function pageEnv() { var container = document.documentElement function fallback(html) { var noscripts = document.getElementsByTagName('noscript') if (noscripts.length > 0) { html = noscripts[0].innerHTML } container.innerHTML = html } var jsUrl = document.currentScript.src var sw = navigator.serviceWorker if (!sw) { fallback('Service Worker is not supported') return } var rootPath = getRootPath(jsUrl) function unpackToCache(bytes, cache) { var pendings = [] if (!sw.controller) { var swPending = sw.register(jsUrl).catch(function(err) { fallback(err.message) }) pendings.push(swPending) } var info = JSON.stringify({ hash: HASH, time: }) var res = new Response(info) pendings.push( cache.put(rootPath + '.cache-info', res), ) var pathResMap = unpack(bytes) for (var path in pathResMap) { res = pathResMap[path] pendings.push( cache.put(rootPath + path, res) ) } Promise.all(pendings).then(function() { location.reload() }) } function parseImgBuf(buf) { if (!buf) { loadNextUrl() return } crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', buf).then(function(digest) { var hashBin = new Uint8Array(digest) var hashB64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, hashBin)) if (HASH && HASH !== hashB64) { console.warn('[web2img] bad hash. exp:', HASH, 'but got:', hashB64) loadNextUrl() return } var bytes = decode1Px3Bytes(buf) caches.delete('.web2img').then(function() {'.web2img').then(function(cache) { unpackToCache(bytes, cache) }) }) }) } // run in iframe var loadImg = function(e) { var opt = var img = new Image() img.onload = function() { clearInterval(tid) var canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = img.width canvas.height = img.height var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0) var imgData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height) var buf = if (opt.privacy === 2) { parent.postMessage(buf, '*', [buf]) } else { parseImgBuf(buf) } } img.onerror = function() { clearInterval(tid) if (opt.privacy === 2) { parent.postMessage('', '*') } else { parseImgBuf() } } if (opt.privacy === 1) { img.referrerPolicy = 'no-referrer' } img.crossOrigin = 1 img.src = opt.url var tid = setTimeout(function() { console.log('[web2img] timeout:', opt.url) img.onerror() img.onerror = img.onload = null img.src = '' }, opt.timeout) } if (PRIVACY === 2) { // hide `origin` header var iframe = document.createElement('iframe') if (typeof RELEASE !== 'undefined') { iframe.src = 'data:text/html,' } else { iframe.src = 'data:text/html;base64,' + btoa('') } = 'none' iframe.onload = loadNextUrl container.appendChild(iframe) var iframeWin = iframe.contentWindow self.onmessage = function(e) { if (e.source === iframeWin) { parseImgBuf( } } } else { loadNextUrl() } function loadNextUrl() { var url = URLS.shift() if (!url) { fallback('failed to load resources') return } var opt = { url: url, privacy: PRIVACY, timeout: IMG_TIMEOUT * 1000 } if (PRIVACY === 2) { iframeWin.postMessage(opt, '*') } else { loadImg({data: opt}) } } function decode1Px3Bytes(pixelBuf) { var u32 = new Uint32Array(pixelBuf) var out = new Uint8Array(u32.length * 3) var p = 0 u32.forEach(function(rgba) { out[p++] = rgba out[p++] = rgba >> 8 out[p++] = rgba >> 16 }) return out } function unpack(bytes) { var confEnd = bytes.indexOf(13) // '\r' var confBin = bytes.subarray(0, confEnd) var confStr = new TextDecoder().decode(confBin) var confObj = JSON.parse(confStr) var offset = confEnd + 1 for (var path in confObj) { var headers = confObj[path] var expires = /\.html$/.test(path) ? 5 : UPDATE_INTERVAL headers['cache-control'] = 'max-age=' + expires var len = +headers['content-length'] var bin = bytes.subarray(offset, offset + len) confObj[path] = new Response(bin, { headers: headers }) offset += len } return confObj } } function swEnv() { var jsUrl = location.href.split('?')[0] var rootPath = getRootPath(jsUrl) var isFirst = 1 var newJs function openFile(path) { return'.web2img').then(function(cache) { return cache.match(path) }) } function checkUpdate() { openFile(rootPath + '.cache-info').then(function(res) { if (!res) { return } res.json().then(function(info) { if ( - info.time < 1000 * UPDATE_INTERVAL) { return } var url, opt if ('cache' in Request.prototype) { url = jsUrl opt = {cache: 'no-cache'} } else { url = jsUrl + '?t=' + } fetch(url, opt).then(function(res) { res.text().then(function(js) { if (js.indexOf(info.hash) === -1) { newJs = url console.log('[web2img] new version found') } }) }) }) }) } setInterval(checkUpdate, 1000 * UPDATE_INTERVAL) function respondFile(url) { var path = new URL(url).pathname .replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/') .replace(/\/$/, '/index.html') return openFile(path).then(function(r1) { return r1 || openFile(rootPath + '404.html').then(function(r2) { return r2 || new Response('file not found: ' + path, { status: 404 }) }) }) } function respond(req) { return caches.has('.web2img').then(function(existed) { if (!existed) { // fix cache newJs = jsUrl } if (newJs && req.mode === 'navigate') { var res = new Response('', { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html' } }) newJs = '' console.log('[web2img] updating') return res } return respondFile(req.url) }) } onfetch = function(e) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = 0 checkUpdate() } var req = e.request if (req.url.indexOf(rootPath) === 0 && req.url.indexOf(jsUrl) !== 0) { // url starts with rootPath (exclude x.js) e.respondWith(respond(req)) } } oninstall = function() { skipWaiting() } } function getRootPath(url) { // e.g. // '' // '' return url.split('?')[0].replace(/[^/]+$/, '') } if (self.document) { pageEnv() } else { swEnv() }