2015-10-30 13:14:48 -07:00

244 lines
10 KiB

'use strict';
angular.module('forms').directive('editFormDirective', ['$rootScope', '$q', '$http', '$timeout', 'TimeCounter', 'Auth', 'FormFields',
function ($rootScope, $q, $http, $timeout, TimeCounter, Auth, FormFields) {
return {
templateUrl: 'modules/forms/views/directiveViews/form/edit-form.client.view.html',
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
controller: function($scope){
var field_ids = _($scope.myform.form_fields).pluck('_id');
for(var i=0; i<field_ids.length; i++){
$scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.fieldMap[field_ids[i]] = null;
** Initialize scope with variables
//Populate AddField with all available form field types
$scope.addField = {};
$scope.addField.types = FormFields.types;
type.lastAddedID = 1;
return type;
$scope.lastButtonID = 0;
// Accordion settings
$scope.accordion = {};
$scope.accordion.oneAtATime = true;
//Populate local scope with rootScope methods/variables
$scope.update = $rootScope.update;
//Many-to-many Select for Mapping OscarhostFields -> FormFields
$scope.oscarFieldsLeft = function(field_id){
if($scope.myform && $scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.validFields.length > 0){
if(!$scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.fieldMap) $scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.fieldMap = {};
var oscarhostFields = $scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.validFields;
var currentFields = _($scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.fieldMap).invert().keys().value();
if( $scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.fieldMap.hasOwnProperty(field_id) ){
currentFields = _(currentFields).difference($scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.fieldMap[field_id]);
// console.log($scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.fieldMap);
//Get all oscarhostFields that haven't been mapped to a formfield
return _(oscarhostFields).difference(currentFields).value();
return [];
** FormFields (ui-sortable) drag-and-drop configuration
$scope.dropzone = {
handle: ' .handle'
// $scope.draggable = {
// connectWith: ".dropzone",
// start: function (e, ui) {
// // $scope.$apply(function() {
// // $scope.dragging = true
// // });
// $('.dropzone').sortable('refresh');
// },
// update: function (e, ui) {
// var isInDropzone = $('.panel-group').hasClass('dropzone');
// console.log('isInDropzone: '+isInDropzone);
// //Disable drag and drop if we aren't in dropzone
// if(!isInDropzone){
// ui.item.sortable.cancel();
// }
// },
// stop: function (e, ui) {
// var isInDropzone = $('.panel-group').hasClass('dropzone');
// //Disable drag and drop if we aren't in dropzone
// if(isInDropzone){
// console.log($(;
// }
// // if (ui.item.sortable.droptarget === undefined) {
// // $scope.$apply($scope.dragging = false);
// // return;
// // }else if (ui.item.sortable.droptarget[0].classList[0] === "dropzone") {
// // // run code when item is dropped in the dropzone
// // $scope.$apply($scope.dragging = false);
// // }else{
// // // $scope.$apply($scope.dragging = false);
// // }
// // console.log('has class .dropzone :'+);
// // if ($('dropzone') && ui.item.sortable.droptarget && != ui.item.sortable.droptarget[0] ) {
// // // restore original types
// // $scope.addField.types = FormFields.types;
// // }
// }
// };
** Field CRUD Methods
// Add a new field
$scope.addNewField = function(modifyForm, fieldType){
// incr field_id counter
var fieldTitle;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.addField.types.length; i++){
if($scope.addField.types[i].name === fieldType){
fieldTitle = $scope.addField.types[i].value+$scope.addField.types[i].lastAddedID;
var newField = {
title: fieldTitle,
fieldType: fieldType,
fieldValue: '',
required: true,
disabled: false,
deletePreserved: false
// console.log('\n\n---------\nAdded field CLIENT');
// console.log(newField);
// newField._id = _.uniqueId();
// put newField into fields array
return newField;
// Delete particular field on button click
$scope.deleteField = function (field_index){
//Delete field from field map
var currFieldId = $scope.myform.form_fields[field_index]._id
delete $scope.myform.plugins.oscarhost.settings.fieldMap[currFieldId];
//Delete field
$scope.myform.form_fields.splice(field_index, 1);
$scope.duplicateField = function (field_index){
var currField = $scope.myform.form_fields[field_index];
//Insert field at selected index
$scope.myform.form_fields.splice(field_index+1, 0, currField);
** startPage Button Methods
// add new Button to the startPage/EndPage
$scope.addButton = function(){
var newButton = {};
newButton.bgColor = '#ddd';
newButton.color = '#ffffff';
newButton.text = 'Button';
newButton._id = _.uniqueId();
// delete particular Button
$scope.deleteButton = function(button){
// var hashKey = _.chain(button.$$hashKey).words().last().parseInt().value();
var currID;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.myform.startPage.buttons.length; i++){
// var currHashKey = _.chain($scope.myform.startPage.buttons[i].$$hashKey).words().last().parseInt().value();
currID = $scope.myform.startPage.buttons[i]._id;
if(currID === button._id){
$scope.myform.startPage.buttons.splice(i, 1);
** Field Option Methods
// add new option to the field
$scope.addOption = function (field){
if(!field.fieldOptions) field.fieldOptions = [];
var lastOptionID = 0;
lastOptionID = field.fieldOptions[field.fieldOptions.length-1].option_id;
// new option's id
var option_id = lastOptionID + 1;
var newOption = {
'option_id' : option_id,
'option_value' : 'Option ' + option_id,
// put new option into fieldOptions array
// delete particular option
$scope.deleteOption = function (field, option){
for(var i = 0; i < field.fieldOptions.length; i++){
if(field.fieldOptions[i].option_id === option.option_id){
field.fieldOptions.splice(i, 1);
// decides whether field options block will be shown (true for dropdown and radio fields)
$scope.showAddOptions = function (field){
if(field.fieldType === 'dropdown' || field.fieldType === 'checkbox' || field.fieldType === 'radio'){
return true;
} else {
return false;