const SocksAgent = require('socks5-http-client/lib/Agent'); const request = require('request'); const async = require('async'); const temp = require('temp'); temp.track(); const TorRouter = require('../'); const getPort = require('get-port'); const dns = require('native-dns'); describe('TorProcess', function () { const TOR_DATA_DIR = temp.mkdirSync(); const TorProcess = TorRouter.TorProcess; describe('#create()', function () { var tor = new TorProcess('tor', { DataDirectory: TOR_DATA_DIR }); this.timeout(Infinity); it('should create the process without an error', function (done) { tor.create(done); }); it('should signal ready when bootstrapped', function (done) { tor.once('error', done); tor.once('ready', done); }); after('shutdown tor', function () { tor.exit(); }); }); describe('#new_ip()', function () { var tor = new TorProcess('tor', { DataDirectory: TOR_DATA_DIR }); var old_ip = null; this.timeout(Infinity); var get_ip = (callback) => { request({ url: '', agentClass: SocksAgent, agentOptions: { socksHost: '', socksPort: tor.socks_port } }, (error, res, body) => { var ip; if (body) ip = body.split('IP : ').pop().split('<').shift(); callback(error || (!body && new Error("Couldn't grab IP")), ip) }); }; before('create a tor instance', function (done) { tor.once('error', done); tor.once('ready', done); tor.create(); }); it('should have an ip address', function (done) { get_ip((err, ip) => { if (err) return done(err); old_ip = ip; done(err); }); }); it('should have a new ip address after sending HUP', function (done) { tor.new_ip(); setTimeout(() => { get_ip((err, ip) => { if (err) return done(err); if (ip === old_ip) done(new Error(`IP hasn't changed ${old_ip} === ${ip}`)); else done(); }); }, (10*1000)); }); after('shutdown tor', function () { tor.exit(); }); }); }); describe('TorPool', function () { var TorPool = TorRouter.TorPool; var pool = new TorPool('tor'); describe('#create', function () { this.timeout(Infinity); it('should create two instances without any problems', function (done) { pool.create(2, function (error) { if (error) return done(error); done((pool.instances.length !== 2) && new Error('pool does not have two instances')); }); }); after(function () { pool.exit(); }); }); }) describe('DNSServer', function () { var TorPool = TorRouter.TorPool; var DNSServer = TorRouter.DNSServer; var pool = new TorPool('tor'); var dns_server = new DNSServer(pool); describe('#on("request")', function () { this.timeout(Infinity); it('should startup a tor pool with two instances', function (done) { pool.create(2, done); }); it('should be able to resolve "" ', function (done) { getPort().then((port) => { console.log(port) dns_server.serve(port); let req = dns.Request({ question: dns.Question({ name: '', type: 'A' }), server: { address: '', port: port, type: 'udp' }, timeout: 5000 }); req.on('timeout', () => { done && done(new Error("Request timed out")); done = null; }); req.on('message', (e, m) => { console.log(e,m) done && done(((!m) || (!m.answer.length)) && new Error('Unable to resolve host')); done = null; }); req.send(); }); }); after(function () { pool.exit(); dns_server.close(); }); }); });