## RPC Functions The following functions are available via the RPC # queryInstances() Returns an array containing information on the instances currently running under the router. # createInstances(Array or Integrer) If passed an integrer, creates thats many Tor instances. An array can also be passed describing the names, weights and configurations of prospective instances. : ``` var rpcRequest = { "method": "createInstances", "params": [ { "Config": { }, "Name": "instance-1", "Weight": 10 }, ... ], "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id": 1 }; ``` Will wait until the Tor Instance has fully connected to the network before returning # addInstances(Array) Serves the same purpose as "createInstances" but only takes an Array # removeInstances(Integrer) Removes a number of instances # removeInstanceAt(Integrer) Remove a specific instance from the pool # newIps() Change the Tor Circuit on all instances # newIpAt(Integrer) Change the Tor Circuit on a specific instance # nextInstance() Cycle to the next instance using the load balancing method # closeInstances() Shutdown all Tor instances # getTorConfig() Retrieve the default Tor Config # setTorConfig Set the default Tor Config # getLoadBalanceMethod Get the current load balance method # setLoadBalanceMethod Set the current load balance method