const nconf = require('nconf'); const { assert } = require('chai'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const _ = require('lodash'); const { TorPool } = require('../'); const { WAIT_FOR_CREATE } = require('./constants'); nconf.use('memory'); require(`${__dirname}/../src/nconf_load_env.js`)(nconf); nconf.defaults(require(`${__dirname}/../src/default_config.js`)); describe('TorPool', function () { const torPoolFactory = () => new TorPool(nconf.get('torPath'), {}, nconf.get('parentDataDirectory'), 'round_robin', null); describe('#create_instance(instance_defintion)', function () { let instance_defintion = { Name: 'instance-1', Config: { ProtocolWarnings: 1 } }; let torPool; before('create tor pool', () => { torPool = torPoolFactory(); }) it('should create one tor instance based on the provided definition', async function () { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); await torPool.create_instance(instance_defintion); }); it('one instance should exist in the instances collection', function () { assert.equal(1, torPool.instances.length); }); it('the created instance should have the defintion properties as the input definition', function () { assert.deepEqual(instance_defintion, torPool.instances[0].definition); }); it('the created instance should have the same config properties specified in the definiton', async function () { let value = await torPool.instances[0].get_config('ProtocolWarnings'); assert.equal(value, instance_defintion.Config.ProtocolWarnings); }); after('shutdown tor pool', async function () { torPool.exit(); }); }); describe('#add(instance_defintions)', function () { var instance_defintions = [ { Name: 'instance-1', Config: { ProtocolWarnings: 1} }, { Name: 'instance-2', Config: { ProtocolWarnings: 1 } } ]; let torPool; before('create tor pool', () => { torPool = torPoolFactory(); }) it('should create instances from several instance definitions', async function () { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE*2); await torPool.add(_.cloneDeep(instance_defintions)) }); it('2 instances should exist in the pool', function () { assert.equal(2, torPool.instances.length); }); it('the created instances should have the same defintion properties as the input definitions', function () { let live_instance_definitions = => { let def_clone = _.cloneDeep(instance.definition); delete def_clone.Config.DataDirectory; return def_clone; }).sort((a,b) => (a.Name > b.Name) ? 1 : ((b.Name > a.Name) ? -1 : 0)); assert.deepEqual(instance_defintions, live_instance_definitions); }); it('the created instances should have the same config properties specified in the definiton', async function () { this.timeout(10000); let values = await Promise.all( => instance.get_config('ProtocolWarnings'))); values = _.flatten(values); assert.isTrue( values.every((value) => value === "1") ); }); after('shutdown tor pool', async function () { await torPool.exit(); }); }); describe('#create(number_of_instances)', function () { let torPool; before('create tor pool', () => { torPool = torPoolFactory(); torPool.default_tor_config = { TestSocks: 1 }; }) it('should create 2 instances with the default config', async function () { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE*2); await torPool.create(2); }); it('2 instances should exist in the pool', function () { assert.equal(2, torPool.instances.length); }); it('the created instances should have the same config properties specified in the default config', async function () { this.timeout(10000); let values = await Promise.all( => instance.get_config('TestSocks'))); values = _.flatten(values); assert.isTrue( values.every((value) => value === "1") ); }); after('shutdown tor pool', async function () { torPool.default_tor_config = {}; await torPool.exit(); }); }); let torPool; describe('#next()', function () { before('create tor pool', () => { torPool = torPoolFactory(); }) before('create tor instances', async function () { this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE * 3); await torPool.add([ { Name: 'instance-1', Weight: 50 }, { Name: 'instance-2', Weight: 25 }, { Name: 'instance-3', Weight: 2 } ]); }); it('result of next should be different if run twice', function () { let t1 =; let t2 =; assert.notEqual(t1, t2); }); }); describe('#instance_by_name(instance_name)', function () { it('should retrieve instance by name', function () { assert.ok(torPool.instance_by_name('instance-1')); }); }); describe('#remove_by_name(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should remove instance by name', async function () { await torPool.remove_by_name('instance-3'); }); }); describe('#instance_at(index)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should retrieve an instance by id', function () { assert.ok(torPool.instance_at(0)); }); }); describe('#remove_at(index)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should remove an instance by id', async function () { await torPool.remove_at(1); }); }); describe('#new_identites()', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should signal to retrieve a new identity to all instances', async function () { await torPool.new_identites(); }); }); describe('#new_identity_at(index)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should signal to retrieve a new identity identified by index', async function () { await torPool.new_identity_at(0); }); }); describe('#new_identity_by_name(instance_name)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should signal to retrieve a new identity identified by name', async function () { await torPool.new_identity_by_name('instance-1'); }); }); describe('#set_config_all(keyword, value)', function () { it('should set configuration on all active instances', async function () { this.timeout(5000); await torPool.set_config_all('TestSocks', 1); }); it('all instances should contain the same changed configuration', async function () { this.timeout(5000); let values = await Promise.all( => instance.get_config('TestSocks'))); values = _.flatten(values); assert.isTrue( values.every((value) => value === "1") ); }); after('unset config options', async function () { await torPool.set_config_all('TestSocks', 0); }); }); describe('#set_config_by_name(name, keyword, value)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should set a configuration property of an instance identified by name', async function () { await torPool.set_config_by_name('instance-1', 'ProtocolWarnings', 1); }); }); describe('#get_config_by_name(name, keyword)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should get retrieve the configuration of an instance identified by name', async function () { let value = await torPool.get_config_by_name('instance-1', 'ProtocolWarnings'); assert.equal(value, 1); }); }); describe('#set_config_at(index, keyword, value)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should set a configuration property of an instance identified by index', async function () { await torPool.set_config_at(0, 'ProtocolWarnings', 0); }); }); describe('#get_config_at(index, keyword)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should get retrieve the configuration of an instance identified by name', async function () { let value = await torPool.get_config_at(0, 'ProtocolWarnings'); assert.equal(value, 0); }); }); describe('#signal_all(signal)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should send a signal to all instances', async function () { await torPool.signal_all('DEBUG'); }); }); describe('#signal_by_name(name, signal)', async function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should send a signal to an instance identified by name', async function () { await torPool.signal_by_name('instance-1', 'DEBUG'); }); }); describe('#signal_at(index, signal)', function () { this.timeout(5000); it('should send a signal to an instance identified by index', async function () { await torPool.signal_at(0, 'DEBUG'); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', async function () { await torPool.exit(); }); });