and no spaces). If so, put quotations around to to get an exact match
$urlDetected = 0;
if(strpos($query, ' ') == false && strpos($query,'.') == true && strpos($query,'"') == false && preg_match('/http/',$query) == true)
$queryOriginal = $query;
$query = '"' . $query . '"';
$urlDetected = 1;
//it was made safe for sql, now put it back to the way it was and use htmlspecialchars on results page
$query = $_GET['q'];
//did user manually set -https instead of settings cookie?
if(substr($query,-7) == " -https"){
$filterHTTPS = true;
$query = substr($query, 0,-7);
$queryNoQuotes = $query;
//Are there quotes in the query?
$exactMatch = false;
if(strpos($queryNoQuotes,'"') !== false)
$exactMatch = true;
$queryNoQuotes = $query;
//alright then lets remove the quotes
if($exactMatch == true)
while(strpos($queryNoQuotes,'"') !== false)
$queryNoQuotes = str_replace('"', "",$queryNoQuotes);
//first remove any flags inside queryNoQuotes, also grab any required words (+ prefix)
$queryNoQuotesOrFlags = '';
$requiredword = '';
if(strpos($queryNoQuotes,'+') !== false || strpos($queryNoQuotes,'-') !== false){
$words = explode(' ', $queryNoQuotes);
$i = 0;
foreach ($words as $word) {
if($i != 0 && $word[0] != '-' && $word[0] != '+'){
$queryNoQuotesOrFlags .= ' ';
if ($word[0] != '-' && $word[0] != '+'){
$queryNoQuotesOrFlags .= $word;
if ($word[0] == '+' && strlen($word) > 1){
$requiredword = substr($word,1);
//remove the '*' if contained anywhere in queryNoQuotes
if(strpos($queryNoQuotes,'*') !== false && $exactMatch == false){
$queryNoQuotes = str_replace('*', "",$queryNoQuotes);
$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $queryNoQuotes);
if($exactMatch == false)
//find longest word in query
$words = explode(' ', $queryNoQuotes);
$longestWordLength = 0;
$longestWord = '';
$wordcount = 0;
$longestwordelementnum = 0;
foreach ($words as $word) {
if (strlen($word) > $longestWordLength) {
$longestWordLength = strlen($word);
$longestWord = $word;
$longestwordelementnum = $wordcount;
//Check if query contains a hyphenated word. MySQL doesn't handle them smartly. We will wrap quotes around hyphenated words that aren't part of a string which is already wraped in quotes.
if((strpos($queryNoQuotes,'-') !== false || strpos($queryNoQuotes,'+') !== false) && $urlDetected == false){
if($query == "c++" || $query == "C++"){//shitty but works
$query = "c++ programming";
$hyphenwords = explode(' ',$query);
$query = '';
$quotes = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach ($hyphenwords as $word) {
if(strpos($queryNoQuotes,'"') !== false){
if(((strpos($queryNoQuotes,'-') !== false && $word[0] != '-') || (strpos($queryNoQuotes,'+') !== false && $word[0] != '+')) && $quotes%2 == 0){//if hyphen exists, not a flag, not wrapped in quotes already
$word = '"' . $word . '"';
if($i > 0){
$query .= ' ';
$query .= $word;
//make query safe for sql again
$query = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $query);
//perform full text search FOR InnoDB STORAGE ENGINE ONLY! DO NOT USE FOR MyISAM
if($filterHTTPS == false){
if($worksafe == true)
$outputFTS = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' AND worksafe = '1' ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', tags)>0 THEN 30 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 AND Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 THEN 15 WHEN Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', body)>0 THEN 14 END DESC LIMIT $lim OFFSET $offset");
$outputFTS = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', tags)>0 THEN 30 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 AND Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 THEN 15 WHEN Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', body)>0 THEN 14 END DESC LIMIT $lim OFFSET $offset");
if($worksafe == true)
$outputFTS = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' AND worksafe = '1' AND http = '1' ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', tags)>0 THEN 30 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 AND Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 THEN 15 WHEN Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', body)>0 THEN 14 END DESC LIMIT $lim OFFSET $offset");
$outputFTS = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' AND http = '1' ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', tags)>0 THEN 30 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 AND Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 THEN 15 WHEN Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN Match(title) AGAINST('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', body)>0 THEN 14 END DESC LIMIT $lim OFFSET $offset");
/*if(!$outputFTS)//dont error out yet, will give another try below
$error = 'Error ' . mysqli_error($link);
include 'error.html.php';
if($urlDetected == 1)
$query = $queryOriginal;
//perform full text search with * appended
if(mysqli_num_rows($outputFTS) == 0 && $offset == 0 && $urlDetected == 0 && $exactMatch == false)
$starappend = 1;
$querystar = $query;
$querystar = str_replace('*', "",$querystar);//innodb will get fussy over some things if put in like '''' or ****
$querystar = str_replace('"', "",$querystar);
$querystar = str_replace('"', "",$querystar);
$querystar = str_replace('\'', "",$querystar);
$querystar = $querystar . '*';
//perform full text search FOR InnoDB STORAGE ENGINE ONLY! DO NOT USE FOR MyISAM
if($filterHTTPS == false){
if($worksafe == true)
$outputFTS = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' AND worksafe = '1' ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', tags)>0 THEN 30 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 AND Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 THEN 15 WHEN Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', body)>0 THEN 14 END DESC LIMIT $lim OFFSET $offset");
$outputFTS = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', tags)>0 THEN 30 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 AND Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 THEN 15 WHEN Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', body)>0 THEN 14 END DESC LIMIT $lim OFFSET $offset");
if($worksafe == true)
$outputFTS = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' AND worksafe = '1' AND http = '1' ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', tags)>0 THEN 30 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 AND Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 THEN 15 WHEN Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', body)>0 THEN 14 END DESC LIMIT $lim OFFSET $offset");
$outputFTS = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' AND http = '1' ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', tags)>0 THEN 30 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 AND Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', title)>0 THEN 15 WHEN Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN Match(title) AGAINST('$querystar' IN BOOLEAN MODE) WHEN LOCATE('$queryNoQuotes_SQLsafe', body)>0 THEN 14 END DESC LIMIT $lim OFFSET $offset");
$error = 'Error ' . mysqli_error($link);
include 'error.html.php';
$count = 0;
//it was made safe for sql, now put it back to the way it was and use htmlspecialchars on results page
$query = $_GET['q'];
//Are there quotes in the query?
$exactMatch = false;
if(preg_match('/"/',$query) == true)
$exactMatch = true;
$queryNoQuotes = $query;
//alright then lets remove the quotes
if($exactMatch == true)
while(preg_match('/"/',$queryNoQuotes) == true)
$queryNoQuotes = str_replace('"', "",$queryNoQuotes);
if($exactMatch == false)
//find longest word in query
$words = explode(' ', $query);
$longestWordLength = 0;
$longestWord = '';
$wordcount = 0;
$longestwordelementnum = 0;
foreach ($words as $word) {
if (strlen($word) > $longestWordLength) {
$longestWordLength = strlen($word);
$longestWord = $word;
$longestwordelementnum = $wordcount;
//this will get set if position of longest word of query is found within body
$pos = -1;
//lets put contents of the full text search into the array
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($outputFTS))
//put the contents of the URL column within the DB into an array
$id[] = $row[0];
$url[] = $row[1];
$title[] = JSONRealEscapeString(substr($row[2],0,150));
$description[] = JSONRealEscapeString(substr($row[3],0,180));
$body = JSONRealEscapeString($row[4]);
$lastID = $row[0];
if($exactMatch == false)
//remove the '*' at the end of the longest word if present
if(strpos($longestWord,'*') == true)
$longestWord = str_replace('*', "",$longestWord);
//first find an exact
if(strlen($requiredword) > 0){
$pos = stripos($body, $requiredword);
$pos = stripos($body, $queryNoQuotes);
//search within body for position of longest query word. If not found, try another word
if($pos == false){
$pos = stripos($body, $longestWord);
if($pos == false && $wordcount > 1)
if($longestwordelementnum > 0)
if(strpos($words[0],'*') == true)//remove the '*' at the end of the query if present
$words[0] = str_replace('*', "",$words[0]);
$pos = stripos($body, $words[0]);
else if($longestwordelementnum == 0)
if(strpos($words[1],'*') == true)//remove the '*' at the end of the query if present
$words[1] = str_replace('*', "",$words[1]);
$pos = stripos($body, $words[1]);
$pos = stripos($body, $queryNoQuotes);
//still not found?, set position to 0
if($pos == false){
$pos = 0;
//get all positions of all keywords in body
/* $lastPos = 0;
$positions = array();
foreach($words as $word)
while (($lastPos = mb_strpos($body, $word, $lastPos))!== false) {
$positions[$word][] = $lastPos;
$lastPos = $lastPos + strlen($word);
//figure out how much preceding text to use
if($pos < 32)
$starttext = 0;
else if($pos > 25)
$starttext = $pos - 25;
else if($pos > 20)
$starttext = $pos - 15;
//else $starttext = 0;
//total length of the ballpark
$textlength = 180;
//populate the ballpark
if($pos >= 0)
$ballparktext = substr($body,$starttext,$textlength);
else $ballpark = '0';
//find position of nearest Period
$foundPeriod = true;
$posPeriod = stripos($ballparktext, '. ') + $starttext +1;
//find position of nearest Space
$foundSpace = true;
$posSpace = stripos($ballparktext, ' ') + $starttext;
//if longest word in query is after a period+space within ballpark, reset $starttext to that point
if($pos-$starttext > $posPeriod)
$starttext = $posPeriod;
//populate the bodymatch
if($pos-$starttext >= 0)
$bodymatch[] = substr($body,$starttext,$textlength);
else $bodymatch[] = '';
//else if($pos-starttext > $posSpace)//else if longest word in query is after a space within ballpark, reset $starttext to that point
else if($pos > $posSpace)//else if longest word in query is after a space within ballpark, reset $starttext to that point
$starttext = $posSpace;
//populate the bodymatch
if($pos-$starttext >= 0)
$bodymatch[] = substr($body,$starttext,$textlength);
else $bodymatch[] = '';
else //else just set the bodymatch to the ballparktext
//populate the bodymatch
if($pos-$starttext >= 0)
$bodymatch[] = $ballparktext;
else $bodymatch[] = '';
$row = null;
$totalcount = $count + $offset;
//make safe for json
// replace := map[string]string{"\\":"\\\\", "\t":"\\t", "\b":"\\b", "\n":"\\n", "\r":"\\r", "\f":"\\f"/*, `"`:`\"`*/}
include 'results.json.php';
function JSONRealEscapeString($var){
$var = str_replace("\\","\\\\",$var);
$var = str_replace("\t","\\t",$var);
$var = str_replace("\b","\\b",$var);
$var = str_replace("\n","\\n",$var);
$var = str_replace("\r","\\r",$var);
$var = str_replace("\f","\\f",$var);
return $var;