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<h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="ControlServer.html">ControlServer</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#.instance_info">instance_info</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#close">close</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#createDNSServer">createDNSServer</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#createHTTPServer">createHTTPServer</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#createSOCKSServer">createSOCKSServer</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#createTorPool">createTorPool</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#listen">listen</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#listenTcp">listenTcp</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#listenWs">listenWs</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="DNSServer.html">DNSServer</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a 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href="TorPool.html#exit">exit</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#get_config_at">get_config_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#get_config_by_name">get_config_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#instance_at">instance_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#instance_by_name">instance_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#instances_by_group">instances_by_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#new_identites">new_identites</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#new_identites_by_group">new_identites_by_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#new_identity_at">new_identity_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#new_identity_by_name">new_identity_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#next">next</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#next_by_group">next_by_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove">remove</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_at">remove_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_by_name">remove_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_instance_from_group">remove_instance_from_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_instance_from_group_at">remove_instance_from_group_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_instance_from_group_by_name">remove_instance_from_group_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#set_config_all">set_config_all</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#set_config_at">set_config_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#set_config_by_group">set_config_by_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#set_config_by_name">set_config_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#signal_all">signal_all</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#signal_at">signal_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#signal_by_group">signal_by_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#signal_by_name">signal_by_name</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="TorProcess.html">TorProcess</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a href="TorProcess.html#create">create</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorProcess.html#exit">exit</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorProcess.html#get_config">get_config</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorProcess.html#new_identity">new_identity</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorProcess.html#set_config">set_config</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorProcess.html#signal">signal</a></li></ul></li></ul><h3>Modules</h3><ul><li><a href="module-tor-router.html">tor-router</a></li><li><a href="module-tor-router_ControlServer.html">tor-router/ControlServer</a></li><li><a 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href="global.html#REALM">REALM</a></li><li><a href="global.html#setup_nconf_env">setup_nconf_env</a></li><li><a href="global.html#TOR_ROUTER_PROXY_AGENT">TOR_ROUTER_PROXY_AGENT</a></li></ul>
<div id="main">
<h1 class="page-title">TorPool.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/**
* @author Christoph and Marco Bonelli on Stackoverflow &lt;>
Array.prototype.rotate = (function() {
// save references to array functions to make lookup faster
var push = Array.prototype.push,
splice = Array.prototype.splice;
return function(count) {
var len = this.length >>> 0, // convert to uint
count = count >> 0; // convert to int
// convert count to value in range [0, len)
count = ((count % len) + len) % len;
// use instead of this.splice() to make function generic
push.apply(this,, 0, count));
return this;
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const { EventEmitter } = require('eventemitter3');
const Promise = require("bluebird");
const _ = require('lodash');
const WeightedList = require('js-weighted-list');
const TorProcess = require('./TorProcess');
* Class that represents a pool of Tor processes.
* @extends EventEmitter
class TorPool extends EventEmitter {
* Creates an instance of `TorPool`.
* @param {string} tor_path - Path to the Tor executable.
* @param {Object|Function} [default_config] - Default configuration that will be passed to all Tor instances created. Can be a function. See {@link|Tor Documentation} for all possible options
* @param {string} data_directory - Parent directory for the data directory of each proccess.
* @param {string} load_balance_method - Name of the load balance method to use. See {@link TorPool#load_balance_methods}.
* @param {string} [granax_options] - Object containing options that will be passed to granax for each instance.
* @param {string} [logger] - A winston logger. If not provided no logging will occur.
* @throws If "data_directory" is not provided.
constructor(tor_path, default_config, data_directory, load_balance_method, granax_options, logger) {
if (!data_directory)
throw new Error('Invalid "data_directory"');
this._instances = [];
this._default_tor_config = default_config;
* Parent directory for the data directory of each proccess.
* @type {string}
* @public
this.data_directory = data_directory;
* Name of the load balance method to use.
* @type {string}
* @public
this.load_balance_method = load_balance_method;
* Path to the Tor executable.
* @type {string}
* @public
this.tor_path = tor_path;
* The winston logger.
* @type {Logger}
* @public
this.logger = logger || require('./winston_silent_logger');
* Object containing options that will be passed to granax for each instance.
* @type {Logger}
* @public
this.granax_options = granax_options;
* Returns a Set containing the names of all of the groups.
* @readonly
* @type {Set&lt;string>}
get group_names() {
return new Set(_.flatten( => instance.instance_group).filter(Boolean)));
* Returns an array containing all of the instances in a group.
* @param {string} group_name - The group to query.
* @returns {string[]}
* @throws If the provided group does not exist
instances_by_group(group_name) {
if (!this.group_names.has(group_name))
throw new Error(`Group "${group_name}" doesn't exist`);
let group = this.groups[group_name];
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i &lt; group.length; i++) {
return arr;
* Adds an instance to a group. If the group doesn't exist it will be created.
* @param {string} group - The group to add the instance to.
* @param {TorProcess} instance - The instance in question.
add_instance_to_group(group, instance) {
instance.definition.Group = _.union(instance.instance_group, [group]);
* Adds an instance to a group by the {@link TorProcess#instance_name} property on the instance. If the group doesn't exist it will be created.
* @param {string} group - The group to add the instance to.
* @param {string} instance_name - The name of the instance in question.
* @throws If an instance with the name provided does not exist
add_instance_to_group_by_name(group, instance_name) {
let instance = this.instance_by_name(instance_name);
if (!instance) throw new Error(`Instance "${instance_name}" not found`);
return this.add_instance_to_group(group, instance);
* Adds an instance to a group by the index of the instance in the pool. If the group doesn't exist it will be created.
* @param {string} group - The group to add the instance to.
* @param {number} instance_index - The index of the instance in question.
* @throws If an instance with the index provided does not exist.
add_instance_to_group_at(group, instance_index) {
let instance = this.instance_at(instance_index);
if (!instance) throw new Error(`Instance at "${instance_index}" not found`);
return this.add_instance_to_group(group, instance);
* Removes an instance from a group.
* @param {string} group - The group to remove the instance from.
* @param {TorProcess} instance - The instance in question.
remove_instance_from_group(group, instance) {
_.remove(instance.definition.Group, (g) => g === group);
* Removes an instance from a group by the {@link TorProcess#instance_name} property on the instance.
* @param {string} group - The group to remove the instance from.
* @param {string} instance_name - The name of the instance in question.
* @throws If an instance with the name provided does not exist.
remove_instance_from_group_by_name(group, instance_name) {
let instance = this.instance_by_name(instance_name);
if (!instance) throw new Error(`Instance "${instance_name}" not found`);
return this.remove_instance_from_group(group, instance);
* Removes an instance from a group by the index of the instance in the pool.
* @param {string} group - The group to remove the instance from.
* @param {number} instance_index - The index of the instance in question.
* @throws If an instance with the index provided does not exist.
remove_instance_from_group_at(group, instance_index) {
let instance = this.instance_at(instance_index);
if (!instance) throw new Error(`Instance at "${instance_index}" not found`);
return this.remove_instance_from_group(group, instance);
* Represents a group of instances. Group is a Proxy with an array as its object. The array is generated by calling {@link TorPool#instances_in_group}.
* When called with an index (e.g. `Group[0]`) will return the instance at that index.
* Helper functions are available as properties.
* @typedef {TorProcess[]} InstanceGroup
* @property {Function} add - Adds an instance to the group.
* @property {Function} remove - Removes an instance from the group.
* @property {Function} add_by_name - Adds an instance to the group by the {@link TorProcess#instance_name} property on the instance.
* @property {Function} remove_by_name - Removes an instance from the group by the {@link TorProcess#instance_name} property on the instance.
* @property {Function} remove_at - Removes an instance from the group by the index of the instance in the group.
* @property {number} length - The size of the group of instances
* @property {Function} rotate - Rotates the array of instances
* Represents a collection of groups as an associative array. GroupCollection is a Proxy with a Set as its object. The Set is {@link TorPool#group_names}.
* If a non-existant group is referenced (e.g. `Groups["doesn't exist"]`) it will be created. So `Groups["doesn't exist"].add(my_instance)` will create the group and add the instance to it.
* @typedef {InstanceGroup[]} InstanceGroupCollection
* Represents all groups currently in the pool.
* @readonly
* @type {InstanceGroupCollection}
get groups() {
let groupHandler = {
get: (instances, prop) => {
if (!Number.isNaN(Number(prop)))
return instances[prop];
let save_index = () => {
instances =, index) => {
instance._index = index;
return instance;
let { group_name } = instances;
if (prop === 'add')
return (instance) => {
this.add_instance_to_group(group_name, instance);
if (prop === 'add_by_name') {
return (instance_name) => {
this.add_instance_to_group_by_name(group_name, instance_name);
if (prop === 'remove')
return (instance) => {
this.remove_instance_from_group(group_name, instance);
if (prop === 'remove_by_name') {
return (instance_name) => {
this.remove_instance_from_group_by_name(group_name, instance_name);
if (prop === 'remove_at')
return (instance_index) => {
this.remove_instance_from_group(group_name, instances[instance_index]);
if (prop === 'length')
return instances.length;
if (prop === 'rotate') {
return (num) => {
instances.rotate(typeof(num) === 'undefined' ? 1 : num);
return void(0);
let groupsHandler = {
get: (group_names, prop) => {
let instances_in_group = [];
if (group_names.has(prop)) {
instances_in_group = this.instances.filter((instance) => instance.instance_group.indexOf(prop) !== -1);
instances_in_group = _.sortBy(instances_in_group, ['_index', 'instance_name']);
instances_in_group.group_name = prop;
return new Proxy(instances_in_group, groupHandler);
return new Proxy(this.group_names, groupsHandler);
* The default configuration that will be passed to each instance. Values from "definition.Config" on each instance will override the default config
/** Getter
* @type {Object|Function}
get default_tor_config() {
if (typeof(this._default_tor_config) === 'function')
return this._default_tor_config();
else if (this._default_tor_config)
return _.cloneDeep(this._default_tor_config);
return {};
* Setter
* @param {Object|Function} value
set default_tor_config(value) { this._default_tor_config = value; }
* Returns an enumeration of load balance methods as functions
* @readonly
* @enum {Function}
* @static
static get load_balance_methods() {
return Object.freeze({
round_robin: function (instances) {
return instances.rotate(1);
weighted: function (instances) {
if (!instances._weighted_list) {
instances._weighted_list = new WeightedList( => {
return [, instance.definition.Weight, instance ]
let i = instances._weighted_list.peek(instances.length).map((element) =>;
i._weighted_list = instances._weighted_list;
return i;
* An array containing all instances in the pool.
* @readonly
* @type {TorProcess[]}
get instances() {
return this._instances.slice(0);
* An array containing the names of the instances in the pool.
* @readonly
* @type {string[]}
get instance_names() {
return => i.instance_name);
* Creates an instance then adds it to the pool from the provided definiton.
* Instance will be added (and Promise will resolve) after the instance is fully bootstrapped.
* @async
* @param {InstanceDefinition} [instance_definition={}] - Instance definition that will be used to create the instance.
* @returns {Promise&lt;TorProcess>} - The instance that was created.
* @throws If an instance with the same {@link InstanceDefinition#Name} already exists.
async create_instance(instance_definition) {
if (!(fs.existsSync(this.data_directory)))
await fs.mkdirAsync(this.data_directory);
instance_definition = instance_definition || {};
if (instance_definition.Name &amp;&amp; this.instance_names.indexOf(instance_definition.Name) !== -1)
throw new Error(`Instance named ${instance_definition.Name} already exists`);
this._instances._weighted_list = void(0);
instance_definition.Config = _.extend(_.cloneDeep(this.default_tor_config), (instance_definition.Config || {}));
let instance = new TorProcess(this.tor_path, instance_definition, this.granax_options, this.logger);
instance.definition.Config.DataDirectory = instance.definition.Config.DataDirectory || path.join(this.data_directory, instance.instance_name);
await instance.create();
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
instance.once('error', reject);
instance.once('ready', () => {
* Fires when an instance has been created.
* @event TorPool#instance_created
* @type {TorProcess}
* @param {TorProcess} instance - The instance that was created.
this.emit('instance_created', instance);
* Adds one or more instances to the pool from an array of definitions or single definition.
* @param {InstanceDefinition[]|InstanceDefinition} instance_definitions
* @async
* @return {Promise&lt;TorProcess[]>}
* @throws If `instance_definitions` is falsy.
async add(instance_definitions) {
if (!instance_definitions)
throw new Error('Invalid "instance_definitions"');
return await Promise.all([].concat(instance_definitions).map((instance_definition) => this.create_instance(instance_definition)));
* Creates one or more instances to the pool from either an array of definitions, a single definition or a number.
* If a number is provided it will create n instances with empty definitions (e.g. `TorPool.create(5)` will create 5 instances).
* @param {InstanceDefinition[]|InstanceDefinition|number} instance_definitions
* @async
* @return {Promise&lt;TorProcess[]>}
* @throws If `instances` is falsy.
async create(instances) {
if (!instances)
throw new Error('Invalid "instances"');
if (typeof(instances) === 'number') {
instances = Array.from(Array(instances)).map(() => ({}));
return await this.add(instances);
* Searches for an instance with the matching {@link TorProcess#instance_name} property.
* @param {string} name - Name of the instance to search for
* @returns {TorProcess} - Matching instance
instance_by_name(name) {
return this._instances.filter((i) => i.instance_name === name)[0];
* Returns the instance located at the provided index in the pool.
* Is equivalent to `{@link TorPool#instances}[index]`
* @param {number} index - Index of the instance in the pool
* @returns {TorProcess} - Matching instance
instance_at(index) {
return this._instances[index];
* Removes a number of instances from the pool and kills their Tor processes.
* @param {number} instances - Number of instances to remove
* @param {number} [start_at=0] - Index to start removing from
* @async
* @returns {Promise} - Promise will resolve when the processes are dead
async remove(instances, start_at) {
this._instances._weighted_list = void(0);
let instances_to_remove = this._instances.splice((start_at || 0), instances);
await Promise.all( => instance.exit()));
* Removes an instance at the provided index and kills its Tor process.
* @param {number} instance_index - Index of the instance to remove
* @async
* @returns {Promise} - Promise will resolve when the process is dead
async remove_at(instance_index) {
this._instances._weighted_list = void(0);
let instance = this._instances.splice(instance_index, 1)[0];
if (!instance)
throw new Error(`No instance at "${instance_index}"`);
await instance.exit();
* Removes an instance whose {@link TorProcess#instance_name} property matches the provided name and kills its Tor process.
* @param {string} instance_name - Name of the instance to remove
* @async
* @returns {Promise} - Promise will resolve when the process is dead
async remove_by_name(instance_name) {
let instance = this.instance_by_name(instance_name);
if (!instance)
throw new Error(`Instance "${name}" not found`);
let instance_index = (this.instances.indexOf(instance));
await this.remove_at(instance_index);
* Runs the load balance function ({@link TorPool#load_balance_method}) on the array of instances in the pool and returns the first instance in the array.
* @returns {TorProcess} - The first instance in the modified array.
next() {
this._instances = TorPool.load_balance_methods[this.load_balance_method](this._instances);
return this.instances[0];
* Rotates the array containing instances in the group provided so that the second element becomes the first element and the first element becomes the last element.
* [1,2,3] -> [2,3,1]
* @todo Load balance methods other than "round_robin" to be used
* @param {string} group - Name of the group
* @returns {TorProcess} - The first element in the modified array
next_by_group(group) {
return this.groups[group][0];
* Kills the Tor processes of all instances in the pool.
* @async
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves when all instances have been killed.
async exit() {
await Promise.all( => instance.exit()));
this._instances = [];
* Gets new identities for all instances in the pool.
* @async
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves when all instances have new identities.
async new_identites() {
await Promise.all( => instance.new_identity()));
* Gets new identities for all instances in a group.
* @async
* @param {string} - Name of the group.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves when all instances in the group have new identities.
async new_identites_by_group(group) {
await Promise.all(this.instances_by_group(group).map((instance) => instance.new_identity()));
* Gets a new identity for the instance at the provided index in the pool.
* @async
* @param {number} - Index of the instance in the pool.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves when the instance has a new identity.
async new_identity_at(index) {
await this.instances[index].new_identity();
* Gets a new identity for the instance whose {@link TorProcess.instance_name} matches the provided name.
* @async
* @param {string} - Name of the instance.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves when the instance has a new identity.
* @throws When no instance matched the provided name.
async new_identity_by_name(name) {
let instance = this.instance_by_name(name);
if (!instance)
throw new Error(`Instance "${name}" not found`);
await instance.new_identity();
* Get a configuration value from the instance whose {@link TorProcess.instance_name} matches the provided name via the control protocol.
* @async
* @param {string} name - Name of the instance.
* @param {string} keyword - Name of the configuration property.
* @returns {Promise&lt;string[]>} - The configuration property's value.
* @throws When no instance matched the provided name.
async get_config_by_name(name, keyword) {
let instance = this.instance_by_name(name);
if (!instance)
throw new Error(`Instance "${name}" not found`);
return await instance.get_config(keyword);
* Set a configuration value for the instance whose {@link TorProcess.instance_name} matches the provided name via the control protocol.
* @async
* @param {string} name - Name of the instance.
* @param {string} keyword - Name of the configuration property.
* @param {any} value - Value to set the configuration property to.
* @returns {Promise}
* @throws When no instance matched the provided name.
async set_config_by_name(name, keyword, value) {
let instance = this.instance_by_name(name);
if (!instance)
throw new Error(`Instance "${name}" not found`);
return await instance.set_config(keyword, value);
* Get a configuration value from the instance at the index in the pool via the control protocol.
* @async
* @param {number} index - Index of the instance in the pool.
* @param {string} keyword - Name of the configuration property.
* @returns {Promise&lt;string[]>} - The configuration property's value.
* @throws When no instance exists at the provided index.
async get_config_at(index, keyword) {
let instance = this.instances[index];
if (!instance)
throw new Error(`Instance at ${index} not found`);
return await instance.get_config(keyword);
* Set a configuration value for the instance at the index in the pool via the control protocol.
* @async
* @param {number} index - Index of the instance in the pool.
* @param {string} keyword - Name of the configuration property.
* @param {any} value - Value to set the configuration property to.
* @returns {Promise}
* @throws When no instance exists at the provided index.
async set_config_at(index, keyword, value) {
let instance = this.instances[index];
if (!instance)
throw new Error(`Instance at ${index} not found`);
return await instance.set_config(keyword, value);
* Set a configuration value for all instances in the provided group via the control protocol.
* @async
* @param {string} group - Name of the group.
* @param {string} keyword - Name of the configuration property.
* @param {any} value - Value to set the configuration property to.
* @returns {Promise}
* @throws When the provided group does not exist.
async set_config_by_group(group, keyword, value) {
return await Promise.all(this.instances_by_group(group).map((instance) => instance.set_config(keyword, value)));
* Set a configuration value for all instances in the pool via the control protocol.
* @async
* @param {string} keyword - Name of the configuration property.
* @param {any} value - Value to set the configuration property to.
* @returns {Promise}
async set_config_all(keyword, value) {
return await Promise.all( => instance.set_config(keyword, value)));
* Send a signal via the control protocol to all instances in the pool.
* @async
* @param {string} signal - The signal to send.
* @returns {Promise}
async signal_all(signal) {
await Promise.all( => instance.signal(signal)));
* Send a signal via the control protocol to an instance whose {@link TorProcess#instance_name} property matches the provided name.
* @async
* @param {string} name - Name of the instance.
* @param {string} signal - The signal to send.
* @returns {Promise}
async signal_by_name(name, signal) {
let instance = this.instance_by_name(name);
if (!instance)
throw new Error(`Instance "${name}" not found`);
await instance.signal(signal);
* Send a signal via the control protocol to an instance at the provided index in the pool.
* @async
* @param {number} index - Index of the instance in the pool.
* @param {string} signal - The signal to send.
* @returns {Promise}
async signal_at(index, signal) {
let instance = this.instances[index];
if (!instance)
throw new Error(`Instance at ${index} not found`);
await instance.signal(signal);
* Send a signal via the control protocol to all instances in the provided group.
* @async
* @param {string} group - Name of the group.
* @param {string} signal - The signal to send.
* @returns {Promise}
* @throws When the provided group does not exist.
async signal_by_group(group, signal) {
await Promise.all(this.instances_by_group(group).map((instance) => instance.signal(signal)));
* Module that contains the {@link TorPool} class.
* @module tor-router/TorPool
* @see TorPool
module.exports = TorPool;</code></pre>
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