const SocksAgent = require('socks-proxy-agent'); const request = require('request'); const async = require('async'); const TorRouter = require('../'); const getPort = require('get-port'); const dns = require('native-dns'); const _ = require('lodash'); const assert = require('assert'); const winston = require('winston'); const del = require('del'); const rpc = require('jrpc2'); const fs = require('fs'); var colors = require('mocha/lib/reporters/base').colors; var nconf = require('nconf'); nconf = require(`${__dirname}/../src/nconf_load_env.js`)(nconf); nconf.defaults(require(`${__dirname}/../src/default_config.js`)); var logger = winston.createLogger({ level: 'info', format: winston.format.simple(), transports: [new (require('winston-null-transport'))() ] }); const WAIT_FOR_CREATE = 120000; const PAGE_LOAD_TIME = 60000; describe('TorProcess', function () { var tor = new (TorRouter.TorProcess)(nconf.get('torPath'), { DataDirectory: nconf.get('parentDataDirectory'), ProtocolWarnings: 0 }, null, logger); describe('#create()', function () { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); it('should create the child process', function (done) { tor.create(done); }); it('should signal when it is listening on the control port', function (done) { if (tor.control_port_listening) return done(); tor.once('control_listen', done); }); it('should signal when connected to the control port', function (done) { if (tor.control_port_connected) return done(); tor.once('controller_ready', done); }); it('should signal when it is listening on the socks port', function (done) { if (tor.socks_port_listening) return done(); tor.once('socks_listen', done); }); it('should signal when it is listening on the dns port', function (done) { if (tor.dns_port_listening) return done(); tor.once('dns_listen', done); }); it('should signal when bootstrapped', function (done) { tor.once('error', done); if (tor.bootstrapped) return done(); tor.once('ready', done); }); }); describe('#set_config(keyword, value)', function () { it('should set sample configuration option via the control protocol', function (done) { tor.set_config('ProtocolWarnings', 1, done); }); }); describe('#get_config(keyword, value)', function () { it('should retrieve sample configuration option via the control protocol', function (done) { tor.get_config('ProtocolWarnings', function (error, value) { done(error, (value == 1)); }); }); }); describe('#new_identity()', function () { it('should use a new identity', function (done) { tor.new_identity(done); }); }); describe('#signal()', function () { it('should send a signal via the control protocol', function (done) { tor.signal('DEBUG', done); }); }); after('shutdown tor', function (done) { tor.exit(done); }); }); var torPool; describe('TorPool', function () { torPool = new (TorRouter.TorPool)(nconf.get('torPath'), {}, nconf.get('parentDataDirectory'), 'round_robin', null, logger); describe('#create_instance(instance_defintion)', function () { var instance_defintion = { Name: 'instance-1', Config: { ProtocolWarnings: 1 } }; it('should create one tor instance based on the provided definition', function (done) { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); torPool.create_instance(instance_defintion, (err, _instance) => { done(err); }); }); it('one instance should exist in the instances collection', function () { assert.equal(1, torPool.instances.length); }); it('the created instance should have the defintion properties as the input definition', function () { assert.deepEqual(instance_defintion, torPool.instances[0].definition); }); it('the created instance should have the same config properties specified in the definiton', function (done) { torPool.instances[0].get_config('ProtocolWarnings', (err, v) => { if (err) return done(err); done(null, (v === instance_defintion.Config.ProtocolWarnings)); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', function (done) { torPool.exit(done); }); }); describe('#add(instance_defintions)', function () { var instance_defintions = [ { Name: 'instance-1', Config: { ProtocolWarnings: 1} }, { Name: 'instance-2', Config: { ProtocolWarnings: 1 } } ]; it('should create instances from several instance definitions', function (done) { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE*2); torPool.add(instance_defintions, function (error) { done(error) }); }); it('2 instances should exist in the pool', function () { assert.equal(2, torPool.instances.length); }); it('the created instances should have the same defintion properties as the input definitions', function () { assert.deepEqual(instance_defintions, => { let def_clone = _.extend({}, i.definition); delete def_clone.Config.DataDirectory; return def_clone; }).sort(function(a,b) {return (a.Name > b.Name) ? 1 : ((b.Name > a.Name) ? -1 : 0);})); }); it('the created instances should have the same config properties specified in the definiton', function (done) { this.timeout(10000);, function grabConfig(instance, next) { instance.get_config('ProtocolWarnings', next); }, function (err, values) { if (err) return done(err); done(null, values.every((v) => v === 1)); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', function (done) { torPool.exit(done); }); }); describe('#create(number_of_instances)', function () { torPool.default_tor_config = { TestSocks: 1 }; it('should create 2 instances with the default config', function (done) { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE*2); torPool.create(2, done); }); it('2 instances should exist in the pool', function () { assert.equal(2, torPool.instances.length); }); it('the created instances should have the same config properties specified in the default config', function (done) { this.timeout(10000);, function grabConfig(instance, next) { instance.get_config('ProtocolWarnings', next); }, function (err, values) { if (err) return done(err); done(null, values.every((v) => v === 1)); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', function (done) { torPool.default_tor_config = {}; torPool.exit(done); }); }); describe('#next()', function () { before('create tor instances', function (done) { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE * 3); torPool.add([ { Name: 'instance-1', Weight: 50 }, { Name: 'instance-2', Weight: 25 }, { Name: 'instance-3', Weight: 2 } ], done); }); it('result of next should be different if run twice', function () { var t1 =; var t2 =; assert.notEqual(t1, t2); }); }); describe('#instance_by_name(instance_name)', function () { it('should retrieve instance by name', function () { assert.ok(torPool.instance_by_name('instance-1')); }); }); describe('#remove_by_name(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should remove instance by name', function (done) { torPool.remove_by_name('instance-3', done); }); }); describe('#instance_at(index)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should retrieve an instance by id', function () { assert.ok(torPool.instance_at(0)); }); }); describe('#remove_at(index)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should remove an instance by id', function (done) { torPool.remove_at(1, done); }); }); describe('#new_identites()', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should signal to retrieve a new identity to all instances', function (done) { torPool.new_identites(done); }); }); describe('#new_identity_at(index)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should signal to retrieve a new identity identified by index', function (done) { torPool.new_identity_at(0, done); }); }); describe('#new_identity_by_name(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should signal to retrieve a new identity identified by name', function (done) { torPool.new_identity_by_name('instance-1', done); }); }); describe('#set_config_all(keyword, value)', function () { it('should set configuration on all active instances', function (done) { this.timeout(5000); torPool.set_config_all('TestSocks', 1, done); }); it('all instances should contain the same changed configuration', function (done) { this.timeout(5000);, (instance, next) => { instance.get_config('TestSocks', next); }, function (error, results) { if (error) return done(error); done(null, results.every((r) => r === 1)); }); }); after('unset config options', function (done) { torPool.set_config_all('TestSocks', 0, done); }); }); describe('#set_config_by_name(name, keyword, value)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should set a configuration property of an instance identified by name', function (done) { torPool.set_config_by_name('instance-1', 'ProtocolWarnings', 1, done); }); }); describe('#get_config_by_name(name, keyword)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should get retrieve the configuration of an instance identified by name', function (done) { torPool.get_config_by_name('instance-1', 'ProtocolWarnings', (error, value) => { if (error) return done(error); done(null, (value === 1)); }); }); }); describe('#set_config_at(index, keyword, value)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should set a configuration property of an instance identified by index', function (done) { torPool.set_config_at(0, 'ProtocolWarnings', 0, done); }); }); describe('#get_config_at(index, keyword)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should get retrieve the configuration of an instance identified by name', function (done) { torPool.get_config_at(0, 'ProtocolWarnings', (error, value) => { if (error) return done(error); done(null, (value === 0)); }); }); }); describe('#signal_all(signal)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should send a signal to all instances', function (done) { torPool.signal_all('DEBUG', done); }); }); describe('#signal_by_name(name, signal)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should send a signal to an instance identified by name', function (done) { torPool.signal_by_name('instance-1', 'DEBUG', done); }); }); describe('#signal_at(index, signal)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should send a signal to an instance identified by index', function (done) { torPool.signal_at(0, 'DEBUG', done); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', function (done) { torPool.exit(done); }); }); var socksServerTorPool; var socksServer; describe('SOCKSServer', function () { socksServerTorPool = new (TorRouter.TorPool)(nconf.get('torPath'), {}, nconf.get('parentDataDirectory'), 'round_robin', null, logger); socksServer = new (TorRouter.SOCKSServer)(socksServerTorPool, logger); var socksPort; before('start up server', function (done){ this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); async.waterfall([ (callback) => { socksServerTorPool.create(1, callback); }, (callback) => { getPort().then((port) => callback(null, port)); }, (port, callback) => { socksPort = port; socksServer.listen(port); callback(); } ], done); }); describe('#handleConnection(socket)', function () { it('should service a request for', function (done) { this.timeout(PAGE_LOAD_TIME); var req = request({ url: '', agent: new SocksAgent(`socks://localhost:${socksPort}`) }); req.on('error', function (error) { done(error); }); req.on('response', function (res) { done(); }) }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', function (done) { socksServerTorPool.exit(done); }); }); var httpServerTorPool; var httpServer; describe('HTTPServer', function () { httpServerTorPool = new (TorRouter.TorPool)(nconf.get('torPath'), {}, nconf.get('parentDataDirectory'), 'round_robin', null, logger); httpServer = new (TorRouter.HTTPServer)(httpServerTorPool, logger); var httpPort; before('start up server', function (done){ this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); async.waterfall([ (callback) => { httpServerTorPool.create(1, callback); }, (callback) => { getPort().then((port) => callback(null, port)); }, (port, callback) => { httpPort = port; httpServer.listen(port); callback(); } ], done); }); describe('#handle_http_connections(req, res)', function () { it('should service a request for', function (done) { this.timeout(PAGE_LOAD_TIME); var req = request({ url: '', proxy: `http://localhost:${httpPort}` }); req.on('error', function (error) { done(error); }); req.on('response', function (res) { done(); }); }); }); describe('#handle_connect_connections(req, inbound_socket, head)', function () { it('should service a request for', function (done) { this.timeout(PAGE_LOAD_TIME); var req = request({ url: '', proxy: `http://localhost:${httpPort}` }); req.on('error', function (error) { done(error); }); req.on('response', function (res) { done(); }); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', function (done) { httpServerTorPool.exit(done); }); }); var dnsServerTorPool; var dnsServer; describe('DNSServer', function () { dnsServerTorPool = new (TorRouter.TorPool)(nconf.get('torPath'), {}, nconf.get('parentDataDirectory'), 'round_robin', null, logger); dnsServer = new (TorRouter.DNSServer)(dnsServerTorPool, {}, 10000, logger); var dnsPort; before('start up server', function (done){ this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); async.waterfall([ (callback) => { dnsServerTorPool.create(1, callback); }, (callback) => { getPort().then((port) => callback(null, port)); }, (port, callback) => { dnsPort = port; dnsServer.serve(port); callback(); } ], done); }); describe('#handle_dns_request(req, res)', function () { it('should service a request for', function (done) { this.timeout(10000); var req = dns.Request({ question: dns.Question({ name: '', type: 'A' }), server: { address: '', port: dnsPort, type: 'udp' }, timeout: 1000, }); req.on('timeout', function () { done(new Error('Connection timed out')); }); req.on('message', function () { done(); }); req.send(); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', function (done) { dnsServerTorPool.exit(done); }); }); var controlServer = new (TorRouter.ControlServer)(logger, nconf); var controlPort; describe('ControlServer', function () { describe('#listen(port)', function () { it('should bind to a given port', function (done) { getPort().then((port) => { controlPort = port; controlServer.listen(port, done); }); }); }); describe('#createTorPool(options)', function () { it('should create a TorPool with a given configuration', function () { let torPool = controlServer.createTorPool({ ProtocolWarnings: 1 }); assert.ok((controlServer.torPool instanceof (TorRouter.TorPool))); assert.equal(1, torPool.default_tor_config.ProtocolWarnings); }); }); describe('#createSOCKSServer(port)', function () { it('should create a SOCKS Server', function (done) { getPort().then((port) => { controlServer.createSOCKSServer(port); done(null, ( (controlServer.socksServer instanceof (TorRouter.SOCKSServer)) )); }); }); }); describe('#createDNSServer(port)', function () { it('should create a DNS Server', function (done) { getPort().then((port) => { controlServer.createDNSServer(port); done(null, ( (controlServer.dnsServer instanceof (TorRouter.DNSServer)) )); }); }); }); describe('#createHTTPServer(port)', function () { it('should create a HTTP Server', function (done) { getPort().then((port) => { controlServer.createHTTPServer(port); done(null, ( (controlServer.httpServer instanceof (TorRouter.HTTPServer)) )); }); }); }); describe('#close()', function () { it('should close the RPC Server', function () { controlServer.close(); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', function (done) { controlServer.torPool.exit(done); }); }); var rpcControlServer = new (TorRouter.ControlServer)(logger, nconf); var rpcControlPort; var rpcClient; describe('ControlServer - RPC', function () { before('setup control server', function (done) { async.waterfall([ (callback) => { getPort().then((port) => callback(null, port)); }, (port, callback) => { rpcControlPort = port; rpcControlServer.listen(port, callback); }, (callback) => { rpcClient = new rpc.Client(new rpc.tcpTransport({ port: rpcControlPort, hostname: 'localhost' })); return callback(); } ], done); }); describe('#createInstances(number_of_instances)', function () { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE*2); it('should create an instance', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('createInstances', [2], function (error) { if (error) return done(error); done(); }); }); }); describe('#queryInstances()', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should return a list of instances', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('queryInstances', [], function (error, raw) { if (error) return done(error); var instances = JSON.parse(raw).result; if (!Array.isArray(instances)) done(new Error('Did not return an array')); done(null, (instances.every((i) => (typeof( !== 'undefined') && ( !== null)) && instances.length)); }); }); }); describe('#addInstances(definitions)', function () { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); it("should add an instance based on a defintion", function (done) { var def = { Name: 'instance-1' }; rpcClient.invoke('addInstances', [ [ def ] ], done); }); it("tor pool should now contain and instance that has the same name as the name specified in the defintion", function () { assert.ok(rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_by_name('instance-1')); }); }); describe('#queryInstanceByName(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should return a single instance', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('queryInstanceByName', ['instance-1'], function (error, raw) { if (error) return done(error); var instance = JSON.parse(raw).result; done(null, (typeof( !== undefined) && ( !== null)); }); }); }); describe('#queryInstanceAt(index)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should return a single instance', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('queryInstanceAt', [0], function (error, raw) { if (error) return done(error); var instance = JSON.parse(raw).result; done(null, (typeof( !== undefined) && ( !== null)); }); }); }); describe('#newIdentites()', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should request new identities for all instances', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('newIdentites', [], done); }); }); describe('#newIdentityByName(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should request new identities for all instances', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('newIdentityByName', ['instance-1'], done); }); }); describe('#newIdentityAt(index)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should request new identities for all instances', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('newIdentityAt', [0], done); }); }); describe("#setTorConfig(config_object)", function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should set several config variables on all instances', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('setTorConfig', [ { TestSocks: 1, ProtocolWarnings: 1 } ], done); }); it('all instances should have the modified variables', function(done) {, (instance, next) => { async.series([ (cb) => { instance.get_config('TestSocks', next); }, (cb) => { instance.get_config('ProtocolWarnings', next); } ], next); }, (error, results) => { if (error) return done(error); done(null, results.every((i) => i[0] === 1 && i[1] === 1)); }); }); after('unset config variables', function (done) { async.series([ (cb) => { rpcControlServer.torPool.set_config_all('TestSocks', 0, cb); }, (cb) => { rpcControlServer.torPool.set_config_all('ProtocolWarnings', 0, cb); } ], done); }); }); describe('#setDefaultTorConfig(object)', function () { it('should set the default config of new instances', function (done) { this.timeout(3000); rpcClient.invoke('setDefaultTorConfig', [ { TestSocks: 1 } ], done); }); it('a new instance should be created with the modified property', function (done) { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); rpcControlServer.torPool.create_instance({ Name: 'config-test' }, (err) => { if (err) return done(err); rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_by_name('config-test').get_config('TestSocks', (err, val) => { if (err) return done(err); done(null, val === 1); }); }); }); after('remove instance', function (done) { this.timeout(10000); nconf.set('torConfig', {}); rpcControlServer.torPool.remove_by_name('config-test', done); }); }); describe('#getDefaultTorConfig()', function () { before('set tor config', function () { nconf.set('torConfig', { TestSocks: 1 }); }); it('should return a tor config with a modified property', function (done) { this.timeout(3000); rpcClient.invoke('getDefaultTorConfig', [ { } ], function (error, raw) { if (error) return done(error); var config = JSON.parse(raw).result; done(null, (config.TestSocks === 1)) }); }); after('unset property', function () { nconf.set('torConfig', {}); }); }); describe('#getLoadBalanceMethod()', function () { this.timeout(3000); before(function () { rpcControlServer.torPool.load_balance_method = 'round_robin'; }); it('should return the current load balance method', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('getLoadBalanceMethod', [], function (error, raw) { if (error) return done(error); var lb_method = JSON.parse(raw).result; done(null, (lb_method === 'round_robin')); }); }); }); describe('#setLoadBalanceMethod(load_balance_method)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should set the load balance method', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('setLoadBalanceMethod', ['weighted'], function (error) { return done(error); }); }); it('the load balance method should be changed', function () { assert.equal(rpcControlServer.torPool.load_balance_method, 'weighted'); }); after(function () { rpcControlServer.torPool.load_balance_method = 'round_robin'; }); }); describe("#getInstanceConfigByName(instance_name)", function () { this.timeout(3000); before('set config property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_by_name('instance-1').set_config('TestSocks', 1, done); }); it('should retrieve the property from the tor instance', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('getInstanceConfigByName', ['instance-1'], function (error, raw) { if (error) return done(error); var value = JSON.parse(raw).result; done(null, value === 1); }); }); after('unset config property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_by_name('instance-1').set_config('TestSocks', 0, done); }); }); describe("#getInstanceConfigAt(index)", function () { this.timeout(3000); before('set config property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_at(0).set_config('TestSocks', 1, done); }); it('should retrieve the property from the tor instance', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('getInstanceConfigByName', [0], function (error, raw) { if (error) return done(error); var value = JSON.parse(raw).result; done(null, value === 1); }); }); after('unset config property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_at(0).set_config('TestSocks', 0, done); }); }); describe("#setInstanceConfigByName(instance_name)", function () { this.timeout(3000); before('set config property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_by_name('instance-1').set_config('TestSocks', 0, done); }); it('should set the property for the tor instance', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('setInstanceConfigByName', ['instance-1', 'TestSocks', 1], function (error, value) { done(error); }); }); it('tor instance should have the modified property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_by_name('instance-1').get_config('TestSocks', function (error, value) { if (error) return done(error); done(null, (value === 1)); }); }); after('unset config property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_by_name('instance-1').set_config('TestSocks', 0, done); }); }); describe("#setInstanceConfigAt(index)", function () { this.timeout(3000); before('set config property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_at(0).set_config('TestSocks', 0, done); }); it('should set the property for the tor instance', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('setInstanceConfigAt', [0, 'TestSocks', 1], function (error, value) { done(error); }); }); it('tor instance should have the modified property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_at(0).get_config('TestSocks', function (error, value) { if (error) return done(error); done(null, (value === 1)); }); }); after('unset config property', function (done) { rpcControlServer.torPool.instance_at(0).set_config('TestSocks', 0, (err) => { done(err); }); }); }); describe('#signalAllInstances(signal)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should signal to all interfaces', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('signalAllInstances', [ 'DEBUG' ], function (error) { done(error); }); }); }); describe('#signalInstanceAt(signal)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should signal to all interfaces', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('signalInstanceAt', [ 0, 'DEBUG' ], function (error) { done(error); }); }); }); describe('#signalAllInstances(signal)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should signal to all interfaces', function (done) { rpcClient.invoke('signalInstanceByName', [ 'instance-1', 'DEBUG' ], function (error) { done(error); }); }); }); describe("#nextInstance()", function () { this.timeout(3000); var i_name; it('should rotate the 0th item in the instances array', function (done) { i_name = rpcControlServer.torPool.instances[0].instance_name; rpcClient.invoke('nextInstance', [], function (error) { done(error); }); }); it('0th item in the instances array should be different after nextInstance is called', function () { assert.notEqual(rpcControlServer.torPool.instances[0].instance_name, i_name); }); }); var instance_num1, instance_num2, i_num; describe('#removeInstanceAt(index)', function () { this.timeout(10000); it("should remove an instance at the position specified", function (done) { instance_num1 = rpcControlServer.torPool.instances.length; rpcClient.invoke('removeInstanceAt', [0], function (error) { done(error); }); }); it('the tor pool should contain one instance fewer', function () { assert.equal(rpcControlServer.torPool.instances.length, (instance_num1 - 1)); }); }); describe('#removeInstanceByName(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(10000); it("should remove an instance at the position specified", function (done) { instance_num2 = rpcControlServer.torPool.instances.length; rpcClient.invoke('removeInstanceByName', [ "instance-1" ], function (error) { done(error); }); }); it('the tor pool should contain one instance fewer', function () { assert.equal(rpcControlServer.torPool.instances.length, (instance_num2 - 1)); }); }); describe('#closeInstances()', function () { this.timeout(10000); it('should shutdown all instances', function (done) { i_num = rpcControlServer.torPool.instances.length; rpcClient.invoke('closeInstances', [ ], function (error) { done(error); }); }); it('no instances should be present in the pool', function () { assert.equal(rpcControlServer.torPool.instances.length, 0); assert.notEqual(rpcControlServer.torPool.instances.length, i_num); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', function (done) { this.timeout(10000); rpcControlServer.torPool.exit(done); }); });