# Team and Division ## Active Team{#active-team} The Websoft9 active team works on the core functionality, as well as the documentation website. * Xu Wei: One of the founders of Websoft9, responsible for code review * Darren Chen: One of the founders of Websoft9, responsible for user experience design and architecture * Morning Tan: Testing * Lao Zhou: Document writing and issue collection feedback ## Architect Consultant Create more, better and more realistic software solutions for the world * Liu Guanghui: Engaged in enterprise architecture for 20 years, experienced complete typical enterprise applications such as ERP, MES, WMS, e-commerce, OA, etc. ## Candidate - [mayo7e](https://github.com/mayo7e): [#296](https://github.com/Websoft9/websoft9/issues/296) mayowa.wh@gmail.com ## Honorary Alumni Websoft9 would never be what it is today without the huge contributions from these folks who have moved on to bigger and greater things. * Zengxc: RHCE * [Brendan](https://github.com/dudeisbrendan03): Infra Engineer in Greater Manchester. Studying MSc @ Lancaster * [Biao Yang](https://github.com/hotHeart48156): Hot heart and smart developer * [Junhao](https://github.com/hnczhjh): RedHat Engineer CA, Studding at ChangSha colleague * [QiuJiaHon](https://github.com/orgs/Websoft9/people/QiuJiaHon): Studing at Hunan Normal University * [Ryan Gates](https://github.com/gatesry) * [Kai Jiao](https://github.com/jiaosir-cn) * [Geraintl yu](https://github.com/geraintlyu)