const _ = require('lodash'); const assert = require('chai').assert; const rpc = require('jrpc2'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const nconf = require('nconf'); const logger = require('../src/winston-silent-logger'); require(`${__dirname}/../src/nconf_load_env.js`)(nconf); nconf.defaults(require(`${__dirname}/../src/default_config.js`)); const { ControlServer } = require('../'); let controlServer = new ControlServer(logger, nconf); let controlPort; describe('ControlServer', function () { describe('#listen(port)', function () { it('should bind to a given port', async function () { controlPort = await getPort(); await controlServer.listen(controlPort); }); }); describe('#createTorPool(options)', function () { it('should create a TorPool with a given configuration', function () { let torPool = controlServer.createTorPool({ ProtocolWarnings: 1 }); assert.ok((controlServer.torPool instanceof (TorRouter.TorPool))); assert.equal(1, torPool.default_tor_config.ProtocolWarnings); }); }); describe('#createSOCKSServer(port)', function () { it('should create a SOCKS Server', async function () { let port = await getPort(); controlServer.createSOCKSServer(port); assert.instanceOf(controlServer.socksServer, SOCKSServer); }); }); describe('#createDNSServer(port)', function () { it('should create a DNS Server', async function () { let port = await getPort(); controlServer.createDNSServer(port); assert.instanceOf(controlServer.dnsServer, DNSServer); }); }); describe('#createHTTPServer(port)', function () { it('should create a HTTP Server', async function () { let port = await getPort(); controlServer.createHTTPServer(port); assert.instanceOf(controlServer.httpServer, HTTPServer); }); }); describe('#close()', function () { it('should close the RPC Server', function () { controlServer.close(); }); }); after('shutdown tor pool', async function () { await controlServer.torPool.exit(); }); }); require('./RPCServer');