const socks = require('socksv5'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const { Server } = socks; /** * Configuration for the "proxy by name" feature (connecting to specific instances or groups of instances using the username field when connecting). * @typedef ProxyByNameConfig * * @property {boolean} [deny_unidentified_users=false] - Deny unauthenticated (e.g. no username - socks://my-server:9050) users access to the proxy server. * @property {string} mode - Either "group" for routing to a group of instances or "individual" for routing to individual instances. */ /** * Details on the source of a connection the proxy server. * @typedef InstanceConnectionSource * @property {string} hostname - Hostname where the connection was made from. * @property {number} port - Port where the connection was made from. * @property {boolean} by_name - Indicates whether the connection was made using a username (made to a specific instance or group of instances). * @property {string} proto - The protocol of the connection "socks", "http", "http-connect" or "dns" */ /** * A SOCKS5 proxy server that will route requests to instances in the TorPool provided. * @extends Server */ class SOCKSServer extends Server{ /** * Callback for `authenticate_user`. * @callback SOCKSServer~authenticate_user_callback * @param {boolean} allow - Indicates if the connection should be allowed. * @param {boolean} user - Indicates if the connection should have a session (authentication was successful). */ /** * Binds the server to a port and IP Address. * * @async * @param {number} port - The port to bind to. * @param {string} [host="::"] - Address to bind to. Will default to :: or if not specified. * @returns {Promise} * */ async listen() { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let args = Array.from(arguments); let inner_func = super.listen; args.push(() => { let args = Array.from(arguments); resolve.apply(args); }); inner_func.apply(this, args); }); } /** * Retrieves an instance from the pool or an instance from a group by the name provided. * @param {string} username - Name of the group or instance to route to. * @returns {TorProcess} * @throws If {@link SOCKSServer#proxy_by_name} is set to an invalid value. * @throws If the name of the instance or group provided is invalid. * @private */ get_instance_pbn(username) { if (this.proxy_by_name.mode === 'individual') return this.tor_pool.instance_by_name(username); else if (this.proxy_by_name.mode === 'group') { return this.tor_pool.next_by_group(username); } else throw Error(`Unknown "proxy_by_name" mode ${this.proxy_by_name.mode}`); } /** * Checks the username provided against all groups (for "group" mode) or all instances (for "individual" mode). * @param {string} username * @param {string} password * @param {SOCKSServer~authenticate_user_callback} callback - Callback for `authenticate_user`. * @throws If {@link SOCKSServer#proxy_by_name} is invalid. * @private */ authenticate_user(username, password, callback) { let deny_un = this.proxy_by_name.deny_unidentified_users; // No username and deny unindentifed then deny if (!username && deny_un) callback(false); // Otherwise if there is no username allow else if (!username) callback(true); if (this.proxy_by_name.mode === 'individual'){ if (!this.tor_pool.instance_names.includes(username)) return callback(false); } else if (this.proxy_by_name.mode === 'group') { if (!this.tor_pool.group_names.has(username)) return callback(false); } else throw Error(`Unknown "proxy_by_name" mode "${this.proxy_by_name.mode}"`); // Otherwise allow callback(true, true); } /** * Creates an instance of `SOCKSServer`. * @param {TorPool} tor_pool - The pool of instances that will be used for requests * @param {Logger} [logger] - Winston logger that will be used for logging. If not specified will disable logging. * @param {ProxyByNameConfig} [proxy_by_name] - Enable routing to specific instances or groups of instances using the username field (socks://instance-1:@my-server:9050) when connecting. */ constructor(tor_pool, logger, proxy_by_name) { /** * Handles SOCKS5 inbound connections. * * @function handle_connections * @param {object} info - Information about the inbound connection. * @param {Function} accept - Callback that allows the connection. * @param {Function} deny - Callback that denies the connection. * @private */ const handle_connections = (info, accept, deny) => { let inbound_socket = accept(true); let instance; if (inbound_socket.user) instance = this.get_instance_pbn(inbound_socket.user); let outbound_socket; let buffer = []; let onInboundData = (data) => buffer.push(data) let onClose = (error) => { inbound_socket && inbound_socket.end(); outbound_socket && outbound_socket.end(); inbound_socket = outbound_socket = buffer = void(0); if (error) this.logger.error(`[socks]: an error occured: ${error.message}`) }; if (!inbound_socket) return; inbound_socket.on('close', onClose); inbound_socket.on('data', onInboundData); inbound_socket.on('error', onClose); let connect = (tor_instance) => { let source = { hostname: info.srcAddr, port: info.srcPort, proto: 'socks', by_name: Boolean(instance) }; let socks_port = tor_instance.socks_port; let client = socks.connect({ host: info.dstAddr, port: info.dstPort, proxyHost: '', proxyPort: socks_port, localDNS: false, auths: [ socks.auth.None() ] }, ($outbound_socket) => { /** * Fires when the proxy has made a connection through an instance. * * @event SOCKSServer#instance-connection * @param {TorProcess} instance - Instance that has been connected to. * @param {InstanceConnectionSource} source - Details on the source of the connection. */ this.emit('instance_connection', tor_instance, source); this.logger.verbose(`[socks]: ${source.hostname}:${source.port} →${socks_port}${tor_instance.definition.Name ? ' ('+tor_instance.definition.Name+')' : '' } → ${info.dstAddr}:${info.dstPort}`) outbound_socket = $outbound_socket; outbound_socket && outbound_socket.on('close', onClose); inbound_socket && inbound_socket.removeListener('data', onInboundData); inbound_socket && inbound_socket.on('data', (data) => { outbound_socket && outbound_socket.write(data); }); outbound_socket && outbound_socket.on('data', (data) => { inbound_socket && inbound_socket.write(data); }); outbound_socket && outbound_socket.on('error', onClose); while (buffer && buffer.length && outbound_socket) { outbound_socket.write(buffer.shift()); } }); client.on('error', onClose); }; if (instance) { if (instance.ready) { connect(instance); } else { this.logger.debug(`[socks]: a connection has been attempted to "${instance.instance_name}", but it is not live... waiting for the instance to come online`); instance.once('ready', (() => connect(instance))); } } else if (this.tor_pool.instances.length) { connect(; } else { this.logger.debug(`[socks]: a connection has been attempted, but no tor instances are live... waiting for an instance to come online`); this.tor_pool.once('instance_created', connect); } } super(handle_connections); let auth = socks.auth.None(); if (proxy_by_name) { auth = socks.auth.UserPassword(this.authenticate_user.bind(this)); } this.useAuth(auth); /** * Winston logger to use. * * @type {Logger} * @public */ this.logger = logger || require('./winston_silent_logger'); /** * Pool of instances use to service requests. * * @type {TorPool} * @public */ this.tor_pool = tor_pool; /** * Configuration for the "proxy by name" feature. * * @type {ProxyByNameConfig} * @public */ this.proxy_by_name = proxy_by_name; this.logger.debug(`[socks]: connecting to a specific instance by name has ben turned ${proxy_by_name ? 'on' : 'off'}`); } }; /** * Module that contains the {@link SOCKSServer} class. * @module tor-router/SOCKSServer * @see SOCKSServer */ module.exports = SOCKSServer;