const _ = require('lodash'); const assert = require('chai').assert; const Promise = require('bluebird'); const { Provider } = require('nconf'); const nconf = new Provider(); const { Client, JSONSerializer, TCPTransport } = require('multi-rpc'); const getPort = require('get-port'); const temp = require('temp'); const fs = require('fs'); nconf.use('memory'); require(`${__dirname}/../src/nconf_load_env.js`)(nconf); nconf.defaults(require(`${__dirname}/../src/default_config.js`)); const { ControlServer } = require('../'); const { WAIT_FOR_CREATE } = require('./constants'); Promise.promisifyAll(fs); Promise.promisifyAll(temp); let rpcControlServer = new ControlServer(nconf); let rpcControlPort; let rpcClient; describe('ControlServer - RPC Interface', function () { before('setup control server', async function () { rpcControlPort = await getPort(); await rpcControlServer.listen(rpcControlPort); rpcClient = new Client(new TCPTransport(new JSONSerializer(), rpcControlPort)); }); describe('#createInstances(number_of_instances)', function () { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE*2); it('should create an instance', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('createInstances', [{ Name: 'instance-1', Group: "foo" }]); }); }); describe('#queryInstanceNames()', function () { it("should have an instance named \"instance-1\"", async function () { let instances = await rpcClient.invoke('queryInstanceNames', [ ]); assert.deepEqual(instances, [ 'instance-1' ]); }); }); describe('#queryGroupNames()', function () { it("should have a group named \"foo\"", async function () { let groups = await rpcClient.invoke('queryGroupNames', [ ]); assert.deepEqual(groups, [ 'foo' ]); }); }); describe('#queryInstancesByGroup()', function () { it("should return an instance named \"instance-1\"", async function () { let instances = await rpcClient.invoke('queryInstancesByGroup', [ 'foo' ]); assert.equal(instances.length, 1); assert.ok(instances[0]); assert.equal(instances[0].name, 'instance-1'); }); }); describe('#queryInstances()', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should return a list of instances', async function () { let instances = await rpcClient.invoke('queryInstances', []); assert.isArray(instances, 'Did not return an array'); assert.isNotEmpty(instances, 'Returned an empty array'); assert.isTrue(instances.every((instance) => ( typeof( !== 'undefined' ) && ( !== null )), 'Objects were not valid'); }); }); describe('#addInstances(definitions)', function () { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); it("should add an instance based on a defintion", async function () { let def = { Name: 'instance-2', Group: 'bar' }; await rpcClient.invoke('addInstances', [ def ]); }); it("tor pool should now contain and instance that has the same name as the name specified in the defintion", function () { assert.ok(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_by_name('instance-2')); }); }); describe('#queryInstanceByName(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should return a single instance by name', async function () { let instance = await rpcClient.invoke('queryInstanceByName', ['instance-1']); assert.isOk(instance); }); }); describe('#queryInstanceAt(index)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should return a single instance by index', async function () { let instance = await rpcClient.invoke('queryInstanceAt', [0]); assert.isOk(instance); }); }); describe('#addInstanceToGroupByName()', function () { it(`should add "instance-1" to baz`, async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('addInstanceToGroupByName', [ 'baz', "instance-1" ]); }); it('"instance-1" should be added to "baz"', function () { assert.include(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances_by_group('baz').map((i) => i.instance_name), "instance-1"); }); after('remove from group', function () { rpcControlServer.tor_pool.groups['baz'].remove_by_name('instance-1'); }); }); describe('#addInstanceToGroupAt()', function () { it(`should add "instance-1" to baz`, async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('addInstanceToGroupAt', [ 'baz', 0 ]); }); it('"instance-1" should be added to "baz"', function () { assert.include(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances_by_group('baz').map((i) => i.instance_name), "instance-1"); }); after('remove from group', function () { rpcControlServer.tor_pool.groups['baz'].remove_by_name('instance-1'); }); }); describe('#removeInstanceFromGroupByName()', function () { before('add to group', function () { rpcControlServer.tor_pool.groups['baz'].add_by_name('instance-1'); }); it(`should remove "instance-1" from baz`, async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('removeInstanceFromGroupByName', [ 'baz', "instance-1" ]); }); it('"instance-1" should be remove from to "baz"', function () { assert.notInclude(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.group_names, "baz"); }); }); describe('#removeInstanceFromGroupAt()', function () { before('add to group', function () { rpcControlServer.tor_pool.groups['baz'].add_by_name('instance-1'); }); it(`should remove "instance-1" from baz`, async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('removeInstanceFromGroupAt', [ 'baz', 0 ]); }); it('"instance-1" should be remove from to "baz"', function () { assert.notInclude(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.group_names, "baz"); }); }); describe('#newIdentites()', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should request new identities for all instances', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('newIdentites', []); }); }); describe('#newIdentityByName(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should request new identities for all instances', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('newIdentityByName', ['instance-1']); }); }); describe('#newIdentityAt(index)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should request new identities for all instances', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('newIdentityAt', [0]); }); }); describe('#newIdentitiesByGroup()', function () { it(`should get new identites for all instances in group`, async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('newIdentitiesByGroup', [ 'foo' ]); }); }); describe("#setTorConfig(config_object)", function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should set several config variables on all instances', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('setTorConfig', [ { TestSocks: 1, ProtocolWarnings: 1 } ]); }); it('all instances should have the modified variables', async function() { await Promise.all( (instance) => { let var1 = await instance.get_config('TestSocks'); let var2 = await instance.get_config('ProtocolWarnings'); assert.equal(var1, 1); assert.equal(var2, 1); })); }); after('unset config variables', async function () { await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.set_config_all('TestSocks', 0); await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.set_config_all('ProtocolWarnings', 0); }); }); describe('#setConfig(key, value)', function () { it('should set the default config of new instances', async function () { this.timeout(3000); await rpcClient.invoke('setConfig', [ 'foo', 'bar' ]); }); it('a new instance should be created with the modified property', function () { assert.equal(nconf.get('foo'), 'bar');; }); after('remove instance', function () { nconf.reset(); }); }); describe('#setTorConfigByGroup()', function () { it(`should set the config value on all instances`, async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('setTorConfigByGroup', [ 'foo', { 'ProtocolWarnings': 1 } ]); }); it('all instances should have the config value set', async function () { let values = _.flatten(await Promise.all(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances_by_group('foo').map((i) => i.get_config('ProtocolWarnings')))); assert.isTrue(values.every((v) => v === "1")); }); after('unset config values', async function () { rpcControlServer.tor_pool.set_config_by_group('foo', 'ProtocolWarnings', 0); }); }); describe('#getConfig()', function () { before('set a property', function () { nconf.set('foo', 'bar'); }); it('should return the property that was set', async function () { this.timeout(6000); let value = await rpcClient.invoke('getConfig', [ 'foo' ]); assert.equal(value, 'bar'); }); after('unset property', function () { nconf.reset(); }); }); describe('#saveConfig()', function () { let file_path; before('set a property and create temp file', async function () { file_path = temp.path({ suffix: '.json' }); nconf.remove('memory'); nconf.file({ file: file_path }); nconf.set('foo', 'bar'); }); it('should save the config to the the temp file', async function () { this.timeout(6000); await rpcClient.invoke('saveConfig', []); }); it('the temp file should contain the property', async function () { let tmp_file = await fs.readFileAsync(file_path, 'utf8'); let tmp_json = JSON.parse(tmp_file); assert.equal(, 'bar'); }); after('unset property and delete file', async function () { nconf.remove('file'); nconf.use('memory'); nconf.reset(); await fs.unlinkAsync(file_path); }); }); describe('#loadConfig()', function () { let file; before('create temp file with property', async function () { file = await temp.openAsync({ suffix: '.json' }); await fs.writeFileAsync(file.fd, JSON.stringify({ foo: 'bar' })); nconf.remove('memory'); nconf.file({ file: file.path }); }); it('should load the config from the the temp file', async function () { this.timeout(6000); await rpcClient.invoke('loadConfig', []); }); it("the application's config should contain the property", async function () { assert.equal(nconf.get('foo'), 'bar'); }); after('unset property and delete file', async function () { nconf.remove('file'); nconf.use('memory'); nconf.reset(); await fs.unlinkAsync(file.path); }); }); describe('#getLoadBalanceMethod()', function () { this.timeout(3000); before(function () { rpcControlServer.tor_pool.load_balance_method = 'round_robin'; }); it('should return the current load balance method', async function () { let lb_method = await rpcClient.invoke('getLoadBalanceMethod', []); assert.equal(lb_method, 'round_robin'); }); }); describe('#setLoadBalanceMethod(load_balance_method)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should set the load balance method', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('setLoadBalanceMethod', ['weighted']); }); it('the load balance method should be changed', function () { assert.equal(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.load_balance_method, 'weighted'); }); after(function () { rpcControlServer.tor_pool.load_balance_method = 'round_robin'; }); }); describe("#getInstanceConfigByName(instance_name)", function () { this.timeout(3000); before('set config property', async function () { await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_by_name('instance-1').set_config('TestSocks', 1); }); it('should retrieve the property from the tor instance', async function () { let values = await rpcClient.invoke('getInstanceConfigByName', ['instance-1', "TestSocks"]); assert.isNotEmpty(values); assert.equal(values[0], "1"); }); after('unset config property', async function () { await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_by_name('instance-1').set_config('TestSocks', 0); }); }); describe("#getInstanceConfigAt(index)", function () { this.timeout(3000); before('set config property', async function () { await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_at(0).set_config('TestSocks', 1); }); it('should retrieve the property from the tor instance', async function () { let values = await rpcClient.invoke('getInstanceConfigAt', [0, "TestSocks"]); assert.isNotEmpty(values); assert.equal(values[0], "1"); }); after('unset config property', async function () { await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_at(0).set_config('TestSocks', 0); }); }); describe("#setInstanceConfigByName(instance_name)", function () { this.timeout(3000); before('set config property', async function () { await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_by_name('instance-1').set_config('TestSocks', 0); }); it('should set the property for the tor instance', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('setInstanceConfigByName', ['instance-1', 'TestSocks', 1]); }); it('tor instance should have the modified property', async function () { let value = await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_by_name('instance-1').get_config('TestSocks'); assert.equal(value, 1); }); after('unset config property', async function () { await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_by_name('instance-1').set_config('TestSocks', 0); }); }); describe("#setInstanceConfigAt(index)", function () { this.timeout(3000); before('set config property', async function () { await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_at(0).set_config('TestSocks', 0); }); it('should set the property for the tor instance', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('setInstanceConfigAt', [0, 'TestSocks', 1]); }); it('tor instance should have the modified property', async function () { let value = await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_at(0).get_config('TestSocks'); assert.equal(value, 1); }); after('unset config property', async function () { await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instance_at(0).set_config('TestSocks', 0); }); }); describe('#signalAllInstances(signal)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should signal to all interfaces', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('signalAllInstances', [ 'DEBUG' ]); }); }); describe('#signalInstanceAt(signal)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should signal to all interfaces', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('signalInstanceAt', [ 0, 'DEBUG' ]); }); }); describe('#signalAllInstances(signal)', function () { this.timeout(3000); it('should signal to all interfaces', async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('signalInstanceByName', [ 'instance-1', 'DEBUG' ]); }); }); describe('#signalInstancesByGroup()', function () { it(`should get new identites for all instances in group`, async function () { await rpcClient.invoke('signalInstancesByGroup', [ 'foo', 'DEBUG' ]); }); }); describe("#nextInstance()", function () { this.timeout(3000); let instance_name; it('should rotate the 0th item in the instances array', async function () { instance_name = rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances[0].instance_name; await rpcClient.invoke('nextInstance', []); }); it('0th item in the instances array should be different after nextInstance is called', function () { assert.notEqual(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances[0].instance_name, instance_name); }); }); describe('#nextInstanceByGroup(group)', function () { before('add "instance-1" to "foo"', function () { rpcControlServer.tor_pool.add_instance_to_group_by_name('foo', 'instance-2'); }); it('should rotate the instances in group "foo"', async function () { this.timeout(5000); let first_instance_name_before = rpcControlServer.tor_pool.groups['foo'][0].instance_name; await rpcClient.invoke('nextInstanceByGroup', [ 'foo' ]); let first_instance_name_after = rpcControlServer.tor_pool.groups['foo'][0].instance_name; assert.notEqual(first_instance_name_after, first_instance_name_before); }); after('remove "instance-1" from "foo"', function () { rpcControlServer.tor_pool.remove_instance_from_group_by_name('foo', 'instance-2'); }) }); var instance_num1, instance_num2, i_num; describe('#removeInstanceAt(index)', function () { this.timeout(10000); it("should remove an instance at the position specified", async function () { instance_num1 = rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances.length; await rpcClient.invoke('removeInstanceAt', [0]); }); it('the tor pool should contain one instance fewer', function () { assert.equal(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances.length, (instance_num1 - 1)); }); }); describe('#removeInstanceByName(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(10000); it("should remove an instance at the position specified", async function () { instance_num2 = rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances.length; await rpcClient.invoke('removeInstanceByName', [ "instance-1" ]); }); it('the tor pool should contain one instance fewer', function () { assert.equal(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances.length, (instance_num2 - 1)); }); }); describe('#closeInstances()', function () { this.timeout(10000); it('should shutdown all instances', async function () { instance_num = rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances.length; await rpcClient.invoke('closeInstances', [ ]); }); it('no instances should be present in the pool', function () { assert.equal(rpcControlServer.tor_pool.instances.length, 0); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', async function () { this.timeout(10000); await rpcControlServer.tor_pool.exit(); }); });