#!/bin/bash # Webinoly Installation Script. # Check OS support distr=`echo $(lsb_release -i | cut -d':' -f 2)` osver=`echo $(lsb_release -c | cut -d':' -f 2)` if ! [[ $distr == "Ubuntu" && $osver =~ ^(xenial|bionic)$ ]]; then echo "$(tput setaf 1)" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "**** This OS is not supported by Webinoly and could not work properly ****" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "$(tput sgr0)" read -p "Press [Enter] key to Continue or [Ctrl+C] to Cancel..." fi # Check for sudo/root privileges if ! $(groups $USERNAME | grep &>/dev/null '\bsudo\b' || groups $USERNAME | grep &>/dev/null '\broot\b'); then echo "$(tput setaf 1)" echo "**** [ERROR] sudo/root privileges are required to install Webinoly ****" echo "$(tput sgr0)" read -p "Press [Enter] key to Continue or [Ctrl+C] to Cancel..." fi # In case client is just Updating Webinoly and not fresh-installing we need accurate statistics. [[ -n "$1" ]] && setup="$1" || setup=9 if [[ $setup == "upd" ]]; then setup=0 update="&update=true" else update="" fi # Diplay menu to select type of server while ! [[ $setup -ge 0 && $setup -le 3 && $setup =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] 2>/dev/null do echo "" echo " 1 - HTML Server" echo " 2 - PHP Server" echo " 3 - LEMP Server (Default)" echo " 0 - Maybe later..." echo "" read -p "Select the desired option to configure your server: " setup echo "" echo "------------------------------------------------" setup=${setup:-3} done # Download and install Webinoly if [[ $2 == "-ver="* ]]; then ver=$(echo "$2" | cut -d'=' -f 2 -s) # Skip stadistics counters for dev and testing (custom version stats). if [[ $(echo "${ver}" | rev | cut -c-1) == "*" || $ver == "alpha" ]]; then ver=${ver//'*'} statskip="true" fi # Be sure we have a valid server response for the requested version code=$(wget --server-response --spider https://qrok.es/webinoly?version=$ver 2>&1 | awk '/^ HTTP/{print $2}') # Get the last code (redirections) code="${code##*$'\n'}" echo "$(tput setaf 1)" if [[ $code == 200 ]]; then sudo wget --timeout=15 -t 1 -qrO $HOME/webinoly.tar https://qrok.es/webinoly?version=$ver webyversion="$ver" [[ $ver == "beta" ]] && echo "[WARNING] You are installing a BETA version of Webinoly and it's not recommended for production enviroments." # Just for stadistics [[ $statskip == "true" ]] || sudo wget --timeout=15 -t 1 --spider --referer="https://webinoly.com/?version=${ver}${update}" -q https://qrok.es/wyver else echo "[ERROR] Version not found or not available! ($code) $(tput sgr0)" exit 1 fi echo $(tput sgr0) else sudo wget --timeout=15 -t 1 --referer="https://webinoly.com/?option=${setup}${update}" -qrO $HOME/webinoly.tar https://qrok.es/wytar fi [[ ! -d /opt/webinoly ]] && sudo mkdir /opt/webinoly sudo tar -xf $HOME/webinoly.tar -C /opt/webinoly sudo find /opt/webinoly -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; sudo find /opt/webinoly -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; sudo chmod -f 744 /opt/webinoly/lib/ex-* # Install plugins sudo chmod 755 /opt/webinoly/plugins/* sudo mv /opt/webinoly/plugins/* /usr/bin/ source /opt/webinoly/lib/install # Check for uninstalled Webinoly conf file if [[ -a $HOME/.webinoly-conf-restore_dont-remove ]]; then echo "${gre}Seems like Webinoly was installed previously, we will try to recover your old configuration!${end}" sudo mv $HOME/.webinoly-conf-restore_dont-remove /opt/webinoly/webinoly.conf sudo webinoly -verify [[ $? == 1 ]] && exit 1 fi # Check for Server Conf Updates and Save Tools Port after library is available. if [[ -a /opt/webinoly/webinoly.conf ]]; then echo "${gre}Webinoly Configuration file was found, so we will use it!${end}" # svr_version function was created at the same time as the first update of server-version. Not check before! if declare -F svr_version > /dev/null 2>&1; then newver=$(svr_version) oldver=$(conf_read server-version) [[ -n $oldver && ${newver//.} -gt ${oldver//.} ]] && source /opt/webinoly/lib/update fi else [[ -n $2 && $2 != "-ver="* ]] && tools_port $2 # Compatibility with old versions - before v1.4.1 we used to declare the tools_port here. [[ $2 == "-ver="* && webyversion == $ver && ${ver//.} -le 140 ]] && tools_port 22222 newinst="true" fi # Write app version declare -F app_version > /dev/null 2>&1 && webyversion=$(app_version) [[ -z $webyversion ]] && webyversion="undetermined" conf_write app-version $webyversion # Stack installation [[ $setup -gt 0 && $setup -le 3 ]] && stack -nginx [[ $setup -gt 1 && $setup -le 3 ]] && stack -php [[ $setup == 3 ]] && stack -mysql # Message Center if [[ $newinst == "true" && $setup == 0 ]]; then echo "${blu}You have chosen the option '0', it means that you have to manually build your own stack." echo "But, don't worry! With Webinoly this is an easy task, just use the stack command, i.e. 'sudo stack -lemp'" echo "${gre}" echo "Webinoly has been successfully installed!!!" fi echo "${blu}" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "********************** D O N A T I O N S ***************************" echo "*** If you like Webinoly, buy me a coffee or a beer to show support. ***" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "********** Bitcoin: 1E3Ybo5UcvaAr1MoK4nBnMRFFY9aEMiku3 *************" echo "************ PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/qrokes *******************" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "*** Your regular donations is what keep this project moving forward. ***" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "${end}" # Remove Installation File sudo rm weby app_purge