const { Provider } = require('nconf'); const nconf = new Provider(); const getPort = require('get-port'); const { HttpAgent, auth } = require('socksv5'); const { assert } = require('chai'); const SocksProxyAgent = require('socks-proxy-agent'); const _ = require('lodash'); const { TorPool, SOCKSServer, TorProcess } = require('../'); const { WAIT_FOR_CREATE, PAGE_LOAD_TIME, RETRY_DELAY, RETRY_STRATEGY, MAX_ATTEMPTS } = require('./constants'); const request = require('requestretry').defaults({ promiseFactory: ((resolver) => new Promise(resolver)), maxAttempts: MAX_ATTEMPTS, retryStrategy: RETRY_STRATEGY, retryDelay: RETRY_DELAY }); nconf.use('memory'); require(`${__dirname}/../src/nconf_load_env.js`)(nconf); nconf.defaults(require(`${__dirname}/../src/default_config.js`)); describe('SOCKSServer', function () { describe('#handleConnection(socket)', function () { let socksPort; let socksServerTorPool; let socksServer; before('start up server', async function (){ socksServerTorPool = new TorPool(nconf.get('torPath'), {}, nconf.get('parentDataDirectory'), 'round_robin', null); socksServer = new SOCKSServer(socksServerTorPool, null, false); this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE); await socksServerTorPool.create(1); socksPort = await getPort(); await socksServer.listen(socksPort); }); it('should service a request for', async function () { this.timeout(PAGE_LOAD_TIME); await request({ url: '', agent: new SocksProxyAgent(`socks5h://${socksPort}`) }); }); it('should emit the "instance_connection" event', function (done) { this.timeout(PAGE_LOAD_TIME); let connectionHandler = (instance, source) => { assert.instanceOf(instance, TorProcess); assert.isObject(source); socksServer.removeAllListeners('instance_connection');; done(); }; socksServer.on('instance_connection', connectionHandler); request({ url: '', agent: new SocksProxyAgent(`socks5h://${socksPort}`) }) .catch(done) }); after('shutdown server and shutdown tor pool', async function () { socksServer.close(); await socksServerTorPool.exit(); }); }); describe('#authenticate_user(username, password)', function () { let socksPort; let socksServerTorPool; let socksServer; let instance_def = { Name: 'instance-3', Group: "foo" }; before('start up server', async function (){ socksServerTorPool = new TorPool(nconf.get('torPath'), {}, nconf.get('parentDataDirectory'), 'round_robin', null); socksServer = new SOCKSServer(socksServerTorPool, null, { deny_unidentified_users: true, mode: "individual" }); this.timeout(WAIT_FOR_CREATE * 3); await socksServerTorPool.create(2); await socksServerTorPool.add(instance_def); socksPort = await getPort(); await socksServer.listen(socksPort); }); it(`should service a request for through ${instance_def.Name}`, function (done) { this.timeout(PAGE_LOAD_TIME); let connectionHandler = (instance, source) => { assert.equal(instance.instance_name, instance_def.Name); assert.isTrue(source.by_name); socksServer.removeAllListeners('instance_connection'); done(); }; socksServer.on('instance_connection', connectionHandler); request({ url: '', agent: new SocksProxyAgent(`socks5h://${instance_def.Name}:doesnotmatter@${socksPort}`) }) .catch(done); }); return it(`four requests made to through the group named "foo" should come from the instances in "foo"`, function (done) { (async () => { this.timeout(PAGE_LOAD_TIME + (WAIT_FOR_CREATE)); await socksServerTorPool.add([ { Name: 'instance-4', Group: 'foo' } ]); })() .then(async () => { socksServer.proxy_by_name.mode = "group"; let names_requested = []; let connectionHandler = (instance, source) => { names_requested.push(instance.instance_name); if (names_requested.length === socksServerTorPool.instances.length) { names_requested = _.uniq(names_requested).sort(); let names_in_group = socksServerTorPool.instances_by_group('foo').map((i) => i.instance_name).sort() assert.deepEqual(names_requested, names_in_group); socksServer.removeAllListeners('instance_connection'); done(); } }; socksServer.on('instance_connection', connectionHandler); let i = 0; while (i < socksServerTorPool.instances.length) { await request({ url: '', agent: new SocksProxyAgent(`socks5h://foo:doesnotmatter@${socksPort}`) }); i++; } }) .then(async () => { await socksServerTorPool.remove_by_name('instance-4'); socksServer.proxy_by_name.mode = "individual"; }) .catch(done); }); // it(`shouldn't be able to send a request without a username`, async function() { // let f = () => {}; // try { // await request({ // url: '', // agent: new HttpAgent({ // proxyHost: '', // proxyPort: socksPort, // localDNS: false, // auths: [ auth.None() ] // }), // timeout: PAGE_LOAD_TIME // }); // } catch (error) { // f = () => { throw error }; // } finally { // assert.throws(f); // } // }); // it(`shouldn't be able to send a request with an incorrect username`, async function() { // let f = () => {}; // try { // await request({ // url: '', // agent: new HttpAgent({ // proxyHost: '', // proxyPort: socksPort, // localDNS: false, // auths: [ auth.UserPassword("foo", "bar") ] // }), // timeout: PAGE_LOAD_TIME // }); // } catch (error) { // f = () => { throw error }; // } finally { // assert.throws(f); // } // }); after('shutdown server and shutdown tor pool', async function () { socksServer.close(); await socksServerTorPool.exit(); }); }); });