const http = require('http'); const URL = require('url'); const { Server } = http; const Promise = require('bluebird'); const socks = require('socksv5'); const TOR_ROUTER_PROXY_AGENT = 'tor-router'; class HTTPServer extends Server { async listen() { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let args = Array.from(arguments); let inner_func = super.listen; args.push(() => { let args = Array.from(arguments); resolve.apply(args); }); inner_func.apply(this, args); }); } authenticate_user_http(req, res) { return this.authenticate_user(req, () => { res.writeHead(407, { 'Proxy-Authenticate': `Basic realm="Name of instance to route to"` }); res.end(); return false; }) } authenticate_user_connect(req, socket) { return this.authenticate_user(req, () => { socket.end(); return false; }) } authenticate_user(req, deny) { if (!this.proxy_by_name) return true; let deny_un = this.proxy_by_name.deny_unidentified_users; let header = req.headers['authorization'] || req.headers['proxy-authorization']; if (!header && deny_un) return deny(); else if (!header) return true; let token = header.split(/\s+/).pop(); if (!token && deny_un) return deny(); else if (!token) return true; let buf = new Buffer.from(token, 'base64').toString(); let username = buf.split(/:/).shift(); if ( !username && deny_un ) return deny(); else if (!username) return true; this.logger.verbose(`[http]: connected attempted to instance "${username}"`); let instance = this.tor_pool.instance_by_name(username); if (!instance) return deny(); req.instance = instance; return true; } constructor(tor_pool, logger, proxy_by_name) { let handle_http_connections = (req, res) => { if (!this.authenticate_user_http(req, res)) return; let { instance } = req; let url = URL.parse(req.url); url.port = url.port || 80; let buffer = []; function onIncomingData(chunk) { buffer.push(chunk); } function preConnectClosed() { req.finished = true; } req.on('data', onIncomingData); req.on('end', preConnectClosed); req.on('error', function (err) { this.logger.error("[http-proxy]: an error occured: "+err.message); }); let connect = (tor_instance) => { let source = { hostname: req.connection.remoteAddress, port: req.connection.remotePort, proto: 'http', by_name: Boolean(instance) }; this.emit('instance-connection', tor_instance, source); let socks_port = tor_instance.socks_port; this.logger.verbose(`[http-proxy]: ${source.hostname}:${source.port} →${socks_port}${tor_instance.definition.Name ? ' ('+tor_instance.definition.Name+')' : '' } → ${url.hostname}:${url.port}`); let proxy_req = http.request({ method: req.method, hostname: url.hostname, port: url.port, path: url.path, headers: req.headers, agent: socks.HttpAgent({ proxyHost: '', proxyPort: socks_port, auths: [ socks.auth.None() ], localDNS: false }) }, (proxy_res) => { proxy_res.on('data', (chunk) => { res.write(chunk); }); proxy_res.on('end', () => { res.end(); }); res.writeHead(proxy_res.statusCode, proxy_res.headers); }); req.removeListener('data', onIncomingData); req.on('data', (chunk) => { proxy_req.write(chunk); }) req.on('end', () => { proxy_req.end(); }) while (buffer.length) { proxy_req.write(buffer.shift()); } if (req.finished) proxy_req.end(); }; if (instance) { if (instance.ready) { connect(instance); } else { this.logger.debug(`[socks]: a connection has been attempted to "${instance.instance_name}", but it is not live... waiting for the instance to come online`); instance.once('ready', (() => connect(instance))); } } else if (this.tor_pool.instances.length) { connect(; } else { this.logger.debug(`[http-proxy]: a connection has been attempted, but no tor instances are live... waiting for an instance to come online`); tor_pool.once('instance_created', connect); } }; let handle_connect_connections = (req, inbound_socket, head) => { if (!this.authenticate_user_connect(req, inbound_socket)) return; let { instance } = req; let hostname = req.url.split(':').shift(); let port = Number(req.url.split(':').pop()); let connect = (tor_instance) => { let source = { hostname: req.connection.remoteAddress, port: req.connection.remotePort, proto: 'http-connect', by_name: Boolean(instance) }; this.emit('instance-connection', tor_instance, source); let socks_port = tor_instance.socks_port; this.logger && this.logger.verbose(`[http-connect]: ${source.hostname}:${source.port} →${socks_port}${tor_instance.definition.Name ? ' ('+tor_instance.definition.Name+')' : '' } → ${hostname}:${port}`) var outbound_socket; let onClose = (error) => { inbound_socket && inbound_socket.end(); outbound_socket && outbound_socket.end(); inbound_socket = outbound_socket = void(0); if (error instanceof Error) this.logger.error(`[http-connect]: an error occured: ${error.message}`) }; inbound_socket.on('error', onClose); inbound_socket.on('close', onClose); socks.connect({ host: hostname, port: port, proxyHost: '', proxyPort: socks_port, localDNS: false, auths: [ socks.auth.None() ] }, ($outbound_socket) => { outbound_socket = $outbound_socket; outbound_socket.on('close', onClose); outbound_socket.on('error', onClose); inbound_socket.write(`HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\n'+'Proxy-agent: ${TOR_ROUTER_PROXY_AGENT}\r\n` +'\r\n'); outbound_socket.write(head); outbound_socket.pipe(inbound_socket); inbound_socket.pipe(outbound_socket); }); }; if (instance) { if (instance.ready) { connect(instance); } else { this.logger.debug(`[socks]: a connection has been attempted to "${instance.instance_name}", but it is not live... waiting for the instance to come online`); instance.once('ready', (() => connect(instance))); } } else if (this.tor_pool.instances.length) { connect(; } else { this.logger.debug(`[http-connect]: a connection has been attempted, but no tor instances are live... waiting for an instance to come online`); this.tor_pool.once('instance_created', connect); } }; super(handle_http_connections); this.on('connect', handle_connect_connections); this.logger = logger || require('./winston-silent-logger'); this.tor_pool = tor_pool; this.proxy_by_name = proxy_by_name; } }; module.exports = HTTPServer;