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<h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="ControlServer.html">ControlServer</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#.instance_info">instance_info</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#close">close</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#createDNSServer">createDNSServer</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#createHTTPServer">createHTTPServer</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#createSOCKSServer">createSOCKSServer</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#createTorPool">createTorPool</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#listen">listen</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#listenTcp">listenTcp</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="ControlServer.html#listenWs">listenWs</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="DNSServer.html">DNSServer</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a href="DNSServer.html#listen">listen</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="HTTPServer.html">HTTPServer</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a href="HTTPServer.html#listen">listen</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="SOCKSServer.html">SOCKSServer</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a href="SOCKSServer.html#listen">listen</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="TorPool.html">TorPool</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#add">add</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#add_instance_to_group">add_instance_to_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#add_instance_to_group_at">add_instance_to_group_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#add_instance_to_group_by_name">add_instance_to_group_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#create">create</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#create_instance">create_instance</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#exit">exit</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#get_config_at">get_config_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#get_config_by_name">get_config_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#instance_at">instance_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#instance_by_name">instance_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#instances_by_group">instances_by_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#new_identites">new_identites</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#new_identites_by_group">new_identites_by_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#new_identity_at">new_identity_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#new_identity_by_name">new_identity_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#next">next</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#next_by_group">next_by_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove">remove</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_at">remove_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_by_name">remove_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_instance_from_group">remove_instance_from_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_instance_from_group_at">remove_instance_from_group_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#remove_instance_from_group_by_name">remove_instance_from_group_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#set_config_all">set_config_all</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#set_config_at">set_config_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#set_config_by_group">set_config_by_group</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#set_config_by_name">set_config_by_name</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#signal_all">signal_all</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#signal_at">signal_at</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="TorPool.html#signal_by_group">signal_by_group</a></li
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<h1 class="page-title">TorProcess.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const { connect } = require('net');
const os = require('os');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const _ = require('lodash');
const { EventEmitter } = require('eventemitter3');
const shell = require('shelljs');
const getPort = require('get-port');
const del = require('del');
const temp = require('temp');
const { TorController } = require('granax');
const nanoid = require("nanoid");
const winston = require('winston');
* @typedef {Object} InstanceDefinition
* @property {string} [Name] - Name of the instance.
* @property {string[]|string} [Group=[]] - Groups the instance belongs to.
* @property {Object} [Config={}] - Configuration that will be passed to Tor. See {@link|Tor Documentation} for all possible options.
* @property {Number} [Weight] - Weight of the instance for "weighted" load balancing.
* Class that represents an individual Tor process.
* @extends EventEmitter
class TorProcess extends EventEmitter {
* Creates an instance of `TorProcess`
* @param {string} tor_path - Path to the Tor executable.
* @param {InstanceDefinition} [definition] - Object containing various options for the instance. See {@link InstanceDefinition} for more info.
* @param {Object} [granax_options] - Object containing options that will be passed to granax.
* @param {Logger} [logger] - A winston logger. If not provided no logging will occur.
constructor(tor_path, definition, granax_options, logger) {
this.logger = logger || require('./winston_silent_logger');
definition = definition || {};
definition.Group = definition.Group ? [].concat(definition.Group) : [];
definition.Config = definition.Config || {};
this._definition = definition;
* Path to the Tor executable.
* @type {string}
* @public
this.tor_path = tor_path;
* Object containing options that will be passed to granax.
* @type {Object}
* @public
this.granax_options = granax_options;
* The password that will be set for the control protocol.
* @type {string}
* @public
this.control_password = crypto.randomBytes(128).toString('base64');
this._id = nanoid(12);
this.tor_config.DataDirectory = this.tor_config.DataDirectory || temp.mkdirSync();
* Kills the Tor process.
* @async
* @returns {Promise}
async exit() {
let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.once('process_exit', (code) => {
await p;
* The unique identifier assigned to each instance.
* @readonly
* @type {string}
get id() { return this._id; }
* Groups the instance are currently in.
* @readonly
* @type {string[]}
get instance_group() {
return (this.definition &amp;&amp; this.definition.Group);
* Either the "Name" property of the definition or the {@link TorProcess#id} property.
* @readonly
* @type {string}
get instance_name() {
return (this.definition &amp;&amp; this.definition.Name) ||;
* The definition used to create the instance.
* @readonly
* @type {string}
get definition() { return this._definition; }
* The configuration passed to Tor. The same value as `definition.Config`.
* @readonly
* @type {Object}
get tor_config() { return this.definition.Config; }
* Port Tor is bound to for DNS traffic.
* @readonly
* @type {number}
get dns_port() {
return this._ports.dns_port;
* Port Tor is bound to for SOCKS5 traffic.
* @readonly
* @type {number}
get socks_port() {
return this._ports.socks_port;
* Port Tor is bound to for API access.
* @readonly
* @type {number}
get control_port() {
return this._ports.control_port;
* Instance of granax.TorController connected to the Tor process.
* @readonly
* @type {TorController}
get controller() {
return this._controller;
* Property identifiyng whether Tor has started.
* @readonly
* @type {boolean}
get ready() { return this._ready; }
/* Passthrough to granax */
* Requests a new identity via the control protocol.
* @async
async new_identity() {`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: requested a new identity`);
await this.controller.cleanCircuitsAsync();
* Retrieves a configuration value from the instance via the control protocol.
* @async
* @throws Will throw an error if not connected to the control protocol.
* @param {string} keyword - The name of the configuration property to retrieve.
* @returns {Promise&lt;string[]>}
async get_config(keyword) {
if (!this.controller)
throw new Error(`Controller is not connected`);
return await this.controller.getConfigAsync(keyword);
* Sets a configuration value for the instance via the control protocol.
* @async
* @throws Will throw an error if not connected to the control protocol.
* @param {string} keyword - The name of the configuration property to retrieve.
* @param {any} value - Value to set the property to.
* @returns {Promise}
async set_config(keyword, value) {
if (!this.controller) {
return new Error(`Controller is not connected`);
return await this.controller.setConfigAsync(keyword, value);
* Sends a signal via the control tnterface.
* @async
* @throws Will throw an error if not connected to the control protocol.
* @param {string} signal - The signal to send.
* @returns {Promise}
async signal(signal) {
if (!this.controller) {
throw new Error(`Controller is not connected`);
return await this.controller.signal(signal);
* Creates the Tor process based on the configuration provided. Promise is resolved when the process has been started.
* @async
* @returns {Promise&lt;ChildProcess>} - The process that has been created.
async create() {
this._ports = {};
let dnsPort = this._ports.dns_port = await getPort();
let socksPort = this._ports.socks_port = await getPort();
let controlPort = this._ports.control_port = await getPort();
let options = {
DNSPort: `${dnsPort}`,
SocksPort: `${socksPort}`,
ControlPort: `${controlPort}`,
HashedControlPassword: shell.exec(`${this.tor_path} --quiet --hash-password "${this.control_password}"`, { async: false, silent: true }).stdout.trim()
let config = _.extend(_.cloneDeep(this.tor_config), options);
let text = Object.keys(config).map((key) => `${key} ${config[key]}`).join(os.EOL);
let configFile = await temp.openAsync('tor-router');
let configPath = configFile.path;
await fs.writeFileAsync(configPath, text);
let tor = spawn(this.tor_path, ['-f', configPath], {
stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'],
detached: false
tor.on('close', (async (code) => {
if (this.definition &amp;&amp; !this.definition.Name) {
await del(this.tor_config.DataDirectory, { force: true });
* An event that fires when the process has closed.
* @event TorProcess#process_exit
* @type {number}
* @param {number} code - The exit code from the process.
this.emit('process_exit', code);
tor.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
let error_message = Buffer.from(data).toString('utf8');
this.emit('error', new Error(error_message));
this.once('ready', () => {
this._ready = true;`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: tor is ready`);
this.on('control_listen', (async () => {
try {
let socket = connect(this.control_port);
socket.on('error', ((error) => {
this.logger.error(`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: ${error.stack}`);
this.emit('error', error);
this._controller = new TorController(socket, _.extend({ authOnConnect: false }, this.granax_options));
this.controller.on('ready', () => {
this.logger.debug(`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: connected via the tor control protocol`);
this.controller.authenticate(`"${this.control_password}"`, (err) => {
if (err) {
this.logger.error(`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: ${err.stack}`);
this.emit('error', err);
} else {
this.logger.debug(`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: authenticated with tor instance via the control protocol`);
* Is true when the connected via the control protcol
* @type {boolean}
this.control_port_connected = true;
* An event that fires when a connection has been established to the control protocol.
* @event TorProcess#controller_ready
} catch (error) {
this.logger.error(`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: ${err.stack}`);
this.emit('error', err);
tor.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
let text = Buffer.from(data).toString('utf8');
let msg = text.indexOf('] ') !== -1 ? text.split('] ').pop() : null;
if (text.indexOf('Bootstrapped 100%: Done') !== -1){
this.bootstrapped = true;
* An event that fires when the Tor process is fully bootstrapped (and ready for traffic).
* @event TorProcess#ready
if (text.indexOf('Opening Control listener on') !== -1) {
this.control_port_listening = true;
* An event that fires when the Tor process has started listening for control interface traffic.
* @event TorProcess#control_listen
if (text.indexOf('Opening Socks listener on') !== -1) {
this.socks_port_listening = true;
* An event that fires when the Tor process has started listening for SOCKS5 traffic.
* @event TorProcess#socks_listen
if (text.indexOf('Opening DNS listener on') !== -1) {
this.dns_port_listening = true;
* An event that fires when the Tor process has started listening for DNS traffic.
* @event TorProcess#dns_listen
if (text.indexOf('[err]') !== -1) {
* An event that fires when the Tor process has written an error to stdout, stderr or when an error occurs connecting via the control protocol.
* @event TorProcess#error
* @type {Error}
* @returns {Error}
this.emit('error', new Error(msg));
this.logger.error(`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: ${msg}`);
else if (text.indexOf('[notice]') !== -1) {
this.logger.debug(`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: ${msg}`);
else if (text.indexOf('[warn]') !== -1) {
this.logger.warn(`[tor-${this.instance_name}]: ${msg}`);
this.process = tor;
return tor;
* Module that contains the {@link TorProcess} class.
* @module tor-router/TorProcess
* @see TorProcess
module.exports = TorProcess;</code></pre>
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2018-09-19 15:22:17 +00:00
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