miracle091 0d2d190110
added --no-cache and better permissions for user
added --no-cache option and changed the removed directory to only /tmp/
better permissions for tor user, the default one is enough to be safe
changed CMD to ENTRYPOINT, it's just for standarization
2023-01-18 09:18:37 +00:00

24 lines
811 B

FROM alpine:3.17
LABEL maintainer="Peter Dave Hello <>"
LABEL name="tor-socks-proxy"
LABEL version="latest"
RUN echo '@edge' >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
echo '@edge' >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
apk -U upgrade && \
apk -v add --no-cache tor@edge obfs4proxy@edge curl && \
chown -R tor /var/lib/tor/ && \
rm -rf /tmp/* && \
tor --version
COPY --chown=tor torrc /etc/tor/
HEALTHCHECK --timeout=10s --start-period=60s \
CMD curl --fail --socks5-hostname localhost:9150 -I -L 'https://www.facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion/' || exit 1
USER tor
EXPOSE 8853/udp 9150/tcp
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/tor", "-f", "/etc/tor/torrc"]